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06-28 投稿




英:[θ??]  美:[θ??]

英:  美:


n.东西, 事情

(复)things: 所有物,用具, 情况


a close/near thing

1. 侥幸的脱险, 千钧一发

It was really a close thing that he survived the accident.

他在事故中幸存下来, 真是死里逃生。

among other things

1. 除了别的以外

He, among other things, talked about the present situation.

除了别的话, 他还谈了当前的形势。

as things are/stand

1. 照目前情况

As things are, we can finish the work in another week.

照目前情况来看, 再过一星期我们就可完工。

a thing of naught

1. 无价值之东西; 无用之物

You've bought a thing of naught.


a general/usual thing

1. 惯例

It is just a general thing.


understood thing

1. 心照不宣的事

It was quite an understood thing to us at that time.


all things considered

1. 从全面考虑

All things considered , he is the right person for the job.

从各方面考虑, 他做这工作最合适。


Things look nasty.
-事情不妙, 事态险恶, 有恶化之势。
thing of the past
the clean thing
-正当的行径, 光明正大的行为
good things
-好吃的东西, 美味的食品.奢侈品
as things are
-[口]按现状看来, 在目前的情况下
(the)last thing
-最意想不到[不可能, 不适宜, 不愿意]的事
be the thing
-合适, 符合要求[需要]
-体面, 恰 当, 符合礼节
keep a thing private
There is such a thing as ...!
take things as they are
-随遇而安, 安于现状, 对一切事情处之泰然
not at all the thing
Keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it.
-[谚]蓄艾三年, 必有其用。
(it is)too much of a good thing
-好得过头反成坏事; 凡事适可而止
do one's (own) thing
-[口]干自已最喜爱的事; 做自已最拿手的事; 以自已的风格或特长表现自已的性格
-放手行事, 为所欲为, 一意孤行
the real thing
-[口]上等货, 道 地货, 原装货
the usual thing
come to the same thing
-结果 相同[都一样]
make a thing of
-把...当作一回事, 认为...不得了, 对...小 题大作
a near thing
-差点发生的意外事件; 千钧一发, 极其危险
-差点失败的事情, 侥幸成功的事情
little thing
-小家伙, 小 乖乖, 小人无大志
tell sb. athingor two
the next best thing (=the next best)
How are things?
for one thing
-一则, 首先
the last thing in
-最新出现的, 最新发明的, 最新式样的
not do a thing
-什么事都不做; 一动也不动; 不肯帮忙
and things
take things as they come
-随遇而安, 安于现状, 对一切事情处之泰然
the polite thing
-[口]文雅的态度, 彬彬有礼的行为
amount to the same thing
-结果 相同[都一样]
the best thing (to do)
If things were to be done twice all would be wise.
-[谚]假如事情可以从头做起, 人人都可以成为聪明人。
poor thing
a close thing
-差点发生的意外事件; 千钧一发, 极其危险
-差点失败的事情, 侥幸成功的事情
young thing
-[古]小伙子; 年轻姑娘
how things stand
the latest thing in
-最新出现的, 最新发明的, 最新式样的
let things go hang(=let things rip )
-随它去, 不管它, 听其自然
(just)one of those things
-命里注定的事; 不可避免的事
be all things to sb.
-处处尊重某人的意思, 顺从某人的爱好,对某人百依百顺
Things look promising.
-情况看来有希望, 有好转之势。
smooth things
see things
-[口]产生幻觉; 见神见鬼
other things being equal
-如果其它情形都一样, 在其它条件相同的前提下
feel out of things
-[口](由于陌生, 害羞, 不习惯 而)感到格格不入, 感 到没有自已的份
no such thing
-[口]没有的事, 完全不对
learn a thing or two
how matters stand
as things stand
-[口]按现状看来, 在目前的情况下
of all things
-在所有事物中; 首先, 尤其, 特别
all things to all men
-八面玲珑, 力图讨好所有的人
an understood thing
-已经商妥的事; 心 照不宣的事
feel out of it
-[口](由于陌生, 害羞, 不习惯 而)感到格格不入, 感 到没有自已的份
It's one thing to flourish and another to fight.
-舞剑是一回事, 战斗是另一回事。
make it warm for sb.
-使某人处境难堪; 使某人吃苦头
let things go hang(=let things slide )
-随它去, 不管它, 听其自然
make a good thing (out)of
-从...中得到好处[利益]; 从...赚到 钱
on to a good thing
-找到舒适或待遇高的工作; 过着舒服的生活
the thing is
-问题是; 最重要的是
all things considered
-从各方面看来, 总的看来
dumb things
-[蔑]牲畜; 畜生
square thing
-公平的交易; 正直的行为
That's a nice thing (to do, to say )!
-[口](做得, 说 得)真好! 做得好事! 好意思这么说!
take off one's thing
have this thing about
-对...特别感兴趣; 特别向往[爱好]
thing in itself(=thing-in-itself)
the common thing
(the)first thing
-首先要做的事; 首先, 立即
soft thing
-[俚]工作轻松而报酬优厚的差事; 有利的买卖; 容易取胜的比赛
no great things
-[口]没有什么了不起; 并不怎么出色; 平常得很
sure thing
-[美, 口]当然, 一定, 没问题
among other things (=among others)
-除了别的以外(还); 其中, 尤其
first things first
-重 要的事情先来
be up to a thing or two (=know a thing or two)
-富于处世经验, 见多识广; 精明能干, 机灵
make a regular thing of
good thing
-好事情, 人们赞许的事情, 幸运的事情
-隽永的话, 俏皮话
send things flying
pretty much the same thing
make things lively for
-[谑]使...为难; 使...感到不愉快[紧张, 恐慌]
do the right thing by sb.
-恰当地对待某人, 对某人好, 帮助某人
make things warm for sb.
-使某人处境难堪; 使某人吃苦头
Things look black.
-事情不妙, 事态险恶, 有恶化之势。
above all things
-尤其是, 最重要的是, 首要的是
have a thing about
-对...特别感兴趣; 特别向往[爱好]
take things easy
-沉住气, 慢慢来, 别急
Things past can not be recalled.
-[谚]过去的事情无可挽回; 往者不可谏。
any old thing
call things by their (proper) name
-是啥说啥; 据实而言
twopenny-halfpenny thing
thing of naught
not quite the thing
(the)next thing
-随后, 接下去; 其次
Never do things by halves.
-[谚]做事不可半途而废; 干就要彻底干。
Things are in good train.
do the handsome thing by
-厚待(某人); 慷慨资助(某人)
first thing off the bat
-马上, 立即
make things hum
-[口]搞得很热闹, 使有蓬勃的气象, 搞得有声有色, 使气氛活跃起来
leave things to look after them selves
-对事情不够注意; 忽略事情的发展
as things go
-[口]按现状看来, 在目前的情况下
old thing
-[俚]老朋友, 老兄; 老家伙
taking one thing with another
Things look blue.
-事情令人悲观, 情况令人沮丧。
not know the first thing about sth.
not care a thing
-[口]一点也不在乎, 根本不放在心上
the general thing


1 、Every thing was in good trim.───一切都井井有条。

2 、It is hardly conceivable (to me) that she should do such a thing.───(我)简直难以想像她会干这种事。

3 、The owner of the theatre thinks that investing in any musical comedy is a sure thing these days.───剧院老板认为,当今为任何一部喜剧投资都是必然会赚钱的事。

4 、The living thing on the earth can not subsist on mars.───地球上的生物不可能在火星上生存。

5 、The thing of luminescence is not sure all gold.───发光的东西未必都是黄金。

6 、How dared they do such a thing?───他们怎么竟敢做出这样的事。

7 、How could he do such an awful thing to his own kith and kin?───他怎么会对自己的亲人做出这样糟糕的事呢?

8 、Oh, you are exaggerated. I play only a small part in the whole thing.───哦,你过奖了。我在这件事里只起了很小的作用。

9 、If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.───假使五千万人讲出一件荒谬的事,那仍然是荒谬的事。

10 、It's a good thing you reminded me to take my heavy coat.───你提醒我带上大衣,这是件好事。

11 、He saw many strange thing during his perambulation in the old city.───他到那古老的城市里闲逛,看见很多奇怪的事物。

12 、He has an unerring knack of saying the wrong thing.───他有个出言必失的本领。

13 、It is a miserable thing to live in suspense; it is a life of a spider.───在悬而未决的状态之下过日子是凄惨的,是蜘蛛的生活嘛。

14 、It will be an easy thing for you to win back your kingdom of England.───你要夺回你的英国王国就是一件容易的事了。

15 、Poor thing! He must be feeling awful now.───可怜的人儿!他现在一定不好受。

16 、It is a good thing that life is not as serious as it seems to a waiter.───人生还不至于像侍应生看得那么严肃,是一件好事情。

17 、A thing you don't want is dear at any price.───[谚]不需要的东西最贵。

18 、He is exempt from punishment about this thing.───关于此事对他已免于处分。

19 、So it's the same thing. It's the same thing here.─── 就是这个道理 管理警区也是这样

20 、How do you see thing like this?───你对这类事情是怎么看的?

21 、Well, the thing about your thing is it's more serious than my thing.─── 毕竟你的事比我的事 要严重多了

22 、In given conditions a bad thing can be turned into a good one.───在一定条件下,坏事可以变为好事。

23 、So they will not sit inside the classroom on Saturday, they do other thing.───因此星期六他们将不坐在教室里,他们做别的事情。

24 、John could do any thing when put to his stumps.───只要强迫约翰拿出干劲来,他什么事都干得出来。

25 、Poor thing, her husband has left her with three children to bring up.───可怜的人,她丈夫给她遗下3个未成年的孩子。

26 、She's just a slip of a thing, but she can run faster than all of us.───别看她那麽瘦,跑起来比我们谁都快。

27 、Anyway, I'd like to see thing myself.───不过,我想亲自看一看。

28 、I say, old thing, can you lend me a cigarette?───喂,老兄,你能借我一支雪茄烟吗?

29 、Keep a cool head when thing go wrong.───出问题时要保持冷静的头脑。

30 、Absence of mind is altogether an involuntary thing.───发愣,是完全出自无意识了。

31 、It bears all things, believes all things, endures all things.─── 凡事包容 凡事相信 凡事忍耐

32 、A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.───[谚]美好的事物,回味无穷。

33 、It's not my thing. It's your thing. It's your thing.─── 这不是我的事 是你的事 就是你的事

34 、But the thing is too big a thing to no longer be a thing.─── 那事太重要了 不可能说没就没

35 、His bully make a mock of all the fine thing he say about kindness to others.───他那恃强欺弱的行为对于他所说的待人友善的漂亮言词是一个嘲弄。

36 、The next best thing would be to tell him the truth.───其次,最好的办法就是把真相告诉他们。

37 、If a thing is not done to perfection, it is unacceptable.───做得不完美的事是无法接受的。

38 、That play of his was a flash in the pan; he hasn't written a thing of value since.───他的那部剧作可谓昙花一现,此后他再也没有写出过有价值的东西了。

39 、The first thing he does after getting up is to make the bed.───他起床后的第一件事就是整理床铺。

40 、He had traveled widely and knew a thing or two about the Far East.───他去过很多地方,对远东的情况颇为熟悉。

41 、An event; a thing that happens or appears, for example, an occurrence of impulse noise.───一种事件,或发生或出现的一件事情,例如,脉冲噪声的出现。

42 、A funny thing happened to me today.───今天我遇见个莫名其妙的事。

43 、Only one thing brighten up the scene.───只有一件事才使我开心。

44 、The first thing to turn green in the spring is Christmas jewelry.───到了春天,头一个变青色儿的东西是圣诞节时收到的珠宝。

45 、A strange thing happened to me this morning.───今天早上我碰到一件怪事。

46 、The only thing to do is to throw caution to the winds.───唯一可做的事情就是不顾一切豁出去。

47 、Her idea is fundamentally sound, even if she says silly thing sometimes.───即使她有时说些傻话,她的想法基本上是好的。

48 、For one thing they keep the water clean.───一方面,他们可以保持水的清洁。

49 、Everything come to him who wait-among other thing, death.───人之所望,天必与之-——尤其是“死”。

50 、A good book is the next best thing to a true friend.───一本好书是仅次於真朋友的最隹东西。

51 、For one thing, I have no time; for another (thing), I have no money.───一则,我没有时间; 二则,我没有钱。

52 、He has an unfortunate aptitude for saying the wrong thing.───他有失言的倒霉本事。

53 、Mr Wade thought his child had a fever but the doctor found the disease quite another thing.───伟德先生以为他的孩子发烧,可医生发现那根本不是发烧。

54 、The thing go on more smooth than our imagines.───事情进行得比我们想象的更顺利。

55 、To eat too much is as much a bad thing as to eat nothing.───吃太多和什么都不吃同样是坏事。

56 、He fling his thing on and rushed out the door.───他匆匆穿上衣服,奔出门去。

57 、She's doing her thing. I'm doing my thing.─── 她有她的想法 我有我的

58 、He is always raising a stink about this, that or the other thing.───他总是为了这个、那个的大吵大闹,什麽事都有得吵,有得闹。

59 、Borrowing tapes from the library would be the next-best thing.───从资料库借磁带是退而求其次的办法。

60 、One error might make it necessary to pull the whole thing apart and start over again.───只要出一点差错,就可能要全部拆卸,重新装配。

61 、During the fever he become delirious and say some strange thing.───发高烧时他神志昏迷,说了些稀奇古怪的事。

62 、A holiday will be just the thing for you.───你现在需要的就是放假。

63 、He is the last man to do such a thing.───他绝不可能会做这种事。

64 、He won the match but it was a very near thing!───他赢了这场比赛,可也真是险胜啦!

65 、He has the faculty of saying the right thing at the right time.───他有在恰当的时候说恰当的话的才智。

66 、They had a good laugh over that silly thing.───他们对那件蠢事大加嘲笑。

67 、The only thing he ever takes out on a moonlit night is his upper plate.───在月夜他带出去[拿出来]的惟一东西,是上排的一副假牙。

68 、All my friends talk about back home is things things they want, things they have, things that other people have.─── 我在家里时所有的朋友 谈的都是 他们想要的东西 他们有的东西 别人有的东西

69 、A little learning is a dangerous thing.───一知半解,为害不浅。

70 、If there's one thing I can't do with, it's untidiness.───假若说有什麽东西我无法忍受的话,那就是不整洁。

71 、Appearance is not everything, but it's the first thing an interviewer notice about you.───外表并不代表一切,但是主考人首先会注意到这一点。

72 、It is mean to do such a thing.───做这样的事真卑鄙。

73 、It is a matter of dispute (whether they did the right thing).───(他们做得对还是不对,)这是有争议之处。

74 、How odd they have gone through the eccentric thing!───他们经历了多么离奇古怪的事!

75 、Such a thing usually takes time to mend.───修理这种东西通常需要时间。

76 、"She is very unhappy, and-and that sort of thing, " Jose urged.───乔斯怂恿地说:"她可怜得很呢,还有-还有许多其他倒霉的事情。

77 、How dare you say such a thing?───你怎敢说出这样的话?

78 、I give so many thing to do that I just never get round to it.───事情那么多,我别想有空做这件事了。

79 、It was absurd of you to suggest such a thing.───你居然建议这样的事,太可笑了。

80 、It's sure thing that he'll succeed at what he chooses to do because he's so talented.───因为他那样有才干,他选定的事必将成功,这是无可置疑的。

81 、What a gormless thing to do!───多麽愚蠢的事!

82 、You might as well not know a thing at all as know it only a little.───只知道一点点,不如完全不晓得。

83 、Basically, the thing that I'm working on isn't doing the thing it's supposed to be doing when I'm doing the thing that I'm doing to it.─── 简单点说 我现在做的工作 就是做本不该做的事 而我还是去做的事

84 、That's not a thing. It is a thing.─── 这都不叫事儿 这就是事儿

85 、It is a matter of disputation whether they did the right thing.───他们做得对还是错,这是争议之处。

86 、Be calm and take thing as they come.───冷静些,事情既然这样了,就随它去吧。

87 、Thing, what thing? ?II want in on that thing.─── 这事 什么事 我也要算上

88 、He explained the whole thing from way back.───他把整件事情解释得很透彻。

89 、Don't worry, every thing will be attended to in good time.───别担心,一切都会及时得到照料的。

90 、It is inconceivable that a thing can both be and not be.───一件事情,即是又非是,是不可思议的。

thing things 的区别



thing things 的区别



东西, 物, 所有物, 用品, 事, 事情, 事件,事态



An entity, an idea, or a quality perceived, known, or thought to have its own existence.


The real or concrete substance of an entity.


An entity existing in space and time.


An inanimate object.


Something referred to by a word, a symbol, a sign, or an idea; a referent.


A creature:


the poor little thing.


An individual object:


There wasn't a thing in sight.


Law That which can be possessed or owned. Often used in the plural:

法律 动产:拥有或占有的东西。常用复数:

things personal; things real.


things Possessions; belongings:

things 所有物;财产:

packed her things and left.


An article of clothing:


Put on your things and let's go.


things The equipment needed for an activity or a special purpose:

things 用品:为某个活动或某种特殊目的所需的装备:

Where are my cleaning things?


An object or entity that is not or cannot be named specifically:


What is this thing for?


An act, deed, or work:


promised to do great things.


The result of work or activity:


is always building things.


A thought, a notion, or an utterance:


What a rotten thing to say!


A piece of information:


wouldn't tell me a thing about the project.


A means to an end:


just the thing to increase sales.


An end or objective:


In blackjack, the thing is to get nearest to 21 without going over.


A matter of concern:


many things on my mind.


A turn of events; a circumstance:


The accident was a terrible thing.


things The general state of affairs; conditions:

things 事态:事物的普遍状态;状况:

“Beneath the smooth surface of things, something was wrong”(Tom Wicker)


A particular state of affairs; a situation:


Let's deal with this thing promptly.


Informal A persistent illogical feeling, as a desire or an aversion; an obsession:

非正式用语 感情:渴望或厌恶等持续的非理性情感;迷恋:

has a thing about seafood.


Informal The latest fad or fashion; the rage:

非正式用语 时髦:最新的时尚或款式;流行:

Drag racing was the thing then.


Slang An activity uniquely suitable and satisfying to one:

俚语 合适的活动:只适合某人或使其满足的活动:

Let him do his own thing.See Synonyms at forte 1

让他做自己想做的事吧参见 forte1


things 所有物;财产:

例如 packed her things and left.


things The equipment needed for an activity or a special purpose.

things 用品:为某个活动或某种特殊目的所需的装备:

Where are my cleaning things?


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