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07-01 投稿




英:[?ru:l??]  美:[?rul??]

英:  美:



adj.统治的, 支配的, 流行的



形容词比较级: rulier | 形容词最高级: ruliest |


1 、I did not approve of her actions, but I have a hands-off rule in personal matters, so I said nothing.───我不赞成她的行为,但是我的原则是对别的私事不加干涉,所以我什么话也没说。

2 、Counsel excepted to the court's ruling.───律师反对法院的裁决

3 、The tribunal's ruling has established a precedent.───仲裁庭的裁定确立了一个先例。

4 、She made a rule of eating an apple a day.───她每天一定要吃一个苹果。

5 、He did not rule out changing his mind.───他没有排除改变主意的可能性。

6 、The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.───任何一个时代的统治思想始终都不过是统治阶级的思想。

7 、Let it be constant rule to scrub the boards the right way; that is lengthways.───地板永远要朝适当的方向去擦,也就是要顺着的方向去擦。

8 、I've stressed the rule over and over but you didn't listen to me.───我已经一再强调规则了,可是你不听我的话。

9 、There is always an exception to any rule.───任何规律总有例外。

10 、Despite the ruling, he was still found guilty.───尽管有那个裁决,他还是被定了罪。

11 、We are not ruling out more arrests.───我们不排除会有更多人被捕。

12 、All his family have red hair except him. He is the exception which proves the rule.───他们全家除他以外头发都是红的. 正所谓有例外才证明有规律嘛。

13 、She is one of the ruling party's most outspoken critics.───她是最直言不讳地批评执政党的一个人。

14 、What is my ruling faculty now to me?───我的支配能力现在对我是什么呢?

15 、Irish statesman who opposed home rule for Ulster and was Northern Ireland's first prime minister(1921-1940).───克雷加文爱尔兰政治家,他反对乌尔斯特区自治,是北爱尔兰第一位首相(1921-1940年)

16 、A rule of correspondence between two sets such that there is a unique element in the second set assigned to each element in the first set.───函数两组元素一一对应的规则,第一组中的每个元素在第二组中只有唯一的对应量

17 、I never weigh anything when I'm cooking-I just do it by rule of thumb.───我烹饪从来不称重量——只是凭经验下料。

18 、Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after300 years' rule.───在黄巢的带领下他们推翻了统治了三百年的王朝。

19 、As a rule of thumb, you should cook a chicken for 20 minutes for each pound that it weighs.───凭经验估计,每磅鸡肉应烹调20分钟。

20 、At this point, the ruling classes were willing to compromise.───在这个时候,统治阶层愿意妥协了。

21 、An established rule, principle, or law.───公理,原理,原则建立起来的规则、原理、或法律

22 、There's rules and those rules have to be followed.─── 有规则 而且我们必须遵守

23 、The club has established a new rule allowing women to join.───俱乐部制定了一条新规章,允许妇女入会。

24 、I did not approve of his actions, but I have a hands-off rule in personal matters, so I said nothing.───我不赞成他的行为,但我对私人事情都采取不干涉原则,所以我什么话也没说。

25 、It is a tale of barbaric kings ruling a barbaric people.───它讲述了历代野蛮国王统治同一个野蛮民族的故事。

26 、A ruling or decision of an umpire.───仲裁裁判员的裁定或决定

27 、She has been the ruling belle-the blazing star .───她是首屈一指的美人,一颗灿烂的明星。

28 、As a rule, I'm home by six.───我通常六点在/到家。

29 、A ruling that opened the floodgates to refugees seeking asylum.───一条打开了难民们寻找避难所大门的法令

30 、The only rule is that there are no rules.─── 唯一的规则就是 没有规则

31 、He was made a scapegoat of the ruling circles and compelled to resign.───他成了统治集团的替罪羊,被迫辞职。

32 、A secular law, rule, or code of law.───世俗法规世俗的法律、制度或法典

33 、As a rule he writes English very well, but occasionally unidiomatic expressions creep in.───他通常英语写得很好,可是偶尔会夹杂一些不合习惯的表达方式。

34 、But the ruling could have wider implications.───但这一裁决可能具有更广泛的意义。

35 、They tried to make their protests heard by the ruling clique.───他们设法使统治集团听到他们的抗议。

36 、I'm afraid that the judge might rule against him.───恐怕法官的判决会于他不利。

37 、A king ruling a kingdom considered small or unimportant.───小国之君统治小块的或不重要的领地的君主

38 、The two judges concurred on the ruling.───两名法官对这个判决意见一致。

39 、He is an ironhanded person ruling over the country.───他是统治这个国家的铁腕人物。

40 、The company is appealing against the ruling.───公司正对判决提出申诉。

41 、As a rule of thumb, a one-cent-a-gallon gasoline tax raises$1 billion. Oil producers in President-elect Bush's adopted state of Texas, however, would rather see a tax on imported crude oil.───一般情形是,每加仑加汽油一分钱的税可以征收10亿元。可是,在布什第二家乡德克萨斯州的产油商宁愿看见在进口原油上征税。

42 、But last month, it lost a big ruling.───但是,微软在上个月输了一起大官司(裁决)。

43 、I make it a rule to take a short walk after lunch.───我习惯在午饭后散散步。

44 、At this point,the ruling classes is willing to compromise.───在这个时候,统治阶层愿意妥协了。

45 、Do you know what the ruling price of gold is?───你知道黄金的时价吗?

46 、He makes it a rule never to borrow money.───他无论如何也不向别人借钱。

47 、On one hand, one rule limits the women's colleges to300 members, and on the other hand, another rule allows the total number of women to be1/50 of the male undergraduate population.───一方面一个规章制定在校的女生数限于300人,另一方面,另一规定又允许女生总数占男生人数的五分之一。

48 、The mps dispute the speaker 's ruling .───下院议员对议长的裁决提出质疑。

49 、Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority.───专制如同或被专制者统治; 绝对权力或权威

50 、I've made it a rule never to hurry.───我已养成凡事从容不迫的习惯。

51 、I did the calculation by the rule of three.───我是根据比例运算法则计算出来的。

52 、It sees this ruling as vindication.───它仅把这次掌控看成是一次辩护。

53 、That's a "you" rule, not a "me" rule.─── 那是规定你 不是规定我

54 、A positive diagnosis can be made only after ruling out gastric and duodenal ulcer.───只有排除了胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡的可能性之后,才能作出明确诊断。

55 、One hardly saves a world without ruling it.───人不能既想拯救世界,又想统治世界。

56 、Dominion or rule, especially the British rule over India(1757-1947).───主权,统治管辖或统治,尤指英国对印度的统治(1757-1947年)

57 、Spearing up is against the rule, and any player will be punished.───冰球运动比赛时,刺伤对方选手是犯规的,犯规者要受罚。

58 、His garden is his ruling passion.───他生活中的主要兴趣是照顾他的花园。

59 、She became so morose and despotic, that her rule became intolerable.───她变得如此孤僻和专横,以致她的统治让人无法忍受。

60 、So I've divided the rules into base parts, dance rules, etiquette rules, rules of greeting the hostess.─── 所以我把规矩分成舞蹈 社交和问候女主人

61 、The ruling passion of them miser is the love of money.───吝啬鬼最强烈的情感就是爱财。

62 、His ruling put quite a different interpretation on the responsibility of trustee.───他的裁定对受托人的责任提出很不相同的解释。

63 、The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife.───反动统治集团内部勾心斗角,四分五裂。

64 、When will the committee give/make its ruling ?───委员会什麽时候做出裁决?

65 、The reactionary ruling clique is torn by internal strife.───反动统治集团内部勾心斗角,四分五裂。

66 、We are a people no longer subject to foreign rule.───我们是一个不再受外国统治的民族。

67 、As a rule, we get up about six o'clock.───我们通常六点左右起床。

68 、To rule out appendicitis. It's ruled out.─── 为了排除阑尾炎的可能 本来就不是

69 、I never weigh anything when I'm cooking.I just do it by rule of thumb.───我做饭时从来什么也不称量,只是根据实际经验估量做。

70 、The rules are the rules, and they are not yours to bend.─── 规矩就是规矩 不是说通融就通融的

71 、In our department, this rule has become a dead letter.───在我们这个部门,这条制度已成为一纸空文。

72 、But it may be said as a rule that every Englishman in the Duke of Wellington's army paid his way. The remembrance of such a fact surely becomes a nation of shop-keepers.───可是有一样,威灵顿公爵军队里的英国人买东西向来不欠账,他们究竟是来自小店主之国,所以买东西从来不会忘记付钱。

73 、The number of thermodynamic variables, such as temperature and pressure, required to specify a state of equilibrium of a system, given by the phase rule.───变化,变异相律提供的,要求详述某一系统的平衡状态的热力学变量数目,如温度和压力

74 、Without their support he'll be ruling in a vacuum.───如果没有他们的支持,他就会控制在真空中。

75 、The only rule is there are no rules.─── 唯一的规矩就是 没有规矩

76 、We're not ruling him in and we're not ruling him out.─── 我们无法确认 也无法排除他的嫌疑

77 、He's made it a rule to rise early.───他已养成早起的习惯。

78 、They decided to do away with the rule.───他们决定废除这条规则。

79 、I'm here to make the new rules and the new rules are no rules.─── 我是来制定新规则的 新规则就是没有规则

80 、But this does not rule out unofficial discussions.───但这并不排除进行非正式的讨论。

81 、Next is the provisional ruling.───下面是结果:

82 、He prepares to go mad with fixed rule and method.───他准备对死板的规则与方式大闹一番。

83 、The ruling consideration is one of cost.───占主导地位考虑的是成本。

84 、A new rule will soon come into being.───一个新规则很快就要出台了。

85 、People rose up against the despotic rule of their potentate.───人们起来反抗君主的专制统治。

86 、All my life I followed the rules, my family's rules, the army's rules.─── 我的一生一直都循规蹈矩 家里的规矩 军队的规矩

87 、His ruling passion was ambition.───他一心要实现自己的抱负.

88 、Everyone agrees that the court's ruling was sound.───大家都认为法院的判决是有效的。

89 、By breaking the rule of absolute secrecy, he became a marked man.───他因违犯绝密条例,成了处罚对象。

90 、The committee laid down rule about the size of tennis court.───委员会对于网球场面积的大小作出了规定。



1.They embrace only a small minority of yemenis but are self-ruling, determined and well-organised. 他们只有一小撮也门人,自治、果断、组织严密。

2.By remaining calm, indulgeing yourself to not understand, and not translating planethough listening, your smart-ass is self-ruling to concentrate on the most important thing. 保持心平气和,允许自己有听不懂的地方,不要边听边在脑子里翻译,你就可以把注意力集中在最重要的东西上了





初中高中CET4CET6考研商务英语n.规则;规律,法则;规章,条例;原则;常规,惯例;定律;统治(期),管辖(期)v.统治,管辖;支配,操控,控制;裁决,裁定vt.用(尺)画过去式 ruled过去分词 ruled现在分词 ruling第三人称单数 rules复数 rules

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