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08-18 投稿


inflammability 发音

英:[?nfl?m??b?l?ti]  美:[?n?fl?m??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

inflammability 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 易燃性


inflammability 短语词组

1、degree of inflammability ─── 易燃程度

2、inflammability meaning ─── 易燃性含义

3、inflammability define ─── 易燃性定义

4、limits of inflammability ─── [化] 可燃性极限

5、non-inflammability n. ─── 不易燃性; ─── 不可燃性

6、inflammability morpheme ─── 炎性语素

inflammability 词性/词形变化,inflammability变形

动词第三人称单数: inflames |动词过去式: inflamed |动词过去分词: inflamed |名词: inflamer |动词现在分词: inflaming |

inflammability 相似词语短语

1、nonflammability ─── 不燃性

2、inflammably ─── 燃烧的

3、inestimability ─── 不刺激的

4、deflagrability ─── n.爆燃性;易燃性;暴燃性

5、unflappability ─── n.镇定

6、infeasibility ─── n.不可行性,不可能实行

7、flammability ─── n.可燃性,易燃性

8、infallibility ─── n.无误;教皇永无谬误论

9、incapability ─── n.无能力;无资格;不能胜任

inflammability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Aprosexia(68.1%),tympanites with diarrhea(65.5%)and inflammability(61.5%)were the top three prevalent symptoms in the sufferers. ─── 结果:58.7%的女大学生患有轻中重不等的围经期综合征,其中以注意力不集中(68.1%)、腹胀腹泻(65.5%)、易激动(61.5%)等症状最普遍。

2、non inflammability ─── n. 不可燃性

3、limit of inflammability ─── 可燃限度

4、inflammability are paradigm cases of dispositions in natural objects. ─── 伸缩性、可缩性、易燃性是天然物体倾向性的范例。

5、Elasticity, solubility, inflammability are paradigm cases of dispositions in natural objects ─── 伸缩性、可溶性、易燃性是天然物体倾向性的实例。

6、Its inflammability is accord with requirement, and has high precision. ─── 阻燃性能符合有关标准要求,阻值精度高。

7、They can create high molecular weight polymers.These enzymes have relationship with a number of important physiological functions.And they contribute to a lot of human diseases,including inflamm... ─── 它们参与了多种生理过程,同时和多种疾病相关,其中主要为炎症性疾病,神经退行性病变和肿瘤性疾病等三大类疾病。

8、Elasticity , solubility , inflammability are paradigm cases of dispositions in natural objects . ─── 伸缩性、可溶性、易燃性是天然物体倾向性的范例。

9、Method of inflammability test for wood ─── 木材易燃性测试方法

10、The base fluid of EBDF possesses a higher flash point or less inflammability and lower pouring point or better fluidity in comparison with diesel oil. ─── 在基液性能上,与柴油相比,酯基液的闪点较高,倾点较低,这表明酯不易燃,流动性好;在环保性能上,无论是毒性、生物降解还是蒸气测试结果,酯基钻井液均表现出了优良的性能。

11、Used for testing hiorizontal inflammability of various fabric, which is expressed with flame-spread rate. ─── 用于测定纺织品水平方向燃烧性能,并以蔓延速率来表示。

12、Risk of inflammability due to wrong manipulation of the cigarette; ─── 草药制烟的错误处理有易燃的危险性

13、Elasticity, solubility, inflammability are paradigm cases of dispositions in natural objects. ─── 伸缩性、可缩性、易燃性是天然物体倾向性的范例。

14、Used for testing hiorizontal inflammability of various fabric,which is expressed with flame-spread rate. ─── 用于测定纺织品水平方向燃烧性能,并以蔓延速率来表示。

15、The coal flour increased the inflammability of PE-HD/OMMT composites in a large extent. ─── 结果表明,PE-HD/媒粉/OMMT复合材料中OMMT呈现插层型结构,煤粉的加入可以提高复合材料的阻燃性。

16、Its inflammability is accord with requirement, and has high precision. ─── 阻燃性能符合有关标准要求,阻值精度高。

17、inflammability test ─── 易燃性试验

18、inflammability point ─── 燃点

19、Kouttab NM,De Simone C.Modulation of cytokine production by cranitine [J].Mediators Inflamm,2002(2):S25-S28. ─── 袁玲,冯文,袁敏.维持性血液透析患者促红细胞生成素的应用[J].实用临床医药杂志,2006(3):127-129.

20、Polystyrene burns easily but slowly, with development of thick sooty smoke. Inflammability can be reduced by addition of special additives. ─── PS易燃烧,但烧得很慢,同时产生乌黑的浓烟,通过加入添加剂可减少其可燃性。

21、Used for testing horizontal inflammability of various fabric, which is expressed with flame-spread rate. ─── 用于测定纺织品水平方向燃烧性能,并以蔓延速率来表示。

22、Caution: Silicone should not be used with highly oxidizing agents such as oxygen, chlorine, nitric acid or hydrogen peroxide, because of danger of spontaneous chemical reaction, inflammability or explosion. ─── 注意:选用硅油时:请充分考虑使用场所及介质没有与硅油发生强烈反映的危险。

23、Feature better inflammability and electric shield performance ; ─── 具有良好的阻燃性和电屏蔽作用;

24、self inflammability ─── 自燃发火性

25、limits of inflammability ─── 可燃性极限

26、inflammability limit ─── 着火极限

27、Polystyrene burns easily but slowly, with development of thick sooty smoke. Inflammability can be reduced by addition of special additives. ─── PS易燃烧,但烧得很慢,同时产生乌黑的浓烟,通过加入添加剂可减少其可燃性。

28、Method of inflammability test for wood ─── 木材易燃性测试方法

29、7 Da Silva RJ,Da Silva MG,Vilela L, et al. Antitumor effect of bothrops jararaca venom. Mediators Inflamm,2002,11(2):99-104. ─── 8李钦章,黄沿中,杨冠群.眼镜蛇膜毒素与单克隆抗体偶连物对鼻咽癌细胞的特异性杀伤作用.暨南大学学报,1998

30、Elasticity, solubility, inflammability are paradigm cases of dispositions in natural objects. ─── 伸缩性、可缩性、易燃性是天然物体倾向性的范例。

31、Water hydraulics is paid more attention because of its environmental friendliness and inflammability etc. ─── 水压传动由于其环境友好、不燃等诸多优点越来越受到重视。

32、There is substantial evidence implicating a chronic vascular inflamm ation process in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic. ─── 越来越多的证据表明动脉粥样硬化是血管壁的慢性炎症性疾病。

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