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09-11 投稿


bushman 发音

英:[?b??m?n]  美:[?b??m?n]

英:  美:

bushman 中文意思翻译




bushman 网络释义

n. 居住于丛林地的人;布西曼族n. (Bushman)人名;(英)布什曼

bushman 短语词组

1、the bushman ─── 布什曼人

2、bushman water tanks ─── 布什曼水箱

3、bushman pranks ─── 布什曼恶作剧

4、bushman's poison ─── [网络] 布什曼的毒药

5、bushman define ─── 布什曼定义

6、bushman 2020 ─── 布什曼2020

7、bushman knife ─── 布什曼刀

8、bushman pranks new episodes ─── 布什曼恶作剧新剧集

9、bushman harmonica ─── 布什曼口琴

bushman 词性/词形变化,bushman变形


bushman 相似词语短语

1、bushwa ─── n.废话

2、Bushman ─── n.居住于丛林地的人;布西曼族;n.(Bushman)人名;(英)布什曼

3、ashman ─── n.(美)清道夫,除灰工人

4、bushmeat ─── n.野味

5、bushland ─── n.未开垦森林地带;原始林区

6、bushelman ─── n.修补员

7、bushmen ─── n.布希曼人,布须曼人

8、busman ─── n.公共汽车司机;售票员

9、bushwoman ─── 丛林妇女

bushman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Bushman was waiting for him to die, my friends said. He was waiting to take the traveler's water bottle, belt and shoes. ─── 我的朋友们说,那个布须曼人是在等待他死去,然后将死者的水罐、皮带和鞋子拿走。

2、Friends appear like sunbursts in the dark.We are like the Bushman who, traditionally, on meeting another Bushman in a desert wilderness, cries, “Good day! ─── 也不是只有爱人过世才会进入孤独的王国,人们因无数的理由摆脱与他人的生活,在美国孤独正在增长。

3、The city is a rare cultural gem, resulting from the amalgamation of Idonesian, French, Dutch, British and German settlers, the local Bushman and Hottentot tribes and the Bantu tribes from the north. ─── 由于集聚了来自印度尼西亚、法国、荷兰、英国和德国的移民,及澳洲丛林中的居民和霍屯督人部落,还有从北方来的班图人部落,这使开普敦这座城市成为一块文化瑰宝。

4、The Cedarberg mountain range in the Western Cape is renowned for its rock-art legacy. It has around 130 documented bushman rock art sites. ─── 西开普省西达堡山以岩石艺术遗产著名,有130个文件证明布西曼族岩石艺术地。

5、Bushman rock-paintings ─── 布须曼岩画

6、Bushman, Baumeister et al. considered that there was no relation between self-esteem and aggression, except for high correlation of narcissism and aggression. ─── Bushman和Baumeister等认为自尊与攻击之间没什么联系,但自恋与攻击有高相关。

7、I saw at a glance that he was exceedingly dexterous in the bushman's art of handing a stock-whip ─── 我一眼就看出他深谙丛林人的用鞭之道。

8、But Bushman and his team worried that their first design had flaws. ─── 但是布什曼研究小组觉得他们最初的设计可能有点缺陷。

9、little Bushman looked round to make sure that nobody was there. ─── 小布什曼向四周望望,以弄清楚那儿确实没有人。

10、We are like the Bushman who, traditionally, on meeting another Bushman in a desert wilderness, cries, “Good day! ─── 我们就像传说中的布须曼在沙漠荒地与另一个布须曼人相遇,叫喊著:“早安!

11、The Bushman chewed off a Big piece of meat. ─── 土人咬下一大块肉。

12、Archbishop Tutu turns out to have Bushman mitochondrial DNA, a genetic element passed down through the female line. ─── 研究证实,图图大主教体内有布什曼人DNA线粒体——一种从其母系血统中遗传下来的基因元素。

13、The old Bushman's anecdotes seemed to meander on without end ─── 那居住在丛林中的老人的趣闻轶事似乎永远也讲不完。

14、I ran back to the car for my big water bottle, and for half an hour the Bushman's mouth worked to fill it for me. ─── 我跑回汽车,取来我那只大水罐,连续半个小时,他用嘴吸水灌进我的水罐。

15、Bushman children play soccer in a village near the Nyae Nyae conservancy of northeastern Namibia. ─── 纳米比亚东北方向的奈奈自然保护区附近一个村子里,一群当地人的孩子正在玩足球。

16、Historically ancestors here were Indonesian, French, Dutch, British, German, and indigenous Bushman and Hottentot tribes, giving Cape Town its flavor. ─── 历史上,这里曾居住着印度尼西亚人、法国人、荷兰人、英国人、德国人、以及本土的澳洲丛林居民和霍顿都部族,这些都形成了开普敦独特的风情。

17、The fleeting shadow of a San (Bushman) child races across a red wall in Welkom, South Africa. ─── 南非韦尔科姆,一个布西曼小孩的影子在一堵红色的墙上快速闪过。

18、'The better approach is to step back and view the situation like a fly on the wall, ' says Dr. Bushman. ─── 布什曼博士说,最好的方法是抽身而出,把发生的场景当作上的一只苍蝇来看。

19、Bushman, R.M. and Smith, A.J., 2001, Financial accounting information and corporate governance, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 32: 237 - 333. ─── 魏明海,陈胜蓝,黎文靖.2007.投资者保护研究综述:财务会计信息的作用.中国会计评论.

20、Bushman then took him aside and explained that he might not want to be seen by a national audience as a highly aggressive narcissist. ─── 布希曼把他请到一旁,向他解释其中的利害,他不会希望全国观众都把他看作一个极为粗暴的自恋者,对不对?

21、So that movie was a very serious evocation of "the bushman", of "the digger" in that context. ─── 对于澳大利亚文化,存在着两种针锋相对的观点。

22、Well, this bushman, I think, is talking about the fish that got away that was that long, but it's a fundamental part of the play scene. ─── 好了,这个,我想讲的是那个逃跑的鱼,那可真长,但是这好似玩耍的一个基础部分。

23、A cowboy hat, such as that worn by the archetypal Aussie bushman in the Crocodile Dundee movies, was also given to leaders. ─── 霍华德总理还为领导人们准备了一款类似影片《鳄鱼邓迪》中澳大利亚原始丛林人戴的牛仔帽。

24、Whereupon Sir Tarzan, bushman and scallywag no longer, augustly inaugurates his more empyreanavocations. ─── 于是,泰山先生再也不是那个丛林里的傻小子了,他有了更崇高的追求和爱好。

25、Bushman bushman is a buyer based in czech republic. with wide business experience, we are always looking for blouse & shirt, jacket, pants. ─── 采购类别:服装上衣及衬衫;服装夹克;服装裤子;服装牛仔裤;服装夹克,露营;服装便装;服装休闲装;服装服装,女装;服装服装,男装;服装其他服装;

26、Home to the ancient Bushman and Nama people, the Northern Cape is all about immense spaces, lunar landscapes, incredible mineral wealth, unique wildlife and fascinating cultures. ─── 作为古代丛林居民和纳马族人的故乡,北开普省地域广阔,地形呈月形,矿藏丰富,拥有独特的野生动植物资源和迷人的文化

27、Bushman has run the model several times and warned him about an Asteroid that could hit us but in 2039, but Mr Bushman thinks that is going to hit now. ─── 布什曼多次运行模型并且警告仅在2039年一颗小行星能够撞击我们,但是布什曼先生认为现在将要去撞击。

28、The little Bushman looked round to make sure that nobody was there. ─── 那个小布什曼向四周望望,以弄清楚那儿确实没有人。

29、Complexion.Stop.Eyes lovely, but hidden beneath bushman eyebrows.The neck is seemly. ─── ”既是省略句,同时还是用陈述句语序来表示疑问。

30、Here, visitors can view some of the incredible rock paintings left behind by the ancient Bushman people. ─── 游客在这里能够观赏到远古丛林居民遗留下来的绝佳岩画。

31、Bushman then took him aside and explained that he might not want to be seen by a national audience as a highly aggressive narcissist. ─── 布希曼把他请到一旁,向他解释其中的利害,他不会希望全国观众都把他看作一个极为粗暴的自恋者,对不对?

32、A few days ago David Sereda received an email from Boyd Bushman and Lucky Marvin with this alarming information. ─── 数天前戴维Sereda收到一封来自博伊德布什曼和马文女士有令人担忧信息的电子邮件。

33、But we agree with Bushman and Cantor, who say content ratings should be easier to understand and consistent across different media types. ─── 无论是更严格的评估类媒体还是内容更强烈的媒体,对于男孩和年轻男性同样有着吸引力,媒体类型在其中不存在影响。

34、LaPorta et al. (1998) and Bushman et al. ─── 性在横断面有显著的负向关系.

35、The Bushman was waiting for him to die, my friends said. He was waiting to take the traveler's water bottle, belt and shoes. ─── 我的朋友们说,那个布须曼人是在等待他死去,然后将死者的水罐、皮带和鞋子拿走。

36、Gathering once provided 70 percent of the Bushman diet, but ancient scrubland has been converted to cattle ranches. ─── 这里聚集的野生食物曾经提供了70%布须曼人的食粮,但古老的灌木丛林地被改变成畜牧大农场。

37、Bushman's poison bush ─── 箭毒木属

38、Only now are governments hearing the plea of a Bushman half a century ago: 'Listen to ... a race which is very tired of running away. ─── 他的族人在这里居住了16年。

39、"We try to make the noise as unpleasant as possible by thinking of every noise you hate, " Bushman said. ─── “我们尽量弄出你认为人们最讨厌的各种噪音,”布什曼说。

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