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09-11 投稿



homeopathic 发音

英:[?h??mi??p?θ?k]  美:[?ho?mi??p?θ?k]

英:  美:

homeopathic 中文意思翻译



homeopathic 同义词

homeopathic 短语词组

1、anti syphilitic homeopathic remedy ─── 抗梅毒顺势疗法药物

2、sarcode homeopathic ─── 肉瘤顺势疗法

3、homeopathic alcohol ─── [医] 稀乙醇

4、staphysagria homeopathic remedy ─── 葡萄球菌顺势疗法

5、colocynth homeopathic remedy colocynth ─── 顺势疗法药物

6、crotalus horridus homeopathic remedy ─── 克罗塔卢斯恐怖顺势疗法药物

7、menyanthes homeopathic remedy ─── 曼尼亚斯顺势疗法

8、spongia homeopathic ─── 顺势疗法海绵

9、mezereum homeopathic ─── 梅泽鲁姆顺势疗法

10、staphysagria homeopathic ─── 葡萄球菌顺势疗法

11、copaiva homeopathic medicine ─── 科帕瓦顺势疗法药物

12、homeopathic treatment ─── 顺势疗法治疗

homeopathic 反义词


homeopathic 相似词语短语

1、homeopathically ─── 顺势疗法

2、homeopathy ─── n.[临床]顺势疗法;同种疗法

3、homeopaths ─── n.同种疗法医师;顺势医疗论者

4、homoeopathist ─── 同性恋者

5、homeopathist ─── 顺势疗法

6、homoeopathic ─── adj.顺势疗法的

7、homeoplastic ─── 等容性

8、homeopathists ─── 顺势疗法专家

9、homeopath ─── n.同种疗法医师;顺势医疗论者

homeopathic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Precise levels of homeopathic ingredients work safely and without side effects. ─── 顺势成分的精确水平使它安全有效,而且没有副作用。

2、injection of sterile water, procaine, morphine, vitamins, or homeopathic solutions through the inserted needles; ─── 通过插入的针注入蒸馏水,普鲁卡因,吗啡,维生素或顺势疗法液;

3、Naturopathic medicines, especially homeopathic remedies, provide fast relief without side effects, and can strengthen the immune system to prevent future hayfever attacks. ─── 自然疗法(尤其是顺势疗法)可为花粉症病人提供迅速、安全而无副作用的治疗,并能加强患者自身的免疫防御能力,预防花粉症再临。

4、There are hundreds of homeopathic remedies, which practitioners prescribe in various combinations based on a patient's mental, emotional and physical symptoms. ─── 顺势疗法的药方成百上千,医生根据患者的精神状况、情绪以及身体症状开出不同的药物组合。

5、On average, those patients who were given a homeopathic medicine were 2.45 times more likely to experience a therapeutically beneficial result than those patients given a placebo. ─── 平均而论,吃顺势疗法这一组的病人在疗效上是安慰剂组的二倍半。

6、“A fraction of a teaspoon is a homeopathic dose,” he said. ─── “一茶勺的一部分只是顺式疗法的剂量(指微乎其微)”他说。

7、Pan-American Homeopathic Medical Congress ─── 泛美顺势疗法医学大会

8、There is no expiration date on any of our homeopathic products, except for our Hyland’s Vitamin C. ─── 在我们公司的任何一款顺势的产品上没有到期日的标法,除了Hyland's的维生素C小片。

9、Eastcom Peace (002,017 shares of it, market, information, the main transaction) back to the years of the recent stock homeopathic line of regional shocks, the biggest drop of 37%. ─── 东信和平(002017股吧,行情,资讯,主力买卖)近期该股顺势回落至年线区域震荡,最大跌幅高达37%。

10、People with conditions such as HIV, TB and malaria should not rely on homeopathic treatments, the World Health Organization has warned. ─── 世界卫生组织警告道,患有艾滋病、肺结核和疟疾的人不应该依靠顺势疗法。

11、It should likewise not apply to homeopathic medicinal product eligible for a marketing authorisation or for a registration under Directive2001/83/ EC. ─── 它同样不适合可以获得市场准入或根据2001/3/C指令可以注册的顺势疗法药品。

12、B&T is a memeber of Homeopathy International, which conducts research to ensure the safety and effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines. ─── 这让他们不断的改善产品并取得最终目标,提供人们治疗的最好选择。

13、The Longevity International has been devoting herself to propagate the global homeopathic medicine ─── 朗卫国际致力推动全球顺势医学

14、In the week following my initiation, I went back to the homeopathic doctor for the one-month check up. ─── 印心后的那一周,我回去看同种疗法的医生,做每个月的检查。

15、That animals, in spite of prevention, fall ill, they must be treated; preference is to be given to natural or homeopathic treatments. ─── 尽管给予了预防,但是万一那些动物生病它们必须被特别关爱特别对待,给它们进行自然的顺势疗法。

16、Have homeopathic remedies ready in case of a reaction. ─── 准备好应对疫苗反应的药物。

17、Homeopathic Ointment For the temporary symptomatic relief of skin irritations due to sunburn, windburn and chafing or diaper rash. Promotes healing of minor cuts and abrasions of the skin. ─── 顺势疗法的药膏缓解以下情况引起来的皮肤刺激:晒伤,吹风引起的皮肤炎,尿疹。促进皮肤的小伤口和磨损的愈合。

18、It should likewise not apply to homeopathic medicinal product eligible for a marketing authorisation or for a registration under Directive 2001/83/EC. ─── 它同样不适合可以获得市场准入或根据2001/83/EC指令可以注册的顺势疗法药品。

19、Their target: homeopathic remedies. ─── 他们的靶子:顺势疗法药物。

20、Their target: homeopathic remedies. Their method: consume huge amounts of these treatments to debunk them altogether. ─── 他们的靶子:顺势疗法药物。他们的方法:运用大量的此类疗法以便一起揭穿。

21、homeopathic medicines/remedies/treatments ─── 顺势疗法药物;顺势疗法;顺势治疗

22、Subject_Topical_Eng: Vitamins;Minerals;Homeopathic Remedies;Herbal Remedies;Ayurvedic Products;Weight Loss;Detoxification Products;Diabetic Products ─── 维他命;矿物质;顺势疗法;草药治疗;减肥;解毒产品;糖尿病产品

23、Until that time, I guide you to utilize whatever herbs, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, acupuncture, mud baths, mineral pools, salt baths or massage necessary to move the pain. ─── 在那以前,我指导你利用所需的无论是草本、顺势疗法、香料按摩、针灸、泥浆沐浴、矿物水池、盐浴,还是按摩去移动痛苦。

24、Pre-stock homeopathic rapid decline, but the volume quickly shrink, indicating a bargaining chip lock of good short-term quick gains, a greater chance of afternoon upstream. ─── 前期该股顺势快速回落,但成交量快速萎缩,显示筹码锁定性良好,短线快速走高,后市上行机会较大。

25、Site of Longevity International headquarter registered in Albuquarque City of New Mexico State. To modify and improve the traditional homeopathic drugs by adopting the latest medical technology. ─── 朗卫国际总部所在地注册于新墨西哥州Albuquarque市,采用最新医药科技对传统顺势药物改进及提高。

26、Using correct homeopathic remedies and nosodes can help the SLE cases effectively.But first of all have to find and clean the causes. ─── 使用正确的同类疗法制剂和病理制剂可以有效的帮助SLE,但是必须先找出并且去除起因。

27、The Production Base Of Longevity International Homeopathic Drugs ─── 朗卫国际顺势药物生产基地

28、A homeopathic combination for the temporary relief of symptoms of runny nose and sneezing due to common head colds in children. ─── 复合的天然顺势产品,用于暂时缓解儿童因为普通感冒引起流鼻涕打喷嚏的症状。

29、"A fraction of a teaspoon is a homeopathic dose, " he said. ─── “一茶勺的一部分只是顺式疗法的剂量(指微乎其微)”他说。

30、homeopathic alcohol ─── [医] 稀乙醇

31、Subject_Topical_Eng: Naturopathy;Natural Medicine;Integrative Medicine;Internal Medicine;Naturopathic Medicine;Preventative Medicine;Hydrotherapy;Homeopathic Medicine;Herbs;Nutrition ─── 自然疗法;自然药物;综合药物;国内药物;自然疗法药物;预防性药物;水疗;顺势疗法药物;草本植物;营养学

32、We want to buy Pharmaceutical, Medical, Health, Herbal, Homeopathic, Beauty, Cosmetics Products, Equipment and Related Services Herbal and Botanical Products ─── 我们要采购药学的,医生,健康,草药的,同种疗法的,美容,化妆品产品,设备和相关的服务草药和植物产品

33、Three weeks before initiation, I had visited a highly regarded homeopathic doctor to get another opinion on my illness. ─── 印心三个星期前,我去看了一位颇负声望的同种疗法医生,想对我的病听取另外一些看法。

34、In my clinic as a homeopathic pediatrician, my efforts are dedicated to understanding what promotes health. ─── 我的诊所里,作为一名顺势疗法的儿科医生,我努力的方向就是探索促进健康的方法。

35、Subject_Topical_Eng: Thymely; Organic Herbs; Aromatherapy; Homeopathic Remedies; Flower Essences; Natural Skin Care Products ─── 麝香草属植物;有机药草;香料按摩;同种疗法药物;花卉香精;天然护肤产品

36、Previous homeopathic stock dropped, but a dramatic drop in volume, indicating a bargaining chip locked inside a good short-term contrarian up, there should be room for a rebound. ─── 前期该股顺势回落,但成交量明显萎缩,显示场内筹码锁定良好,短线逆势上行,应有反弹空间。

37、Bach Flower Remedies are homeopathic flower essences that have an effect on emotions. ─── 这个疗法采用了顺势花朵疗法中对情绪会产生效果的精华部分。

38、Those in tablet form usually need to be diluted or crushed, since much of the effect of a homeopathic remedy occurs in the mouth. ─── 片剂形式的人通常需要稀释或粉碎,因为一个顺势疗法的效果在口发生。

39、Facing the increasingly severer tendencies of worsened global enviroment leading to raising number of diseases to humankind, Longevity International has collected the homeopathic pharmaceutical preparations. ─── 面对日益严重的全球性环境恶化导致人类疾病大幅度上升趋势,朗卫国际收集全球各地顺势药物资料精心进行分析,得出最好的处方及制剂工艺。

40、First of all, because such large decreases in stock, many of them deliberately to suppress the main homeopathic ingredients; ─── 首先,由于该类股票跌幅偏大,其中不乏主力顺势刻意打压的成分;

41、Member of international homeopathic medicine society ─── 国际顺势疗法协会成员

42、Avoid food, drink (except water), toothpaste, chewing gum, coffee, mints, etc. 30 minutes before and after use to lessen the likelihood of interference with the homeopathic action. ─── 服用时,在30分钟前后要避免食饮、水饮(喝水除外)、牙膏、口香糖、咖啡、薄荷等等,从而减少其它物质对顺势疗法物质的干扰和影响。

43、For example, "Apis", a substance extracted from bee venom in a homeopathic dilution will help reduce congestion from an inflammatory lesion similar to that of a bee sting. ─── 兽医顺势疗法应用 150年来得到了不断的发展,符合强化养殖业以及更近的生态农业发展的需要。

44、Add to that what I spent on natural and homeopathic products and treatments and you can see why I wish I could have avoided it altogether. ─── 加上我在顺势治疗的花费,你就可以理解为什么我希望能省下这些钱。

45、He now holds licenses and doctorates in three fields of medicine: Naturopathic Medicine, Homeopathic Medicine and Chinese Medicine (including Acupuncture and Herbology). ─── 迄今为止在三个领域获得的学位和许可证:自然疗法,顺势疗法和中医!

46、Made in accordance with the U.S. Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia. ─── 全天然成分,无副作用,无糖分,无睡意,符合美国顺势疗法药典

47、Homeopathic Medicine and Female Practitioners ─── 顺势疗法术和女性行医者

48、A homeopathic drug is very delicate. ─── 顺势疗法药物的制作非常精细。

49、Suggested that homeopathic remedies should be tried. ─── 他推荐/建议说顺势疗法应该试一试的。

50、homeopathic pharmacopoeia ─── 顺势疗法药典

51、The letters HPUS indicate that this ingredient is officially included in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. ─── 字母HPUS表明,这种成分被正式列入美国顺势疗法药典。

52、Therefore, after the entrance of liquid, preferably rapidly in the tongue base with storage, natural ingested, can also be used to the spoon directly into the liquid ingested homeopathic tongue base. ─── 因此,药液入口后,最好迅速含贮于舌根部,自然咽下,也可用汤匙直接将药液送至舌根顺势咽下。

53、From our herbal and homeopathic dispensary we custom blend herbs and homeopathic remedies to suit your needs. ─── 我们努力为你提供最多的资讯。

54、Dr Massimo Mangialavori -A doctor in Modena using homeopathic remedies. CV, cases and articles, courses, publications. Humor from Dr Bufo. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

55、Pharmaceutical, Medical, Health, Herbal, Homeopathic, Beauty, Cosmetics Products, Equipment and Related Services Herbal and Botanical Products ─── 采购产品药学的,医生,健康,草药的,同种疗法的,美容,化妆品产品,设备和相关的服务草药和植物产品

56、Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States ─── 美国顺势疗法药典

57、Now wait a minute , we heard about a guy in Florida. The poor man , he was on homeopathic medicine . ─── 但是,我们听说佛罗里达的一个人,可怜的家伙,服用了同种疗法的药。

58、Homeopathic medicines are natural substances which work by gently stimulating the body's own self-healing abilities. ─── 顺势疗法药物是天然的物质,能温和的刺激机体的自我治愈的能力。

59、In homeopathic theory, skin ailments and eruptions are the most minor of all conditions. ─── 在顺势治疗的理论里,皮肤病或发疹是众多情况里最轻微的。

60、Pre-stock homeopathic drop obtained at pre-platform support, short-term 60-day return to the online side, ready to take a more full and shortly after the performance there are still opportunities. ─── 前期该股顺势回落,在前期平台处获得支撑,短线重返60日线上方,蓄势较为充分,后市仍有表现机会。

61、,homeopathic medicine;,natural medicine; ─── 于是男孩开始改变;

62、Handpick Homeopathic Cases in China ─── 中国顺势疗法病例精选

63、At this disenchanted moment a little lame duck of her own breed was welcome to June, so homeopathic by instinct ─── 在这样一个幻想破灭时刻,一个至亲骨肉的可怜虫对琼说来是受欢迎的,从本能上觉得这是很好的顺势疗法。

64、homeopathic remedy ─── 顺式治疗药

65、Subject_Topical_Eng: Herbal Products;Homeopathic Products;Ayurvedic;Traditional Chinese Medicines;Cancer Therapies;Integrative Medicine;oncology ─── 草药产品;顺势疗法产品;传统的中药;癌症疗法;综合药物;肿瘤学

66、A solution of a concentrated plant, mineral, or animal substance in alcohol used as the basis for a homeopathic remedy after dilution and vigorous shaking. ─── 基于顺势疗法的治疗法,表现为一种由植物、矿物或动物成分组成的浓缩药液加入酒精,经过稀释和猛烈摇晃后应用于顺势疗法。

67、How to Use Homeopathic medicine? ─── 怎样使用顺势疗法药物?

68、The Longevity International has adopted at option the advanced technologies and facilities of pharmaceutical preparations to make sure the quality of the excellent homeopathic medicines. ─── 朗卫选用先进的药物制剂工艺和设备,确保生产出最优秀的顺势药物。

69、DESCRIPTION: A composite homeopathic formula for modulating the imbalance in the metabolic terrain often resulting in the following stress reactions: lack of energy, weakness and fatigue. ─── 性状描述:一种利用顺势疗法来调整代谢紊乱的复合处方,常伴随以下病征如:周身倦怠乏力。

70、In this way, we offer the pertinent topic about "Ziwu Cyclic Formula" to absorb homeopathic products and help our members and agents. ─── 我公司特推出“子午流注”专题,希望可以对消费会员和代理经销商有所帮助。

71、Subject_Topical_Eng: Herbs; Vitamins; Vegetarian; Homeopathic; Products; Medicine ─── 药草;维他命;素食;顺势疗法;产品;药

72、He proposed/suggested that we should try homeopathic remedies. ─── 他推荐/建议我们应该试一试顺势疗法。

73、It should likewise not apply to homeopathic medicinal products eligible for marketing authorization or for registration under Directive 2001/83/EC. ─── 它同样不适合根据2001/83/EC指令可以获得市场准入或注册的顺势疗法药品。

74、Bad diet is considered an "obstacle to cure" in homeopathic theory, and most skin conditions resolve on their own, "from within outward," when the diet is addressed appropriately. ─── 在顺势治疗的理论里,差劣的饮食会被视为治疗的绊脚石。只要有适当的饮食,所有皮肤问题均会由内至外自自然然地被解决。

75、DESCRIPTION: A composite homeopathic formula for modulating the imbalance in the large intestine terrain often resulting in the following stress reactions: loose stools and diarrhea. ─── 性状描述:一种利用顺势疗法来调整大肠功能失调的复合处方,常伴随以下病征如:便少便溏。

76、Homeopathic Medicine is a safe treatment alternative for most minor ailments. ─── 顺势疗法的产品是对大多数小毛病的一种安全的治疗选择。

77、A composite homeopathic formula for modulating the imbalance in injured skin, muscle and tissue terrain often resulting in the following stress reactions: swelling, pain, bruising and discoloration. ─── 性状描述:一种利用顺势疗法来调整受损皮肤、肌肉和组织的功能失调的复合处方,常伴随以下病征如:肿胀、疼痛、擦伤和褪色变色。该处方须在专业医学人员指导下用药。

78、As well as promoting the homeopathic medicine, Longevity International also has applied the technics of homeopathic therapy to the articles of daily use chemical industry. ─── 朗卫国际在推广顺势医学的过程中,也将顺势疗法的生产工艺应用于日化用品。

79、International Homeopathic League ─── 国际顺势疗法联合会

80、At this disenchanted moment a little lame duck of her own breed was welcome to June, so homeopathic by instinct. ─── 在这样一个幻想破灭时刻,一个至亲骨肉的可怜虫对琼说来是受欢迎的,从本能上觉得这是很好的顺势疗法。

81、Otherwise, stay home, rest, drink fluids -- and wash your hands thoroughly, something that practitioners of holistic, herbal, homeopathic and conventional medicine all recommend. ─── 如果没有上述情况,那就在家休息、多喝水并彻底洗手,这是无论全科医生、草药医生、顺势疗法治疗师还是常规医师都一致推荐的。

82、Side effects, drug interactions, tolerance, and addiction are unknown among users of homeopathic medicines. ─── 副作用、药物交叉作用、抗药性、药物上瘾在顺势疗法类产品中都不会存在。

83、Homeopathic medicine for infants and toddlers safe and effective no known side effects all natural. ─── 婴幼儿天然顺势产品,安全有效,无副作用,全天然。

84、homeopathic symbol for the decimal scale of potencies ─── 十进制效度的顺势疗法符号

85、Baumol believes in homeopathic remedies. ─── 鲍莫尔求助于顺势的补救。

86、Learn about these homeopathic products containing extract of Avena Sativa. ─── 产品目录: Offers Vigorex Forte/Femme wholesale to the public.

87、Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States ─── 美国顺势疗法药典, 美国民间用药药典

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