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06-28 投稿




英:[v??d]  美:[v??d]

英:  美:


vt.使无效, 排泄,使空出

adj.空的, 无效的, 缺乏的

n.真空, 空白, 空虚



动词现在分词: voiding | 动词过去分词: voided | 动词第三人称单数: voids | 名词: voider | 动词过去式: voided |


aching void


dry void
zero air void
fractional void
wall void
steam void
surface void
-表面孔穴; 表面凹部
shrinkage void
octahedral voids
-八面体空位, 八面体空穴
interstitial void
cavitation void
null and void
-无效, 作废, 宣告无效
intragranular void
bedding void


1 、Her rejoicing voice is void of event avoidable.───她那令人高兴的声音缺少某种可避免的物品。

2 、But since the void is void, it is of little use to us.───但空虚既是空虚,对咱们没什么用。

3 、He put forward a proposal void of reason.───他提了个没有道理的建议。

4 、We've been battling each other in our own voids.─── 我们一直在各自的断片时期里抵抗彼此

5 、You simply have to stop them from falling off into the void with more BSP.───你可以简单地使用BSP来制止它们掉入虚空。

6 、How to provide void marriage and voidable marriage in marriage law?───如何在婚姻法中设置无效婚姻和得撤销的婚姻?

7 、To nullify or render void; abolish.───使无效,使废弃;取消

8 、Now, you said you've been there, to this void.─── 你说你去过那里 那片虚空

9 、Chaos is the original dark void from which everything else appeared.───"混沌是原始黑暗的虚无,那里是一切其他事物的起源。

10 、With some kind of spirited sense he seemed to envisage a bleak, horrible void.───他用某种精神的感官,似乎窥见了某种荒凉、可怖的空虚。

11 、The child's death left a painful void in his parents' lives.───孩子的死给父母的生活留下了痛苦的空白。

12 、His style is void of affectation.───他的文体没有矫揉造作之嫌。

13 、They are trying to fill the void in their marriage with a baby.───他们想生个孩子去弥补他们婚姻的空隙。

14 、He r rejoicing voice is void of something avoidable.───她感到高兴的声音缺少了可避免的事情。

15 、All space-directions are void.───四大皆空。

16 、A ball of fire seemed to fall out of the void, disappearing before it reached the earth.───一个火球似乎从天外飞降而来,在到达地面前悄然失踪了。

17 、If this is filling a void for you, that's all that matters.─── 如果这能帮你填补空白 那就是好事

18 、"We should abstain from any exaggerations and void phrase-making," said he.───他说:“我们不应吹牛皮,讲空话。”

19 、An agreement signed by a child is void .───小孩子签署的协议是无效的。

20 、He was void of any of these feelings which actuate men to do good .───他缺乏任何促使人们行善的那种情绪。

21 、I created a void that only I could fill.─── 我创造了一个只有我能填补的空洞

22 、The contract was declared null and void by the competent authority.───主管部门宣布该合同无效。

23 、An agreement signed by a child, to repay borrowed money, is void.───小孩为了偿还所借的钱而签的契约是无效的。

24 、The original elections were declared void by the former military ruler.───原先的选举结果被前任的军方统治者宣告无效!

25 、Main must be declared as static and it must return either int or void.───Main必须声明为静态的并且它必须返回int或void。

26 、To make or declare void or invalid, as a marriage or a law; nullify.───废除制定,宣布免除或无效,如婚约或法律;废除

27 、Next,the world,and he found himself suspended in a void.───下一步,世界。他发现自己悬在空虚之中了。

28 、A rendering void; an annulment.───作废处于作废的状况;废止,取消

29 、Like royalty that rules the black void, entombed in the night infinite.───像统治黑空隙的皇族,埋葬在无限的夜。

30 、Oh therapy can you please fill the void?───哦圣愈,你能填补这空虚么?

31 、So the afternoon siesta is not some empty void.───原来午休并不是一场空白。

32 、Her rejoicing voice is void of something avoidable.───她那令人高兴的声音缺少某种可避免的东西。

33 、There was an aching void in his heart.───他心中有悲痛的空虚感.

34 、Ticket will be void, if it has been mutilated or altered.───客票涂改无效。

35 、He looked down at the gaping void at his feet.───他看着脚下张开的裂缝。

36 、That won't fill the empty void in me.─── 可那填补不了我此时的空虚

37 、It is derived from the concept of a void.───它是源自于“空”的概念。

38 、The act of making null and void.───废除使 ... 作废和无效

39 、His wife's death left a painful void in his life.───他妻子的死给他的人生留下了痛苦的空虚感。

40 、Yes, the Maiden of the Void.───对,那个空之巫女。

41 、How do I void a package in UPS Internet Shipping?───如何在UPS网上托运取消托运包裹?

42 、Resonating on the Void How far are Chinese Arts from New Media Art?───中国艺术距离新媒体艺术有多远?

43 、It can either have a void or int return type.───它可以具有void或int返回类型。

44 、Almost every new law makes some old one null and void.───几乎每一新的法律实施都使得某一旧的法律无效。

45 、That wouldn't just void the marriage, that would void the prenup, too.─── 这样不仅婚姻是无效的 婚前协议也无效了

46 、I'm not saying that because our agreement is void.─── 我也不是因为我们的约定无效

47 、The huge void in my life, this intense grieving.───强烈的空虚无助、强烈的痛苦占据我的生活。

48 、And he found himself suspended in a void.───他发现自己悬在空虚之中了。

49 、Celestials live in the great void.───仙人生活在太虚之中。

50 、His face was void of expression.───他的脸毫无表情。

51 、in the void between our two galaxies.─── ...have been strategically placed

52 、His suggestions are totally void of common sense.───他的建议完全缺乏常识。

53 、To annul or make void; invalidate.───使废除或使无效;使作废。

54 、Oh, right. Okay. First I snag the Sword of the Void, then I school her!───噢,好吧,先剽走空之剑,再教训她!

55 、If you write below the line then you make the ticket void.───"如果你写在线下面,这张票就无效。"

56 、Under such circumstances, we had to declare this agreement mull and void.───在这种情况下,我们不得不宣布这份协议无效。

57 、Otherwise the message will disappear into the void.───不然那讯息会消失于无形之中。

58 、I produced on the current high-precision roller, to fill the domestic void.───就目前我公司生产的高精度滚轴,填补了国内的空白。

59 、To void a buy or sell order.───取消原定的买卖协定。

60 、A method with a void return type cannot return a value.───具有void返回类型的方法无法返回值。

61 、Q: But since the void is void, it is of little use to us.───但空虚既是空虚,对咱们没什么用。

62 、A field was declared to be of type void.───字段被声明成了void类型。

63 、So the void ratio method is feasible in compaction control of subbase.───因此,路基压实用空隙率法控制是切实可行的。

64 、The void left by his mother's death was never filled.───他母亲死后留下的空虚感永远没能填补上。

65 、That part of the town is completely void of interest for visitors.───城镇的那部分对游客完全没有吸引力。

66 、Next, the world, and he found himself suspended in a void.───下一步,世界。 他发现自己悬在空虚之中了。

67 、To declare null and void; reverse.───宣布无效;撤消

68 、Below him was nothing but a black void.───他下面只是一片漆黑。

69 、Lean them against walls to form the type of void you want.───将它们斜靠在墙上,来搭建你所需要的空隙样式。''

70 、I entered the void, where there is no time.─── 我遁入虚无 那里没有时间

71 、Well, how about releasing the power of the Sword of the Void?───好,释放空之剑的力量如何?

72 、In the next weeks government floated as in a void.───以后的几个星期,政府宛如漂浮于真空之中。

73 、To annul or make void;invalidate.───使废除或使无效;使作废

74 、Not all common mistakes will render a contract void.───并不是所有的合同误解都会导致合同无效。

75 、Sell, gift or trade any Account, and any such attempt shall be null and void.───任何这样的企图都是无效的。

76 、Her face was void of all interest.───她面部表情显得对什麽都不感兴趣。

77 、There's been such a void since he left.─── 他走后我一直感觉空荡荡的

78 、The future is an apathetic void of no interest to anyone.───冷漠而空洞的未来对任何人都没有意义。

79 、Examples of void contracts are those entered into as a result of misrepresentation, duress or under influence.───因欺诈胁迫和乘人之危而签定的合同属于可撤销合同.

80 、The marriage was declared null and void.───婚姻已宣告无效了。

81 、ElePHPant is meant to fill that void in the PHP community.───大象”的意义即是填补了PHP社区中的空白。

82 、It is not like him to put forward suggestions wholly void of sense.───他才不会提毫无见识的建议呢。

83 、His death has left the void.───他的去世留下了这个空位。

84 、Generic pointer type, equivalent to (void *). Should be used instead of LPSTR.───你应该把S强转成你传进来时的那种类型的指针.

85 、She's the Maiden of the Void?───她是空之巫女?

86 、They too contribute to the void in having such skin tone.───他们也在这些皮肤色调中向空无谐调。

87 、You can survive in a smaller void.───你可以在一个很小的空间里幸存。

88 、Some mistakes of fact will render a contract void.───对事实的误解可以导致合同无效。

89 、While he was away, I found his absence void, there was something wanting.───他出门了,我觉得很空虚,总像少了点什么似的。

90 、An act of making or declaring void.───废除,取消;宣布无效使或宣布无效的行为


是空白的意思。 VOID在这里是待定的意思,就好像我们手写发票时,空着的地方要打个斜杠(折线)一样。 可以比较单程电子客票和往返电子客票行程单来认识它们之间的区别:往返电子客票行程单返程栏都有签注,若有第二航程或者返程的客票也有签注,没有VOID字样;若是单程电子客票行程单,由于没有第二航段,也没有返程体现在上面,


航空运输电子客票行程单上的VOID的含义表示那一栏是空白的意思(VOID在这里是待定的意思,就好像我们手写发票时,空着的地方要打个斜杠(折线)一样)。  比较单程电子客票和往返电子客票行程单来认识它们之间的区别:往返电子客票行程单返程栏都有签注,若有第二航程或者返程的客票也有签注,没有VOID字样;若是单程电子客票行程单,由于没有第二航段,也没有返程体现在上面,所以第二个TO栏目就全是VOID,表示没有第二航段。

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