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09-14 投稿



hinted 发音

英:[?h?nt?d]  美:[?h?nt?d]

英:  美:

hinted 中文意思翻译






hinted 短语词组

1、hinted handoff ─── 暗示切换

2、hinted app store ─── 暗示应用商店

3、hinted at ─── 暗示;对别人 ─── 暗示……

4、hinted delicately ─── 微妙地暗示

hinted 常用词组

a hint of ─── 少许,一点点

hint at ─── 暗示;对别人暗示…

take a hint ─── 领会别人的暗示;接受暗示

hinted 词性/词形变化,hinted变形

动词过去式: hinted |动词现在分词: hinting |名词: hinter |动词过去分词: hinted |动词第三人称单数: hints |

hinted 相似词语短语

1、dinted ─── n.凹痕;vt.击出凹痕

2、hented ─── vt.抓;捕获;n.企图;目的

3、hunted ─── adj.被捕猎的;受迫害的;惴惴不安的;疲惫的;v.狩猎;追捕(hunt的过去式和过去分词)

4、tinted ─── adj.着色的,带色彩的;(玻璃)有色的;v.为……轻微染色;染(发)

5、hinter ─── n.暗示;线索(hint的变形)

6、vinted ─── v.酿造(葡萄酒或其他酒精饮料);n.(Vint)(美、英)文特(人名)

7、minted ─── adj.刚完成的;刚制作的;v.铸造;发明;铸币(mint的过去分词)

8、linted ─── n.软麻布;线头;棉绒;vi.飞散出棉线

9、ointed ─── 点名

hinted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As hinted at above, we needed to work out a few technical details when pulling DITA into the normalization processing stream. ─── 前面已经提到,为了将DITA引入规范的处理流,需要解决几方面的技术细节。

2、I dropped him a hint on the subject. ─── 关于那个问题我曾暗示过他。

3、He hinted broadly that he might be late. ─── 他明白地暗示他可能迟来。

4、Uber-babe Jenny McCarthy has hinted at the trials young actresses must undergo in Hollywood's seedier realms. ─── 超级宝贝简妮麦卡锡暗示说年轻女演员们在成名前必须忍受好莱坞不那么光鲜的一面。

5、Previous research hinted that FRAP and PAP may have a shared identity. ─── 以前的研究暗示,FRAP和PAP可有相同结构。

6、Her voice changed long again and I immediately hinted other colleagues around the office to keep silence. ─── 她说着说着声音又变了,拖长了。我立即示意办公室的其他同事,不要说话。

7、Dark clouds hint at the storm to come . ─── 乌云预示着暴风雨即将到来。

8、Oakeshett vieco, politics is a kind of "hint". ─── 奥克肖特认为,政治是一种“暗示”。

9、He gave us a broad hint that it was time to leave. ─── 他给了个明显的暗示说我们是时候离开了。

10、No need to show this hint message again. ─── 不需再显示这个提示消息。

11、He hinted to us that an agreement had been reached. ─── 他向我们暗示已达成了一项协议。

12、Give me a hint about the big news. ─── 关于重大新闻给我一点暗示吧

13、He spoke with a hint of German accent. ─── 他说话带点德国口音。

14、She raise her hand hint the vehicle stop. ─── 他打算1.她举手示意车停下。

15、WHOOPS! Is that a subliminal hint? NO! ─── 哎吆!那是个潜意识的暗示吗?不!

16、He hinted that I was the right person for the position. ─── 他暗示我是这个职位最合适的人选。

17、They hinted (that) there might be more job losses. ─── 他们暗示说可能会有更多人失业。

18、He was closemouthed and didn't drop a hint. ─── 他嘴很紧, 不透一点风。

19、A hint of skepticism rose behind the words. ─── 他的话语中隐含着怀疑。

20、He did not give me the sligtest hint about it. ─── 关于这件事,他不曾给我一点暗示。

21、He hinted that he was looking for another job. ─── 他暗示说他正在另找工作。

22、He gave us a broad hint to leave. ─── 他作了一个明白的暗示叫我们离开

23、He gave no hint that he was in pain. ─── 他没有一点痛苦的样子。

24、Clarkson gave his account number and sort code and hinted at his address. ─── 克拉克森了他的帐户号码和分类代码,并暗示在他的地址。

25、He hinted about the purpose of his visit. ─── 他暗示了他来访的意图。

26、"I have no doubt" , the prime minister hinted darkly, "that the truth behind this calumny will soon come out. " ─── “毫无疑问,”总理先生不怀好意地暗示,“这些诽谤中伤背后的真正用意不久将会水落石出。”

27、He hinted at his intention to go abroad. ─── 他暗示他有出国的意图。

28、He gave me a hint that I was being cheated. ─── 他暗示我在受人欺骗。

29、He did not drop any hint, nor did his secretary. ─── 他没有作任何暗示,他的秘书也没有。

30、Tony Blair has hinted at a slower retreat, saying British troop numbers may be cut by half within a year. ─── 布莱尔暗示了撤军进程会更慢,他说,在一年之内,英军人数可能会裁减一半。

31、One lady (a widow) was quite certain she should stab him if he hinted at it. ─── 一个女人(她是一位寡妇)说,如果他真的胆敢暗示一下,她保险要把他宰了。

32、At the first hint of trouble, they left. ─── 他们一发现有点不妙的迹象就离开了。

33、He hinted his dissatisfaction with her work. ─── 他暗示了对她工作的不满。

34、He first hinted vaguely of a young girl, perhaps they will. ─── 他先向一个女孩隐约地暗示,也许他们会分别。

35、He did not drop any hint,nor do his secretary. ─── 他没有作任何暗示,他的秘书也没有。

36、Jeff also hinted about the future work that he and Jules will be doing. ─── Jeff还提示了他和Jules未来将要做的工作。

37、He gave me a hint by poking me with his umbrella. ─── 他用伞捅了我一下,给我暗示。

38、He hinted that he might be late. ─── 他曾暗示过他可能迟到。

39、He hinted darkly that we had not heard the last of the matter. ─── 他带着威胁的口吻暗示我们的事情还没完[他还不肯就此罢休]。

40、Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with a wild hope. ─── 任何腐化堕落的事都使他感到充满希望。

41、He hinted to me that I shouldn't speak so loudly. ─── 他示意我不该这么大声说话。

42、To display the hint text in italic type. ─── 则以斜体显示提示文本。

43、The walls were painted white with a hint of peach. ─── 墙壁粉刷成了略呈桃红的白色。

44、He gave me a hint about the answer. ─── 他给了我一个关于答案的暗示。

45、He hinted that he would accept an invitation if it were extended. ─── 他暗示如果邀请扩大的话他将会接受。

46、Their first hint of trouble came in May 1985. ─── 1985年5月他们预感到不妙。

47、Carol hinted that the play would be improved by cutting. ─── 卡罗尔一个劲儿暗示说,这个戏经过删节以后就会更加精采。

48、He hinted at the impossibility of winding up the work in two months . ─── 他暗示要在两个月内结束这项工作是不可能的。

49、He had not even hinted at what he did for a living. ─── 他以何为生?他一点也没透露过。

50、Yet do they convey a hint of beauty. ─── 其中的do起强调作用,放在主语之前更具有强调的意义。

51、They hinted to us that they would take our suggestion. ─── 他们向我们暗示说, 他们将采纳我们的建议。

52、Health advocacy groups have hinted that even more might be coming. ─── 健康倡导组织已经暗示了,未来可能还会出现更多。

53、He hinted at my extravagance . ─── 他间接提到我的奢侈。

54、He let fall a hint of his intentions . ─── 他吐露出一点他的意向。

55、Scully: Do I detect a hint of negativity? ─── 史卡利:我是否察觉到否定的暗示呢?

56、Jill: I've hinted to Mary several times that I need her to pay me the money she owes, but she just ignores me. ─── 吉尔:我跟玛丽暗示了好几次,说她应该还欠我的钱了,但是她就是装不知道。

57、I solved this problem at his hint. ─── 在她的暗示下我解出了这道题。

58、There was a hint of anger in his voice. ─── 他声音中带有一点怒气。

59、But of all this no hint had crept into his speech. ─── 可这一切他丝毫不曾用言语透露。

60、He has already hinted at a price of around four million dollars. ─── 他已经暗示了一个价格,大约。

61、Life such as tea, a hint of suffering. ─── 人生如茶,有淡淡的愁苦。

62、The hint of perfume on her keepsake handkerchief. ─── 在她遗留下来的手帕上散发着一股香水味。

63、He received a broad hint that they did not want him to call again. ─── 他得到明显的暗示,他们不要他再来登门拜访了。

64、For years, ripples at the surface of the Dead Sea hinted there was something mysterious going on beneath its salt-laden waters. ─── 几年以来,死海表面的涟漪暗示了它富含盐分的水下正在发生着一些神奇的事情。

65、They hinted (that) there might be more job losses. ─── 他们暗示说可能会有更多人失业。

66、He hinted that he wanted me to leave. ─── 他暗示要我走开。

67、He clearly hinted that he wanted me not to get in. ─── 他明白无误地暗示,要我别进去。

68、The president hinted at changes in the cabinet But didn't say for sure. ─── "总统暗示内阁可能会改变,但是没有确实说出来。"

69、They were obviously gentlemen and, it is hinted, by-blows of some noblemen. ─── 他们显然是有身份的人,有人暗示,他们是一些贵族的私生子。

70、He hinted at having won a great deal of money. ─── 他暗示已经赢了很多钱。

71、You were too obtuse to take the hint. ─── 你太迟钝了,没有理解这种暗示。

72、There are more than a hint of sadness in his voice. ─── 他的声音里有许多哀伤的成分。

73、At the hint, he suddenly saw the light. ─── 一经指点,他恍然不语。

74、They fled at the first hint of trouble. ─── 他们一看苗头不对,就拔腿溜了。

75、Well, can not just give her a hint. ─── 噢,我不能给她一个暗示。

76、Gave us a broad hint to leave. ─── 作一个明白的暗示叫我们离开

77、She hinted at the idea of "taxing capital more than work". ─── 她也暗示会将“资本征税制与工资征税制”并举。

78、They hinted at having lost a great deal of money in this project. ─── 他们暗示在这项工程中赔了很多钱。

79、There was not a hint of badness in him. ─── 他道德十分高尚。

80、He dropped to her hint immediately. ─── 他马上就明白她的暗示.

81、He hinted vaguely that he might be late. ─── 他隐约地暗示他可能迟来。

82、He hinted to me nothing of his intentions . ─── 他没向我暗示他的意图。

83、The speaker dropped a hint of a possible modification of the proposals. ─── 发言者暗示可能会修改建议。

84、He hinted at other things, but nothing that I would say is definitive. ─── 他还提到了别的什么事,但没什么能够肯定的。

85、He hinted that I was being cheated. ─── 他暗示我受骗了。

86、But he hinted that Washington would adopt a harder-nosed approach. ─── 但盖茨暗示称,美国政府将采取更严厉的立场。

87、He hinted darkly that all was not well. ─── 他悲观地暗示并非一切都顺利。

88、Well, can not just not give her a hint. ─── 噢,我不能不给她一个暗示。

89、She kept yawning as a hint that she was tired. ─── 她不断打呵欠,暗示她累了。

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