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09-14 投稿


unfavorably 发音

英:[[?n'fe?v?r?bl?]]  美:[[?n'fe?v?r?bl?]]

英:  美:

unfavorably 中文意思翻译



unfavorably 词性/词形变化,unfavorably变形

副词: unfavorably |名词: unfavorableness |

unfavorably 短语词组

1、unfavorably disclosed ─── 不利披露

2、unfavorably biased ─── 不利的偏见

3、unfavorably syn ─── 不利同步

4、unfavorably known ─── 不为人知

5、unfavorably crossword ─── 不利的纵横填字游戏

6、unfavorably clue ─── 不利的线索

7、unfavorably meaning ─── 不利的意义

8、unfavorably stereotyped ─── 刻板印象

9、unfavorably affected ─── 不利影响

10、unfavorably def ─── 不利的定义

11、unfavorably define ─── 不利地定义

12、unfavorably means ─── 不利的手段

unfavorably 同义词

disadvantageously | negatively | critically | harshly | badly | disparagingly | damagingly | harmfully | adversely | unfavourably |disapprovingly

unfavorably 反义词


unfavorably 相似词语短语

1、unfavorable ─── adj.不宜的;令人不快的;不顺利的

2、unfavourably ─── adv.不利地;不适宜地

3、favorable ─── adj.有利的;良好的;赞成的,赞许的;讨人喜欢的

4、favourably ─── adv.顺利地;有利地;好意地(等于favorably)

5、unavoidably ─── adv.不可避免地;不得已地

6、favorably ─── adv.顺利地;亲切地;好意地

7、unfavourable ─── adj.不利的;不适宜的;反对的

8、unmemorably ─── 不可磨灭的

9、unfathomably ─── 深不可测地;不可估量地

unfavorably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The frequent fluctuation of foreign exchange rate makes multinational companies confront huge foreign exchange risk and affects unfavorably the value of the foreign exchange reserve. ─── 外汇市场的频繁波动使得跨国经营企业面临着巨大的外汇风险,同时极大影响了我国巨额外汇储备的价值。

2、He looked at me unfavorably. ─── 他颇不赞同地看著我。

3、Your actions contrast unfavorably with your principles. ─── 你的行为与你的处世原则相差甚远。

4、13. I never compare my child unfavorably to other children. ─── 从来不对孩子说,他比别的孩子差。

5、he reviewed the play unfavorably. ─── 他对这个剧本持否定态度。

6、He always talks big, so he give me a unfavorably impressed. ─── 他总是吹牛,因此他给我一个不太好的印象。

7、Although most critics lauded the game for its originality, a few gamers reacted unfavorably to the games convoluted save system and complicated structure. ─── 这些事情是一定固定的发生在前一晚的吗?其实当它发生时,你可以在那个地方,做你实际能做的。

8、Xiaokeng of the public, she often miss out buy tea for the company, usually buy in bulk when more loved the tea unfavorably. ─── 市民肖小姐说,她经常出来为公司买茶叶,一般买散装的时候多些,对那些包装精美的茶叶并无好感。

9、These minimum differences lead across the rigid thread tool to stresses in the system, which affect unfavorably the thread making process。 ─── 这些最小的区别,导致致密螺纹刀具给系统带来压力,不支持制造螺纹。

10、doesn't view herself as a success; viewed their efforts unfavorably. ─── 不认为她自己成功了;对他们的努力无好感。

11、And though he came of a poor middle-class family, started life rather unfavorably, and was probably of unimpressive physical appearance, he was not afflicted by envy or by the feeling of inferiority. ─── 而且尽管他出身贫穷的中层社会家庭,起始相当不顺并且很可能其貌不扬,他并没有受嫉妒或者卑劣感的煎熬。

12、To affect unfavorably, unfairly, or wrongly; bias. ─── 持偏见不良地、不公正地或错误地影响;存偏见

13、At present, limited to the low level of national economic development, many of domestic corporations are still in a lower standard in internationalization, unfavorably comparing with MNC. ─── 现阶段受经济发展水平的限制,我国许多企业的国际化经营还处于较低的层次,暂时不具备与国外大型跨国公司直接抗争能力。

14、An unfavor­able relationship between numbers and recourses tends to make the earning of a living almost intolerably difficult. ─── 人口数和资源间的不利关系,往往使得谋生达到几乎无法忍受的困难程度。

15、doesn't view herself as a success; viewed their efforts unfavorably ─── 不认为她自己成功了;对他们的努力无好感

16、Earlier this month, an Associated Press-Yahoo News poll showed more people viewing Palin favorably than unfavorably, 47 percent to 28 percent. ─── 本月早些时候,美联社和雅虎新闻联合调查显示佩林的受欢迎程度为47%,而不受欢迎程度为28%。

17、If you know of some useful information but intentionally withhold it, you may be viewed very unfavorably. ─── 如果你掌握某些有用信息却故意隐瞒,你在别人眼中的形象会很糟糕。

18、The reason is that our researchers know very little about the case study research method or worry that other researchers will comment unfavorably on the research. ─── 究其原因,是因为人们对个案研究法不了解,或担心它的局限性会影响其他研究人员对自己研究的评价。

19、The value of the assets of the Fund as measured in dollars may be affected favorably or unfavorably by fluctuations in currency rates and exchange control regulations. ─── 以美元计算基金价值,外币的汇率和外汇管制条例肯对基金的价值既产生正面影响也可产生负面影响。

20、However, it is difficult to understand that, clinically, about 20% of the patients react unfavorably to Rescue Remedy or Rescue Cream. ─── 但是,临床上却有一些病例,对于急救花药或急救药膏的反应疗效不佳,令人相当费解。

21、But an ABC News-Washington Post poll released Wednesday showed that in a two-week period, the number seeing Palin positively dropped 6 percentage points while 10 points more see her unfavorably. ─── 但是美国广播公司与华盛顿邮报的联合调查在周三公布民意测验显示,在过去的两周中,佩林的支持率下降了6个百分点,而不支持率则上升了10个百分点。

22、Your price compare unfavorably with your competitor's. ─── 与贵方的竞争对手相比,你们所报价格一点也不占优势。

23、Notoriously: known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous ─── 众所周知的,通常带有不赞成的意味;声名狼藉的,恶名昭彰的

24、To affect unfavorably,unfairly,or wrongly;bias. ─── 持偏见不良地、不公正地或错误地影响;存偏见

25、Xiaokeng of the public, she often miss out buy tea for the company, usually buy in bulk when more loved the tea unfavorably. ─── 市民肖小姐说,她经常出来为公司买茶叶,一般买散装的时候多些,对那些包装精美的茶叶并无好感。

26、Pennsylvania disciples overcame unfavorably cold weather conditions and icy roads to gather at their local center and celebrate the unfolding of the Golden Age. ─── 宾州同修克服酷寒的天候和冰封的道路,聚集在当地小中心,庆祝黄金时代的开展。

27、In telecommunications, laser can replace electrical transmission over traditional copper wires, but laser beams are easily unfavorably interfered by external conditions, such as rain, fog, and clouds. ─── 在通讯方面,雷射可取代在传统铜线上的电子传输,不过雷射光束极易受到外在状况不利的干扰,例如雨水,雾气和云层.

28、doesn't view herself as a success;viewed their efforts unfavorably. ─── 不认为她自己成功了;

29、For example, a very low inventory figure may be judged to be material if it reflects unfavorably on a firm's liquidity. ─── 例如,假如小的存货余额反映了一个公司清偿能力的不足,那它就可能被判定为重要项目。

30、There is a tendency to compare yourself unfavorably with other people. ─── 会出现与他人不好地比较自己的倾向。

31、However, this kind of inspection unfavorably features discontinuity, interrupting traffic, and repetitious cost on human and material resources. ─── 然而其也存在具有间断性、需中断交通、重复花费大量的人力、物力、财力等缺点。

32、That compares unfavorably with the 2, 000 fighter planes that China would be able to send into the skies in a matter of hours. ─── 这与可以在几个小时内便可将2000架战机送上天空的中国相比当然处于劣势。

33、Discrimination means treating someone unfavorably or unfairly because of race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, physical/mental handicap or sexual orientation. ─── 歧视是指因种族、性别、肤色、宗教、原国籍、年龄、身体、精神障碍或性别倾向而不利地或不公平地对待某人。

34、There is a tendency to compare yourself unfavorably with other people. ─── 会出现与他人不好地比较自己的倾向。

35、It is the risk incurred when the exchange rate between two currencies fluctuate unfavorably, causing a decrease in value of your trade income. ─── 描述的是两个不同货币之间进行兑换时的交易风险,由于汇率的不利变动而产生的交易收入/经济利益上的潜在损失。

36、But as voters have gotten to know Senator John McCain, they have not warmed, with only 36 percent of voters saying they view him favorably while 45 percent view him unfavorably. ─── 但是于此同时对于参议员约翰麦凯恩,选民并不拥护他。只有36%的人支持他,而45的人不喜欢他。

37、These minimum differences lead across the rigid thread tool to stresses in the system, which affect unfavorably the thread making process. ─── 这些最小的区别,导致致密螺纹刀具给系统带来压力,不支持制造螺纹。

38、A Tentative Study on Unfavorably Modified Decisions in the Administrative Reconsideration ─── 试析我国行政复议中的不利变更决定

39、His arrogance impressed us most unfavorably. ─── 他的傲慢给我们留下了极坏的印象。

40、brad was being purposely bumpkinish reacting unfavorably to Boylan's mannered elegance ─── 勃雷德有意乡里乡气的,来对付博伊兰矫揉造作的高雅。

41、c) violation of legal procedures that affects unfavorably the lawful rights and interests of the applicant; ─── 违反法定程序影响申请人合法权益的;

42、Expected yields were lowered based on poor crop conditions and unfavorably hot, dry weather in the western U. ─── 由于作物状况不佳以及美国西部大豆地带出现不利于作物生长的干热天气,预估收获率也被下调。

43、However, it is difficult to understand that, clinically, about 20% of the patients react unfavorably to Rescue Remedy or Rescue Cream. ─── 但是,临床上却有一些病例,对于急救花药或急救药膏的反应疗效不佳,令人相当费解.

44、A pressure-sensitive effect affects unfavorably the production performance of fractured low-permeability reservoirs with horizontal fractures. ─── 压敏效应对含水平裂缝的低渗透油藏开发具有重要影响。

45、His behavior contrasts unfavorably with his principles. ─── 他的行为与他的原则相对照,很不相称。

46、The halls are decorated with posters comparing Mr. Obama unfavorably with George W. Bush. ─── 大厅里面贴满了海报,拿奥巴马和乔治布什做比较,这对奥巴马来说是不利的。

47、There is , however , a substantial number of graduates to who are neither unfavorably employed nor do they seem to have jobs which fulfill all the standards of a “typical” graduate's career . ─── 尽管如此,还是存在相当数量的毕业生,他们或者没有满意的工作或者好像得不到符合“典型”毕业生生涯的要求的工作。

48、I don't compare unfavorably to Chris Paul as a diss on Williams, just as I wouldn't be demeaning Carlos Boozer to say he's no Karl Malone. ─── 我并没有很不利地将克里斯。保罗与威廉姆斯相比,就像我不会贬低卡洛斯。布泽尔,说他比不上卡尔。马龙。

49、Tom wanted to kick back at the people who had written so unfavorably about his new book in the newspapers. ─── 对那些在报纸上批评他的新书的人,汤姆打算予以还击。

50、The taxpayer are unfavorably disposed towards the recent tax increase. ─── 纳税者对最近的增加税收十分反感。

51、Conclusion Pregnancy and SLE interacted with each other unfavorably. ─── 结论:对妊娠合并SLE患者而言,妊娠和SLE互为不利因素;

52、We've heard parents comment unfavorably about long-haired toy animals. ─── 对于长毛型的玩具动物,我们听到有些家长们评语不佳。

53、tending to reveal or represent unfavorably. ─── 倾向于不合时宜的展示或者表现。

54、compare unfavorably ─── 比 ... 差

55、Slime pulp is one of the common problems during the process of newsprint making from mechanical pulp, which unfavorably influences the quality of paper and its making process. ─── 机械浆抄造新闻纸过程极易产生腐浆,对抄纸及成纸质量危害极大。

56、The administrative reconsideration is an important institution by which a relative party may obtain aid, and in it there is no principle of forbidding an unfavorably modified decision in our country. ─── 摘要行政复议作为相对方获得救济的重要制度,在我国并未设立不利变更禁止原则。

57、From the foregoing discussion, we can see that advertisements influence consumers both favorably an 100;unfavorably an 100;the degrees of this influence differ from person to person. ─── 从前面的论证我们看到:广告的对消费者的影响有积极的一面,也有消极的一面,影响力也因人而异。

58、of all votershave a favorable opinion of Paul, while 30% view him unfavorably. ─── 所有的选民中,39%的人给了保罗好评,而30%的人给了差评。

59、If you know of some useful information but intentionally withhold it, you may be viewed very unfavorably. ─── 如果你掌握某些有用信息却故意隐瞒,你在别人眼中的形象会很糟糕。

60、Tom viewed their efforts unfavorably. ─── 汤姆对他们的努力并无好感。

61、Negotiating with buyer as instruct however afraid unconvincing as your price compare unfavorably faith others. ─── 已按照指示和买方交涉,但贵公司价格高于其他公司,恐怕无法达成。

62、The woman impressed me most unfavorably. ─── 这女人给我的印象极差。

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