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midshipman 发音

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midshipman 中文意思翻译



midshipman 网络释义

n. 海军学校学生;英国海军少尉之侯补军官;见习军官

midshipman 短语词组

1、Midshipman Embarkation Team ─── 海军陆战队

midshipman 词性/词形变化,midshipman变形


midshipman 相似词语短语

1、amidships ─── adv.在船腹;在船中部

2、midshipmen ─── n.海军学校学生;英国海军少尉之候补军官

3、midshipmate ─── 军校生

4、midship ─── adj.船体中部的;n.船体中部

5、middleman ─── n.中间人;经纪人;调解人

6、midships ─── adv.在船中央部

7、shipman ─── n.船员,水手;船长;n.(Shipman)人名;(英)希普曼

8、midshipmates ─── 军校生

9、amidship ─── adj.在船中部的;adv.在(接近)(船)中部

midshipman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Though wounded, Broke was able to save the life of a young American midshipman who had slid down a rope from the fore-top. ─── 尽管布洛克受了伤,但他还是能够救下一个刚从前桅上滑下来的年轻的美国海军军官候补生的性命。

2、The son of a civil servant, Tirpitz signed up with the Prussian Navy in 1865 as a midshipman , attending the Kiel Naval School; ─── 提尔皮茨,这个公务员的儿子,在1865年加入普鲁士海军,成为基尔海军学校的一名军校生。

3、As an 18 year Midshipman in HMAS Australia in 1940, we spent time off Bear Island, well above the Arctic Circle and so I qualified for this Award. ─── 在1940年,作为HMAS“澳大利亚”号上的1名18岁海军军校学生,我们去过北极圈内的熊岛,因此我获得了这枚勋章。

4、"The more reason for you to hurry to get a boat from the yachts," observed the midshipman. ─── “如此你更应该立刻去游艇那里找条船来救我!”海军学员解释道。

5、He remembered the terribly intense and focused cadet-daughter of another Admiral Hayes-who had come to the academy as a gawky,pale,set-jawed,frightened midshipman. ─── 他的脑海里又一次浮现出了那个做事认真,有点认死理的士官生的模样。她是另一个海斯将军的女儿,刚到军校报到时,是个腼腆、苍白、板着面孔而又怯生生的学员。

6、Midshipman Embarkation Team ─── 海军军官学校学员上载小队

7、No, Sir," the midshipman replied. "I have no idea what the problem is." ─── 没有哇,先生,”候补生回答说,“我搞不清楚是什么问题。”

8、The son of a civil servant, Tirpitz signed up with the Prussian Navy in 1865 as a midshipman, attending the Kiel Naval School; ─── 提尔皮茨,这个公务员的儿子,在1865年加入普鲁士海军,成为基尔海军学校的一名军校生。

9、cadet midshipman ─── 见习船员海军学校学员海军军官候补生

10、There could be no doubt of his obtaining leave of absence immediately, for he was still only a midshipman; ─── 毫无疑问他会马上请到假的,因为他还只是个海军候补少尉。

11、Such as he was, such he had been in the shop and parlour behind the little Midshipman, for years upon years; ─── 他现在就像过去一样,年复一年地这样待在这个小小的海军军官候补生身后的店铺中和客厅里;

12、The Plainfin Midshipman is one of several fish species, which make sounds, but its recital can go on for up to an hour. ─── 平鳍美洲蟾鱼是少数几种能够发声的鱼类之一,它的独奏能持续一个多小时。

13、He was rated as a midshipman. ─── 他被定为海军学校见习生的等级。

14、Midshipman Prince Philip of Greece ─── 地中海:候补海军少尉希腊菲利普王子

15、Mr Moreton thought that his son, and the young midshipman had, attracted by sweet Mary Rymer, gone on board the Arrow; ─── 莫尔顿先生认为他的儿子以及年轻的海军学员肯定都被可爱的玛丽瑞莫尔迷住了,他俩肯定登上了“箭”号;

16、"Fortunately, we haven't eaten up all the good things, Harry," exclaimed Mr Sowton, dragging the midshipman, nothing loth, to the well-spread cloth. ─── “幸运的是我们还没有把所有的好东西都吃光,哈里。”

17、Specklefin midshipman ─── 多星珍蟾鱼

18、He had become a midshipman at age sixteen. ─── 他16岁就已经成了一名海军学校学生。

19、All the weather glasses in the shop are in low spirits, and the rain already shines upon the cocked hat of the wooden Midshipman. ─── 店铺里所有的晴雨表都呈现出垂头丧气的神态。雨滴已经在木制海军军官候补生的三角帽上闪耀着亮光。

20、Midshipman Paul Brooks ─── 海军学校学员保罗 布鲁克斯

21、Mr Moreton thought that his son, and the young midshipman had, attracted by sweet Mary Rymer, gone on board the Arrow; ─── 莫尔顿先生认为他的儿子以及年轻的海军学员肯定都被可爱的玛丽瑞莫尔迷住了,他俩肯定登上了“箭”号;

22、As a midshipman, it may take you a while to get your sea legs. ─── 做为一位海军学校的学员,你要一段时间,才有不晕船的能力。

23、Admiral Nelson's encounter as a plucky 14-year-old midshipman fighting only with the butt of his musket is surely a myth, but others are true. ─── 纳尔逊海军上将时为一名勇敢的14岁的少尉候补官,他仅用滑膛枪托与遭遇的北极熊搏斗的故事可以肯定是个神话,不过其他的故事倒是真的。

24、He was rated as a midshipman . ─── 他被定为海军学校见习生的等级。

25、Plainfin midshipman ─── 珍蟾鱼

26、He remembered the terribly intense and focused cadet-daughter of another Admiral Hayes-who had come to the academy as a gawky, pale, set-jawed, frightened midshipman. ─── 他的脑海里又一次浮现出了那个做事认真,有点认死理的军校学员的模样,作为另一个海因斯上将的女儿,她刚到军校报到时那副腼腆的,苍白的,板着面孔而又怯生生的样子。

27、Who was his Navy counterpart?------ Midshipman Joseph A.Grace, Jr. ─── 美国海军军官学校学生约瑟夫 A格雷斯。

28、"No, sir," the midshipman replied."I have no idea what the problem is. ─── “没有哇,先生,”候补生回答说,“我搞不清楚是什么问题。

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