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07-01 投稿




英:[?s?lv?we?(r)]  美:[?s?lv??w?r]

英:  美:


n.银器, 银餐具


1 、To this silverware must be added───在那些银器以外,还有

2 、The head servant in a household who is usually in charge of food service,the care of silverware,and the deportment of the other servants.───大管家家务中的仆役长,通常负责膳食招待、餐具的管理和其他仆人的举止。

3 、silks from India, copper coffee pots, and beautiful handmade silverware.───印度丝绸,铜咖啡壶以及手工制作的漂亮的银器。

4 、In our case, create a silverware lock that must be acquired before either the fork or knife is obtained.───前面死锁的例子中,可以创建一个银器对象的锁。于是在获得刀或叉之前都必须获得这个银器的锁。

5 、To pay tribute to the knight's chivalry, King Richard summoned the best craftsmen in England to make jewelry and silverware for the wedding.───国王理查为了嘉奖他的勇敢与忠诚,命令召集全国最好的工匠,为骑士的婚礼打造银器与首饰。

6 、I have bought your soul with that silverware and these candlesticks.─── 我用那些银餐具和这对烛台 赎回了你的灵魂

7 、" Now that Boro's hopes of silverware are over, Woodgate has urged his team-mates to concentrate on finishing as high up in the table as possible.───他是个太好的球员了,是个天才,他的到来使英超变得更精彩!"

8 、a set of china or silverware for serving tea───喝茶用的一套银器或瓷器

9 、Valencia, currently fourth in La Liga, must now concentrate on their domestic campaign if they are to claim any silverware this term.───“他们很强大,同时又和我们有不同,他们在和对手交手时总是有很多的招数,他们的确要强过我们,我相信他们可以走的更远。”

10 、He rubs the silverware without a cloth.─── 他精致讲究 喜欢圆柱形"**器"

11 、But ahead of tomorrow's Champions League semi-final with Liverpool, the 31-goal striker believes his side can overcome the odds to clinch four pieces of silverware.───但明天凌晨欧冠半决赛对阵利物浦,这位已经攻进31球的前锋坚信他们能够战胜对手,继续锁定四项锦标。

12 、It's a pile of sand, silverware, and towels.─── 它只是一堆沙子 银器 还有毛巾

13 、Having added a Club World Cup winner's medal to his burgeoning collection of prizes, Patrice Evra is already looking ahead to more silverware.───在把世界冠军奖章收入到自己的个人所获奖项后,埃弗拉已经开始渴望更多的荣誉。

14 、Overmars followed braces against Leeds and West Ham with a vital strike at Barnsley as silverware loomed large.───奥维马斯在接连缴获利兹联和西汉姆,在巴恩斯利打进一个重要进球,奖杯已经触手可及。

15 、There are all kinds of plates, saucers, cups, and silverware at my place.───在我眼前有各式各样的盘子、碟子、杯子和银制餐具。

16 、Lowlights: six seasons in Division Two in the 1920s, no silverware.───低谷:1920年代间六个赛季混迹于乙级联赛,无奖杯。

17 、You will need some things. A toothbrush and toothpaste; a washcloth and towel, some soap and shampoo, toilet paper, slippers, and a cup, bowl, and silverware.───你需要准备一些常用的东西。如牙刷、牙膏、毛巾、浴巾、香皂、洗发液、手纸、拖鞋、喝水杯、饭盒、餐具等。

18 、When eating with silverware, start from the outside pieces, then use the utensils for each successive course. The pieces closest to the plate are for dessert.───使用餐具吃饭时,首先从最外侧开始,刀和叉是用来吃第二道菜及以后的菜的。最靠近盘子的餐具要留到最后用。

19 、Yatai managed a consolation goal in the 79th minute through number 23 Zhang, but the damage had been done and Victory cruised to the final whistle and collected its first piece of silverware.───亚泰队只是在第79分钟由23号张笑非打入挽回颜面的一粒安慰球,这已经不能阻止胜利队获胜,而亚泰队也只能在巡回赛结束后取得一枚银牌。

20 、"Hopefully we will have an exciting end to the season and add some silverware to the trophy room."───“希望本赛季我们能有个高兴的结局,能够给荣誉室里添加内容。”

21 、Because fo the specific qualities of silverware it should be handled and kept well , and doing that will make it possible for you to enjoy a more refind table culture and to hand it down to posterity.───*在如此护理下即可以使您更好的享受餐饮文化,也可以使之传承子孙。

22 、It was mission accomplished on a cold night at Stamford Bridge, and Avram Grant has expressed his desire to get his hands on the first silverware of his Chelsea reign.───在这个寒冷的夜晚,我们在斯坦福桥成功的完成了一次狙击任务,格兰特也表示了他对执教切尔西后的第一座奖杯的渴望。

23 、"I said to the boys before we played Formby in the last round that this is a big chance for us to win some silverware and lift a nice trophy," Ablett told Liverpoolfc.tv.───历史上利物浦已经拿过超级杯高达32次,这场半决赛阿尔伯特和他的队员们全身心投入比赛。

24 、Do not wipe off your cup or silverware in a restaurant.───不要在餐厅擦拭茶杯或镀银餐具。

25 、They threw food, plates, and silverware at the doors, windows, and guards.───他们投掷了食物、板材和银器在门、窗口和卫兵。

26 、countermark silverware───在银器上加盖戳记

27 、People often buy stainless steel silverware because it does not tarnish easily.───人们常买不锈钢器皿,因为它不易变黑。

28 、"It is the catalyst for converting ethylene to ethylene oxide, the precursor of many organic chemicals. Its use in alloys in sterling (92.5% silver, 7.5% copper) and plated silverware, ornaments, and jewelry remains important;"───在将乙烯转化成氧化乙烯(许多有机化合物的前身)的过程中要以银作催化剂。它还用于标准纯银合金(92.5%的银,7.5%的铜),镀银的银器、装饰品和首饰仍是它的重要用途;

29 、The Toffees' last major piece of silverware came 14 years ago when they upset Ferguson's United at Wembley, with Paul Rideout scoring the only goal.───在周日的抽签中,这两队被分在一起,而阿森纳或者胡尔城将会在另一场比赛中对阵切尔西队。

30 、Similarly-shaped vases based on silverware forms were also produced at the Ru and Guan kilns during the Song dynasty (AD 960-1278).───以银器外形为基础的类似器形的花瓶同样产于宋代(公元960年-1278年)的汝窑和官窑。

31 、Reserves captain Sam Hewson was delighted to follow the first team's lead by clinching silverware on Monday evening.───在弗格森率领的一线队蝉联了联赛冠军后,不到24个小时,曼联在曼彻斯特超级杯决赛中战胜了博尔顿。休斯很高兴了延续了在老特拉福德的良好状态。

32 、The first thing which presented itself to him was the basket of silverware;───他打开橱,他最先见到的东西

33 、The rest of the silverware is a little confusing.───其他的餐具我有一些弄不清楚。

34 、But Peter Crouch sealed the silverware for the Reds on80 minutes as last season's FA Cup winners saw off the reigning Premiership champions.───但是克劳齐在80分钟的进球帮助利物浦最终捧杯,就像上赛季足总杯决赛一样再次击败蓝军。

35 、But Peter Crouch sealed the silverware for the Reds on 80 minutes as last season's FA Cup winners saw off the reigning Premiership champions.───但是克劳齐在80分钟的进球帮助利物浦最终捧杯,就像上足总杯一样再次击败。

36 、Benitez accepts the Premier League may now be Liverpool's best chance of silverware following the 3-1 loss in the Champions League quarter-final first leg.───在欧冠首回合1比3输给切尔西后,贝尼特斯承认英超联赛可能是利物浦最有可能获得银杯的赛事。

37 、49. You will need some things. A toothbrush and toothpaste; a washcloth and towel, some soap and shampoo, toilet paper, slippers, and a cup, bowl, and silverware.───你需要准备一些常用的东西.如牙刷、牙膏、毛巾、浴巾、香皂、洗发液、手纸、拖鞋、喝水杯、饭盒、餐具等。

38 、The Reds travel to Cardiff's Millennium Stadium on Sunday for the team's only realistic chance of winning silverware.───周日曼联将前往卡迪夫千年球场,那是球队唯一夺取冠军的机会了。

39 、At the moment when he was crossing this apartment, Madame Magloire was putting away the silverware in the cupboard near the head of the bed───他们穿过那屋子时,马格洛大娘正把那些银杯盏塞进他床头的壁橱。

40 、Decorates the silverware with a piece of spring,carries the pledge by the jade green...───在高贵的银器中点缀上那一抹春意,用翡翠般的绿承载永恒的誓言...

41 、His name and fortune all come from his professional excellence as a silversmith.He makes jewelry and silverware.───他的名气和财富都缘于他精湛的打制首饰和银器的手艺。

42 、She ate like a horse until the last plate was clean, and then she placed her silverware down with an air of conclusion───她象匹马似的吃着,直到把最后一只盘子里的东西吃了个精光,这才摆出一副完事大吉的样子放下手中的银质餐具。

43 、When eating with silverware, begin from the outside piece, then knife and fork for the second course and so on.───使用餐具吃饭时,首先从最外侧开始,刀和叉是用来吃第二道菜及以后的菜的。

44 、We're not here for the silverware, mate.─── 我们不是冲着银器来的 哥们

45 、A customized lighting installation of tiny glass lanterns stretches right across the ceiling, reflected in the mother of pearl dressers and glint of the finest crystal and silverware.───在悬挂的玻璃蜡烛灯的照耀下珍珠母餐具柜、晶莹剔透的水晶及银器熠熠生辉。

46 、There were six new sections introduced: ceramics, fashion jewellery and accessories, paper and packaging, silverware, travel goods and umbrellas, and watches and clocks.───今届展览会展出六种新增展品,类别包括陶瓷、时尚首饰及饰品,纸品及包装产品、银器礼品、旅游用品、雨伞及钟表。

47 、The use of tarnished silverware───使用失去光泽的银器

48 、10.When you're done with your meal, the proper placement of the silverware is to lay them parallel to each other and across the plate with the handles facing the right.───吃饱饭后,银器的恰当摆放是把他们摆成平行的与盘子交叉,把手朝着右边。

49 、You found some silverware and a couple candlesticks.─── 你们只找到几件银器和几个烛台

50 、If so, it could obtain the relevant locks; if not, it could release the master silverware lock and try again later.───如果是,它就可以获得相关的锁,否则,就要释放掉银器这个锁并稍后再尝试。

51 、To this silverware must be added two large candlesticks of massive silver, which he had inherited from a great-aunt───在那些银器以外,还有两个粗重的银烛台,是从他一个姑祖母的遗产中得来的。

52 、chase silverware───刻银器

53 、There are cameras all over, so no stealing the silverware.─── 到处都是摄像头 不准偷东西哦

54 、hardware; silverware.───五金器具;银器

55 、However, the manager believes maintaining his challenge in all three will only help them scoop some silverware.───但是,温格相信三线作战有助于球队夺得更多奖杯。

56 、Yet, with Chelsea, Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur already out and Arsene Wenger playing a virtual reserve side, it could be the competition which secures more silverware for Ferguson.───到现在切尔西、物浦、刺都已经出局了,阿塞纳.旺热也靠着半主力阵容在打,这对于福格森来说是最好拿的一项奖杯。

57 、He rubbed up the silverware with a clean dry cloth.───他用一块干净的干布将银器擦亮。

58 、Silverware in South America Style.───南美风格银器。

59 、Having gone out of two major competitions in four days, Arsnee Wenger is steeling himself for the challenge in Arsenal's last remaining avenue for silverware - the Premiership.───在四天时间里接连在两项重要赛事失利后,温格正坚定信心,面对阿森纳在最后一个奖杯--英超冠军争夺中的挑战。

60 、Though most customers at Marrakesh do eat with their hands, the restaurant also provides silverware.───尽管大多数的顾客在Marrakesh吃饭都是用手的,餐厅还是会提供银制器具。

61 、But I've been lucky to move from one big club to another and, hopefully, I can help bring some silverware to Newcastle after so many years without a trophy.───但我也十分幸运从一个大俱乐部转到了另一个大俱乐部,我也希望我能为纽卡斯尔在多年后再夺奖杯。”

62 、Ran to the bishop.Agen This is more precious than silver gifts, silverware redemption by the Bishop is not only a Ran.───主教送给冉.阿让的就是这种比银器更贵重的礼物,主教用银器赎回的不仅是冉.阿让的自由,更是把他灵魂从黑暗的思想和自暴自弃里救了出来。

63 、” But the father of the nation never imagined that the inhabitants of his cooling chamber might try to pocket the silverware and run off with the teapot.───但是这位国父未曾想过,他冷却室的居民们可能会试图偷走银器,并连茶壶也一并带走。

64 、She ate like a horse until the last plate was clean, and then she placed her silverware down with an air of conclusion.───她象匹马似的吃着,直到把最后一只盘子里的东西吃了个精光,这才摆出一副完事大吉的样子放下手中的银质餐具。

65 、Don't share silverware, towels, or bedding with anyone in your home until these items have been washed with soap and hot water.───不要与家里任何人共用未被肥皂或热水清洗过的食具,毛巾,或被褥。

66 、Her silverware consists of knives, forks, spoons, a water pitcher, and candlesticks.───她所有的银器包括刀、叉、匙、一个水壶,还有烛台。

67 、Vialli's two goals in the deepening arctic snow of Tromso, October 1997. A potential crisis averted in bizarre conditions on the way to European silverware.───1994年,在特罗姆索日渐深厚的北极雪中,维亚利独中两元。在通往欧洲大赛奖杯的道路上,怪异的状况中转移了潜在的危机。

68 、The main experiences silver jewelry retail. Chongqing Shapingba in the region have a certain reputation. Main operating 925 silverware, the Liberal brand "Silver trip" has already been registered.───主要经验银饰品的零售。在重庆沙坪坝区域有一定的声誉。主要经营925银饰,自由品牌“银之行”已经注册。

69 、N: You will need some things. A toothbrush and toothpaste; a washcloth and towel, some soap and shampoo, toilet paper, slippers, and a cup, bowl, and silverware.───你需要准备一些常用的东西。如牙刷、膏、巾、巾、皂、发液、纸、鞋、水杯、盒、具等。

70 、Some jewelry, silverware, a rare book once.─── 一些珠宝 银器 曾经还装过一本稀有的书

71 、Having regained the Barclays Premier League title last term, Rio Ferdinand is adamant that United are intent on claiming all available silverware next season.───在上赛季重新拿到英超冠军后,里奥·迪南德坚信曼联能在下赛季将所有奖杯拿到手。

72 、Well, don't thank me because I don't know if I have any silverware.─── 別謝我 因為我不知道我有沒有餐具

73 、a set of china or silverware for serving tea.───喝茶用的一套银器或瓷器。

74 、To illustrate our reasoning we will follow a usage scenario modeled around an online shop selling antique silverware to registered customers.───为了说明我们的推理,将通过一个模拟在线商店的使用情景来进行说明,该商店向注册客户出售古董银器。

75 、a piece of silverware───一件银器

76 、He really had no intention of buying anything at the market, but one stall was loaded with silverware which looked good and which the stallholder admitted he was trying to get rid of.───他本来没打算在这个市场上买东西,但一个推位摆满了看起来很不错的银器,而且推主坦陈他打算甩卖掉它们.

77 、He polished his silver silverware for the evening.───他为了晚上的活动擦亮了银器。

78 、Chelsea already have the League Cup in their trophy cabinet and their Portuguese coach has not given up hope of collecting all the silverware on offer this season.───切尔西赢得了联赛杯的冠军,他们的葡萄牙主帅仍未放弃在本赛季赢得所有锦标的希望。

79 、"He's brought a lot of silverware in a short period of time and is adored by the fans.───他在很短的时间里为俱乐部带来了很多令人瞩目的成就,而且他也深受球迷的喜爱。

80 、That silverware is all I had that connected me to them.─── 那套银餐具是我和她们唯一的联系

81 、And the decks were soon covered with colourful rugs from Persia, silks from India, copper coffee pots, and beautiful handmade silverware.───一会儿工夫,甲板上就摆满了色彩斑斓的波斯地毯。印度丝绸。铜咖啡壶以及手工制作的漂亮的银器。

82 、" And Giggs believes United's defensive solidity can help them in their quest for silverware at home and abroad.───吉格斯也认为球队的稳固防守将能够帮助球队取得不管是主场或客场的的胜利。

83 、Having already won both domestic and European trophies with Proto, he is eager to start collecting the silverware at Stamford Bridge.───仅仅用了半个,他布满灵性的激发他的队伍形成了令人瞩目的状态,实现了不可思议的表现和成绩。

84 、Oh, and he does not need silverware.─── 还有 他不想要镀银餐具

85 、He has won nine league titles in 16 years as a coach, picking up silverware with all four clubs he has been in charge of.───在16年的教练成呀中,他一共获得过9个联赛冠军,他所执教过的4个俱乐部全举起过冠军奖杯。

86 、"Just one more season after the next that is it," said Shearer. Hopefully we will get some silverware in between now and then."───“我只会再多踢一个赛季直到明年夏天结束。”希勒说。“我只希望能在这段时间内纽卡能够获得冠军就好。”

87 、The England international has agreed a deal to join Sir Alex Ferguson's side after almost a year of speculation and, having claimed countless honours in Germany, is aiming to reap silverware with the Reds.───在经过近1年的转会谈判,这名英格兰队成员已经同意加入弗格森爵士的球队,在德国赢得很多荣誉的他希望可以与红魔共创辉煌。

88 、One section of the heroine Ran Agen Bienvenu Bishop was arrested for theft after he silverware teachings. show compassion for the kind of religious shook my soul is not forgotten.───其中一节,卞福汝主教对主人公冉?阿让偷窃他银器被抓后的教诲,表现出的那种宗教的悲悯对我心灵的振撼是无法磨灭的。

89 、Silverware is already in the trophy cabinet with the dream alive of more to come.───一项奖杯已经到手了,而且亦继续保持住追求更多锦标的梦。

90 、In 2003 it earned him a transfer to Paris-Saint Germain, and he helped the Parisians to win their first silverware in six years,───2003年,他转会去了巴黎圣日耳曼,帮助球队举起了法国杯,这是巴黎圣日耳曼六年来的第一个冠军。




1.For the basin analyst a crucial question concerns the duration and nature of the after-effects of plate interaction.


2.Similarly, high heat flows are to be expected among the active or not-too-longextinct magmatic belts of plate approximation zones.


3.The plate was loaded in its own plane by a pin passing through the hole in anannular disc fitted in the hole in the plate.


4.She ate like a horse until the last plate was clean, and then she placed hersilverware down with an air of conclusion.


5.How much does a new plate glass window cost?




英 [ple?t] 美 [plet]




1、She had a metal plate inserted in her arm.


2、The cutlery is plate, not solid silver.



1、have enough/a lot/too much on your plate


2、hand sth to sb on a plate


3、Antarctic Plate [地质] 南极洲板块

4、plate armour 板甲 ; 板金甲 ; 防弹钢板







例:One of the glass panels in the front door was cracked.








例:He had ripped up the carpet, leaving only the bare boards.


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