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09-11 投稿



extradite 发音

英:[?ekstr?da?t]  美:[?ekstr?da?t]

英:  美:

extradite 中文意思翻译



extradite 词性/词形变化,extradite变形


extradite 相似词语短语

1、to extradite ─── 引渡

2、extraits ─── 花香精

3、extradites ─── vt.引渡;获取…的引渡

4、tetradite ─── 四辉石

5、extrait ─── 花香精

6、extraditable ─── adj.可引渡的;该引渡的

7、extraditing ─── vt.引渡;获取…的引渡

8、extradited ─── v.引渡(嫌犯或罪犯)(extradite的过去式及过去分词)

9、extrality ─── n.治外法权

extradite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the dispute over Moscow's refusal to extradite the main suspect in the murder of ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko yesterday created an Anglo-Russian stand-off not seen since the Cold War. ─── 但是对于莫斯科拒绝将亚历山大谋杀的主要嫌犯缉拿归案的争论引发了一场自冷战以来从没有过的安格鲁-亚历山大对立.

2、The Litvinenko case dominated the run-up to the summit, after Russia refused to accede to Britain's request to extradite the chief suspect in the case, businessman Andrei Lugovoi. ─── 在俄罗斯拒绝交出在这个案件中英国要求引渡的主要嫌疑犯,商人。

3、In order to extradite suspects who have fled abroad, China always promises not to apply death penalty to the extradited. ─── 摘要中国为引渡外逃的犯罪嫌疑人,均承诺对被引渡人不适用死刑。

4、The British government attempted to extradite the suspects from Belgium. ─── 英国政府试图从比利时引渡犯罪嫌疑人。

5、Indonesia agreed this week to extradite Hadi Ahmadi, whom Australia wants to prosecute for his alleged involvement in four boat arrivals involving 900 people in 2001. ─── 印度尼西亚同意本周引渡哈迪阿赫马迪,澳预起诉涉嫌参与2001年四艘船只偷渡900人的犯罪事实。

6、A high court judge granted a judicial review of his case, suggesting that the home secretary's decision to extradite him could be unlawful. ─── 但一个高级法院的法官在对他的起诉进行了回顾后,认为国家部长把他引渡到美国的决定是不合法的。

7、extradite:To give up or deliver (a fugitive, for example) to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority. ─── 引渡(逃犯等):把对(如逃犯等)的合法审判权放弃或让给另一政府或当局

8、On October 3rd he was freed on bail, pending a court hearing on America's efforts to extradite him. ─── 10月3日,在美国准备引渡亚历山大举行的听证会前夕,他被保释出狱了。

9、The Iraqi government formally asked Lebanon to extradite the two men and if returned they would be at serious risk of torture, other ill-treatment and possibly execution. ─── 伊拉克政府已正式的向黎巴嫩请求引渡两人回国;如果回到国内,他们有很大的机会遭到刑囚,虐待,甚至有可能被处决。

10、Mr.Polanski, 76 years old, has avoided countries such as the U.K. that were likely to extradite him, but he has traveled in many European countries with relative freedom. ─── 76岁的波兰斯基一直避免去英国等一些可能将他引渡的国家,但他也相对自由地去过许多欧洲国家。

11、Australia government seeks cooperation with Indonesia to extradite the four Indonesia snakeheads to receive trial in Australia. ─── 澳大利亚政府要求印尼同其合作,将4名印尼“蛇头”引渡来澳接受审判。

12、A judge agreed to extradite him to Texas. ─── 一位法官同意将他引渡到德克萨斯州。

13、For reducing the damage of such corrupt officials, it is effective to recover the illicit money under the civil law first and then extradite the officials by criminal procedure. ─── 利用民法先行追缴外逃贪官赃款,再用刑事程序引渡外逃贪官,可减少外逃贪官带来的损失。民法打击贪官外逃符合国际潮流。

14、Us Wants to Extradite Military Hacker ─── 美国要求引渡军事黑客

15、Sweden has strongly denied any political motivation or involvement from Washington in its attempts to extradite or investigate Mr. Assange. ─── 瑞典强烈否认其设法引渡或调查阿桑奇的行为是出于任何政治目的或受到华盛顿方面的干预。

16、7.To extradite Mr Lugovoi or try him at home would be kowtowing to the West (and betraying a KGB ex-colleague); by doing nothing, he may seem to be protecting a murder suspect. ─── 引渡卢格沃或是在国内审判他将是向西方磕头(并且背叛前KGB同事);而什么都不做,他则似乎成了要保护一名谋杀嫌疑犯。

17、S.The Columbian government offered a reward of 5 billion Pesos (i.e. 21million dollars) for the drug trafficker, the American government demanded to extradite him to be charged in U.S. as well. ─── 哥政府悬赏50亿比索(约合210万美元)捉拿这名毒枭,美国当局也要求引渡他到美国受审。

18、Subsequently she is gone to by extradite Virginia city, lock up all the time over. ─── 到现在为止,多兰的律师还没有就此发表评论。

19、Berezovsky fled Russia in 2000 when the government began investigating his business empire. He settled in London, which refused earlier Russian demands to extradite him. ─── 2000年,当政府开始调查他的商业帝国以后,别列佐夫斯基逃离了俄罗斯。别列佐夫斯基后来定居伦敦。英国政府拒绝了俄罗斯当时提出的引渡别列佐夫斯基的要求。

20、extradite principle ─── 引渡原则

21、3.The Nigerian Government has said it will not extradite Mr Taylor, who accepted an offer of exile earlier this week. ─── 尼日利亚准备拒绝美国提出的要移交前利比亚总统泰勒的要求。而泰勒已经被起诉番有战争罪行。

22、France has applied to extradite her. ─── 法国提出引渡她的申请。

23、The Swiss government is deciding whether to extradite him to the US for having unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl in 1977. ─── 瑞士政府正在决定是否就其在1977年于一名13岁的女孩发生非法性交将其引渡至美国。

24、Russia has never accepted that Britain's refusal to extradite Mr Berezovsky was a legal rather than a political decision. ─── 俄倾向于认为英国拒绝引渡列佐夫斯基是有其政治动机的,而不是所谓的法律问题。

25、the death penalty does not extradite ─── 死刑不引渡

26、To extradite Mr Lugovoi or try him at home would be kowtowing to the West (and betraying a KGB ex-colleague); ─── 引渡卢格沃或是在国内审判他将是向西方磕头(并且背叛前KGB同事);

27、The spanish police have refuse to extradite a man want for a bank robbery in france. ─── 西班牙警方拒绝引渡一个在法国抢劫银行而被通缉的人。

28、Mexicans are closely following the case against her and the efforts to extradite her to United States, where she is wanted in Florida. ─── 墨西哥人紧盯著这起对她不利的案件,并密切注意美国引渡她的要求进展如何,因为她在佛罗里达州遭到通缉。

29、Some jurisdictions may need to be able to rationalize matters concerning dual criminality; others may be bound by their domestic laws not to extradite their own nationals. ─── 某些司法管辖区或要将涉及双重刑事罪行的事宜合理化,有些则可能受到不对其国民进行引渡的国内法例所规限。

30、The defendants remain in Guatemala after Guatemala's Constitutional Court refused to extradite them. ─── 上述被告仍在瓜地马拉,因为瓜地马拉的宪法法院拒绝引渡他们。

31、France refuses to extradite Peter Leila the decision to incur expresses best wishes the side “the red travel” the victim family member intense disaffection. ─── 法国拒绝引渡彼得雷拉的决定招致意方“红色旅”受害者家属强烈不满。

32、The police arranged to extradite the jewel thief from the island state. ─── 警方设法把珠宝盗窃犯从那个岛国引渡回国。

33、(AP report from Lisbon)Portugal's Chief Procurator's Office said the day before yesterday that the General Procuratorate is discussing a request raised by a Portuguese Parliament member to extradite former Indonesian President Suharto. ─── (里斯本美联电)葡萄牙总检察长办公室前天说,总检察署正在研究葡萄牙议员关于引渡印尼前总统苏哈多的要求。

34、A sound understanding of basic principles of extradition at first , helps answer the question“why so difficult to extradite criminals that fled overseas? ─── 引渡外逃贪官和其他外逃刑事罪犯为何如此之难?要回答这个问题,必须深入了解引渡的基本原则。

35、They would extradite Osama to the Netherlands. ─── 他们会将奥萨马引渡到荷兰。”

36、Fourthly, the responding system of "the additional condition by which extradition may be permitted in the country which was asked" should be detailed so as to extradite and penalize the suspect. ─── 四是细化对“被请求国就准予引渡附加条件”的回应制度,以及时有效地引渡和惩治外逃犯罪嫌疑人。

37、1.The court refused to extradite political refugees. ─── 法庭拒绝引渡政治避难者。

38、extradite vt. ─── 引渡(逃犯;

39、1. To extradite Mr Lugovoi or try him at home would be kowtowing to the West (and betraying a KGB ex-colleague); by doing nothing, he may seem to be protecting a murder suspect. ─── 引渡卢格沃或是在国内审判他将是向西方磕头(并且背叛前KGB同事);而什么都不做,他则似乎成了要保护一名谋杀嫌疑犯。收藏指正

40、In 2001, it took an average of eight months to extradite someone to Britain, but 18 months to send someone the other way. ─── 在2001年,平均引渡一个人到英国需要8个月,而将一个人驱逐出英国却需要18个月。

41、In exchange, the U. S. would drop efforts to extradite the man. Both sides shook hands on the deal, but Noriega subsequently backed out. ─── 作为交换条件,美国将放弃引渡该人的努力。双方就此协议达成一致,但是诺列加随后退出。

42、Russia has renewed calls for Britain to extradite exiled billionaire Boris Berezovsky after he urged an overthrow of President Vladimir Putin.Russia' ─── 流亡的俄罗斯亿万富翁鲍里斯.别列佐夫斯基呼吁推翻俄罗斯总统普京后,俄罗斯再次要求英国将他引渡回俄罗斯。

43、Extradite: to give up or deliver a fugitive to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority ─── 引渡,放弃对逃犯的合法审判权并把逃犯引渡给逃犯所在国当局

44、If a crime took place several years ago, notes Ms Powell, a Greek court may regard it as time-barred and decline to extradite, even though other EU countries would count it as still prosecutable. ─── 如果一桩罪行发生在多年前,鲍威尔女士指出,希腊法院可能认为已失时效而拒绝引渡,但欧盟其他国家却认为仍具有追诉时效。

45、Russia has renewed calls for Britain to extradite exiled billionaire Boris Berezovsky after he urged an overthrow of President Vladimir Putin. ─── 流亡的俄罗斯亿万富翁鲍里斯.别列佐夫斯基呼吁推翻俄罗斯总统普京后,俄罗斯再次要求英国将他引渡回俄罗斯。

46、Besides,the principle of the death penalty do not extradite whether or not belongs to international common law. ─── 另外,死刑不引渡原则是否构成了国际习惯法也没有定论。

47、The bill would prohibit assistance to countries that refuse to extradite violent criminals to the United States. ─── 预算案禁止对拒绝向美国引渡暴力刑事犯的国家提供援助。

48、He said the United Nations still considers Portugal the legal administer of East Timor. This will be helpful for filing the request to extradite Suharto. ─── 他说,联合国仍认为葡萄牙是东帝汶的合法管理国,这有助于他们提出的引渡苏哈多的要求。

49、Cuba and Venezuela have accused the United States of protecting Mr Posada by failing either to try him for terrorism or to extradite him. ─── 古巴和委内瑞拉指责美国包庇Posada先生,既不因从事恐怖主义活动对他审判,也不引渡其他回国。

50、The British government attempted to extradite the suspects from Belgium. ─── 英国政府试图从比利时引渡犯罪嫌疑人。

51、He also said that Thailand signed an extradition agreement with Hun Sen's government in May, and therefore Thailand could also extradite by law those wanted by Phnom Penn for punishment. ─── 他也说,泰国今年5月同洪森政府签订了犯人引渡协定,因此泰国也可依法将柬方通缉的人员交给金边当局治罪。

52、In a pub near the detention center from where ex- Serbian Bosnian Serb leader R Radovan Karadzic was extraditeextradited Wednesday, Serbs were watching a football match instead. ─── 前波黑塞族领导人卡拉季奇与周三在拘留中心被引渡,而其附近的一个酒吧内塞族人则在观看足球比赛。

53、extradite system ─── 引渡制度

54、France has applied to extradite her. ─── 法国提出引渡她的申请。

55、To extradite a criminal ─── 引渡犯人

56、either extradite or prosecute ─── 或引渡或起诉

57、Analyses on basic Extradite Principle in Chinese and Foreign Extradition Treaty ─── 中外双边引渡条约中有关引渡的一般原则探析

58、Clumnbia has extradite the United States the alledged rebel leader accused of being the jailer of political hostagers,among them the former presidentials candidate in Ribetan kul. ─── 哥伦比亚驱逐了被控告囚禁政治人质的反叛领导,人质里也包括李贝坦科尔的前总统候选人。

59、obligation to try or extradite ─── 审判或引渡的义务

60、It is unclear how soon Thai authorities will attempt to extradite Mr. Thaksin, or whether they really intend to do so. ─── 尚不清楚泰国当局试图在多长时间内引渡他信,或他们是否真想这么做。

61、Some Considerations about Extradite Legislation in China ─── 关于我国引渡立法的几点思考

62、Tokyo has a policy of refusing to extradite Japanese nationals, no matter what crimes they are suspected of. ─── 日本有拒绝对一切日本公民引渡的政策,无论他们被嫌疑的罪行有多严重。

63、8.They refused to extradite the hijackers to the U. S. ─── 他们拒绝把劫机犯人引渡到美国。

64、To extradite the corruption officials New ─── 对付贪官外逃和外逃贪官,中国已有良策

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