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07-01 投稿





英:  美:




名词: leadenness | 副词: leadenly |


drum major | forerunner | predecessor | foregoer | superintendent | coryphaeus | vanguard | adviser | pioneer | bandmaster | principal | lead | pacemaker | chorister | organizer | frontiersman | commander | drawing card | doyen | major | captain | general | pacesetter | advance guard | guard | motivator | employer | item | avant-courier | vaunt-courier | feature | prompter | leading light | chieftain | sachem | paramount | ruler | precentor | president | drum | advance | frontrunner | guide | commandant | manager | trailblazer | musician | antecedent | conductor | chief | actuator | chairman | superior | concertmaster | loss leader | brain | maestro | explorer | band | overseer | warlord | cock | guru | groundbreaker | director | boss | supervisor | precursor | trend-setter | head | lord | suzerain | inspirer | governor | mentor | pathfinder | outrider | spearhead | choirmaster | encourager | administrator | master




leader of praise
floor leader
leader of laws
-执政者, 国家**
loss leader
district leader
follow my leader
community leader


synchronous leader
group leader
-团体领袖; 实习小组指导员
price leader
leader of chain
videotape leader
-录象磁带带 头
youth leader
tail leader
-片尾, 带尾
discharge leader
leader for television film
project leader
head leader
-(影片)片头; (磁带)引带
television film leader
magnetic tape leader


1 、A good leader should always pay heed to the voice of the masses.───一位好领导应该经常注意倾听群众的呼声。

2 、Former leader of a gang in the Castro Canyon.───卡斯特罗峡谷原驻帮派的前首领。

3 、A leader's power to do both good and evil.───一个领导者的权利既可行善亦可为恶

4 、They disanointed the great leader.───他们不再把伟大领袖奉若神明。

5 、Their leader told them to prove their manhood by fighting well.───他们的首领要他们奋勇作战,以此显示男子汉气概。

6 、He speaks she will work under leader of Mr. Pi Te.───他说她将在皮特先生领导下工作。

7 、He is the leader of a trade mission to Japan.───他是赴日本贸易代表团的领队。

8 、A leader who caves to fear is no leader at all.─── 向恐惧妥协的人算不上领袖

9 、It has been argued that it is more important for a leader to have presence than ability.───作为一个领袖,有引人注目的外貌要比能力更重要,这一直是在争论的问题。

10 、He is an officious leader.───他是个爱发号施令的领导。

11 、Anyone who lacks decision (ie who hesitates, can't decide questions) shouldn't be a leader.───不果断的人不应做领导。

12 、He looked at the leader with a disdainful smile.───他带着鄙视的微笑看着领导。

13 、He is the party leader's nominee for the post.───他是党的**提名任此职的人。

14 、He is a leader who is magnanimous in victory.───他是个在胜利时宽宏大度的领袖。

15 、A good business leader can't operate that way.───一个精明的企业**不能这样做。

16 、They rallied to their leader's cause.───他们团结一致支持领袖的事业。

17 、An association or federation of five governments, each ruled by a different leader.───五国联盟五个政府的联合或联盟,每个政府由各自的领袖领导

18 、They filed slowly past the grave of their leader.───他们排成纵队慢慢走过他们领袖的墓前。

19 、Global leader needs to be high on CQ!───全球性的领导必须有高‘文商’!

20 、He is a good leader in deed as well as in name.───他是一位名副其实的好领袖。

21 、The leader who does not take advice is not a leader.─── 不接受建议的领袖 不是领袖

22 、He is our friend and likewise our leader.───他是我们的朋友并且也是我们的领袖。

23 、I mean the dad, the tribal leader, speaking to the new king about being a good leader.─── 也就是上一任国王 他嘱托黑豹要成为一位优秀的领导者

24 、They set him over the group as its leader.───他们安置他为该团体的领袖。

25 、He was regarded as an extraordinary leader.───他被认为是一位杰出的领袖。

26 、The leader of the opposition delivered a blast at the President.───反对党领袖对总统进行了猛烈抨击。

27 、He was elected the leader of the union.───他被选为工会的**。

28 、Well, in the time of crisis, a group needs a leader, and you're that leader.─── 在危急时刻 一群人需要一个领袖 你就是那个领袖

29 、He is standing against the present deputy leader in the leadership contest.───他正在与现任副职**角逐领导的地位。

30 、A copper colossus of their leader stood in the middle of the square.───他们领袖的铜巨像耸立在广场中央。

31 、An innovative leader in a field; a pioneer.───创始人某一领域内的革新领袖; 先驱

32 、The leader of the race is just coming into view.───刚刚看得见跑在最前面的人。

33 、They echoed every word of their leader .───他们随声附和他们首领的每一句话。

34 、The view of party leader coalesce to form a coherent policy.───党的**的各种观点已统一为一致的政策。

35 、They decided to perpetuate the memory of their leader by erecting a statue.───他们为永远纪念那位领袖决定建一座雕像。

36 、Their slavish devotion to the leader is unhealthy.───他们对领导的盲目崇拜是不健康的。

37 、A good leader must be an astute judge of ability.───一个优秀的**必须善于识别人的能力。

38 、A leader who inspires by example.───一位身体力行的领袖

39 、Calvin is also an outstanding student leader.───凯钧是一个出色的领袖。

40 、He has forfeited the right to be the leader of this nation.───他丧失了作为这个国家领导的权利。

41 、Losing their leader took all the fight out of them.───他们失去了首领以後便丧失了斗志。

42 、He's a follower, not a leader.───他是追随者,不是领导者。

43 、A nation bleeds for its dead leader.───举国为逝世的领袖而悲痛。

44 、He was at the end of his rope as a political leader.───作为一位政治领袖,他已是智穷才尽了。

45 、He was the virtual leader of the movement.───他是该运动实际上的领袖。

46 、Did you mention this to the squad leader?───你跟班长提到这事没有?

47 、People came to the memorial to revere the memory of the great leader.───人们来到纪念馆崇敬地纪念这位伟大的领袖。

48 、An unfailingly patient leader and guide.───一位一向颇具耐心的领导者和引路人

49 、The Republicans are pinning their faith on their newly chosen leader to bring them victory in the next election.───共和党人完全信任新选出的**能在下届选举中为他们赢得胜利。

50 、A leader who assumes the role of a messiah.───充当救世主角色的**

51 、I am your leader, the leader doesn't say the password.─── 我是你们的头儿 头儿不说密码

52 、He will be considered a weak leader.───他会被认为是个软弱无能的**。

53 、The ancient way to settle a quarrel was to choose a leader from each side and let them fight it out.───古代解决争端的办法是从双方各选一名头目,让他们一决雄雌。

54 、What are the qualities that mark a great leader ?───伟大领袖的特质是什么?

55 、He developed into a strong leader.───他成长为一名坚强的**。

56 、They all look up to him as their leader .───他们都尊他为他们的领袖。

57 、They echoed every word of their leader.───他们随声附和他们**的每句话。

58 、He really has a leader temperament.───他真的有些领袖气质。

59 、He is a leader with many adherents.───他是个有众多追随者的领袖。

60 、He was essentially a shrewd battle leader.───他本质上是一位机敏的战场领袖。

61 、Their leader was the apotheosis of courage.───他们的**是勇敢的典范。

62 、Some pinned their faith on the emergence of a new national leader, others on a religious revival.───一些人相信会出现一个新的国家**,而另一些人则相信宗教复兴。

63 、Today he is well known as a model leader.───今天他是有名的模范**。

64 、He was a great leader that bestrode two centuries.───他是跨越两个世纪的伟大领袖。

65 、They select him to their leader.───他们选择他为他们的**。

66 、The small talk was not the forte of either leader.───两位**都不善于闲谈。

67 、Soldiers are expected to follow their leader with unquestioning loyalty.───人们期待士兵以毫不犹豫的忠诚跟随其将领。

68 、He's too indecisive to make a good leader.───他优柔寡断,当不了好领导。

69 、He began by pouring ridicule on the whig leader.───他先狠狠地讽刺了保守党的**。

70 、He bribes his leader to consolidate his position.───他贿赂他的领导来巩固他的地位。

71 、I am putting out my hand to you, Mr. Majority Leader.───多数党领袖先生,我向您伸出我的手。

72 、A leader isn't a leader without any followers.─── 没有追随者的领导者就不是领导者了

73 、He is the undisputed leader of his party.───他是个无可争议的党魁。

74 、They are scheming to get her elected as leader.───他们正策画让她当选领导。

75 、God, you are so busy trying not to be a cult leader, you're not being a leader at all.─── 你太执着于 让自己不那么像一个邪教领袖了 你完全没在做领袖了

76 、They handed in their war booty to their leader.───他们把战利品上缴给了上级。

77 、Athenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon.───伯里克利古雅典首领,因其推进了雅典民主制并下令建造巴台农神庙而著名

78 、He believes that he and his compatriot student are the future leader.───他相信他和他同国的学生是未来的领袖。

79 、The men took heart from their leader's words and went on to win the battle.───人们从领袖的话中得到了鼓励,继续为赢得这场战役而战。

80 、The ordinary leader grasps only the symptoms.───一般的**只理解问题的表面现象。

81 、They built a monument to the memory of their dead leader.───他们造了一个纪念馆来纪念他们已故的领袖。

82 、The whole nation mourned the death of a much-loved leader.───举国上下哀悼敬爱的**。

83 、He's an underling of the gang leader.───他是匪首的爪牙。

84 、British-born American architect who was a leader of the Gothic revival. His designs include Trinity Church in New York City(1846).───厄普约翰,理查德1802-1878生于英国的美国建筑师,为哥特风格复兴中的一位执牛耳的人物。他的设计包括纽约城的三位一体教堂(1846年)

85 、People wore crapes to mourn our leader.───人们戴着黑纱哀悼我们的领导。

86 、People kept coming in day in and day out to consult their leader about their problems.───人们天天都来同他们的领导者商量他们所遇到的问题。

87 、He is leader in name only: his deputy has effectively taken over.───他不过是个应名儿领导,他的副手实际上已取而代之。


上礼拜老板找我谈PMD,问我offline的工作做得怎么样,我只能说马马虎虎,毕竟我觉得我还没到那个地步要考虑这个事情,不过老板要我担当起group leader的责任了.怎么做好一个leader?我应该没资历来谈,至少可以从一个下属的角度来看怎么样才是一个受欢迎有说服力的leader. 性格决定人生,吨位决定座位.各种管理方法都各有长处,严厉强势很好,可是得以才服人,有能力有效率下属应该会很心甘情愿听你分配.和蔼有亲和力的管理方式,应该是大多数人容易接受的,比如我们老板.做leader要比普通工程师累,而且得付出更多,下面有事搞不定,leader当然是求助对象了,这个时候leader就得站出来解决问题.出状况的时候leader是否只是review下属?应该不止这点,首先站出来替下属顶应该也是重要的,review当然也得review,但也应该是内部group review,而不是在整个课交接的时候review. 相比之下,leader可能是杂事最多,被骂得最多,委屈也是最多的,不过真坐到这个位子上,这些事情肯定得经历得承受的,我可能不适合做了


性格决定人生,吨位决定座位。各种管理方法都各有长处,严厉强势很好,可是得以才服人,有能力有效率下属应该会很心甘情愿听分配。和蔼有亲和力的管理方式,应该是大多数人容易接受的,做leader要比普通工程师累,而且得付出更多,下面有事搞不定,leader当然是求助对象了,这个时候leader就得站出来解决问题。出状况的时候leader是否只是review下属。应该不止这点,首先站出来替下属顶应该也是重要的,review当然也得review,但也应该是内部group review,而不是在整个课交接的时候review。


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