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08-19 投稿


prostration 发音


英:  美:

prostration 中文意思翻译



prostration 词性/词形变化,prostration变形

动词过去式: prostrated |动词过去分词: prostrated |动词第三人称单数: prostrates |名词: prostrator |动词现在分词: prostrating |

prostration 短语词组

1、prostration of faculty ─── 教师受挫

2、prostration board ─── 俯卧板

3、prostration buddhism ─── 拜佛

4、prostration bow ─── 俯卧弓

5、prostration def ─── 虚脱

6、prostration Good night ─── 拜倒晚安

7、prostration mark ─── 溃痕

8、prostration for forgetfulness ─── 为健忘而跪拜

9、nervous prostration ─── [医] 神经衰弱

10、prostration area ─── 匍匐区

11、heat-prostration ─── [医] 中暑衰竭, 中暑虚脱

12、electric prostration ─── [医] 电衰竭, 电虚脱

13、heat prostration ─── [医] 中暑衰竭, 中暑虚脱

14、prostration mat ─── 匍匐垫

prostration 相似词语短语

1、prostrating ─── adj.虚弱的;v.俯卧;拜倒;屈服(prostrate的ing形式)

2、prostrations ─── n.平伏;跪倒;虚脱

3、proscription ─── n.禁止;放逐;剥夺人权

4、procuration ─── n.代理;获得;委任;拉皮条;佣金

5、perpetration ─── n.犯罪;做坏事

6、perlustration ─── 过清

7、frustration ─── n.挫折

8、propitiation ─── n.劝解;抚慰

9、proration ─── n.按比例分配;配定产量

prostration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、electric prostration ─── [医] 电衰竭, 电虚脱

2、nervous prostration ─── 脑力[神经]虚脱

3、Keywords Chen Yiping;membranous nephritis;edema;prostration;history report; ─── 陈以平;膜性肾炎;水肿;虚劳;病例报告;

4、midst of this prostration, a hand was laid on his shoulder, and a low voice said to him. ─── 处在万分颓丧之中,忽然一只手放在他的肩上,一个轻轻的声音向他说。

5、What an enjoyment it is to walk abroad after illness, and what a delight to be strong in the LORD after a season of prostration! ─── 尤其在主里得以健壮,更是令人快慰的事!

6、Influenza is characterized by fever, myalgia, headache, pharyngitis, cough and prostration. ─── 流感主要症状为发热、肌痛、头痛、咽炎、咳嗽及疲劳等。

7、Clinical Analyses of 37 Cases of Curing Organic Phosphote Poisoning and Respiratory Prostration by Naloxone ─── 纳络酮治疗有机磷农药中毒并呼吸衰竭37例临床分析

8、Two of the runners in the marathon race collapsed and were carried off in a state of prostration ─── 两位马拉松赛跑选手累倒了,他们在虚脱状态中被抬走。

9、prostration of mind and spirit ─── 心灵与精神上的疲惫

10、Disciple Jui Khin Yeo of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of Medicine Guru Buddha. ─── 马来西亚,砂捞越,古晋的弟子杨惟钦提供了一个向药师佛十二大愿礼拜的仪轨。

11、Let the person admire complete prostration and good ─── 让人佩服得五体投地的好帖

12、general [ nervous ] prostration ─── 全身[神经]衰弱

13、the prostration of crops by the wind ─── 农作物被风吹倒

14、emotional prostration ─── 情绪衰竭

15、a person who is algid is marked by prostration and has cold clammy skin and low blood pressure. ─── 畏寒的人的症状是虚脱、皮肤湿冷而且血压低。

16、cognitive prostration ─── 认知疲劳

17、an acute contagious viral infection characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract and by fever,chills,muscular pain,and prostration ─── 一种急性的有传染性的病毒感染,主要特征是呼吸道感染和发烧、寒战、肌肉疼痛和虚脱

18、This review touches upon such scientific study fields of TCM prostration syndrome as etiology and pathogenesis, differential diagnostic patterns, treatment and treating principle; ─── 从病因病机、辨证分型、治法及治法原理的实验研究方面,就中医对休克的认识和现代研究的现状以及今后研究的前景进行了述评。

19、The sickness is characterized by sudden onset, coughing, dyspnea , fever, prostration, and rapid recovery. ─── 此病特点是突然发作,咳嗽,呼吸困难,发热,虚弱,并很快康复。

20、Meanwhile, it has an outstanding effect for nervous prostration, cardiovascular diseases, masculine sexual dysfunction and gynecopathy. ─── 对神经衰弱、心脑血管疾病、男性性功能低下和妇科疾病都有十分明显的效果。

21、malarial prostration ─── 疟脱

22、The crowd as he passed along made lowly prostration befor the image. ─── 当牠沿路走过去的时候,大群的人都俯卧在那木偶像的前面。

23、He rarely, if ever, makes a permanent success.His judgment goes;his faculties are snapped;and his end, as a rule, is nervous prostration after an unworthy and useless life. ─── 他几乎不可能永远的成功,即使成功,一般来说经过这样的一段无价值和无用的生活以后也是失去判断力,他的才能被挥霍一空,最后以致神经虚脱。

24、exhaustion; prostration ─── 衰竭

25、Gradually a rebellious feeling had replaced the extreme prostration of the beginning, and Bertha raged at the injustice of her lot ─── 渐渐地,一种反抗的心理取代了起初的极度沮丧,伯莎为自己命运的不公而念念不平。

26、Heat exhaustion (or heat prostration): Response of the body to excessive heat. ─── 热衰竭:身体对过热的反应。

27、1.This state is characterized by deelopment of seere gastroenteritis with dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, acidosis, shock, hypoglycemia and prostration which may end up fatally. ─── 这种状态特征为严重的胃肠炎伴脱水、电解质紊乱、酸中毒、休克、低钾和虚脱,如不及时治疗最终会导致死亡。

28、prostration before God ─── 在神前俯伏拜倒

29、For further information on the beneficences about Buddhist Prostration, please refer to Persian King’s Petition Sutra, White Lotus Sutra, and Guanyin Bodhisattva Sutra. ─── 所谓坛城,即"完整的本尊世界"。

30、or are you only suffering from the prostration of fatigue and the weariness of hope deferred? ─── 难道是勇气耗尽,烦恼要把希望之光抑止?

31、As he was already quite worn out when we started, his condition now seemed one of great prostration ─── 由于出发时他就已经疲惫不堪,现在几乎是气息奄奄了。

32、seek a beauty to be a girl friend, compare to buy a good bicycle, the day defend to rob, the night defend to steal, the day be long, perhaps good nervous prostration; ─── 找一个美女做女友,好比买一部好单车,日防抢,夜防偷,日子久了,恐怕要得神经衰弱;

33、nervous Breakdown[prostration] ─── 神经衰弱

34、It is right and us eful to insomnia, nervus prostration, cancellation of tiredness and instanration of physical strength. ─── 对失眠,神经衰弱,消除疲劳恢复体力具有良好的作用。

35、a state of prostration brought on by the heat ─── 暑热导致的虚脱状态

36、A long period of worrying led to her nervous prostration ─── 长期的焦虑导致她的神经衰弱。

37、One could indicate a great many examples of ideological reaction, most often taking the form of prostration. ─── 意识形态上的反动的例子可以举出好多,它们又多半都带有委靡不振的形式。

38、Having completed the first prostration, say ─── 叩完第一次头后,随即念

39、Fifth, you should make prostration to the Buddha of the ten directions, to the Buddha of whichever direction in which you are heading. ─── 第五你应该礼拜十方诸佛,尤其是你成就佛部的部主。

40、This kind of mineral spring cans drink and can bathe, can cure the diseases, such as stomach trouble, nervous prostration, skin disease and high blood pressure. Etc. ─── 这种矿泉水可饮可浴,能治疗胃病、神经衰弱、皮肤病、高血压等病症。

41、Helen said he was breaking his heart, and was sad to see his prostration ─── 海伦说,他把自己折磨得心都碎了,她很难过看到他那副憔悴颓唐的样子。

42、prostration syndrome ─── 脱证

43、Bone-setting manipulation named fixed-point pressure with prostration's ex-extension for treating 31 cases of compressibility fracture in thoracic and lumbar vertebra ─── 俯卧过伸定点按压法治疗胸腰椎压缩性骨折31例

44、This includes putting Buddha images in a place of respect and making prostration and offerings and so on. ─── 这包括了在清净的地方供奉佛像,诚心礼拜,供养等等。

45、By using regularity of lateral prostration to find parallel vein and new type gold deposit in deep is the orientation of pro... ─── 利用侧伏规律进行深部找矿、寻找平行脉和新类型金矿是个后主要找矿方向。

46、Or like the lama behind me doing prostration, he would lay out a circle of small cups of water with a flower in each cup everyday. ─── 或者像我做大礼拜后面的一位喇嘛,他每天都会在圆形的佛塔座上放满一圈小杯供水和花。

47、Two of the runners in the Marathon race collapsed and were carried off in a state of prostration. ─── 两位马拉松赛跑选手累倒了, 他们在虚脱状态中被抬走。

48、Finally she has wept, and after weeping overpowdered her nose and eyes, which in a pretty woman was an infallible sign of extreme mental prostration ─── 最后,她还哭泣,哭完了在鼻子和眼圈上涂搽过多的脂粉,这发生在一个可爱的女子身上,是精神极度忧郁的确凿标志。

49、So the magicians were thrown down to prostration: they said, "We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses". ─── 于是,术士们拜倒下去,他们说:“我们已归信哈伦和穆萨的主了。”

50、As the drought grew worse, they had witnessed the barbarous rites of their elders, which they had never seen before, the mutilation of their bodies, and their prostration before wood and clay idols. ─── 他们目睹了老年人搞的那一套摧残身体的野蛮仪式,那种对木雕泥塑偶像的顶礼膜拜。他们过去从未见过这种场面。

51、perform the kowtow; perform the prostration ceremony ─── 行跪拜礼

52、AN ASS once carried through the streets of a city a famous wooden Image, to be placed in one of itsTemples.As he passed along, the crowd made lowly prostration before the Image. ─── 有一次,一头驴子驮着一尊著名的木神像,被人赶着穿过城里的大街小巷,去往安置它的神庙。

53、Effect of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure on Neonatal Acute Respiration Prostration ─── 持续气道正压通气治疗新生儿急性呼吸衰竭

54、As he was already quite worn out when we started, his condition now seemed one of great prostration. ─── 由于出发时他就已经疲惫不堪,现在几乎是气息奄奄了。

55、Only those believe in Our Signs, who, when they are recited to them, fall down in prostration, and celebrate the praises of their Lord, nor are they (ever) puffed up with pride. ─── 信仰我的迹象的,只有那等人;别人以我的迹象劝戒他们的时候,他们便俯伏叩头并赞颂他们的那超绝万物的主,他们不敢妄自尊大,(此处叩头!)

56、Heat prostration due to water depletion ─── 水缺失性中暑衰竭

57、8. a glandular disorder caused by failure of function of the cortex of the adrenal gland and marked by anemia and prostration with brownish skin. ─── 由于肾上腺皮层功能衰退引起的一种腺体疾病,明显标志是贫血症和衰竭,皮肤呈褐色。

58、We may even make a prostration each time, touching the ground with our forehead. ─── 我们也可以在每遍祷文后前额触地地叩拜。

59、heat prostration ─── [医]中暑虚脱[衰竭]

60、Besides, ordinary Buddhist practitioners without high-level view and practice can gain resemblant beneficence from Mandala circumambulation and Mandala prostration with a pure mind. ─── 此外,未能通达甚深见解和修行的普通人,依靠清净信心顶礼转绕,也能获得相似功德。

61、It is stated that membranous nephritis belongs to the categories of “edema” and “prostration” in Chinese medicine,and it is related to the disorder of lung,spleen and kidney. ─── 病初多为湿热内蕴,脾失健运,邪实正虚,治宜清热利湿,健脾活血,祛邪扶正;

62、For the specific explanation on beneficences of Buddhist Prostration in terms of time and a particular individual, please consult Ten Cakras of Ks! ─── 在梵文中称其为"曼扎拉",直译是"圆形围绕"。

63、sudden prostration due to exposure to the sun or excessive heat. ─── 由于曝晒或过热而导致突然腑倒。

64、the general prostration of business after the war ─── 战后商业普遍萧条

65、Gradually a rebellious feeling had replaced the extreme prostration of the beginning, and Bertha raged at the injustice of her lot. ─── 渐渐地,一种反抗的心理取代了起初的极度沮丧,伯莎为自己命运的不公而念念不平。

66、The small property all has slight of nervous prostration disease. ─── 小资都有轻微的神经衰弱症。

67、There was a general prostration of business after the war ─── 战后商业普遍萧条。

68、Keywords Syncope and prostration syndrome shock,Fu Fang,,,, Ren Shen Injection,NO,eNOS,iNOS,HPLC,finger print atlas; ─── 厥脱;休克;复方人参注射液;人参;陈皮;作用;机理;一氧化氮;一氧化氮合酶;高效液相色谱;指纹图谱;

69、fatigue. As asphyxiation progresses, nausea, vomiting, prostration, and loss of consciousness may ─── 模糊,情绪不稳定以及疲劳。随着窒息过程的发展,会产生恶心,呕吐,虚脱和失去知觉,

70、general [nervous] prostration ─── 全身 [神经] 衰弱

71、We were laid down upon piles of aromatic grass, and instantly fell into the deep sleep which follows absolute prostration of mind and body ─── 我们躺在芬芳的草堆上,身心交瘁地沉沉入睡了。

72、Helen said he was breaking his heart, and was sad to see his prostration. ─── 海伦说,他把自己折磨得心都碎了,她很难过看到他那副憔悴颓唐的样子。

73、" In the presence of the prostration and terror of the disciples, Jesus showed Himself to be the good and cencerned brother (Cf.Ex 20, 20). ─── 在俯伏在地,吓坏了的门徒们面前,耶稣显示祂自己是个良善的、关心手足的兄长(参见:出二十20)。

74、the people take them at their word, approach the Lama, now become an idol, with the most humble prostration: he receives their addresses without motion, commences a god, and is ever after fed by his priests with the spoon of immortality. ─── 人们听信了使者的话,就把喇嘛当作偶像顶礼膜拜;他一动不动地接受人们的称颂,于是成为神,从此由下面的僧人用那不朽的勺子喂养。

75、If qi fails to attach to body fluid, qi-deficiency and even qi prostration will ensue. ─── 如气无法依托于津液,则气虚甚则气陷就会随之发生。

76、To make a prostration ─── 倒身下拜

77、Two of the runner collapse in a state of prostration. ─── 有两名赛跑选手因虚脱而倒下了。

78、prostration before the altar ─── 在祭坛前的伏身 [跪拜]

79、Conclusion The curative effect of standard therapy on myocardium prostration is better... ─── 结论标准疗法治疗心力衰竭疗效显著。

80、Keywords gold deposit of greenstone formationl grade variation coefficient;regularity of lateral prostration;Xiao-Ta-Zi-Gou of Chaoyang County; ─── 绿岩金矿;品位变化系数;侧伏规律;朝阳小塔子沟;

81、And he raised his parents high on the throne (of dignity), and they fell down in prostration, (all) before him. ─── 他请他的双亲坐在高座上,他们为他而俯伏叩头,他说:“我的父亲啊!

82、What Mr Brown needs is to find a tone between adamantine denial and abject prostration, one that bolsters his authority rather than forfeiting it. ─── 现在,布朗就是要在矢口否认和完全屈服中间找到一个恰当的语气,该语气非但不会降低其威信,反而会让其增加。

83、sickness is characterized by sudden onset, coughing, dyspnea, fever, prostration, and rapid recovery. ─── 此病特点是突然发作,咳嗽,呼吸困难,发热,虚弱,并很快康复。

84、As he was already quite worn out when we started, his condition now seemed one of great prostration. ─── 由于出发时他就已经疲惫不堪,现在几乎是气息奄奄了。

85、Cognitive Prostration Measurement Based on Mental Rotation and Wavelet Analysis ─── 基于小波分析心理旋转测量认知疲劳

86、sudden prostration due to exposure to the sun or excessive heat. ─── 曝晒或过热而导致突然腑倒。

87、I sigh tone, I also don't know oneself can nervous prostration, do a point would rather the jade isn't ground for the all of tile affair! ─── 我叹口气,我也不知道自己会不会神经衰弱,做出点宁可玉碎不为瓦全的事情来!

88、the prostration of a person by a blow ─── 人被一巴掌打倒

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