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09-14 投稿


fixedness 发音

英:[?f?kstn?s]  美:[?f?kstn?s]

英:  美:

fixedness 中文意思翻译



fixedness 同义词

fixture | immobility | fixity | permanence | stationariness |stability | secureness | immovability | unalterability | fastness

fixedness 反义词


fixedness 短语词组

1、fixedness define ─── 固定性定义

2、fixedness is a cognitive bias that ─── 固定是一种认知偏见

3、fixedness synonym ─── 固定同义词

4、fixedness psychology ─── 定势心理学

5、fixedness crossword ─── 固定填字游戏

6、fixedness antonym ─── 固定反义词

7、functional fixedness n. ─── 功能固着

fixedness 相似词语短语

1、feignedness ─── 星期日

2、fittedness ─── 适应力

3、vexedness ─── 气愤

4、tiredness ─── n.疲劳;疲倦

5、mixedness ─── 混合;混合度

6、refinedness ─── 精细度

7、unfixedness ─── 不善

8、piedness ─── n.杂色,斑驳

9、fadedness ─── 淡入,淡出;(电影、电视亮度)渐暗,(电影、电视声音)渐弱;(无线电)声音渐弱(fade的名词)

fixedness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Marketing channel is hardly developed. But it is fixedness. It help for strengthen the long competition ability. ─── 而营销渠道建立的难度和建成后的稳固性能增强企业持久竞争力。

2、Could you fix me up with a part-time job? ─── 你能安排我做一份零工吗?

3、Fix@ and @mend@ mean the same thing. ─── 修理和修补意思是一样的。

4、Excuse me,I have to go fix my face. ─── 对不起,我要去洗洗脸。

5、Why not fix the mirror on that wall? ─── 何不把镜子装在那边墙上?

6、Can you fix me up with a full-time job? ─── 你能否给我安排专职的工作?

7、He have to fix some papers together. ─── 他得把一些文件订在一起。

8、We will fix the price ,if you wish . ─── 如果你愿意,我们就把价钱确定下来。

9、She is in a bit of a fix with her thesis. ─── 她在论文上遇到了些问题。

10、Fix the protectors on the indoor walls or windows. ─── 将保护器固定在室内的墙壁上。

11、You ought to have Bill look at your TV. Maybe he could fix it. ─── 你应该请比尔给你检查一下电视机,也许他能把它修好。

12、Had he not concealed Fix's errand from his master? ─── 到底我为什么要一直对福克先生隐瞒住费克斯的身份呢?

13、He tried to fix his affection upon a former classmate but failed. ─── 他想同一位老同学谈恋爱,但失败了。

14、BUG fix for missing head mission crash? ─── 修正头部缺失导致任务崩溃的BUG?

15、Attach and fix the tap securely as illustrated. ─── 如图所示牢固地连接并固定分接头。

16、They fix up homes for the needy. ─── 他们使破碎的家庭破镜重圆。

17、What a fix that I left my key inside. ─── 多糟,我把钥匙忘在里面了。

18、If you want to interview the mayor,I can fix it. ─── 如果你要采访市长,我可以安排。

19、The section gang was called out to fix the broken bridge. ─── 养路工们被召集去抢修损坏的桥。

20、so yantai city , shandong province was taken as the research object to study how the policy of " 30 years fixedness " working in this areas ─── 本文选择有代表性的山东省烟台市作为研究对象,研究“30年不变”政策在该地区的实施状况。

21、Let's fix the pole in the ground properly. ─── 咱们把这根杆儿在地上插好。

22、Can you fix me up with a secretarial job ? ─── 你能不能给我安排一个秘书工作?

23、Maybe they can fix me up a shade-down somewhere. ─── 也许他们可以在什么地方为我安排一个地铺。

24、They're sending an engineer to fix the phone. ─── 他们要派一名技师来安装电话。

25、We're in a fix if we don't keep an eye open. ─── 如果我们不留点儿神,我们就会进退两难。

26、Don't you want to help me fix it? ─── 你们不想帮我修吗?

27、She went over and helped to fix up the quarrel. ─── 她走过去劝架。

28、To make repairs or restoration to; fix. ─── 修理修理或修复;整理

29、Can you fix up my friend with a date for the dance? ─── 你能给我朋友找个舞伴吗?

30、Using vacuum adsorb style fix up paper. ─── 固定纸张方式采用真空吸附方式。

31、Let's fix a day.Would Saturday night suit you? ─── 咱们确定一个日子吧,星期六晚上对你合适吗?

32、Can you fix up my radio? ─── 你能把我的收音机修好吗?

33、George has got(himself) into a fix by doing so absent-mindedly. ─── 乔治因为心不在焉地做了这事而使自己陷入困境。

34、Can you fix it with the director so that the meeting will be delayed? ─── 你能还同意经理安排一下推迟这次会议?

35、Fixedness operating frequency. you can adjust the width of pulse to change the output power. ─── 固定电路工作频率,调节脉冲宽度而改变输出功率。

36、The doctors couldn't fix his liver condition. ─── 医生们无法确定他有肝

37、Can you fix me up with a parttime job? ─── 你能给我安排一份业余工作吗?

38、If you want to meet the director, I can fix it. ─── 如果你想会见董事,我可以安排。

39、If you want to meet them,I can fix it. ─── 如果你想会见他们,我可以安排。

40、Fix emerged from his cabin and went on deck. ─── 当天,费克斯就从他的房舱里出来了。

41、Let's try to fix him up with a job. ─── 咱们设法给他安排一个工作。

42、He asked me if I could fix the matter up. ─── 他部我是不是可把那件事情安排一下。

43、They know how to fix their cars. ─── 他们知道怎样修理自己的汽车。

44、Harry tried to fix the chair,but he was all thumbs. ─── 哈利想修那把椅子,可他实在是笨手笨脚地。

45、Fix the antennas on the outdoor walls or windows. ─── 将天线固定在室外的墙壁上或窗口上。

46、It took him a little time to fix that watch. ─── 他很快就把表修理好了。

47、Can you fix up a meeting in a hotel? ─── 你能在饭店安排一次会议吗?

48、Bless my heart! We are in a fix. ─── 天呀! 我们真是进退两难。

49、You can not fix a judge in Britain . ─── 在英国,你不能贿赂法官。

50、We've got ourselves in a fix about this. ─── 在这个问题上我们已陷入了困境。

51、She went in to fix the sparse evening meal. ─── 她走进屋去准备简单的晚餐。

52、He went up the ladder to fix the tightrope. ─── 他爬上梯子去固定钢丝。

53、Fix the volatile search direction bug. ─── 修改了查找方向不稳定的问题。

54、Even if we never fix it, we somehow survive. ─── 即使我们从来不改正它,有时也没有问题。

55、Fix eyes on frolic wild fowls on the moor water. ─── 定睛凝视水泊上嬉戏的野禽。

56、Fix some typing error and translation issue. ─── 修正了一些打字错误和翻译的问题。

57、Can you fix me up with a part-time job? ─── 你能安排我做零工吗?

58、The Aspect is simple, and easy to fix up. ─── 外观简单,便于现场安装。

59、It made me remember Baudelaire's words that modernity is transition, short, incident; this is an half of art. Another is forever and fixedness. ─── 这叫我想起波德莱尔曾经说过的现代性就是过渡、短暂、偶然,这是艺术的一半,另一半是永恒和不变。

60、Don't worry, I'll fix it with Sarah. ─── 别着急,我会和萨拉商量安排好的。

61、Serving to fix colors in dyeing. ─── 媒染在染色中用于固定颜色的

62、Fix bayonets! ─── 上刺刀!

63、Fix wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employee. ─── 工资固定又无晋升机会遏制了雇员的积极性。

64、Can you fix me up with a secretarial job? ─── 你能不能给我安排一个秘书工作?

65、They'll only fix somthing and ruin us. ─── 他们只会搞些花样来害我们。

66、Excuse me, I have to go fix my face. ─── 对不起,我要去去洗手间。

67、Can you git a fix on the submarine? ─── 你能确定那潜艇的位置吗?

68、From here on,he knows,he can't just fix. ─── 从此他知道,他不能仅仅修理。

69、He promised to fix me up with a nice girl. ─── 他答应为我介绍一位妙龄女郎。

70、Mr. Stovel has the mechanic fix his car . ─── 史多夫先生让这个修理工修理他的汽车。

71、We will fix the price,if you wish. ─── 如果你愿意,我们就把价钱确定下来。

72、Fix's face seemed to have a singular expression. ─── 他发现费克斯的面部表情非常奇怪。

73、Tell him to behave, or I'll fix him. ─── 告诉他规矩点,否则我要收拾他。

74、They managed to get a fix on the yacht's position. ─── 他们设法确定了快艇的方位。

75、How long do you think it'll take to fix it? ─── 你看要修多长时间?

76、Would you like me to fix some coffee? ─── 你要不要我去准备一些咖啡?

77、Configuration files should fix this issue. ─── 应该就能解决这个问题。

78、It's very kind of you to help me fix my car. ─── 你真是太好了帮我把车给修好了。

79、He learned how to fix window glasses and latches. ─── 他学着装窗上的玻璃和插销。

80、You should fix the bed to the wall. ─── 你必须把床固定在墙上。

81、Can't you fix it somehow so that you could stay? ─── 你不能想法安排一下继续待下去?

82、Come tonight and we'll fix things for you. ─── 今天晚上来,我们给你安排一下。

83、I cannot give my thoughts to reading; if I sat unoccupied, they would brood with melancholy fixedness on I know not what. ─── 我不能安下心来读书,如果我闲坐的话,我未知之事会被这忧伤的思绪所笼罩。

84、fixedness cable already tunnel inner yi safe loop broken circuit and action ─── 固定电缆既坑道内之安全回路断路而动作。

85、"The foreman 'll fix that if you ask him, I guess. ─── “我想你要是去问工头的话,他会安排的。

86、Verify subtle bug fix before check-in. ─── 在签入之前验证细微的bug修复。

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