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10-03 投稿


menstruating 发音

英:[?menstrue?t??]  美:[?menstrue?t??]

英:  美:

menstruating 中文意思翻译



menstruating 词性/词形变化,menstruating变形

动词过去分词: menstruated |动词现在分词: menstruating |动词第三人称单数: menstruates |动词过去式: menstruated |

menstruating 短语词组

1、menstruating women ─── 月经来潮的女性

2、menstruating people ─── 月经来潮的人

menstruating 相似词语短语

1、menstruated ─── vi.行经;月经来潮

2、estreating ─── v.(授权)征收(保证金);n.审判记录复本

3、destructing ─── 破坏(destruct的现在进行时)

4、menstruate ─── vi.行经;月经来潮

5、constructing ─── n.构造;v.构造(construct的现在分词)

6、menstruates ─── vi.行经;月经来潮

7、menstruation ─── n.[生理]月经;月经期间;有月经

8、menstruations ─── n.[生理]月经;月经期间;有月经

9、instructing ─── vt.指导;教(instruct的现在分词);指示;adj.指令型

menstruating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The subject of competing while menstruating is "definitely a taboo", Georgie Bruinvels, a sports scientist, tells the BBC. ─── 乔吉?布鲁威尔斯告诉BBC,生理期参与比赛这个话题是“绝对的禁忌”。

2、The pharmacist says that sanitary products for menstruating women are simply not available. ─── 药剂师说,他们没有供应妇女月经来潮时的清洁用品。

3、Two years ago, Beatie halted his bimonthly hormone injections and resumed menstruating in a bid to have a child. ─── 为了要孩子,比提两年前停止了两个月一次的荷尔蒙注射,结果又来月经了。

4、There's also a condition called secondary amenorrhea, when a girl who had normal periods stops menstruating for at least 3 months. ─── 还有一种情形叫继发性闭经,指本来行经正常的女生突然闭经3个月的情形。

5、Generally, women were considered "unclean" during this time, and in some cultures there was a belief that sexual intercourse with a menstruating woman could make a man ill. ─── 通常,人们认为妇女在这个期间是“不干净的”,而且在一些文化里,人们相信与一个行经期妇女性交能够使男人生病。

6、However, it seems that 5 -10% of menstruating women experience symptoms severe enough to require treatment. ─── 但是,似乎有5%-10%的行经期妇女的症状严重到需要治疗的程度。

7、Note: Menstruating women must perform the test on the second, third and fourth days of menstruation. ─── 注意: 月经期女性最好于月经来临的第二、三及第四日探测体温。

8、This is an alleviation and a mercy from Allah for the menstruating woman, as her body becomes tired and she feels tense. ─── 这是安拉对月经期间的女性的方便与仁慈,因为她的身体会疲惫,她会感觉很累。

9、5.Women who are menstruating should not enter the bath(s). ─── 5 女性生理期间禁止入浴。

10、Thus a menstruating woman is forbidden to fast or perform salah in the eyes of Islam. ─── 因为在伊斯兰看来,月经期的妇女是禁止斋戒和封斋的。

11、When did you start menstruating? ─── 你的月经是多大开始的?

12、Most women stop ovulating (and therefore menstruating) during the first few months because of certain hormonal changes in the body. ─── 在分娩后的许多月份里,由于体内一些激素改变的原因,大多数哺乳期的妇女会停止排卵(并因此而停经)。

13、An estimated 3 of every 4 menstruating women experience some form of premenstrual syndrome. ─── 据估计每4个月经来潮女性中就有3个会出现某种形式的经前综合症。

14、For obese women who are still menstruating, risk may be decreased. ─── 仍有月经来潮的肥胖妇女,危险可能减少。

15、Shia woman would be allowed to leave home alone "for a legitimate purpose" only which the law does not define, and could refuse sex with their husbands only when ill or menstruating. ─── 什叶派妇女只有在拥有不与法律相冲突的具有正当目的情况下才被允许单独外出,并且只有在她们病了或者来月经时,才能拒绝与他们的丈夫发生性关系。

16、Menstruating Women - to help maintain blood formation, to replace blood lost during the monthly cycle. ─── 经期妇女---帮助造血,以补充经期血液的流失。

17、A menstruating woman in Islam practices her normal life and even enjoys extra love, respect, and protection from her menfolk. ─── 在伊斯兰中,行经期妇女可以正常进行日常生活,甚至可以享受加倍的疼爱,尊重,并受到她丈夫的呵护。

18、She started menstruating at the age of 11. ─── 她十一岁那年开始来月经。

19、If you do not design your ovulation and beget an anovulatory clutter, then you may take on oneself that you are menstruating naturally when anovulatory bleeding arises during your cycle. ─── 有人说:“一个人拥有了真正的友谊,那么他就走了成功道路的一半,如果一个人失去友谊,那么就等于是去了自己的胳臂。”

20、This is best done when you are menstruating. ─── 这是最好的做当您月经来潮。

21、Women who are menstruating should not practice inverted poses. ─── 经期请勿做任何倒立姿势。

22、my symptoms compare with other menstruating girls or women? ─── 自己的痛经症状与其他女性相比有什么不一样吗?

23、If you do not tabulation your ovulation and induce an anovulatory unsettle, then you may suppose that you are menstruating typically when anovulatory bleeding come abouts during your cycle. ─── 如:与青岛供电公司生技部共同开发“旁通电缆牵引带电更换导线”项目,防坠落 受到全国电力行业的瞩目;

24、Hands down, the women found the scent of a symmetrical man to be more attractive and desirable, especially if the woman was menstruating . ─── 这些女性不费吹灰之力就发现,身材对称的男性其体味更诱人更煽情,尤其是在她们处于排卵期时。

25、At what age did you begin menstruating? ─── 初潮在什么年龄?

26、For example, a menstruating woman can participate in sports without impairing her health in any way. ─── 例如,行经期妇女能够以任何方式参加不损害其健康的运动。

27、Her uterus was as large as that of a normal adult menstruating woman. ─── 她的子宫是大是一个正常成人经期妇女。

28、Hands down, the women found the scent of a symmetrical man to be more attractive and desirable, especially if the woman was menstruating. ─── 和前面的一样,那些对称男性的期为闻起来更有吸引力、更诱人。尤其如果女人正处于月经期。

29、Although rates vary slightly between countries, European girls, on average, also begin menstruating between the ages of 12 and 13, according to a 2007 report from the Breast Cancer Fund. ─── 尽管比率在不同国家之间有轻微地变化,按照一份2007年的乳腺癌基金报告,欧洲女孩,平均起来,也在12-13岁之间开始月经周期。

30、Results The prevalences of IDA among menstruating women, pregnant women and adolescents were 11.39%, 19.28%and 9.84%respectively, and those of ID were 43.43%, 66.27%and 13.17%respectively. ─── 结果月经期妇女、妊娠妇女和青少年缺铁性贫血的患病率分别为11.39%,19.28%及9.84%,缺铁的患病率分别为43.43%,66.27%及13.17%;

31、If you are menstruating (possible stimulation of endometrial activity). ─── 如果你正处于月经期(可能会刺激子宫内膜运动)。

32、Do not have fertilization right away before menstruating for regularly? ─── 正常来月经之前就没有受孕吧?

33、However, a female who has begun menstruating may very well get pregnant “the first time”. ─── 可是,一名已经行经的女孩子有非常充分的条件“首次”怀孕。

34、Tissue EGF concentration as well as collagen content were investigated in ovarian homogenates from both menstruating and menopausal women. ─── 组织表皮生长因子浓度以及胶原含量进行了调查,卵巢匀浆从月经和更年期妇女。

35、There was no significant difference in age at menarche between menstruating AIS and non-AIS girls, though an inverse correlation was observed between leptin and the age at menarche. ─── 虽然观察到瘦素与初潮年龄呈负相关,但AIS和非AIS女孩的月经初潮年龄无显著差别。

36、If you do not design your ovulation and include an anovulatory hubbub, then you may counterfeit that you are menstruating typically when anovulatory bleeding come offs during your cycle. ─── 这只狼一直过着不平凡的生活,它不喜欢寂静的乡村,而羡慕繁华的都市;

37、Some women in the study, which appears in Neurology, were still menstruating regularly. ─── 在该研究中有三种处于不同时期的女性,其一是在神经学上表现为仍然正常行经的女性;

38、He added that the gel is a bioadhesive vehicle that is absorbed and therefore will not drain and add to patients' woes while they are menstruating. ─── 他强调,该凝胶为一黏著性生物载体,可以被吸收,不会在月经时流出而增加患者的痛苦。

39、When they split the women up according to the age they began menstruating, certain gene patterns appeared. ─── 当他们根据月经初潮的年龄将女性分类,某些基因图谱就显现了。

40、In theory, any woman who is menstruating can conceie. ─── 理论上,任何处于行经期的妇女都能受孕。

41、Therefore, women who started menstruating before the age of 12 and stopped menstruating after 55 are at greater risk. ─── 因此,初经早于12岁、停经晚于55岁的女性都算是乳癌的高危险群。

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