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08-19 投稿


atrocities 发音

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atrocities 中文意思翻译



atrocities 词性/词形变化,atrocities变形

名词复数: atrocities |

atrocities 短语词组

1、atrocities from beyond ─── 来自远方的暴行

2、animated atrocities ─── 活生生的暴行

3、atrocities meaning ─── 暴行的含义

4、atrocities committed ─── 犯下的暴行

atrocities 相似词语短语

1、ferocities ─── n.凶猛;残忍;暴行

2、audacities ─── n.大胆;厚颜无耻

3、atrocity ─── n.暴行;凶恶,残暴

4、sororities ─── n.妇女联谊会;女学生联谊会

5、atrocious ─── adj.凶恶的,残暴的

6、trinities ─── n.三位一体;三人一组;三个一组的东西;三倍

7、fat cities ─── 兴旺;生活优裕

8、atrophies ─── n.萎缩,萎缩症;发育停止;vi.萎缩;虚脱

9、porosities ─── 多孔性

atrocities 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is difficult for you to see what atrocities the dark can actually bring forward but it is important for you to bring peace into your own environment. ─── 你们发现残暴黑暗能往前带来是困难的,你们将安宁带进你们自己的环境是重要的。

2、The Germans were indignantly complaining about Polish atrocities ─── 德国人正在大肆宣扬波兰人如何残暴。

3、We must act and we must act now before more unspeakable atrocities take place. ─── 我们必须现在就行动,阻止那些不可言说的罪状再次发生。”

4、Finally, the legacy of the Waffen-SS will be assessed, looking at its complicity in Nazi atrocities and its contribution to Germany's defeat. ─── 最后从他们参与纳粹的大屠杀和对保卫德国的贡献等方面,对武装党卫队的历史作了评价。

5、Remember gaming atrocities like - shudder - Masters of Teras Kasi, Obi-Wan and the official prequel games.If you missed them youre lucky. ─── 可以一口气采集网站/论坛的主题和回复全部内容,90%的网站/论坛均可以采集 ,支持把文章内容保存到本地后再发布;

6、rape and pillage and commit all kinds of atrocities ─── 奸淫掳掠, 无恶不作

7、The Ugandans say they were well received by the Congolese at their barracks, though Congo blames Uganda for a number of atrocities during a five-year Congolese war, which ended in 2003. ─── 乌干达战士们表示,他们是在刚果军的兵营被接纳的,尽管刚果仍责备乌干达在2003年结束的5年的刚果内战中犯下许多残暴的罪行。

8、The commission is expected to blame the army for many of the atrocities. ─── 该委员会预计会将大量暴行归咎于军队。

9、The German invaded slaughtered the innocent civilians of the city to a man. Such atrocities were blamed throughout the world. ─── 德国侵略者屠杀了该城的无辜平民,无一幸免.这样的残暴行为遭到了全世界人民的谴责。

10、In any case, Waffen-SS units were committing atrocities almost from the start of Barbarossa, well before local units had been raised. ─── 不管怎么说,武装党卫队从巴巴罗萨行动开始就开始参与大屠杀,直到当地的反动组织开始代替他们。

11、Some want to punish China for its association with the Sudanese government, which is perpetrating atrocities in Darfur. ─── 有人想惩罚中国和苏丹政府串通一气蹂躏达尔富尔。

12、Many atrocities are committed on innocent people in wartime. ─── 战争期间无辜百姓横遭蹂躏。

13、Madine eventually came to loathe such atrocities and willingly joined the Alliance, where he was placed in command of covert actions. ─── 马汀最后终于开始憎恨帝国的所作所为和残暴的行动,并且很乐意的效命于叛军同盟,他负责掌管秘密行动这个部门。

14、The night elves dispatched a number of scouts posthaste and the scouts returned with frightening stories of the orcs' past atrocities during the First and Second Wars. ─── 暗夜精灵们急忙派出了许多侦查兵,这些侦查兵带回了在第一以及第二次战争中兽人族令人害怕的事迹。

15、The Way and Regulation Mechanism of Atrocities Emanating Glutamic Acid ─── 星形胶质细胞释放谷氨酸的途径及其调控机制

16、The neighbourhood was appalled at the atrocities perpetrated on two popular local policemen. ─── 邻居对这两名口碑极好的当地警察做出的残酷行为感到十分震惊。

17、It is not only about military intervention, they add, but also prevention: spotting situations that could result in mass atrocities. ─── 他们补充道,军事干预并不是全部,还要有预防措施,包括:准确定位可能发生大规模灾难的地方;

18、Yet its refusal to press the Serbs to end their atrocities in Kosovo prompted NATO to go to war for the first time. ─── 然而,俄罗斯拒绝迫使塞尔维亚人结束其在科索沃的屠杀行动促使北约第一次出兵作战。

19、Contemporary English chroniclers accused him of atrocities, some no doubt warranted, however, in Wallace's eyes the war, since its beginning, had been marked by brutality and butchery. ─── 当代英国编年史学家指控华勒斯是行为残暴的罪犯,有的人甚至提出了切确的证据,然而,在华勒斯眼中,战争从一开始,就被划上残酷与屠杀的记号了。

20、all the atrocities you've committed, the unspeakable horrors you've let loose upon this world and the dark, ancient powers you've enslaved. ─── 他们要你为过去所有的暴行,对这个世界散布的无以名状的恐怖和你所奴役的上古黑暗之力付出代价。

21、A rare case of a Russian officer being brought to justice for a wartime crime in Chechnya, it became a symbol of the army's atrocities there. ─── 对于战争期间在车臣犯下的罪行来说,像这位俄罗斯军官一样被绳之以法的例子实属罕见,这也成了俄军在车臣滔天罪行的铁证。

22、The dark Ones have used these methods consistently to deaden your response to the atrocities of war, and inhumane acts against you. ─── 黑暗者已经一贯地使用这些方式来使你们对违背你们本性的战争的暴行和残忍的行为反应麻木。

23、After the British and French invaders had burnt the Winter Palace in November, 1861, he wrote a reply to a lieutenant named Bartlette(?), denouncing indignantly the Allied atrocities. ─── 在英法侵略者纵火焚毁我国圆明园以后,1861年11月,他曾复信给一个名叫巴特勒的上尉,怒斥这桩丑行。

24、The Southeast Asians are not only ignored in O"Brien"s humanitarian condemnation of the atrocities caused by the war, but also marginalized as the "other. ─── 在谴责战争罪行时他漠视东南亚人民的遭遇,而在刻画东南亚人物形象时奥布莱恩又将他们边缘化为“他者”。

25、In a report to the United Nation's Security Council, the chief prosecutor of the ICC listed a horrifying catalogue of atrocities that have come to his staff's attention. ─── 在一个递交给联合国安理会的报告中,国际刑事法庭的首席检察官列出了一份令人震惊的引起他全体职员关注的罪行表。

26、It is probably no coincidence that it was Dutch doctors who most heroically resisted pressure to join in the Nazi medical atrocities . ─── 这不是一种巧合,当时荷兰医生就英勇地反抗用人体做医学试验.

27、Protesters are incensed by a new Japanese history textbook that, they say, whitewashes Japanese atrocities in China during World War II. ─── 游行者是被日本篡改历史的新教科书所激怒的,他们说:日本人掩盖了他们在二战中在中国犯下的滔天罪行。

28、The FuzzyCluster Analysis on the Fungicide Atrocities of 2 Compounds ─── 化合物2杀菌活性的模糊聚类分析

29、The owners said their attention was not to glorify Hitler or his atrocities but to attract more business. ─── 店主解释,取该名字的本意是多吸引顾客,而绝非赞美希特勒。

30、The aim of cataloguing these atrocities was to help end impunity and to win justice for the countless victims of Congo's overlapping wars. ─── 对这些暴行进行分类的目的是让犯罪者终受惩罚,为刚果连绵不断的战争中的无数受害者赢得公正的待遇。

31、Aside from such atrocities, every single day bad people get rewarded, while good people are getting creamed on the side of the road by drunk drivers. ─── 如果有人不得不创造我们,那么他也不得不被创造。如果我们的创造者可以是一直存在的,或者是奇迹般出现的,那么我们也可以。

32、The enemy has perpetuated all kinds of atrocities to "destroy the life blood of the war of resistance". ─── 敌人极尽残暴之能事,其目的则在于“毁灭抗战生存力”。

33、The chinese, who suffered atrocities during japan's pre-world war ii invasion and occupation, have been angered by koizumi's visits to the shrine. ─── 遭受日本二战的侵略和奴役的中国人民已经对小泉多次参拜靖国神社非常愤怒。

34、Demons have committed enough atrocities here, you filth. ─── 恶魔已经在这里犯下了滔天罪行,你这个流氓。

35、A decade after singling out the Spice Girls as fashion atrocities, Mr. ─── 布莱克维尔第48届年度“时尚黑名单”于本周二出炉。

36、He evaded her questions about the war and tried to explain away the atrocities. ─── 他回避了她关于战争的提问,试图为其暴行辩解。

37、Even today, Japan still shies away from bringing these atrocities into the light of day. ─── 全部由机工组成的运输队就是上述的六个大队。

38、Japanese appreciation of Chinese culture and media is not reciprocated in China because of the memory of war atrocities. ─── 不过现在仍有许多中国人在日本求学或工作。

39、The country has been threatened with complete isolation from the international community unless the atrocities stop. ─── 这个国家受到了完全被国际社会孤立的威胁,除非其暴行得以制止。

40、Both sides accuse each other of perpetrating atrocities and have denied their own involvement. ─── 由于战区阻止记者进入,所以各方声明的真实性还难以确认。

41、They committed such fascist atrocities as have been seldom known in the annals of international relations. ─── 他们犯下了国际关系史上罕见的法西斯暴。

42、UN and African Union emissaries and peacekeepers have tried to prevent further atrocities by his forces and government-backed militias and to hold the ring for peace talks. ─── 联合国与非盟的特使和维和部队都竭力阻止苏丹军队及其支持的武装分子加剧冲突,全力为和谈提供良好的条件。

43、Calling it so belittles the significance of the atrocities that already own the label (such as Rwanda and the Holocaust). ─── 灭种这个标签把注意力转移离开其他更严重的灾难。

44、The atrocities the Night Lords were wreaking in the Emperor's name were abhorrent. ─── 在帝皇名义下散布可怕的屠杀和大范围的残害平民是极其卑劣的行径。

45、Ever since the book was published in 1997, she had been reportedly harassed and threatened by Jap rightists -- after decades, some people still want to deny the atrocities. ─── 自从1997年该书出版以后,据传她持续被倭人右翼分子骚扰和威胁。

46、Europe's new insouciance about human rights will worry many, especially those suffering atrocities in Zimbabwe and Darfur, while the inducements hardly look tempting. ─── 欧洲这次采取的对人权问题漫不经心的新做法将让许多人焦虑万分,特别是那些在津巴布韦与达尔福尔地区遭受责难的人们,而欧洲给出的条件看起来并没有诱惑力。

47、Fairness, idealism and other atrocities Commencement advice you're unlikely to hear elsewhere. ─── 记住,如果有一个老人站在这里,告诉你他有一些非听不可的建议。他一定要价不菲。

48、Castro cannot be reasonably expected to renounce his beliefs or implicate himself in killings or atrocities. ─── 期望卡斯特罗宣布放弃他的信仰或者承认自己卷入杀戮和暴乱行为是不合理的。

49、After a journey to refugee camps in Africa, Rockets'star Tracy McGrady vows to spread the word about atrocities in Darfur. ─── 结束了非洲难民营的行程,火箭球星。

50、The army has not only refrained from atrocities, but has at times interfered to protect the Jews from the local population. ─── 军队不仅不准施暴,而且经常出头干涉保护犹太人不受当地居民欺侮。

51、They did not all commit atrocities in Kuwait. ─── 他们并不是每个人都在科威特犯下残暴的罪行。

52、The militia had called a strike to protest against alleged atrocities by the police against local tribespeople. ─── 塔利班声称为喀布尔一家宾馆的开枪攻击事件负责,这起事件造成至少八人丧生,包括五名联合国外籍员工。

53、Ties between the Asian heavyweights have plumbed new depths after angry Chinese protested Tokyo's approval of history books they see as downplaying World War II aggression and atrocities. ─── 在华人生气之后 , 在亚洲的重量级人物之间的关系已经探测新的深度历史的东京赞成订购他们当做不予重视第二次世界大战进攻和残暴。

54、The United States said the judgment delivered a strong message to all perpetrators of atrocities that they would be held accountable. ─── 美国称判决向所有施暴者传达了一个很强烈的信号,那就是罪人必然罪有应得。

55、China and South Korea have long criticised Japan for allowing some (in reality rather few) school textbooks that gloss over its wartime atrocities. ─── 中韩长期批评一些日本敷衍战争罪行的历史教科书问题(事实很少)。

56、commit atrocities against civilians ─── 对老百姓施暴

57、Showing the Glimmer of Humanity Amid the Atrocities of WarTHE death threat landed in Lu Chuan’s e-mail in-box the first week his film on the Nanjing massacre was released here in China. ─── 陆川关于南京大屠杀的影片在中国公映后第一个星期,死亡威胁就发到了他的电子邮箱里。

58、Plus, I think you guys need to give Japan a licking ! Those bastards stil haven't apologized for the atrocities they committed in WWII . ─── 中国有大量的人力和自然资源。人力资源充足。(讲到中国的时候,美国朋友的理解。)

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