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hooves 发音

英:[hu?vz]  美:[hu?vz]

英:  美:

hooves 中文意思翻译




hooves 网络释义

n. 蹄(hoof的复数);蹄脚v. 用蹄踢;步行(hoof的三单形式)

hooves 常用词组

on the hoof ─── 活着的,未屠宰;事先无准备地

show the cloven hoof ─── 原形毕露,露出原形

hooves 短语词组

1、unshod hooves ─── 无柄蹄子

2、horse hooves ─── 双胞胎

3、Wave hooves ─── 波蹄

hooves 词性/词形变化,hooves变形


hooves 相似词语短语

1、-hooved ─── 有蹄的

2、behooves ─── vt.理应;对……有此必要;vi.有必要;理所当然;n.适宜

3、amooves ─── 爱

4、hoover ─── v.用真空吸尘器清扫(地毯、地板等);n.胡佛牌吸尘器;n.(Hoover)(美)胡佛(人名)

5、crooves ─── 十字架

6、-hooves ─── n.蹄(hoof的复数);蹄脚;v.用蹄踢;步行(hoof的三单形式)

7、pooves ─── n.吹熄蜡烛的声音

8、hoovers ─── n.胡佛家族;胡佛电动吸尘器(Hoover的复数形式)

9、hooven ─── adj.气胀病

hooves 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The strand he gained,and forward he sped like a dolphin,faring with unwetted hooves over the wide waves. ─── 它奔到海岸上,跳进了海里,四蹄不沾水,象只海豚似地乘风破浪疾驰而前。

2、He exploded into a run, flying over the field like a grey hound, his hooves barely touching the ground. ─── 它猛地奔跑起来,像头身细腿长的细狗飞越过旷野,四蹄几乎腾空。

3、If the animal became frightened, it could hurt or kill me with its hard hooves. ─── 如果这动物受了惊吓可能会用它强有力的蹄子把我弄死。

4、And the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. ─── 利11:7猪、因为蹄分两瓣、却不倒嚼、就与你们不洁净。

5、Don't expect leftovers from this gruesome feast. Almost everything is eaten. Bones, hooves, even hide. ─── 不要期望这只残忍的野兽会留下残羹剩饭。它几乎把一切都吃掉。骨骼、蹄子,甚至牛皮。

6、He stared at the horses. enormous and brown and patient, stamping every now and again a polished hoof. ─── 他目不转睛地盯着这些悠悠自得的棕色高头大马,它们不时地用擦得锃锃发亮的蹄子轮流敲打着地面。

7、She tried very hard and finally she was able to write her name with her hoof. ─── 她很努力地设法写,终能用她的蹄写出她的名字。

8、Make sure you massage his cIoven hoof! ─── 希望你们多按摩按摩他的厚猪皮!

9、And the hare, for though it chews the cud, it does not have a divided hoof; it is unclean to you. ─── 7猪,因为分蹄,就是蹄裂两瓣,却不反刍,对你们就不洁净。

10、The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you. ─── 兔子因为倒嚼不分蹄,就与你们不洁净。

11、Let's hoof it to the supermarket . ─── 我们步行到超级市场去吧。

12、The city youngsters were seeing lambs on the hoof for the first time. ─── 城里的小孩们第一次看到活的小羊。

13、Many other diseases can affect the hoof. ─── 其它疾病的影响。

14、To pierce the quick of(a horse's hoof) while shoeing. ─── 刺穿马蹄钉马蹄时钉(马掌)的嫩肉

15、Every moment she expected to hear the pounding of his horse's hooves and see him come charging up the hill at his usual breakneck speed. ─── 她分分秒秒地期待着听到得得的马蹄声,看到父亲用他那吓死人的速度驰上山冈。

16、Pegasus is said to carry Zeus' lightning bolts across the sky, and as he rushes across, his hooves create rumbles of thunder. ─── 据说他背著宙斯的闪电横跨天际,当他匆匆飞过天空时,他的啼就会踢出隆隆雷声。

17、Possibility they return now on the hoof. ─── 可能他们现在还活着呢。

18、A winged horse that with a stroke of his hoof caused the fountain Hippocrene to spring forth from Mount Helicon. ─── 佩加索斯其蹄在赫利孔山上踏出希波克里尼灵感泉的生有翼的飞马

19、The ancient city of Rome fell under the iron hooves of the barbarians. ─── 古罗马城在蛮族的铁蹄下沦陷了。

20、Three thing is not to is trust - a cow's horn, a dog's tooth, and a horse's hoof. ─── 三件东西难信赖:牛角、犬牙和马蹄。

21、Solemnly flavorful, still and standing alonely on the hoof. ─── 俨然有滋有味,依然孤独地活着。

22、Outside the house, the soft rumble of wheels and the clip-clop of hooves echo through the still night. ─── 在房子之外,软的隆隆声轮子和蹄夹子嗒嗒声整寂静的晚随声附和。

23、You stop worrying, and she return on the hoof. ─── 你放心吧,她还活着呢。

24、They completely digest organic matter such as bones, while indigestible items such as hooves, horns, ligaments and hair are regurgitated in pellets. ─── 他们完全消化的有机物如骨骼,而不消化项目如蹄,角,韧带及头发反哺于弹珠。

25、Changing direction by complete hydraulics,expand hoof type brake. ─── 全液压转向,涨蹄制动。

26、He ducked with his head and shoulders, scraped with more advanced hoof, bolted the alcohol. ─── 他脑袋和肩膀一缩,前脚一伸,把酒囫囵吞下肚。

27、hooves left deep indentations in the mud. ─── 马蹄在泥地里留下了深深的蹄印。

28、Wash, clean, and dry your horses hooves. ─── 冲洗、清洁、晾干马蹄。

29、Walking upright as men, with heads of horned goats, they tread upon cloven hooves and are skilled with weapons of war. ─── 他们能像人一样笔直行走,有山羊的头,用裂开的蹄学会了拿武器。

30、Foot-and-mouth disease affects animals with cloven hooves such as cattle, pigs, deer, goat and sheep. ─── 口蹄疫会感染偶蹄类动物,如牛,猪,鹿,山羊和绵羊。

31、NIV] The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses. ─── [和合]猪,因为是分蹄却不倒嚼,就与你们不洁净。这些兽的肉你们不可吃,死的也不可8摸。

32、At the west end of Nanking Road mounted police patrols galloped through the traffic and the crowds in a flurry of flying hooves and foam-flecked bits. ─── 南京路西端,俗名泥城桥的一带,骑巡队的高头大马在车辆与行人中间奋蹄振鬣,有时嘴里还喷着白沫。

33、Weapons: His horns, used as a ram His sturdy claws, used as sharp weapons His hooves; very dangerous kicks when attacked from behind Satyrs can someone use basic weapons. ─── 他的角,用如一只公羊他的强健爪,用如锐利的武器他的家畜鼓胀症;最何时攻击从在Satyrs能某人使用基本武器。

34、Pig Series: Zhushou, pigs in the hoof, pig ear, pigtail, pig stomach, mouth of, louvres, et al. 5. ─── 四.猪系列:猪手、猪中蹄、猪耳、猪尾、猪肚、口条、百叶、等。

35、It is in the shape of a horse's hoof and has become world famous for its majesty, steepness and peculiar charm. ─── 它呈马蹄形,以雄伟、险峻和奇特闻名于世。

36、You may eat any animal that has a split hoof divided in two and that chews the cud. ─── 但那些倒嚼、是分蹄之中不可吃的、是骆驼、子、番、为是倒嚼不分蹄、与你们不洁净。

37、She began her explanation.“The big hooves are to keep us from sinking into the sand. ─── 妈妈解释说:“厚大的脚掌可防止我们陷入沙地。”

38、Hongyi : He got kicked in the head by a cow. But we were lucky. The cow's hoof is healing nicely. ─── 他踢头部,一头牛。但是,我们很幸运。奶牛的蹄愈合得很好。

39、At twilight, the stillness was broken by the sound of hooves, clattering on the paved courtyard. ─── 在一个黄昏,沉静被庭院上一阵清脆的马蹄声所打破。

40、When they got outside, they heard another sound: horse hooves thumping against the hard ground. ─── 当他们走出来的时候,他们听见了另一个声音:群马的马蹄重重的敲击着大地。

41、Cattle's Hoof Rock: It was said that soon after the old cattle bumped into the maple one of his hooves came out of this slope. ─── 牛蹄石:相传老黄牛舍身钻进神牛枫树后不久,便在这后山坡上有一牛腿“伸”出,日积成石。

42、There are some special skills to imitate a horse, like the hoof sounds and the neighs. ─── 不过里面有用到一些特殊技巧,例如马蹄声和马鸣声等等。

43、But this is a tall order. Two adult zebras mete out powerful kicks with sharp hooves. ─── 但这是一个难办的事情。两只成年斑马用锋利的蹄子强有力地踢着。

44、Person the on the hoof meaning should be in the process, not conclusion. ─── 人活着的意义应当是在过程,而不是结论。

45、In a prolonged course the hooves, horns and hair may slough . ─── 在病程长的病例中,蹄壳、角和被毛可能脱落。

46、It was not for some months that a White Russian investigator, Nicholas Sokolov, found a place in the forest which showed signs of wheels, fires, hooves. ─── 可当一名白俄调查员尼古拉斯·索科罗夫发现林中有一处有车轮、火烧和马蹄痕迹时,时间已过去了几个月。

47、Three things are not to be trust -- a cow's horn,a dog's tooth,and a horse's hoof. ─── 三件东西难信赖:牛角、犬牙和马蹄。

48、Very strong:Drive girl the son sea jilted 45 times and return on the hoof. ─── 十分坚强:被女孩子海甩了45次,还活着。

49、In the days of this Lion, gold shall be squeezed from the lily-fower and the nettle, and silver shall flow from the hooves of lowing cattle. ─── 在这头狮子的日子里,黄金会从百合花和荨麻处挤榨出来,白银会从发出鸣声的牛的蹄流出。

50、Then Ostap heard the trampling of hooves as two riders galloped up, and a young woman's voice calling for the blacksmith. ─── 后来,奥斯塔普就听到嘚嘚的马蹄声,是两个骑手在策马飞奔,一个年轻女人的声音在叫着铁匠。

51、Its lower body is that of a ram, with sleek brown or golden fur and cloven hooves. ─── 他的下半身类似公羊,有着棕色或金色的光滑毛皮和分趾蹄。

52、Tens of thousands of traveling horses and yaks created a definite pathway with their hooves on the once-indiscernible road. ─── 上万的马和牦牛用它们的蹄子踩出一条清晰可见的道路。

53、The first warning they had was the terrible thundering of the horse's hooves. ─── 他们得到第一个警报就是马蹄发出的震耳欲聋的响声。

54、He tried to position the horse shoe on the hoof. ─── 他设法将马蹄铁安装到马蹄上。

55、If two call you a donkey,check for hoof prints. ─── 两个人叫你驴子,检查一下蹄印。

56、What it does, though, is cause blistering of the mouths and feet of animals with cloven hooves, as well as eventual lameness, loss of appetite and wasting. ─── 可是口蹄疫能引起偶蹄类动物的口和蹄起疱、引起实质性致残、失去食欲,从而消耗体力。

57、But the car comes equipped with the clip-clop sound of horse hooves hitting the pavement to alert pedestrians and other drivers. ─── 但这款车配有类似马蹄敲击人行道的达达声,好提醒行人与其他驾驶人。

58、But on closer inspection, it has not armor but fur, not claws but hooves. ─── 但是仔细一看,牠的身体表面不是甲皮,而是毛发,四肢尽头不是爪,而是蹄。

59、a piece of turf dug out of a lawn or fairway (by an animals hooves or a golf club). ─── 从草坪或航路上被动物或高尔夫俱乐部挖去的一块草皮。

60、The middle track was missing, the one with the marks of the hooves and the splotches of dried, flaky manure. ─── 我们没用抄网,而是把它们稳当当拖在艇边,并且对准鱼头将其打昏。

61、The horses' hooves often could not get a proper grip. ─── 这些马的蹄子经常踩不稳。

62、Then the bushes beside them crashed apart under heavy hooves and a low moaning bawl assaulted their ears. ─── 一会儿,他们旁边那丛灌木哗啦啦地分开,笨重的兽蹄出现了。 接着是一声低沉而凄楚的哞叫,好像朝他们耳朵轰了一炮似的。

63、The clip- clop of the horse's hooves faded away into the distance. ─── 得到的马蹄声渐渐远去。

64、Horn of a bull, hoof of a horse, smile of a Saxon. ─── 公牛的角,马的蹄子,撒克逊人的微笑[130]。

65、He stared at the horses, enormous and brown and patient, stamping every now and again a polished hoof. ─── 他目不转睛地盯着这些悠悠自得的棕色高头大马,它们不时地用擦得锃锃发亮的蹄子轮流敲打着地面。

66、But at the moment, I watched with horror as one of the "chapandaz" fell off his saddle and was trampled under a score of hooves. ─── 但在那个关头,我见到一件恐怖的事情:有个骑士从鞍上跌落,数十只马蹄从他身上践踏而过。

67、A hoof pick for loosening any rocks. ─── 一个蹄勾,用以勾出马蹄内的石块。

68、A point of peculiar interest is that it has the head of a dragon, antlers of a deer, the tail of a lion and hooves of an ox. ─── 一层的地板是活动的,演员在演神话剧时,可以突然从地下冒出来,或者飞升上天。

69、At last, far up the road, she heard the protesting screech of unoiled axles and the slow uncertain plodding of hooves. ─── 思嘉心乱如麻,时而认为这火焰会很快蔓延到桃树街,把这幢房子烧掉,时而设想北方佬会向她冲过来,她要往哪里逃跑,她要怎么对付。

70、First year of medical school if you hear hoof beets you think "horses" not "zebras". ─── 意思是你医学院新生的时候,听见蹄子响,你只会想到马不会想到斑马.

71、The rampage carriedshi hu bristleli xian the moment an air of hoof, called the axes River Pang final word! ─── 一头怒狮,双目倒竖,剑眉倒立,长嘴呲牙,索性让嘴唇也裂个豁豁子。

72、Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, and cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall ye eat. ─── 但那倒嚼或分蹄之中不可吃的乃是骆驼,因为倒嚼不分蹄,就与你们不洁净。

73、They may be entered only on foot, paw or hoof. ─── 只有长着脚、爪子或蹄子的动物可以进入保护区。

74、The person is true tired on the hoof! ─── 三四台也被人查?不是吧?是中山吗?这么严?

75、Another is primitively for horse's hoof Dutch. ─── 另一个原始属为马蹄荷属。

76、You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud. ─── 但那倒嚼、分蹄之中不可吃的、是骆驼、为倒嚼不分蹄、与你们不洁净。

77、He tried his hoof at a number of jobs. Ouch. ─── 他尝试了多种工作。哎呦。

78、The part of a horse's foot between the fetlock and hoof. ─── 骹马类的脚的一部分,位于球节和蹄关节之间

79、Before the civil war the fresh meat that the city dweller ate had to come into his city on the hoof. ─── “在南北战争前,市民要吃鲜肉就不得不把牲畜弄到城里来宰杀,这是由于要从城外把鲜肉带进城又要防止它们变质简直没有可能;

80、He suffered a life-threatening break during the Preakness, then developed a hoof disease. ─── 巴布若在匹里克尼斯马赛期间发生致命的骨折,随后蹄部患病。

81、And every beast that parteth the hoof, and cleaveth the cleft into two claws, and cheweth the cud among the beasts, that ye shall eat. ─── 但那些倒嚼或是分蹄之中不可吃的乃是骆驼,兔子,沙番因为是倒嚼不分蹄,就与你们不洁净。

82、One hoof in the air indicates that he died of wounds sustained in action. ─── 如果马抬起一蹄,表明骑手在战斗中负伤而亡;

83、If you earned much money, at on the hoof of time act charitably much. ─── 如果你赚了很多钱,在活着的时候多行善事。

84、The horses' hooves raised a cloud of dust. ─── 马蹄翻飞,扬起一片尘土。

85、Single Draenei female seeks blacksmith with grinding wheel to take care of me and my gorgeous hooves. ─── 单身德莱尼女性,寻找会制作砂轮的铁匠来照顾我和我美丽的蹄子(是要打磨还是要钉掌。。。。?

86、The clip-clop of horses' hooves came closer and stopped right in front of the inn. ─── 嘀嘀哒哒的马蹄声越来越近就停在小店门前。

87、Doctors say they've been forced to remove damaged tissue from the horse's left hind hoof. ─── 医生表示他们不得不从马的左后蹄摘除受损的组织。

88、"I discover, so classmate of a lot of Guangzhou does not know Pan Tang teems with horse's hoof cake! ─── “我发现,原来很多广州同学都不知道泮塘盛产马蹄糕!

89、Foot-and-mouth disease affects animals with cloven hooves, such as cattle, pigs, deer, goats and sheep. ─── 人感染者中病也称作手足口病,而偶蹄类动物感染此病称为口蹄疫。

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