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09-11 投稿


lapidary 发音

英:['l?p?d(?)r?]  美:['l?p?d?ri]

英:  美:

lapidary 中文意思翻译



lapidary 网络释义

n. [宝] 宝石鉴定家;宝石工艺匠adj. 宝石的;[宝] 宝石雕刻的

lapidary 词性/词形变化,lapidary变形

名词复数: lapidaries |

lapidary 短语词组

1、lapidary slab saw ─── 石板锯

2、lapidary polisher ─── 宝石抛光机

3、lapidary grinding wheels ─── 宝石砂轮

4、lapidary definition ─── 宝石定义

5、lapidary glue ─── 宝石胶

6、lapidary journal ─── 宝石学报

7、lapidary supplies ─── 宝石用品

8、lapidary equipment ─── 宝石设备

lapidary 相似词语短语

1、lapidated ─── v.以石投击;投石击毙

2、capillary ─── n.毛细血管;毛细管;微血管;adj.毛细管的;毛状的;表面张力的

3、lapidaries ─── adj.(文体)优雅精确的;(语言)适合刻在石头上的;宝石切割的;宝石的,宝石工的;n.玉石工艺匠,宝石工艺匠;玉石鉴定家,宝石鉴定家;宝石雕琢艺术,玉石雕刻术

4、lapidify ─── (使)化成石头,(使)石化

5、lapidarian ─── adj.与石有关的

6、lapidarist ─── 宝石学家

7、lampadary ─── 灯罩

8、apiary ─── n.养蜂场;蜂窝群

9、lapidate ─── v.以石投击;投石击毙

lapidary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There will be granted to him over and over again, in points like jewels, the lapidary phrase. ─── 他笔锋所至,仍会出现锦词秀句,妙笔生花的胜败。

2、Lapidary size and tonal sharp contrast is formed on the ring with concise line; Of convex form gem gorgeous and tonal, hand in with the diamond of bright mirror Cheng Hui. ─── 宝石的大小和色调在线条简洁的戒指上形成强烈的对比;凸圆形宝石的艳丽色调,和璀璨的钻石交映成辉。

3、The flower of multicoloured and tropical vegetation are all round villa, it is lapidary like tropics, became the beautiful ornament of white sugar lubricious beach and blue-black sea. ─── 别墅四周是五颜六色的花朵和热带植物,它就像热带宝石,成了白糖色沙滩和深蓝色大海的漂亮点缀。

4、Burma (Myanmar) and Guatemala are the principal sources of modern gem jadeitite, and Canada of modern lapidary nephrite. ─── 缅甸和危地马拉是现代翡翠的主要产地,而加拿大是现代宝石的主要产地。

5、Why refuse that title to the surgeon who sets a limb, the judge or legislator who confers security, and give it to the lapidary who cuts and polishes a diamond? ─── 为什么拒绝把这一称号给予绑扎肢体的外科医生、维护秩序的法官或议员,而把它给予切割和 磨光钻石的宝石工?

6、9.In lapidary inscription a man is not upon oath. ─── 在墓志铭中,人是并非经过发誓的。

7、Lapidary Journal's Jewelry Art Expo ─── 宝石商杂志的珠宝工艺品交易会

8、Of or relating to the working of stone or gems; lapidary. ─── 刻在石头上的石头或玉石雕刻的或与其有关的;玉石雕刻的

9、Diamond, lapidary, deliver the glamour of fetch of be awed popular feeling, detached aesthetic feeling. ─── 钻石、宝石,传递慑人心魂的魅力,超然美感。

10、To China craft of first disabled gem grooms base author Wei Yonggui for such an aspiring people, his pursuit is far more than hereat, he should raise lapidary career to a new class. ─── 对于中国首个残疾人宝石工艺培训基地创始人魏永桂这样一个有抱负的人来说,他的追求远远不止于此,他要把宝石事业提高到一个新的档次。

11、Hang down on ear object the clear lapidary spirit gas like water is threatening. ─── 耳朵上垂坠水滴般清透的宝石灵气逼人。

12、The King sent it to Amsterdam to be cut. It was put into the hands of an expert lapidary . ─── 英皇就把它送到荷兰阿姆斯特丹,交给一个世上最着名的宝石匠,请他切磋。

13、Difuni will be beautiful lapidary and careful write in an ornate style, it is foil in order to enchase the diamond in platinic gold, make the precious jewelry of quality colour profusion. ─── 蒂芙尼将漂亮宝石细心雕琢,以镶嵌在铂金中的钻石为烘托,制成色彩缤纷的珍贵珠宝。

14、Lapidary size and tonal sharp contrast is formed on the ring with concise line; ─── 宝石的大小和色调在线条简洁的戒指上形成强烈的对比;

15、We may want to go reread some of her more lapidary work, now appreciating the vulnerable soul that shared a body with that radical will. ─── 我们会想去重读她的那些更经典的作品,品味这脆弱的灵魂如何塑造了这一具蕴含激进思想的身躯。

16、A lapidary style of literary writing stresses precision, depth and lean refinement. ─── 优雅严谨的文风强调的是精确,深刻和优雅.

17、Nay.It was the climax of the lapidary's skill. ─── 这是宝石匠技术高超的表演。

18、A connoisseur in lapidary jems ─── 玉人治玉

19、13 Of twisted scarlet the work of an artist, with precious stones cut and set in gold, and graven by the work of a lapidary for a memorial, according to the number of the tribes of Israel. ─── 这胸牌是工人用捻的朱红色线作成的;这胸牌如玉玺一样,镶有宝石;宝石上由玉工按刻印法,刻有以色列支派的名次,作为纪念;

20、In addition we will continue to offer fine lapidary materials and gemstones on our website as well. ─── 粗体字价格表示至少已经有一位买家出价。

21、It was the climax of the lapidary's skill. ─── 这是宝石匠技术最高的表演。

22、We may want to go reread some of her more lapidary work, now appreciating the vulnerable soul that Shared a body with that radical will. ─── 我们会想去重读她的那些更经典的作品,品味这脆弱的灵魂如何塑造了这一具蕴含激进思想的身躯。

23、Products: Mineral Specimens, Rocks and Crystals, Semi-Precious Stone Jewellery, Amateur Lapidary Equipment. ─── 矿物标本,水晶收藏,宝石饰物,业馀宝石切磨仪器。

24、a face with lapidary features ─── 轮廓鲜明的脸庞

25、By people praise for " fiber is lapidary " , " soft gold " . ─── 被人们誉为“纤维宝石”、“软黄金”。

26、lapidary prose ─── 简洁优雅的散文

27、Have the sunglass of lapidary ornamental, was 2007 one of design of summer sunglass popularity, dazzle eye punchs a hole again, make you light relaxed pine has star temperament. ─── 拥有宝石装饰物的太阳镜,是2007年夏日太阳镜流行款式之一,炫目又打眼,让你轻轻松松拥有明星气质。

28、He prepared also two onyx stones, fast set and closed in gold, and graven by the art of a lapidary, with the names of the children of Israel: ─── 将两块红玛瑙石修好嵌在金框内,以刻印之法雕刻了以色列的儿子们的名字。

29、This is a magnificently fair, full-scale biography. Its judgments are lapidary. ─── 这是一部相当公正全面的传记,其中对于华盛顿的评价都是十分宝贵的。

30、in lapidary style ─── 以优雅严谨的文体

31、Bright the star that show, enchase the curtain of night in black color to go up, yi resembling Yi is unripe brightness lapidary. ─── 一颗颗亮闪的星星,镶嵌在黛色的夜幕上,像熠熠生辉的宝石。

32、The King sent it to the hands of an expert lapidary. And what do you suppose he did with it? ─── 英皇就把它送交到一个世上最著名的宝石匠,请他切磋。

33、Products: Mineral Specimens, Rocks and Crystals, Semi-Precious Stone Jewellery, Amateur Lapidary Equipment. ─── 矿物标本,水晶收藏,宝石饰物,业馀宝石切磨仪器。

34、The King sent it to Amsterdam to be cut.It was put into the hands of an expert lapidary. ─── 英皇就把它送到荷兰阿姆斯特丹,交给一个世上最着名的宝石匠,请他切磋。

35、Burma (Myanmar) and Guatemala are the principal sources of modern gem jadeitite, and Canada of modern lapidary nephrite. ─── 缅甸和危地马拉是现代翡翠的主要产地,而加拿大是现代宝石的主要产地。

36、conclusion to be drawn here is thatpeople take deadly seriously the prerogative to use animals as sources ofsatisfaction. ─── 得出的宝贵结论是,人们极为重视用动物来满足口腹之欲的权利。

37、If paint is hanged in white room, place load carve or Japanese china, hanged a string of lapidary necklace as be on Bai Xi's skin general. ─── 假如在白色的房间里挂上绘画作品、摆上木雕或日本瓷器,则如同在白皙的皮肤上挂了一串宝石项链一般。

38、Lapidary kind crystal, agate, halcyon, jasper, diamond, ruby and sapphirine are waited a moment. ─── 宝石类有水晶、玛瑙、翡翠、碧玉、钻石、红宝石和蓝宝石等等。各种宝石都是玲珑剔透、璀璨晶莹。

39、We may want to go reread some of her more lapidary work, now appreciating the vulnerable soul that shared a body with that radical will. ─── 我们会想去重读她的那些更经典的作品,品味这脆弱的灵魂如何塑造了这一具蕴含激进思想的身躯。


41、a lapidary inscription, proverb, speech, etc ─── 精确的铭文、 谚语、 演讲等.

42、Dajikesitan has rich rich, like water resources (take the world the 8th) , mine of precious metal, much metal, lapidary, coal. ─── 塔吉克斯坦拥有丰富的自然资源,如水利资源(占世界第8位)、贵金属、多金属矿、宝石、煤等。

43、For, from those two halves were wrought the two magnificent gems which the skilled eye of the lapidary saw hidden in the rough, uncut stone as it came from the mine. ─── 挂泪、流血、丧志、灰心,你说那一击是击错了,可是并没有。你是上帝的无价之宝,上帝是你的宝石匠。

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