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06-29 投稿





英:  美:



n. 卷心菜沙拉


1 、Combine dressing and slaw ingredients in a bowl.───在碗中混合调料和沙拉。

2 、"We also have amazing baked beans and cole slaw," Hughes said. "It's a full-course meal that will leave people feeling well-plumped after they've been fed by us."───"我们的烤豆和油菜卷心色拉都很不错,"休斯说,"只有吃完整份套餐后才能充分感受到我们做的菜的美味.

3 、a side order of cold slaw───另叫了一盘凉拌卷心菜

4 、It comes with super sauce and a side of super slaw.─── 它还带超级酱汁和超级卷心菜

5 、Hamburger with French Fries and Cole Slaw Salad───汉堡配薯条和考丽丝萝

6 、Max, I laid out the little cups, so all you have to do is fill them with cole slaw.─── 麦克斯 我把小杯子都摆好了 你只需要把沙拉装进去就行了

7 、On cooks the Uncooked cabbage, cut slimlythinly, it's is used in cold slaw coleslaw and other salads.───未烧过的卷心菜切细,常用于凉拌卷心菜或其他色拉。

8 、mov sla,#slaw ;───送入写命令.

9 、"cole slaw" becomes "cold slaw" through folk etymology───经过通俗变化,“cole slaw”一词成为“cole slaw”。

10 、cole slaw cabbage salad───凉拌白菜

11 、Uncooked cabbage, cut thinly, is used in cold slaw coleslaw and other salads.───不烹煮的卷心菜可以切薄,用来做凉拌卷心菜或者其他沙拉。

12 、cold slaw───凉拌卷心菜

13 、I didn't throw it at her. It was just a little cole slaw.─── 我没有朝她扔 就是点菜丝沙拉而已

14 、The complete lunch includes cole slaw, French fries and a beverage.───全餐就是包括凉拌卷心菜,法式炸土豆条和一杯饮料。

15 、Loser's gotta get up and cut up the cole slaw.─── 输的人要起来切卷心菜沙拉

16 、Combine slaw mix, corn kernels, carrots, red bell pepper strips, sliced green onions, and chopped cilantro in large bowl.───取大碗,将卷心菜,玉米粒,胡萝卜,红灯笼椒条,洋葱片和香菜碎搅匀。

17 、Lillian: I'll have the bacon cheeseburger, a side order of Cole slaw, and a vanilla milk shake, please.───丽莲:我要熏肉芝士包,另外再配上卷心菜色拉和一杯香草奶昔。

18 、an order of cole slaw───叫一份凉拌卷心菜

19 、Two patty melts, one with fries, one with slaw, and a cheeseburger plate, medium.─── 两份奶酪汉堡 一份加薯条 一份加卷心菜 还有一个中号的芝士汉堡

20 、How to eat: Asian-style slaw or as a crunchy topping on burgers and sandwiches.───吃法:亚洲人喜欢做成沙拉或作为脆口的汉堡包和三明治的配料来吃。

21 、I‘ll take a cold slaw.───我要一份凉拌高丽沙拉。

22 、slaw cutter───甘蓝切丝机

23 、We have cold slaw、French fries、fried chicken strips and biscuits.───有凉拌高丽菜沙拉、薯条、炸鸡柳和饼干。

24 、We are featuring half a lamb's head, a pig's foot for two with braised ramps and a whole roasted chicken with a ramp and kale slaw.─── 我们主推半只羊头 双人份猪蹄 配有炖野韭菜 更有整只烤鸡 配野韭菜甘蓝沙拉

25 、Cabbage: Loaded with nutrients like sulforaphane a chemical said to boost cancer-fighting enzymes. How to eat: Asian-style slaw or as a crunchy topping on burgers and sandwiches.───卷心菜:富含一种叫做萝卜硫素的营养物质,据说可以促进抗癌生物酶的生成。

26 、Another common vegetable salad served with lunch or dinner is " cole slaw," made from cabbage.───还有一种午晚两餐常吃的蔬菜凉拌,“卷心菜”凉拌,是用卷心菜做的。

27 、No, I want you to wait for two tacos, extra bulgogi, and some kimchi slaw.─── 不 我要你去排队买两个 多加份烤肉和泡菜沙拉

28 、But cole slaw is...───但卷心菜沙拉...

29 、Savoy cabbage slaw with apples and mustard seeds.───卷心菜丝配苹果-芥末酱沙拉.

30 、Cole slaw?───高丽菜沙拉.

31 、Uncooked cabbage, cut thinly, is used in cole slaw and other salads.───生卷心菜,切成薄片,可以用来做甘蓝沙拉或其他的沙拉。

32 、Season slaw to taste with salt and pepper.───再用盐和胡椒粉给沙拉调味。

33 、7.B: The complete lunch includes cole slaw, French fries and a beverage.───乙:全餐就是包括凉拌卷心菜,法式炸土豆条和一杯饮料。

胡克盲点 这个词什么意思

胡克定律告诉我们,任何一个力度,无论它多强大,总有一个最脆弱的点存在。这个点,物理学的人称之为“胡克盲点”! 胡克定律(Hook'slaw)




胡克盲点 这个词什么意思


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