fragmentarily 发音
英: 美:
fragmentarily 中文意思翻译
fragmentarily 短语词组
1、fragmentarily definition ─── 断 ─── 断续续的定义
2、fragmentarily meaning ─── 断 ─── 断续续的意思
fragmentarily 反义词
sturdy |solid | strong | tough
fragmentarily 同义词
infirm | frangible | tenuous | precarious | shaky | slight | crisp | breakable | weak | slippery | flimsy | frail | crumbly | feeble | thin | aerial | dainty |brittle | in poor health | friable | delicate | unstable | puny
fragmentarily 词性/词形变化,fragmentarily变形
副词: fragmentarily |名词: fragmentariness |
fragmentarily 相似词语短语
1、fragmentariness ─── 破碎
2、elementarily ─── 基本地;初级地
3、fragmental ─── adj.破片的,碎片的;不完全的,零碎的
4、fragmentation ─── n.破碎;分裂;[计]存储残片
5、fragmentations ─── n.破碎;分裂;[计]存储残片
6、fragmentary ─── adj.碎片的;不完全的;断断续续的
7、documentarily ─── adv.在记录上;在文书上
8、fragmentally ─── 碎屑状地;断岩地
9、fragmentating ─── vt.使…裂成碎片
fragmentarily 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、However, in the process of highly intensive management, Phyllostachys praecox often bloomed fragmentarily. ─── 但在高度集约经营过程中,雷竹林经常出现零星开花。
2、You must approach this whole thing wholly, not fragmentarily. ─── 你必须完整非片面地接近这一切。
3、6.The complex symbology employed by the mystery religions has survived fragmentarily in Christianity, notable in church architecture and in the sacrifice of the Mass. ─── 神秘宗教所采用的复杂的象征在基督教中残存下来,这可以从教堂建筑和弥撒供奉中看出来。
4、Enters the shop fragmentarily the customer basic hires the housing primarily. ─── 零零星星进店的顾客基本以出租住房为主。
5、Around 88% wild bamboo species are in the type of flowering wholly. On the contrary,64% cultivated bamboo species are in the type of flowering fragmentarily. ─── 具体表现在:(1)在全体成片开花的竹种中野生种的比例高达88%,在零星开花的种类中栽培种的比例为64%。
6、And there was equal reason against doing the same thing fragmentarily in notes. ─── 也有同等的理由反对在笔记中不完整地作同类的事。
7、It is systematically and rather than answered afore-mentioned fundamental questions fragmentarily. ─── 它是系统地而非零星地回答了上述基本问题。
8、In addition, there is the Zungar descendants fragmentarily distribute in places such as: Ili, Chuguchak, AerTai, JmuSar. ─── 此外还有准噶尔后裔零星地分布在伊犁、塔城、阿勒泰、吉木萨尔等地。
9、Somewhat must write about his writing, takes down own mental journey fragmentarily, ─── 多多少少也要写点关于他的文字,零零碎碎记下自己的心路历程,
10、In addition, the color in onefold space is complex, meeting feeling space is broken up very fragmentarily , the house appears narrow. ─── 此外,单一空间中颜色复杂,会感觉空间被分割得很零碎,屋子显得狭窄。
11、In addition, the color in onefold space is complex, meeting feeling space is broken up very fragmentarily, the house appears narrow. ─── 此外,单一空间中颜色复杂,会感觉空间被分割得很零碎,屋子显得狭窄。
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