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09-11 投稿



grainy 发音

英:[?ɡre?ni]  美:[?ɡre?ni]

英:  美:

grainy 中文意思翻译



grainy 网络释义

adj. 粒状的;木纹状的;多粒的;有纹理的

grainy 短语词组

1、soldier grainy club ─── [网络] 士兵粒状俱乐部

2、grainy club ─── [网络] 颗粒状的俱乐部

3、grainy club mushrooms ─── [网络] 颗粒状的俱乐部蘑菇

grainy 词性/词形变化,grainy变形


grainy 相似词语短语

1、Igraine ─── n.伊格赖因(英国亚瑟王传奇中的母后)

2、gracing ─── n.优雅;恩惠;魅力;慈悲;vt.使优美;n.(Grace)人名;(英)格雷斯,格雷丝(女名);(法)格拉斯

3、grains ─── n.[作物]谷粒(grain的复数);双齿鱼叉,多齿鱼叉

4、gradine ─── n.(圣坛后方的)一级低台阶

5、grain ─── 粮食

6、graine ─── n.棱纹塔夫绸;蚕卵

7、brainy ─── adj.聪明的;脑筋好的;有头脑的

8、rainy ─── adj.下雨的;多雨的;n.(Rainy)人名;(英)雷尼

9、granny ─── n.奶奶;外婆;婆婆妈妈的人

grainy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To make rough and grainy. ─── 使表面粗糙或粒状化

2、made grainy or formed into granules. ─── 粒状的或由颗粒形成的。

3、Under a high-powered microscope, muscle tissue is seen as long, slender cells with a grainy texture like wood. ─── 在高倍显微镜下,看见的肌肉组织是像木材那样具木头纹理结构的长形,细长细胞。

4、The original stone material and craft: Our products all adopt top grade grainy jade(alias: TAIYI stone)the stone texture is clear, surface polish no easy to wear away, edge smooth and thick. ─── 原石料与工艺:我们的产品均采用高档木纹玉(别名:泰一石)石纹条理清晰,外抛光不易磨花、边缘韵厚。

5、The filtration of grainy filtering media widely applies to the advanced treatment technology for wastewater. ─── 粒状滤料过滤技术广泛用于废水的深度处理。

6、too full of content? Are the images grainy? ─── 内容太多了?图像太粗糙?

7、little grainy material ─── 小颗粒状物料

8、In torments, old Martel watches this grainy surveillance footage every night, like a producer watching the daily rushes, while a lip-reader must recite the lovers' amorous whisperings live. ─── 晚年的马德尔便这样折磨自己,每夜观看这些微碎的监视录像片段,彷如制作人观看每天的匆促影片;唇读者定要读谂恋人之间的绵绵情话。

9、When applied to fannings the alternative term grainy is used. ─── 当应用于茶替代任期肌理更是突飞猛进。

10、grainy paper ─── 粒状花纹纸

11、The photos are grainy, blotchy and blurry, but for millions of people now toting cell phones with built-in digital cameras, it doesn't seem to be about the megapixels - or at least not yet. ─── 带摄像头手提电话拍的照片图像斑驳而且模糊,但对数以千万计的这类电话的用户来说是否有百万像素无关紧要,至少现在来说是这样。

12、the gray, grainy, complex nature of existence and the ragged edges of our lives as we actually live them(bA. Bartlett Giamatti) ─── 存在那乏味的、细微的、复杂的本性和我们生命中众多的险境(bA.巴特利特 贾马泰伊)

13、The large coarsened martensite and grainy bainite are the internal causes of brittlement. ─── 粗大的马氏体和焊接过程产生的粒状贝氏体是脆化的内在原因.

14、To impart an irregularly rough, grainy surface to(leather or paper). ─── 弄粗糙,印卵石花纹给(皮革或纸张)以极为粗糙和粒状表面

15、Wood is dry, grainy clear aesthetic, not the characteristics of deformation is not cracking. ─── 具有木质干燥、木纹清晰美观、不变形不开裂的特点。

16、On a monitor with 96 dpi, a photograph with 96 dpi will appear sharp and clear, while a photograph with higher or lower resolutions may appear blurry or grainy. ─── 在96 dpi的监视器中,96 dpi的照片显示会醒目而清晰,而更高或更低的分辨率都会导致显示模糊或粗糙。

17、Develop the Pneumatics System of the Automatic Transporting Bag Equipment for Packaging Grainy Material ─── 粒料包装机自动输袋装置的气动系统设计

18、Abstract: The way to design the rotation-cage-type drier of penetrating hot air to dry some friable grainy material was discussed in this paper. ─── 摘 要: 为了解决某些易碎颗粒物料的烘干问题,设计了穿流转笼式烘干机。

19、But skeptics have challenged accounts of sightings, and practical jokers have staged hoaxes that have included grainy film footage of people dressed in costumes. ─── 但是怀疑论者一直认为没有证据证明这个传说,爱开玩笑的人也只是以舞台形象来向人们展示大足野人的存在。


21、Grainy--- allows various quantities and intensities of grain to be added to a sequence. ─── 允许在序列图像中增加不?通数量和亮度的颗粒。

22、The geometry shape of crystal separated on the outer surface of ferrous beads took on several different types such as grainy, acicular, nubby, sheet and scale. ─── 磁珠表面析晶体形貌呈粒状、针状、块状、片状和鱼鳞状多种。

23、One of the original natural blond starlets, Linda's scenes, especially in the 70's, were often on grainy film quality which belied her very real beauty. ─── 简介: Although her film history only shows films from '81 - '87 Linda was part of the x-film scene in the 70's as well.

24、the gray, grainy, complex nature of existence and the ragged edges of our lives as we actually live them(A. Bartlett Giamatti) ─── 存在那乏味的、细微的、复杂的本性和我们生命中众多的险境(A.巴特利特 贾马泰伊)

25、forming-filling-sealing packaging grainy machine ─── 成型充填封口包装机

26、Add a dot pattern, a grainy black pattern or deep black shadows. ─── 新增一个点的模式,一个模式颗粒状黑色或深黑的影子。

27、"In the lepromatous (cutaneous) type, grainy masses infiltrate inflamed tissue under the skin, in the lining of the upper respiratory tract, and in the testes; if this form of the disease is left untreated, the outlook is poor." ─── 癞瘤型(皮肤型)麻疯的粒状团块渗入皮肤底下的发炎组织、上呼吸道黏膜以及睪丸之中,若未经治疗,病情堪虑。

28、He drifts into a region of woodlike patterns and then evolves his way to the exact grainy, knot-ridden piney look which he can use to color a wall in a video he is making. ─── 他随意进入了一个木质图案的区域,随后顺利进化出木纹精确、树节密布的松树一样的纹理,正好可以用来给制作中的视频里的墙面增色。

29、The main content of filtration theory of grainy filtering media consists of filtration mechanism,filtration equation and backwashing mechanism. ─── 本文对采用泡沫陶瓷过滤器的浇注系统过滤机制进行了分析 ,并确定了过滤效率的方程式。

30、All it has to go on are a couple of grainy black and white photographs of two women sitting on a garden seat watching Sheila drinking out of a tin bucket beside the back door of the house. ─── 然而希拉却没有遭到这样的厄运,它被动物园管理员带到了位于怀特维尔路的一个红砖房里,这所房子的女主人在她家后院为希拉提供庇所数月之久,直到轰炸结束。

31、The film is shot in grainy black and white. ─── 这部电影拍成有颗粒状的黑白片。

32、Stone, Asphalt, Oranges. Normally for Bump-Mapping to create grainy surfaces. ─── 石头、沥青、桔子。一般用于冲突映射以闯将粒状表面。

33、granular; grainy ─── 粒状

34、Everything was greenish and grainy, and the unretouched prints looked more like the lake-bed with a flurry of stirred-up sand. ─── 这些未经处理的图片整体呈暗绿色,颗粒感很重,看起来更像是搅起一阵沙浪的湖底。

35、Too bad it's just a grainy picture taken with my phone's camera. ─── 不过是我的电话的照相质素,实在太差而已。

36、grainy GaN micro-crystal ─── 粒状GaN微晶

37、ANALYSIS: Sensing Salt on the Sea — No More Grainy pictures. ─── 分析称:感知海洋盐度——而不是精细化的照片。

38、18. Invisible under the stars, an ummanned American spy plane circled inaudibly over a stretch of dark landscape, transmitting grainy images back to the United States. ─── 在星星的掩映下,美国的一架无人驾驶侦察机悄无声息地盘旋在夜空中,向美国传回颗粒状图像。

39、The surface is now slightly knobby and feels a bit grainy. ─── 现在表面略有诺比,感觉有点粒状。

40、The coaly muddy water is difficult to use,the main reason is the small grainy coaly mucl is amassed in the coaly muddy water for a long time. ─── 细粒煤泥在煤泥水中的长期积聚是影响煤泥水处理效果的主要原因。

41、When you put some on your hands you can feel little grainy bits that I guess are supposed to help remove styling residue? ─── 当挤在手心里一些的时候会感觉到有细小颗粒状的物质存在,我猜想难道这些颗粒就是帮助清除定型残留的?

42、Pear flesh is white and juicy, and grainy in texture. ─── 梨肉雪白,多汁,肉质呈颗粒状。

43、An irregularly rough, grainy surface, as on leather or paper. ─── 粗糙表面,卵石花纹不均匀的粗糙状表面,如皮革或纸面

44、Always try to use the lowest value possible.A value too low will result in a grainy looking refraction. ─── 太低的反射值将产生颗粒状的折射射效果。

45、To impart an irregularly rough,grainy surface to(leather or paper. ─── 弄粗糙,印卵石花纹给(皮革或纸张)以极为粗糙和粒状表面

46、Primary Study on Filtration Theory of Grainy Filtering Media ─── 粒状滤料过滤理论浅析

47、This grainy video from the Greek Navy shows captured pirates in the Gulf of Aden. ─── 来自希腊海军的视频出现了在亚丁湾被抓获的海盗。

48、Discussion on Development and Application of Grainy Filtering Media Filtration ─── 粒状滤料过滤技术发展与应用的探讨

49、Keywords grainy rupture;banded-structure;inclusions; ─── 木纹状断口;带状组织;夹杂物;

50、Always try to use the lowest value possible.A value too low will result in a grainy looking reflection. ─── 太低的反射值将产生颗粒状的反射效果。

51、The original stone material and craft: Our products all adopt top grade grainy jade( alias: TAIYI stone) the stone texture is clear, surface polish no easy to wear away, edge smooth and thick. ─── 原石料与工艺:我们的产品均采用高档木纹玉(名:泰一石)纹条理清晰,外抛光不易磨花、缘韵厚。

52、Under a high-powered microscope,muscle tissue is seen as long,slender cells with a grainy texture like wood. ─── 在高倍显微镜下, 肌肉组织看起来是长而细的细胞,带有像木头一样的粒状肌理。

53、grainy filtering media ─── 粒状滤料

54、As the process starts up, a long, thin stationary nanotube appears against a featureless, grainy backdrop. ─── 一开始,细长形奈米碳管静止于平淡无奇的粗糙背景上。

55、Grainy Photographic film or print with coarse grain visible usually due to high speed of film.See dryingprocess. ─── 在照相菲林或相纸上见到颗粒,这是高速菲林常见的情况。

56、Development of the Automatic Bag Transporting Equipment for Packaging Grainy Material ─── 粒料包装机自动输袋装置的研制

57、Note: Images can become blurry when scaling up or grainy if they're scaled down too much. ─── 注意:图像可能会因为大幅度的缩放而变得起杂点或者模糊。

58、Full information, and the grainy, mobile phone camera images, popped up on the magazine's website over the last few days. ─── 全部资料,并呈粒状,手机摄像头的图像,弹出关于该杂志的网站在过去几天。

59、Why do my printed pictures look blurry or grainy? ─── 为什么我的打印图片看起来模糊或有纹理?

60、Under a high-powered microscope, muscle tissue is seen as long, slender cells with a grainy texture like wood. ─── 在高倍显微镜下,看见的肌肉组织是像木材那样具木头纹理结构的长形,细长细胞。

61、Some Malaysians are comparing the grainy video of a woman being forced to strip and perform squats by a police officer to the abuses perpetrated by coalition forces in Iraq. ─── 大意是说有些马来西亚人把这次的事件跟上次在伊拉克监狱美军虐待囚犯作比较。

62、To playback the images, a special computer and tape reader setup (pictured below) was built, outputting the grainy images on a standard TV. ─── 为了播放这些相片,还生产出了一种特别的计算机和磁带阅读机(如下图),然后在一台标准的电视机上呈现出灰白图像。

63、Having a grainy texture. ─── 有粒状结构的

64、3.His mother, as free with a slap as with a hug, bars Toto from his beloved movie house when she finds he has again spent 50 lire, the milk money, on its grainy offerings. ─── 他的母亲,总是忽冷忽热的,当她发现托托又花了50里拉的牛奶钱在那些没用的东西上时就困住他不让他去心爱的电影院。

65、To become granular or grainy. ─── 变成颗粒状

66、Equipped with each kind of accessories, this instrument can measure the surface that is grainy, disordered machining lines, low-reflection workpiece surface; ─── 利用光波的干涉原理和显微镜非接触检测特点对试样表面上高度极微小差别进行测量。

67、Keywords Grainy mineral Fibrous mineral dust Pulmonary alveolar macrophage(AM) Cytotoxicity; ─── 粒状矿物;纤维状矿物粉尘;肺泡巨噬细胞;细胞毒性;

68、Applied Research on the Pre-grinding Technology with a Standing Millstone of Grainy Furnace Slag ─── 粒化高炉矿渣立式磨预粉磨技术应用研究

69、For years they've pored over grainy shots in the red-tops of the famous doing what they oughtn't with people they shouldn't. ─── 以前这些人只能眯起眼睛认真研究报上小小糊糊的照片,看哪些名人又在不应该的地方跟不应该的人做不应该的事;

70、Finally the soya mixture looks kind of grainy as milk has seperated from okara. ─── 最后你会看见奶一样的豆浆和豆渣分开了。

71、The grainy sand had gone from under his feet ─── 粗沙子已经从他脚下消失了。

72、The price of computer memory and hardware meant that pictures taken on digital cameras looked grainy against the cheapest point-and-shoot ─── 就计算机内存和硬件的代价而言,数码相机拍摄的照片与最便宜的傻瓜相机相比,粒子显得太粗

73、Study on Dynamic Weighing System Mathematic Model of Little Grainy Material Ton-bag Filling Machine ─── 小颗粒状物料吨袋充填机动态称重系统数学模型的研究

74、"the gray, grainy, complex nature of existence and the ragged edges of our lives as we actually live them" (A. Bartlett Giamatti) ─── “存在那乏味的、细微的、复杂的本性和我们生命中众多的险境”(A.巴特利特·贾马泰伊)

75、the gray,grainy,complex nature of existence and the ragged edges of our lives as we actually live them(bA.Bartlett Giamatti) ─── 存在那乏味的、细微的、复杂的本性和我们生命中众多的险境(bA.巴特利特·贾马泰伊)

76、The sand near Grey Reef was black and grainy and gritty. ─── 格瑞瑞夫一带的沙子呈黑色,粗糙、坚砺。

77、"Heitan jade" is the natural grey grainy black coherent patterns, it also called "grainy black" or "black wood. ─── “黑檀玉石”具有天然的黑灰色木纹条理图案,故又名为“木纹黑”或“黑木纹”。

78、Standing in the wheel house, I suddenly see the world as a grainy black-and-white film: all dark skies and white-capped water, everything bouncing in and out of focus. ─── 站在驾驶室,我突然觉得世界象是一个粒状的黑白电影:漆黑的天空和有白泡沫的浪,一切在屏幕交替活跃着。

79、Foods that are too runny or grainy are banned because portions might float off and interfere with equipment, JAXA said. ─── 太空航空开发机构说,水分过多或颗粒状的食物都会被禁止,因为食物可能会飘走并妨碍仪器。

80、Grainy pork and olive kernels ─── 橄榄仁肉丁

81、His grainy green skin rasped against the metal. ─── 因维大军不会放过你们的。”

82、Grainy: Photographic film or print with coarse grain visible usually due to high speed of film.See drying process. ─── 砂粒状:在照相菲林或相纸上见到颗粒,这是高速菲林常见的情况。

83、The findings have just appeared on Grainy (in Agronomy) Journal. ─── 发现已经发表在农业学杂志上。

84、A regional news agency, PortAmur, posted some photographs and a grainy, low-quality video that appeared to have been shot illicitly. ─── 地区通讯社PortAmur公布了一些照片和一段画面粗糙、质量不高的视频,视频看来是在未经允许的情况下偷拍的。

85、Grainy detail images of an undisguised model have also surfaced - but only these pictures tell the full story of this car's true character. ─── 对于”大姑娘上轿的细节纹理的照片纵然也已浮出水面---然而唯有这些图片将该车的“真性情”体现得淋漓尽致。

86、The design schema and design principle of the automatic bag transporting equipment for packaging grainy material was introduced. ─── 摘要介绍了粒料包装机自动输袋装置的设计方案及设计原理。

87、The palate has a silky start and a grainy, mineral-rich finish. ─── 入口时立即感受丝般滑柔,最终有显见大地矿物气味结尾。

88、the gray,grainy,complex nature of existence and the ragged edges of our lives as we actually live them(A.Bartlett Giamatti) ─── 存在那乏味的、细微的、复杂的本性和我们生命中众多的险境(A.巴特利特·贾马泰伊)

89、grainy texture ─── 粒面质地

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