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09-14 投稿



somersault 发音

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英:  美:

somersault 中文意思翻译



somersault 网络释义

vi. 翻筋斗n. 筋斗;(意见、观点、态度等)180度的转变

somersault 短语词组

1、forward somersault ─── 向前翻滚;前空翻

2、somersault turn ─── [体]滚翻转身

somersault 词性/词形变化,somersault变形

现在分词:somersaulting f:somersaults 第三人称单数:somersaults 名词复数形式:somersaults 过去式:somersaulted 过去分词:somersaulted

somersault 相似词语短语

1、to summersault ─── 萨默索尔特

2、summersaulting ─── 夏天的

3、summersault ─── n.筋斗(等于somersault);vi.翻筋斗(等于somersault)

4、somersaults ─── n.翻滚,筋斗;(观点、态度等)180度的转变;v.翻筋斗

5、summersaulted ─── 夏天的

6、summersaults ─── n.筋斗(等于somersault);vi.翻筋斗(等于somersault)

7、somersaulted ─── n.翻滚,筋斗;(观点、态度等)180度的转变;v.翻筋斗

8、somersaulting ─── n.翻滚,筋斗;(观点、态度等)180度的转变;v.翻筋斗

9、to somersault ─── 翻筋斗

somersault 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A dive in which the diver leaves the board facing forward, does a back somersault, and enters the water feet first. ─── 后滚翻花式跳水跳水运动员面向前跳离跳板,向后翻腾一周后入水,身体直立脚先触水

2、He turned a somersault ─── 他翻了个筋头。

3、flying back 1/2 somersault ─── 向后飞身翻腾一周半

4、720 degree somersault ─── 720°旋

5、a dive in which the diver throws the feet forward to complete a full backward somersault and enters the water feet first and facing away from the diving board. ─── 一种跳水跳水者向前伸出脚来完成一个完整的后翻。


7、“I will turn a somersault!” Black bear then loops several times. ─── “我会翻跟头的!”狗熊“扑通扑通”连翻了好几个。

8、flying back somersault ─── 向后飞身翻腾

9、forward somersault 2 twists ─── 周

10、forward somersault 1 twist ─── 向前翻腾转体一周

11、On Experiment and Research of Organizing and Teaching of Method about Somersault ─── 头手翻组织教法的实验研究

12、Yes, but can your fiancé do this?" he said, executing a perfect back somersault and landing on his feet with a grin. ─── 是的,但你的未婚夫能像我这样吗?”说完,他做了一个完美的后空翻,稳稳的站住了,一脸坏笑。

13、backward somersault with two twists ─── 后空翻加转体两次

14、He was second after the third of five dives, only to fall out of a medal spot with an inward, 2 1/2 somersault that drew scores no higher than 6.5 for execution. ─── 在完成5跳中的第三跳后,他名列第二,可是,结果在跳一个向内翻腾两周半时,裁判对他空中动作的给分都不超过6.5分,因此他与奖牌无缘。

15、reverse double somersault ─── 反身翻腾两周

16、In the Kunju Opera, Shi Qian Stole The Armor, he turned a somersault form the top of five tables in hight and reappeared Shi Qian's heroic bearing. ─── 在《盗甲》一剧中以五张桌子高度翻腾而下,令人叫绝,重现《鼓上蚤》时迁的英姿。

17、He slumped with his shoulder on the door handle, the door opened and he fell out of the car in a backward somersault to land on his face in the mud. ─── 他肩膀撞在门把上,把车门撞开;接着一个倒栽葱翻到车外,脸朝下摔在泥地上。

18、A backward glance,somersault ─── 向后一瞥、翻一个筋斗.

19、outward somersault ─── 向外翻腾

20、cartwheel-11/2 sideward tucked somersault out ─── 侧手翻团身侧空翻

21、to do/turn a somersault ─── 做滚翻动作

22、One day Crum asked Sammy why he never tried a one-and-a- half somersault . ─── 一天,克拉姆问萨米为什么不试一试跑动翻腾一周半的动作。

23、inward 21/2 somersault ─── 向内翻腾两周半

24、cartwheel-11/2 backward piked somersault out ─── 侧手翻屈体后空翻

25、They fall, somersault, and get punched again and again. ─── 他们一跃而下、连翻筋斗、一次次冲锋。

26、forward somersault ─── 向前翻腾

27、Oh, what a somersault! ─── 噢,他的跟斗翻得多好啊!

28、Fund somersault many, the admission of new capital, are making the real estate section will be bred over a period of time up big opportunities. ─── 基金的空翻多,新资金的入场,均使得房地产板块将在一段时期内孕育大的上涨机会。

29、The gymnast performed a somersault on the beam. ─── 体操运动员在平衡木上做了个空翻。

30、flying reverse 11/2 somersault ─── 反身飞身翻腾一周半

31、backward somersault from the bar ─── 后空翻离杠

32、And he leapt into the air and did a little somersault. ─── 他跳到空中翻了一个小筋斗。

33、Forward handspring has great potentialities in its deve lopment among the forward somersault movements in floor exercises. ─── 前手翻在自由体操前空翻类动作发展方面具有较大的潜力。

34、After Olympic Games, does not have the holonomic system training her body weight slightly to have the rise, the somersault completes somewhat strenuously. ─── 在女子比赛中,老将程菲发挥一般,没有如愿包揽跳马、自由体操两金。

35、She performed a somersault with ease, ie easily. ─── 她一下子就翻了一个跟头。

36、"Somersault" marathon? ─── “翻跟头”马拉松?

37、flying reverse somersault ─── 反身飞身翻腾

38、Arab spring with tucked backward somersault ─── 侧手翻内转团身后空翻

39、inward double somersault ─── 向内翻腾两周

40、Walk to the park near your house. Do some somersaults. When was the last time you did a somersault, anyway? ─── 去你家附近的公园散步。在公园里翻几个筋斗。再想想,你最后一次翻跟斗是什么时候了的事情了?

41、forward flying somersault ─── 向前飞身翻腾

42、In the Kunju Opera,Shi Qian Stole The Armor,he turned a somersault form the top of five tables in hight and reappeared Shi Qian's heroic bearing. ─── 在《盗 甲》一剧中以五张桌子高度翻腾而下,令人叫绝,重现《鼓上蚤》时迁的英姿。

43、One day Crum asked sammy why he never tried a one-and-a-half somersault ─── 一天,克拉姆问萨米为什么不试一试跑动翻腾一周半的动作。

44、The Back Flip Iron Cross is a combination of two aerial tricks - the Back Flip and the Iron Cross.This is all about doing a somersault with your Skis crossed. ─── 后空翻铁十字是两个空中动作的结合----后空翻和铁十字。

45、Kelly: Did you hear the somersault marathon? It is truly straining. ─── 你听说过翻跟头马拉松吗?那才叫吃力呢。

46、“the straight body backward somersault swivel 720 degrees”, Yang Yi Lin as if violated the training not to let enhance the difficulty the request. ─── “直体后空翻转体720度”,杨伊琳似乎违背了教练不让提高难度的要求。

47、However, this family distributed side to upload the somersault this year in many movie promotions. ─── 不过,这家发行方今年已在多部影片的推广上载了跟头。

48、a dive in which the diver leaves the board facing forward,does a back somersault,and enters the water feet first ─── 后滚翻花式跳水,跳水运动员面向前跳离跳板,向后翻腾一周后入水,身体直立脚先触水

49、reverse somersault 1/2 twist ─── 反身翻腾转体半周

50、Arab spring with hollow backward somersault ─── 侧手翻内转直体后空翻

51、side somersault ─── 侧空翻

52、A backward somersault or handspring. ─── 后翻斤斗向后翻的筋斗或后手翻

53、backward stretched somersault;Backward roll ─── 后滚翻

54、Ferguson believes we might see that twisting somersault goal celebration at least 10 times this season. ─── 弗格森认为像今天这样的空翻庆祝进球动作我们本赛季至少能看到10次。

55、forward somersault out of support piked ─── 后摆屈体前空翻下

56、One day Crum asked Sammy why he never tried a one-and-a-half somersault. ─── 一天,克拉姆问萨米为什么不试一试跑动翻腾一周半的动作。

57、He slammed his head into the tower on the second somersault, fracturing his skull. ─── 他在做第二周翻腾时,头撞到了高台,撞碎了头盖骨。

58、a dive in which the diver throws the feet forward and up to complete a half backward somersault and enters the water facing the diving board. ─── 一种跳水跳水者伸出脚向前或向上来完成半个后翻。

59、The result of wrongly assistance everywhere is the more assistance, the more busy.To the end, could sad and frustrated Somersault Cloud find a job suitable for him? ─── 到处乱帮忙的结果,就是愈帮愈忙,难过又失意的觔斗云到底能不能找到适合他的工作呢?

60、make a somersault in midair ─── 在空中翻筋斗

61、In springboard competition, Louganis hit the diving board before he hit the water on a reverse 1-1/2 somersault dive, the result being not only a lousy dive, but a nasty gash on the head and fear of serious injury. ─── 在跳板比赛中做1周半反身空翻时,洛加尼斯在入水之前撞到了跳板,结果是不仅跳得很糟,而且头上划开了一个口子,恐怕还可能受了重伤。

62、Sun Wukong's somersault cloud and Nezha's Wind Fire Wheels are products of fantasy bearing humanity's dream to fly through the air. ─── 孙悟空的筋斗云,哪吒的风火轮,都是神奇想象的产物,寄寓了人类渴求飞速行进的美好愿望。

63、inward somersault ─── 向内翻腾

64、Back tuck somersault ─── 团身后空翻

65、A Brief Study on the Origin and Development of the Word "Somersault" ─── "筋斗"一词考略

66、Yet you turned a back- somersault in at the door-- Pray, what is the reason of that? ─── 可是你一个前空翻翻进门来,这是怎么搞的?请你讲讲。

67、That, at least, would be easier to do than a somersault. ─── 这件事要实现,至少比翻跟头容易吧。

68、An aerial gymnastic move performed on the parallel bars, rings, or other apparatus, especially a flying dismount with a somersault. ─── 空翻下杠在双杠、吊环或其他器械上进行的空中体育运动,尤指一百八十度腾空下杠的动作

69、somersault tuck ─── n. 团身空翻

70、Handspring Ford Somersault Twist 900° ─── 前手翻直体前空翻转体900°

71、reverse somersault 1 twist ─── 反身翻腾转体一周

72、Back somersault ─── 后空翻

73、"Turn a somersault in the sea," cried the mock turtle. ─── “在海里翻一个跟斗?”假海龟叫道。

74、Another criterion otherwise, both neither turn a somersault, also do not eat peach, smoke it with lash, it also does not break up. ─── 另一只则不然,既不翻跟头,也不吃桃子,用鞭子抽它,它也不翻。

75、an aerial gymnastic move performed on the parallel bars,rings,or other apparatus,especially a flying dismount with a somersault ─── 在双杠、吊环或其他器械上进行的空中体育运动,尤指一百八十度腾空下杠的动作

76、Sports A dive in which the diver leaves the board facing forward, does a back somersault, and enters the water feet first. ─── 后滚翻花式跳水:跳水运动员面向前跳离跳板,向后翻腾一周后入水,身体直立脚先触水

77、forward triple somersault ─── 向前翻腾三周

78、forward double somersault ─── 向前翻腾两周

79、Backflip in the air backward somersault in the air ─── 后空翻(杂技)

80、She performed a somersault with ease,ie easily. ─── 她一下子就翻了一个跟头.

81、front somersault ─── 前空翻

82、forward screw somersault ─── 前空翻转体360°类动作

83、It ranges from 1.2 for a simple forward dive to 3.5 for a highly difficult forward four and a half somersault dive. ─── 从一个单纯向前跳水的1.2到高难度向前翻腾四周半的3.5不等。

84、forward somersault 1/2 twist ─── 向前翻腾转体半周

85、cartwheel-11/2 backward tucked somersault out ─── 侧手翻团身后空翻

86、double backward somersault ─── 两次后空翻跳水

87、backward somersault ─── n. 后空翻

88、Sure enough, as she came down to land the somersault that opens her routine, her right foot slipped off the edge of the 4-inch beam. ─── 果然,当她翻上平衡木开始比赛时,右脚滑落了仅4英寸的平衡木。

89、He did a brilliant backward somersault. ─── 他翻了个漂亮的后翻跟头。

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