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09-14 投稿



slater 发音

英:['sle?t?]  美:['slet?]

英:  美:

slater 中文意思翻译



slater 网络释义

n. 石板瓦工;等足类甲壳动物

slater 词性/词形变化,slater变形

动词现在分词: slating |动词过去分词: slated |动词第三人称单数: slates |动词过去式: slated |

slater 短语词组

1、Slater's theory ─── [化] 斯莱特理论

2、Slater determinant ─── [化] 斯莱特行列式

3、Slater type orbital ─── [化] 斯莱特型轨道

4、finley rose slater ─── 芬利·罗斯·斯莱特

5、sea slater ─── [网络] 海蟑螂

6、Slater's orbital ─── [化] 斯莱特轨道

7、slater's hammer ─── 斯莱特的锤子

8、slater's axe ─── 斯莱特的斧头

9、slater's felt ─── 斯莱特的感觉

10、slater fire ─── 斯莱特四号

11、the slater ─── 斯莱特

12、slater's rule ─── [电] 斯莱特定则

13、slater condition Slater ─── 条件

14、slater's iron ─── 斯莱特的铁

15、john slater ─── 约翰·斯莱特

slater 相似词语短语

1、slather ─── n.大量;vt.厚厚地涂;大量使用

2、elater ─── n.[植]弹丝;叩头虫

3、slatter ─── n.石板瓦工;鼠妇(等于slater);v.穿戴不整洁;n.(Slatter)(美)斯拉特(人名)

4、slatier ─── adj.石板色的;石板一样的;板岩的(slaty的变形)

5、slanter ─── 硬币

6、plater ─── n.铁甲工;镀金匠;金属版工;n.(Plater)人名;(荷、德)普拉特尔;(英)普莱特

7、seater ─── n.有座位的交通工具;n.(Seater)人名;(英)西特

8、skater ─── n.溜冰者

9、slaters ─── n.石板瓦工;等足类甲壳动物

slater 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Slater went on to dominate, leading the new school of surfing and winning six world championships. ─── 其后斯雷特开始统领冲浪新族群,赢得了六项世界冠军。

2、When he realized that his career would be thwarted in class-ridden Britain, Samuel Slater(1768-1835,founder of American textile industry)memorized details of the textile machinery in Richard Arkwright's modern factory. ─── 塞缪尔·斯莱特(1768-1835,美国纺织工业创始人)意识到在等级支配的英国,他的事业要受到挫折,于是他牢牢记住了理查德·阿克莱特现代化工厂里的纺织机器的细节。

3、1. Becoming a household name, however, brought its problems for Slater with his every move being headline news. ─── 可是成了大名鼎鼎的人物倒为斯莱特带来了许多麻烦,他的一举一动都成了要闻。

4、Tomas.M Hult.David J Ketchen.JR Stanley, F Slater Information Processing,Knowledge Development,and Strategic Supply Chain Performance 2004(2 ─── 钟义信关于"信息-知识-智能转换规律"的研究[期刊论文]-情报杂志2004(4

5、Slater established his first mill in 1790 on the Blackstone River in Rhode Island. It was one of the first factories in the United States. ─── 斯莱特于1790年,在罗德岛州的布拉克斯东河旁,创建了他的第一座工厂,这是美国境内最初的几间工厂之一。

6、Rodney Slater and Carol Willis were already hard at work contacting black political, religious, and business leaders across the country. ─── 罗德尼.斯莱特和卡罗尔.威利斯已经在忙着联络全国范围的黑人政治、宗教和商业领袖了。

7、wilhelmina slater. - Wilhelmina Slater。- ─── 我要的是明伤 该死的!

8、slater's iron ─── 铺石板工用的修琢工具、钎

9、As the father of the industrial-ization of his adopted country,Slater gave the U.S.evengreater opportunity for true independence . ─── 作为他的新祖国的工业化之父,斯莱特为美国赢得真正的独立创造了更大的机会。

10、Chefs such as Delia Smith, Nigel Slater, Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay made the public realise that cooking— and eating— didn't have to be a boring thing. ─── 迪莉娅·史密斯、奈杰尔·斯莱特、杰米·奥利弗和戈登·拉姆齐等厨师让公众意识到,烹饪或者说饮食不一定是一件无聊的事情。


12、This insight and his ability to discern long-term trends enabled him to become a successful investor and later successfully manage the Quantum Fund, according to Slater, a reporter for Time magazine. ─── 这种洞察力和他的能力,以辨别长期趋势,使他成为一个成功的投资者,后来成功地管理的量子基金,根据斯莱特上,有记者为时代杂志。

13、Godfrey, J. C., Slater, M. J.Trans."Slip Velocity Relationship for Liquid-liquid Extraction Columns". Inst. Chem. Eng., 1991,69:130. ─── 吴秋林,陈靖等,脉冲萃取柱流体力学性能研究-模拟料液体系.高放废液分离技术研究1999年度进展报告:172

14、Other great Lakers were James Worthy, Gail Goodrich, Slater Martin, Jim Pollard, Vern Mikkelson, and Rudy LaRusso. ─── 湖人其他伟大的球星还有:詹姆斯-沃西,盖尔-古德里奇,斯莱特-马丁,杰姆-波拉德,冯-迈克尔森和鲁迪-拉鲁索。

15、Slater type automatic orbit ─── 斯来脱型电子轨道

16、Then we give an expansion in Slater determinants of Haldane’s wave function,and compute the coefficient relation matrix with the use of numerical method。 ─── 然后我们对霍尔丹波函数进行行列式展开,通过数值方法对系数关系矩阵进行求解。

17、Officer Slater: [pauses] That's a cool name, man. ─── 斯莱特警官(停顿了一下):小子,这是一个很棒的名字。

18、The first true primary red rose seen in Europe was "Slater's Crimson China" introduced in 1792 from China, where it had been growing wild in the mountains. ─── 欧洲见到的第一枝真正的原色红玫瑰叫做"斯莱特中国深红",于1792年从中国引进。当时,它一直生长在中国山区的野地里。

19、Slater type orbital simulated by Gaussian type function ─── 高斯函数模拟斯莱特函数

20、3 3 E C Slater Institute, U niversity of Am sterdam , 1018TV , Am sterdam , the N etherlands ─── 厦门大学生命科学学院,细胞生物学与肿瘤细胞工程教育部重点实验室,厦门361005;

21、Rodney Slater and Carol Willis were already hard at work contacting black political, religious, and business leaders across the country. ─── 罗德尼.斯莱特和卡罗尔.威利斯已经在忙着联络全国范围的黑人政治、宗教和商业领袖了。

22、Can't wait to see how Wilhelmina Slater will handle this one. ─── 等不及要看看Wilhelmina Slater。会怎么处理这个。

23、Slater type orbital ─── [化] 斯莱特型轨道


25、JetBlue announced Tuesday that it had suspended Mr. Slater pending the outcome of the investigation. ─── 捷蓝航空周二宣布,已对斯莱特停职,等待调查结果出炉。

26、The first true primary red rose seen in Europe was “Slater's Crimson China” introduced in 1792 from China,where it had been growing wild in the mountains. ─── 欧洲见到的第一枝真正的原色红玫瑰叫做“斯莱特中国深红”,于1792年从中国引进。当时,它一直生长在中国山区的野地里。玫瑰培育者马上开始用它进行杂交种植。

27、Rodney Slater, Carol Willis, and Bob Nash stayed with me for the next nineteen years. ─── 在后来的19年中,罗德尼.斯莱特、卡罗尔.威利斯和鲍勃.纳什一直都跟着我。

28、Slater Christian ─── 克里斯汀·斯莱特

29、In the face of this new danger, Captain Slater decided that it was much too dangerous to gamble on the chance that the boat would survive until the next morning. ─── 面对新的危险,斯莱特船长觉得,要让船熬到次日早上简直不可想象。

30、Officer Slater: That's such a cool name. ─── 斯莱特警官(迟疑了一下):很棒的名字哈?

31、Officer Slater: [pause] Thats such a cool name. ─── 斯莱特警官(迟疑了一下):非常棒地名字哈?


33、The third part, the second chapter, analyzed and appraised organizational learning models from technology process view including Daft and Wrick Model, Slater Model and Rui Mingjie Model. ─── 第二章从“技术过程”的角度梳理了一些组织学习模型。 主要介绍了达菲特和威克模型、斯拉托模型和芮明杰模型,并分析了它们的长处和短处。

34、When his father died,he gained pretty penny which was slater in a few years. ─── 父亲去世时他得到一大笔财产,可仅仅几年的时间就将这笔钱胡乱挥霍一空。

35、Allana Slater ─── 阿兰娜-斯雷特尔

36、Albracht S.P.J(E. C. Slater Institute, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands ─── 龙敏南,苏文金,张凤章,许良树(厦门大学生命科学学院

37、Slater conditions ─── 斯雷特条件

38、Slater determinant ─── 斯莱特行列式

39、slater condition ─── Slater条件

40、Roger Moore (as Rod Slater), Simon Sabela (as Big King), Ray Milland (as Hurry Hirs... ─── 大河奔流张瑞芳,赵联,陈强,张金铃,于是之,王铁成,王心刚.

41、Slater's orbital ─── [化] 斯莱特轨道

42、slater's felt ─── 瓦工油毡

43、To Wilhelmina Slater. ─── 袒护你的财政责任心呢。

44、Rodney Slater, Carol Willis, and Bob Nash stayed with me for the next nineteen years. ─── 在后来的19年中,罗德尼.斯莱特、卡罗尔.威利斯和鲍勃.纳什一直都跟着我。

45、Christian Slater: Yeah, I'm with him. ─── 是的。我和他差不多。

46、You're very welcome, miss Slater. ─── Slater小姐, 您太客气了。

47、Roger Smith and John Slater. ─── 作者声明: by T.

48、Due to the unusual nature of its founding, the mill of Almy, Brown, and Slater, in operation by 1793, are considered as the first American factory. ─── 由于其成立方式不同寻常,1793年建成并开始运作的阿尔米、布朗及斯莱特的作坊被认为是美国最早的工厂。

49、slater's hammer ─── 铺石锤

50、4.The third part, the second chapter, analyzed and appraised organizational learning models from technology process view including Daft and Wrick Model, Slater Model and Rui Mingjie Model. ─── 第二章从“技术过程”的角度梳理了一些组织学习模型。主要介绍了达菲特和威克模型、斯拉托模型和芮明杰模型,并分析了它们的长处和短处。

51、Becoming a household name, however, brought its problems for Slater with his every move being headlinenews. ─── 可是成了大名鼎鼎的人物倒为斯莱特带来了许多麻烦,他的一举一动都成了要闻。

52、The beneficiaries of Slater's last descendant left the album to the Florence Nightingale Museum in London, where the photograph is on display until November7. ─── 伦敦弗罗伦斯·丁格尔博物馆从摄影师斯莱特的后代那里得到了这本相册。弗罗伦斯·丁格尔博物馆目前正在展出这张新发现的南丁格尔照片,展出将持续到11月7日。

53、Slater argues that the pictures belong to him as they were taken from his camera. ─── 斯雷特认为这些照片是他的,因为它们是从他的相机里拿出来的。

54、slater's axe ─── 石斧

55、Slater type orbital; ─── 斯莱特型轨道;

56、Slater's model ─── 斯雷特模式

57、This paper analyzes several constrained qualification in constrained optimization model in details,such as LICQ,Abadie CQ,Slater CQ,Cotter CQ,ZangWill CQ,Kuhn-Tucker CQ. ─── 分析了优化问题中的基本约束规范,如LICQ,Abadie CQ,Slater CQ,Cotter CQ ZangWill CQ,Kuhn-Tucker CQ。

58、Slater's theory ─── 斯莱特理论

59、The gang also includes Gus (David Arquette), Hanson (Bokeem Woodbine), and Franklin (Christian Slater). ─── 对于刚出狱的米高与跟他同仓多年的梅菲来说,如果能与其他兄弟偷走三百万美元,就可重新做人。

60、Slater established his first mill in 1790 on the Blackstone River in Rhode Island.It was one of the first factories in the United States. ─── 斯莱特于1790年,在罗德岛州的布拉克斯东河旁,创建了他的第一座工厂,这是美国境内最初的几间工厂之一。

61、Christian Slater: For me, I got the call in London, Emilio told me who was involved, what the subject matter was and I signed on prior to reading the script. ─── 对我来说,我从伦敦接到电话,埃米里奥告诉我这部电影都有谁参与,故事内容是什么,而我可以优先读到电影剧本。

62、Who was Samuel Slater and what is he famous for? ─── 谁是山谬斯莱特?他因什麽而出名?

63、As compared with the experimental values and other theoretical values, we find that the results obtained using Slater transition-state theory with the core-polarization are very close to the experimental values. ─── 计算结果同实验值及别的理论值比较表明、用Slater过渡态理论加原子实的极化能够得到比较好的结果.

64、"narrow the economic disparities among regions and industries" (Courtenay Slater) ─── “缩小地区间和工厂间的经济差距”(考特尼·斯莱特)

65、"It's a private language, what exactly they're up to is not clear," Slater says. ─── 科学家猜测,为了协调繁殖活动,或者相互鼓舞士气同仇敌忾,鹊鹨夫妻的和谐歌唱有可能是它们的“私房话”。

66、Officer Michaels : McLovin Officer Slater : [ pause ] That 's such a cool name. Officer Michaels: I know. It sounds like a sexy hamburger . ─── 迈克尔斯警官:迈克拉文?斯莱特警官(迟疑了一下):很棒的名字哈?迈克尔斯:我知道,听起来像就是一个性感的汉堡包。

67、Christian Slater: That's what blew me away! ─── 那就是挑战我的地方!

68、Slater rs rule ─── 斯莱特定则


70、The first true primary red rose seen in Europe was "Slater' ─── 欧洲见到的第一枝真正的原色红玫瑰叫做“斯莱特中国深红”,于1792年从中国引进。

71、On Monday, Aug. 9, JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater gave new meaning to the word "exit interview. " ─── 8月9日,捷蓝航空公司乘务员史蒂芬·斯莱特给了“离职面谈(exitinterview)”一个新的意义。

72、Slater function ─── Slater函数

73、Tom Fischer.John Slater. ─── 刘雷.康春梅 VB.

74、slater constraint qualification ─── Slater约束品性

75、Slater remained at the house, acting as its caretaker when the family was not in residence. ─── 时候,斯莱特留在这幢房子里看家。

76、Wayne Slater is the author of a book entitled, Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush. He spoke to CBS television. ─── 是布什的脑袋:K.R.如何造就布什一书的作者。他对CBS电视台这么说。

77、generalized Slater constraint conditions ─── 广义Slater约束条件

78、Teagan Presley, Austyn Moore, Carmen Luvana, Devon, Janine, Jesse Jane, Jenaveve Jolie, Kris Slater, Scott Nails, Tommy Gunn, Evan Stone, Brian Surewood, Steven St. ─── Croix都是欧美最优秀的AV演员,走到哪,看到精品都离不开她们的身影。虽然此片以发行一段时间,支持楼主发这样高品质的巨片。

79、Three years later, in Pawtucket, he built Slater Mill, the first American factory to successfully produce cotton yarn with water-powered machines. ─── 三年后,他又在波塔基特创办了斯莱特工厂,第一间利用水力发电的机器,成功生产棉线的美国工厂。

80、Surfer Kelly Slater pumps his fist after surviving the whitewater of a wave at the Quiksilver In Memory of Eddie Aikau big wave surf contest on the North Shore at Waimea Bay, Hawaii December 8. ─── 冲浪运动员凯利斯莱特泵他的拳头后幸存的在内存中北岸的埃迪Aikau大浪冲浪比赛在威美雅湾,夏威夷12月8日白水Quiksilver的浪潮。

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