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09-11 投稿



ferry 发音

英:[?feri]  美:[?feri]

英:  美:

ferry 中文意思翻译






ferry 词性/词形变化,ferry变形


ferry 常用词组

ferry terminal ─── 渡轮码头;车船联运港;客轮码头

ferry service ─── 轮渡服务

ferry 习惯用语

1、take the (charon's) ferry ─── 死, 到阴间去

ferry 特殊用法

1、motor ferry ─── 汽船轮渡

2、rope ferry ─── 拉索渡船

3、train ferry ─── 火车渡轮

4、car ferry ─── 车辆渡船, 铁路车辆轮渡; 汽车轮渡[船]

ferry 相似词语短语

1、Perry ─── n.佩里(男子名)

2、Merry ─── adj.愉快的;微醉的;嬉戏作乐的;n.甜樱桃;n.(Merry)人名;(英、法、西)梅里

3、Jerry ─── n.杰里(男子名)

4、Kerry ─── n.(爱尔兰的)凯里郡;凯里牛;n.(Kerry)(美)凯瑞(人名)

5、ferly ─── adj.奇妙的;v.感到惊奇;n.奇迹

6、Derry ─── n.民谣;歌谣;民谣中的无意义字眼;n.(Derry)人名;(英、法)德里

7、Terry ─── n.厚绒布;毛毛圈;adj.起毛毛圈的;n.(Terry)人名;(英、西、葡、法、塞)特里

8、Berry ─── n.浆果(葡萄,番茄等);vi.采集浆果;n.(Berry)人名;(法、英、德、意、葡)贝里;(匈)拜里

9、Gerry ─── n.格里(男名)

ferry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In an average week, how often do you travel by ferry? ─── 平均每星期乘搭渡轮的次数?

2、Regardless of enemy bombing, the ferry kept operating day and night. ─── 不管敌机轰炸,摆渡日夜坚持。

3、They went over the river by ferry boat. ─── 他们乘渡船过河。

4、There are six ferry berths at Dover . ─── 多佛尔港有6个渡船泊位。

5、"I'm happy for Danny Ferry, for Big Z, for the fans," said Embry. ─── “我为丹尼费里高兴,为大Z高兴,为球迷高兴,”恩布利说。

6、Take No.5 which goes to South Ferry. ─── 你可以搭乘去南码头的5路公共汽车。

7、They waited for the ferry to return. ─── 他们等候渡船返回。

8、You can both ramble, fish, take a rest, and take a boat at ferry. ─── 您既可在堤坝上漫步、垂钓和小憩,又可在渡口登船去玩水。

9、The Star Ferry makes its way across the harbor , leaving nothing but wonder in its wake. ─── 你的翻译是“星星渡船横过海港,留下的只有它醒来的奇迹”。

10、The service timetables of the four ferry services will remain unchanged. ─── 届时,这四条渡轮服务的服务时间及班次将维持不变。

11、Ferry and Robert Llewellyn Nicholson. ─── 作者声明: by Francis R.

12、He walked homeward in a blinding snowstorm, reaching the ferry by dusk. ─── 他冒着暴风雪上了回家的路,暴风雪刮得人睁不开眼睛。

13、Let's take a ferry tour from here. ─── 我们从这里坐渡轮去游览一下吧!

14、Shanghai Inchon Int'l Ferry Co., Ltd. ─── 上海仁川国际渡轮有限公司。

15、Ferry services operate between the islands and the mainland. ─── 在大陆和各岛之间有轮渡服务。

16、Sure you had. The Staten Island Ferry, remember? ─── 你当然搭过。斯塔顿岛渡轮,记得吗?

17、In fact, Harpers Ferry changed hands eight times during the war, which shows just how much both sides wanted to control it. ─── 事实上,哈普斯渡口在战时曾经易手八次,这也显示出双方都非常想要拥有此镇的控制权。

18、The ferry service of bygone days has been replaced by that tunnel. ─── 往日的渡口已被那个隧道取代。

19、We caught the ferry at Ostend. ─── 我们在奥斯坦德及时赶上了渡船。

20、They crossed the river by ferry. ─── 他们乘渡船过了河。

21、Dun Laoghaire Ferry Port: Follow the signs for N11/Wexford. ─── 在一间客房最多可加1张床。

22、What's the fare on the Staten Island Ferry? ─── 史第顿岛渡船的费用是多少?

23、He went down to the ferry but found the boat on the other side. ─── 他到了渡口,却发现渡船在对岸。

24、We send off for a brochure about holidays in Greece or about ferry service. ─── 我们写信索取了一本关于去希腊度假或关于渡船服务的宣传手册。

25、We waited more than three hours at the ferry, but no sign of a boat was seen. ─── 我们在渡口等了三个多小时,还是不见船的影子。

26、Provides trunk services in high demand corridors. May feed heavy rail or ferry. ─── 在高需求的走廊提供主干服务;可接驳重型铁路或渡轮。

27、After his attack on Harpers Ferry, the south spoke with one voice. ─── 在约翰.布朗袭击哈珀斯镇后,南方人就只发出一种声音。

28、A:Sir,is this bus going to South Ferry? ─── 先生,这是去南码头的车吗?

29、They were dismayed to find that the ferry had already left. ─── 他们发现渡船已经离开,感到很失望。

30、Two small boats ferry people back and forth. ─── 两只小船往返为人摆渡。

31、Includes Butchart Gardens, BC Ferry. ─── 包括宝翠花园、卑诗渡轮。

32、The ferry is expected to dock at 6. ─── 渡船预计在6点停靠码头。

33、We had a hard time finding a ferry boat. ─── 我们好不容易找到一只渡船。

34、We used to cross the river by ferry. ─── 我们以往是靠渡船过河的。

35、She left Hongkong and took the ferry to Kowloon. ─── 她离开香港,摆渡来到九龙。

36、Kate: How often does the ferry leave? ─── 凯特:我们等渡船要多长时间?

37、We have to take a ferry to the island. ─── 我们必须搭渡轮到那座岛屿。

38、Mr Lima: Two tickets for the night ferry, please. Returns. ─── 利马先生:请给我两张晚上的船票。来回票。

39、For enquiries, please call First Ferry Customer Service Hotline: 2131 8181. ─── 如欲查询,请致电新渡轮顾客服务电话专线2131 8181。


41、Perhaps we won't travel by ferry any longer. ─── 也许,我们不用再坐渡船外出了。

42、We waited more than three hours at the ferry,but no sign of a boat was seen. ─── 我们在渡口等了三个多小时,还是不见船的影子。

43、She left Hong Kong and took the ferry to Kowloon. ─── 她离开香港,乘渡船来到九龙。

44、If going by road, no need to take the ferry anymore, there is a Channel Tunnel. ─── 如果你走陆路去法国,中间也不用坐游轮了,现在有海底隧道。

45、You can cross the river by ferry. ─── 你可以乘渡船过河。

46、In addition, a ferry and a fishing boat capsized. ─── 另外,一艘渡轮和一艘渔船翻沉。

47、He crossed on the ferry to San Francisco . ─── 他乘渡轮过去前往旧金山。

48、Would you like a harbour tour on ferry? ─── 你喜欢坐渡轮到海港旅行吗?

49、Aleck took a ferry to escape. ─── 亚力克乘着渡船逃离了。

50、We crossed the sea at Star Ferry Pier. ─── 我们在天星码头乘渡船过海。

51、A small rowboat, especially one used to ferry supplies from ship to shore. ─── 小船一种小划艇,尤指从船到岸渡运供应品

52、A typhoon in 1954 sank a ferry, drowning 1,218 people. ─── 一九五四年的一次台风刮沈了一艘渡轮,淹死一千二百十八人。

53、We crossed the river by ferry. ─── 我们坐渡船过了河。

54、Can I take a ferry to cross the river? ─── 你问对方可以乘轮渡过江吗?

55、We waited three hours at the ferry. ─── 我们在渡口等了三小时。

56、Is by ferry the most popular way? ─── 乘渡船是最受欢迎的方式吗?

57、Shortly after it arrived, he said, passengers from the downed flight began to come aboard the ferry. ─── 抵达后不久,他说,乘客从坠落的飞机开始登上渡轮。

58、On the morning of the luncheon, he made his way to Central by ferry from his home in Cheung Chau, and then jumped into a taxi. ─── 在举行午宴的那个早上,他乘渡轮从位于长洲的家中抵达中环,然后钻进一辆的士。

59、Coming off the ferry at Fishbourne, follow the signs for Ryde. ─── 儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。

60、About five times of taking a ferry. ─── 一个渡船的大约五倍。

61、We are going to take the night ferry to Belgium . ─── 我们将乘夜间渡船去比利时。

62、Mrs. Brown: What is the ferry fare? ─── 布朗太太:船费多少?

63、He propped his bicycle against the ferry. ─── 他把白行车靠在栅栏上。

64、We waited at the ferry for two hours. ─── 我们在渡口等了两小时.

65、Two amphibians ferry them out over the sands. ─── 两辆水陆两用车把他们渡过沙滩。

66、They were so delayed they missed the last ferry connection. ─── 他们耽搁得太久,错过了最后的那班船。

67、Sun rise, on the ferry from Bari, Italy to Patras, Greece. ─── 从意大利巴丽去希腊的渡船上看了海上日出。

68、There was a girl on the ferry. ─── 在渡船上有一个女孩。

69、He volunteered to ferry the children to and from school. ─── 他自愿地接送孩子们上学放学。

70、ferry hit us amidships. ─── 渡轮拦腰撞了我们的船只。

71、Korn Ferry International is dealing with 800 internet positions worldwide out of a total of 7,500 posts. ─── 光辉国际有限公司现在经手的总计7500个职位中,有800个与因特网有关。

72、If you want tickets for the ferry, please fill in this booking form. ─── 你如果想买渡船的票,请填写订票单。

73、You see this vividly when the ferry turns up. In winter, there is only one a week and it is often delayed by bad weather. ─── 这在渡轮一出现时,就可以很鲜明的领会到。在冬季,每周只有一个航班而且还常常因为天候不佳的关系延期。

74、Abao: Ho? Life Ferry Station! How can we get across? ─── 宝:嗯?人生渡口!我们怎么过去呀!?

75、The Star Ferry Pier is a ferry crossing in central. ─── 天星码头是在中环的一个渡口。

76、Scallop divers have worked out of Ulva Ferry for generations. ─── 在厄瓦港口,扇贝采集者们世代在此生息繁衍。

77、She left Hong Kong and took the ferry to Kowloon . ─── 她离开香港,乘摆渡船来到九龙。

78、The passengers were transferred to a ferry at the bus terminus. ─── 在公共汽车终点站乘客转上渡轮。

79、The terraced terrain near the Mediterranean ferry is terrific. ─── 地中海渡口附近的台地地形好极了。

80、I started across to the town from a little below the ferry-landing, and the drift of the current fetched me in at the bottom of the town. ─── 我从渡口往下一点的地方朝镇上划去,水流把我冲到镇下头去了。

81、Can you tell me which subway goes to the ferry? ─── 你能否告诉我去渡口乘哪一路地铁。

82、He offered to ferry us across the river in his boat. ─── 他提出坐他的船把我们渡过河。

83、A typhoon in 1954 sink a ferry, drowne1, 218 people. ─── 一九五四年的一次台风刮沈了一艘渡轮,淹死一千二百十八人

84、Kowloon Public Pier is to the left of the Star Ferry Piers. ─── 九公众码头位于天星码头左方。

85、Laiwu SA car ferry terminal to the ship every two-hour shift. ─── 南澳车轮渡至莱芜码头的船每两小时一班。

86、To cross(a body of water) by a ferry. ─── 乘渡船渡过(水体)

87、He went down tothe ferry but found the boat on the other side. ─── 他到了渡口,却发现渡船在对岸。

88、It's only two hours away by ferry, isn't it? ─── 坐轮渡只要两小时,是吗?









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