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09-11 投稿


apocarpous 发音

英:[??po??kɑ?rp?s; ??p??kɑ?rp?s]  美:[??p??kɑ?p?s]

英:  美:

apocarpous 中文意思翻译



apocarpous 同义词

apocarpous 词性/词形变化,apocarpous变形

名词: apocarpy |

apocarpous 反义词


apocarpous 相似词语短语

1、amphicarpous ─── 两季成熟

2、cladocarpous ─── 枝角类

3、ascocarpous ─── adj.子囊果的

4、acrocarpous ─── adj.茎端结实的

5、apocarps ─── n.离心皮的果实

6、anthocarpous ─── 花果的

7、acarpous ─── adj.不结果的;[植]无果实的

8、macrocarpous ─── 大果的

9、angiocarpous ─── adj.果实有壳的

apocarpous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、apocarpous pistil ─── 离心皮雌蕊

2、apocarpous androecium ─── 离生心皮雄蕊

3、A gynoecium with only one carpel is called monocarpellary; with two or more separate carpel, apocarpous; and with fused carpels syncarpous. ─── 只有一个心皮的雌蕊称单心皮,具两个或更多分离的心皮称离生心皮。

4、a group of families or trees and shrubs and herbs having well-developed perianths and apocarpous ovaries and generally regarded as the most primitive extant flowering plants; ─── 一组乔木灌木和草本植物目,有良好的花被和心皮连生的子房,通常被视为现存最原始的开花植物;

5、7. A gynoecium with only one carpel is called monocarpellary; with two or more separate carpel, apocarpous; and with fused carpels syncarpous. ─── 好吧,如果我说的没错,他就该接受;如果不是,他也不必多心。收藏指正

6、pistil In angiosperms,the seed-containing structure.In an apocarpous gynoecium it corresponds to the carpel,while in a syncarpous gynoecmm it is made up of two or more fused carpels. ─── 雌蕊:被子植物中,容纳种子的结构。在离生心皮雌蕊中,它与心皮一样,也是离生的,而在合生心皮中,由两个或多个融合的心皮组成。

7、apocarpous ovary ─── 离心皮子房

8、A group of families or trees and shrubs and herbs having well-developed perianths and apocarpous ovaries and generally regarded as the most primitive extant flowering plants; ─── 一组乔木灌木和草本植物目,有良好的花被和心皮连生的子房,通常被视为现存最原始的开花植物;

9、apocarpous fruit ─── 离心皮果

10、apocarpous gynaecium ─── (拉gynaecium apocarpum)离心皮雌蕊群, 离心皮雌蕊

11、gynoecium with only one carpel is called monocarpellary; with two or more separate carpel, apocarpous; and with fused carpels syncarpous. ─── 只有一个心皮的雌蕊称单心皮, 具两个或更多分离的心皮称离生心皮。

12、Each flower may have one or more carpels borne singly giving an apocarpous gynoecium or fused together giving a syncarpous gynoecium. ─── 有的种类植物的雌蕊是由几个心皮构成的,其中的心皮各自分离称为离生雌蕊,有的心皮互相联合称为合生雌蕊。

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