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09-11 投稿



flogger 发音


英:  美:

flogger 中文意思翻译



flogger 词性/词形变化,flogger变形

动词过去式: flogged |名词: flogger |动词现在分词: flogging |动词第三人称单数: flogs |动词过去分词: flogged |

flogger 短语词组

1、flogger mig flogger ─── 米格

2、flogger def ─── 浮雕定义

3、flogger buy flogger ─── 购买

4、flogger 23 ─── 鞭子23

5、flogger svg ─── 鞭子svg

6、flogger meme ─── 弗洛格模因

7、flogger bag ─── 牙套

8、flogger jet ─── 喷气式飞机

flogger 相似词语短语

1、bloggers ─── 博客

2、flagger ─── n.野生鸢尾花

3、blogger ─── n.写博客的人;博客使用者

4、logger ─── n.(美)樵夫,伐木工;记录器

5、clogger ─── n.木屐匠

6、fogger ─── n.雾警信号手;照顾牛马的人

7、flogged ─── v.鞭打,鞭笞;棒打;迫使;出售(flog的过去式和过去分词)

8、slogger ─── n.猛击者;乱打者;勤劳的工作者

9、vlogger ─── n.视频博主

flogger 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、flog to death ─── vi. 过分宣传而使人失去兴趣

2、Don't flog your product to death, otherwise your customers will lose interest ─── 不要老是讲你的产品如何好,否则客户就要失去兴趣了。

3、The tools for this are sticks, flog, backsword, sandbag and so on. ─── 此外还有流刑、 徒刑等 籍没之法:籍没法是贯穿辽朝始终的一项重要刑罚制度。

4、He will be handed over to the Gentiles. They will mock him, insult him, spit on him, flog him and kill him. ─── 他将要被交给外邦人,他们要戏弄他,凌辱他,吐唾沫在他脸上。

5、Rehash; flog (/Beat; mount on ) a dead horse ─── 炒冷饭

6、Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers of sailors。 ─── 今,鞭笞抗命士兵或水手是人道惩罚。

7、flog the cur that's fallen into the water; be merciless with bad people even if they're down ─── 痛打落水狗

8、Zeus never fully trusted hera, and she knew that if offended beyond a certain point he would flog or even hurl a thunderbolt at her ─── 宙斯从没有真心实意地信任赫拉。而赫拉也知道,如果她冒犯他过了一定的限度,他会打她的,甚至用霹雳击她的。

9、flog laziness out of a boy ─── 以体罚矫正男孩子的懒惰习惯

10、What more there was to know about Giant Flog was taken to two separate graves on one fateful day. ─── 人们还知道巨人弗洛格在自己生命的最后一天里也把另一个人送进了坟墓。

11、Consider first the charge that Wall Street analysts puffed shares that their investment-banking colleagues were trying to flog. ─── 我们先来看看第一项指控:那些华尔街分析员过分鼓吹了其在投行的那些同僚所极力推销的股票。

12、Giant Flog's benefactor was crushed to death before having to witness the demise of his most profitable warrior. ─── 巨人弗洛格的赞助者还没见证他最值钱的勇士如何咽气,就死于非命了。

13、Be on your guard against men; they will hand you over to the local councils and flog you in their synagogues. ─── 并且你们要为我的缘故、送到诸候君王面前、他们和外邦人作见证。

14、who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. Three days later he will rise." (The Request of James and John ─── 他们要戏弄他,吐唾抹在他脸上,鞭打他,杀害他。过了三天,他要复活。

15、flog; beat; torture ─── 拷打

16、flog ... into sb ─── 把 ... 强行灌输给某人

17、China's Shaolin Temple, the birthplace of kung fu and the star of many martial arts films, has set up an online store to flog its wares, according to Reuters. ─── 少林寺在中国热门电子商务网站“淘宝网”建立了一个名为“少林欢喜地”的网页,用于销售诸多商品,包括鞋、茶叶、T恤和拖鞋等。

18、Don't flog the death hourse . ─── 别白费唇舌了。

19、To beat severely; flog. ─── 猛打;鞭抽

20、It is nobody's source of income or a commodity to flog around in the market. ─── 它不是任何人收入的来源或者被放在市场上的日用品。

21、'Be on your guard against men; they will hand you over to the local councils and flog you in their synagogues. ─── 太10:17你们要防备人。因为他们要把你们交给公会,也要在会堂里鞭打你们。

22、I'll flog him to within an inch of his life. ─── 我要把他打个死去活来。

23、He tried to flog me a broken TV set. ─── 他一个劲儿向我兜售一个破电视机。

24、Jesus told Peter to feed his sheep, not to flog them. ─── 耶稣吩咐彼得喂养祂的羊,而不是鞭打它们。

25、Don’t flog a dead horse. ─── 别白费功夫了。

26、Wishes good luck for all princes and princesses.And good luck to all cinderalla who wouldn't find the magic and the flog prince who would never turned back to his original life. ─── 真心地祝福王子和公主,也衷心地祝福没有找到魔法的灰姑娘和永远变不回去的青蛙王子。

27、flog the cat ─── 作无益的追悔

28、It is reported, flog Niu Shi already was begun 27 period in grooming, 1300 editors of the left and right sides is in Beijing got edify. ─── 据悉,鞭牛士已开展的27期培训中,1300名左右的在京编辑受到了熏陶。

29、It used to take me all vacation to grow a new hide in place of the one they flog off me during school term. ─── 为了长出一层新皮来代替在学期中被鞭打掉的一层,我常常要搭上整个假期。

30、Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors. ─── 现今,鞭笞不服从的兵士或水手是不人道的惩罚。

31、 双语使用场景

32、flog learning into a boy ─── 以体罚使男孩子读书

33、It will not be enough merely to flog products and services, no matter how individualised they are. ─── 仅仅出售商品和服务是不够的,不管这些商品有多个性化。

34、And the third link is one student said a word, then the other sang a lycic include this word.One of the students said,"I'm a flog, guaguagua.." He made us laugh. ─── 最有趣的是第三个环节,一个同学说一个字,然后另一个同学唱一句带这个字的歌,其中有一位同学还唱了:“我是一只小青蛙,呱呱呱。”

35、leopard flog ─── 乳蛙

36、We should be able to flog the car for a good price. ─── 我们应该能把这辆汽车高价卖出.

37、41. Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors. ─── 现今,鞭打不服从的士兵或海员是不人道的处罚.

38、TYPICAL USE:Nowadays,it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailers. ─── 先进,鞭笞不服从的兵士或水手是不人道的惩罚。

39、Nowadays , it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors. ─── 现今,鞭笞不服从的士兵或水手是不人道的惩罚。

40、Flog all the club's league titles and European Cups to Manchester City. They need history, Rafa needs money. It's a win-win situation. ─── 把俱乐部的联赛冠军头衔和欧冠奖杯给曼城。他们需要光荣的历史,老贝需要资金,这是个双赢的选择。

41、To the now Internet below economic spring tide, small make up very flog why Niu Shiwei wants to be done so questioningly. ─── 对于经济大潮下的现下互联网,小编很诧异鞭牛士为何要如此做。

42、Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers of sailors. ─── 今天,鞭笞抗命士兵或水手是不人道的惩罚.

43、To flog an unfilial son with a Bamboo ─── 笞责逆子

44、to flog; to beat; to torture; to whip ─── 拷

45、As they stretched him out to flog him, Paul said to the centurion standing there, "Is it legal for you to flog a Roman citizen who hasn't even been found guilty? ─── 刚用皮条捆上,保罗对旁边站着的百夫长说,人是罗马人,又没有定罪,你们就鞭打他,有这个例吗?

46、flog a willing horse ─── 对努力工作的人进行不必要的督促

47、I had a letter from a company trying to flog me insurance. ─── 我收到了一家公司的信,向我推销保险。

48、flog someone within an inch of the life ─── 把某人打得半死

49、tomo: so you say? that FLOG looked better or me? ─── 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。

50、I'm trying to add Flog Blog, and I keep getting an error. ─── 让您和亲朋好友保持联系,随时分享生活中的每一刻。

51、41. Nowadays,it is inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldier or sailors. ─── 如今,鞭打不服从的士兵或水手是不人道的惩罚。

52、Flog Latin into sb. ─── 使人强记拉丁文

53、There a piece of flog in the mountain ─── 山中有一片晨雾

54、All told, the Chinese market will see 80 new models this year, CSM reckons, probably heralding a fresh round of price cuts as manufacturers vie to flog their cars. ─── 据CSM估计,中国市场今年总共将有80款新车型面世,这可能引发新一轮减价,因为制造商竞相推销自己的汽车。

55、To flog a reputed minister in the court ─── 延杖名臣

56、To beat, flog, or thrash. ─── 打打、鞭打或痛打

57、Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers ofsailors. ─── 今天,鞭笞抗命士兵或水手是不人道的惩罚。

58、We should be able to flog the car (to someone) for a good price. ─── 我们应该能把这辆汽车高价卖出。

59、To flog a dead horse ─── 枉费心机

60、He tried to flog me a broken TV set ─── 他一个劲儿向我兜售一个破电视机.

61、Who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. Three days later he will rise. ─── 他们要戏弄他,吐唾沫在他脸上,鞭打他,杀害他。过了三天,他要复活。

62、Some people drink. Some people smoke. Some people do drugs. Me? I flog stuff from hotel rooms. ─── 有人河太多。有人抽烟。我呢?我投五星级酒店的东西。

63、This caginess led to countless rumors among the other patrons, and such unbridled speculation only fed Giant Flog's reputation. ─── 凯西沃的狡诈在其他赞助人中间引起了不计其数的谣言,而这些无端的揣测只会增加巨人弗洛格的知名度。

65、Liu said, "How can I feel assured, when you're so fond of drinking and after drinking you always flog your soldiers for no reason? And you're such a hot-tempered person and frequently you refuse to take advice." ─── 刘备却说:"你一是爱喝酒、耍威风、鞭打士兵,二是办事草率不听人劝。让你留守,放心不下。"

66、"Be on your guard against men; they will hand you over to the local councils and flog you in their synagogues. ─── 你们要防备人。因为他们要把你们交给公会,也要在会堂鞭打你们。

67、We buy them cheaply and then flog them off at a profit. ─── 我们低价买下这些,然后卖出获利。

68、34 who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. Three days later he will rise." ─── 34他们要戏弄他,吐唾沫在他脸上,鞭打他,杀害他。过了三天,他要复活。

69、It usud to take me all vacation to grow a new hide in place of the one they flog off me during school term. ─── 为了长出一层新皮来代替在学期中被鞭打掉的一层,我常常要?上整个假期。

70、To flog with light and heavy Bamboos and to be Banished into exile ─── 笞杖徒流

71、Life is the changeable sky saw by the flog in the well as well as a tempting cate which is made out of the reality. ─── 生活,是井中蛙所看到的那片变幻莫测的天空,是一道以现实为原材料做成的令人谗涎欲滴的佳肴。

72、Should ask about when how succeeding, jiang Yong says implicatively: Will tell on firm sense, flog Niu Shi does not have a success, we are firm start off only. ─── 当问及如何成功时,江勇含蓄的说:严格意义上来讲,鞭牛士并没有成功,我们只是刚上路。

73、" should flog angrily student. ─── 生气地要鞭打书生。

74、At the present moment, polished English gentlemen flog Africans so severely . ─── 眼前,温文尔雅的英国绅士狠命抽打非洲土著人。

75、Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailers. ─── 现今,鞭挞不服从的兵士或水手是不人道的惩罚。

76、1.flogging; corporal punishment; 2.to flog ─── 挞罚

77、others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town. ─── 有的你们要在会堂里鞭打,从这城追逼到那城。

78、flog the clock ─── 把时针拨快

79、who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him. Three days later he will rise." ─── 34他們要戲弄他、吐唾沫在他臉上、鞭打他、殺害他.過了三天、他要復活。

80、**.**.*.esta bueno el flog ! ─── 斐斐顺斐斐普顺.

81、flog a dead horse ─── 徒劳无益

82、Jesus told Peter to feed his sheep not to flog them. ─── 耶稣吩咐彼得喂养祂的羊,而不是鞭打它们。

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