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09-11 投稿


brambly 发音

英:[['br?mbl?]]  美:[['br?mbl?]]

英:  美:

brambly 中文意思翻译



brambly 短语词组

1、brambly inn ─── 布拉姆 ─── 布雷酒店

2、brambly blog brambly ─── 博客

3、brambly book ─── 吹牛书

4、brambly park ─── 布拉姆 ─── 布里公园

brambly 相似词语短语

1、brashly ─── adv.胃灼热地;骤雨般地;无礼地

2、bragly ─── 西兰花

3、brawly ─── adj.喧嚷的,喧哗的,吵闹的;易于争吵的

4、bravely ─── adv.勇敢地;华丽地

5、brabble ─── n.争论;吵嘴;vi.争论

6、brambled ─── adj.长满荆棘的

7、bramble ─── n.荆棘;树莓;悬钩子属植物;n.(Bramble)人名;(英)布兰布尔;(意)布兰布莱

8、crumbly ─── adj.脆的;易碎的

9、brambles ─── n.荆棘;黑莓(bramble的复数)

brambly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Charmingly composed, with brambly flavors of blueberries, cassis, licorice and cloves harmoniously matched with restrained, polished oak and entwined around a firm spine of powdery tannin. ─── 诱人和谐的完美组合,散发着袭人的蓝莓,黑醋栗,欧亚甘草和丁香的芳香,橡木气息的巧妙点缀,渗透着强劲的丹宁。

2、Sweet and juicy, slightly unpolished and brambly, this rich, old-fashioned shiraz says less about its region and more about its variety. ─── 甜美而多汁,略带粗狂而荆棘。这款丰润,而具有传统特色的设拉子与产区相比更多的体现了多样化。

3、Black fruit flavors combine with herbaceous brambly flavors. ─── 黑加仑和紫罗兰的芳香混合在一起。

4、Well structured wine with soft, smoky, brambly fruit backed up by tobaccoey, vanilla laced oak character flavours. ─── 优良的设计,具有温和的烟熏味和多刺水果味,成熟的橡木味中伴有烟叶和香草的气息。

5、A very ripe, assertive, profoundly structured and traditional warm year for Grange whose dark, brooding and brambly fruit and lavish oak are supported by drying, firm and chalky tannin. ─── 一款成熟迷人酒体深邃,并且选用传统温和年份葡萄酿制出的经典葛兰许,散发深色水果与荆棘类水果的芳香,橡木气息在强劲单宁的衬托下更为馥郁。

6、Wines from this varietal are dark in color with blackcurrant aromas with hints of violets. Black fruit flavors combine with herbaceous brambly flavors. ─── 此葡萄酿制而成的葡萄酒,色泽油黑,散发出黑加仑和紫罗兰的芳香;

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