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08-18 投稿


ironing 发音

英:[?a??rn??]  美:[?a??n??]

英:  美:

ironing 中文意思翻译




ironing 网络释义

n. 熨烫;熨衣服;熨平衣服

ironing 词性/词形变化,ironing变形

名词复数: ironies |

ironing 短语词组

1、reduced ironing ─── 减少熨烫

2、ironing board ─── 熨衣板

3、compacted by ironing ─── 熨烫压实

4、catch up on ironing clothes ─── 赶烫衣服

5、i stand here ironing ─── 我站在这里熨衣服

6、ironing sensitivity ─── 熨烫灵敏度

7、ironing system ─── 熨烫系统

8、ironing boards ─── 烫衣板(ironingboard的复数)

9、ironing clothes ─── 烫衣服

10、ironing table ─── 熨衣架;烫衣板

11、ironing temperature ─── 熨烫温度

12、fastness to ironing ─── [化] 耐熨牢度; 耐熨色牢度

13、ironing machine ─── [机]熨压器;烫平机

14、ironing cart ─── 熨烫车

15、ironing shop ─── 熨衣店

16、ironing and pressing ─── 熨烫

17、ironing out ─── 消除;烫平

18、do the ironing ─── 做熨烫熨衣服

19、ironing service ─── 熨烫服务

ironing 常用词组

ironing board ─── n. 烫衣板

ironing machine ─── 熨压器;烫平机

ironing table ─── 熨衣架

ironing 相似词语短语

1、ironings ─── n.熨烫;熨衣服;刚熨好的(或待熨烫的)衣物;v.熨烫(iron的现在分词)

2、crooning ─── v.低声歌唱;柔情地唱;对……低声唱;n.低吟,低吟声;轻哼,轻哼声;n.(Croon)(美、荷、瑞、德、比)克龙(人名)

3、Liaoning ─── n.辽宁省

4、intoning ─── n.构成语调;v.缓慢庄重地说;吟咏(intone的现在分词)

5、ironising ─── 挖苦

6、ironizing ─── v.(使)具有讽刺意味;挖苦,冷嘲

7、imponing ─── vt.把…押下作赌注

8、droning ─── adj.声音低沉单调的;发嗡嗡声的;v.发嗡嗡声;单调低沉地说;闲散度日;单调无聊地进行(drone的ing形式)

9、aproning ─── n.围裙;[航]停机坪;舞台口;vt.着围裙于;围绕;n.(Apron)人名;(俄)阿普龙

ironing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He bought an ironing table this morning. ─── 今天早上他买了一张熨衣台。

2、A small, usually rectangular bar of iron or steel in an intermediate stage of manufacture. ─── 坯段制造过程中的一小条铁或钢,通常为长方形的坯段

3、Have you any scrap iron knocking about? ─── 你那儿有散在各处的废铁吗?

4、The repairman installed an iron latch on the door. ─── 修理工在门上安了铁门闩。

5、Wearing is very easy to cause the bulging, especially in the waist, this can be used to improve the ironing. ─── 在穿着的时候很容易引起折皱,特别是在腰部,这个可用熨烫来改善。

6、The slight dampness retained makes the ironing easier . ─── 些许的存留的湿度使得衣服更易烫。

7、She told Jeffrey that she was working in a laundry, ironing shirt. ─── 她告诉杰弗里,她在一家洗衣房干活,熨衬衫。

8、He bent the iron bar as if it had been made of rubber. ─── 他将铁棍折弯,彷佛那是用橡皮做成的。

9、Iron will melt when it is made very hot. ─── 当铁烧得很热时就会熔化的。

10、The conqueror governed his new subjects with an iron scepter. ─── 征服者以铁腕统治其新臣民。

11、She was ironing (away) all evening. ─── 她整个晚上都在熨衣服。

12、Does this include ironing service? ─── 包括熨衣服务吗?

13、He cut the iron pole to the size he wanted. ─── 他把铁杆锯成他需要的尺寸。

14、He grasped the iron railing with both hands. ─── 他用双手抓住铁栏杆。

15、The iron gate jarred when he opened it. ─── 他开门时,铁门发出刺耳的嘎嘎声。

16、Then iron the rest of the front of the shirtfront in sections, smoothing the fabric across the ironing board. ─── 然后熨烫前部其余部分,在熨板上小心拉平·

17、Flakes of rust are falling from the old iron pan. ─── 一片片的锈从旧铁锅上落下。

18、Can you tell me how iron is made in the first period? ─── 你能否告诉我在第一时期人们是怎样炼铁的?

19、Steel frame and base; make a durable and stable ironing board. ─── 不锈钢框架和底架;熨衣板结实、平稳。

20、All of my clothes are easy to wash or can be hand-washed, and tumble dried and don't need ironing. ─── 我所有的衣服度很容易洗,手洗也行,可以甩干不用熨烫。

21、He is a man of iron self-control. ─── 他是一个有极强的自制能力的人。

22、The ironing board folds flat for easy storage. ─── 烫衣板能够折起来,便于存放。

23、He prized the box open with an iron bar. ─── 他用一根铁棒把那箱子撬开。

24、Tell Jessica to do it, Mom. I'm ironing the tablecloth,"Vivian said. ─── 妈妈让杰希卡去吧,我正熨桌布呢,“薇薇安说。

25、Ironing, because it means I have clothes to wear. ─── 成堆衣服要洗要烫。

26、A bent or hooked piece of iron for hanging a pot or kettle over a fire. ─── S形锅钩用以悬吊罐、壶、锅等在炉火上煮的弯曲的铁钩

27、The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the Iron Age. ─── 人类学会用铁制造工具的时代称为铁器时代。

28、She crushed down the edge of her clothes by ironing it. ─── 她烫平衣服的边。

29、The wrinkled silk will flatten out if you iron it. ─── 发皱的丝绸可以用熨斗烫平。

30、Pig iron used as permanent ballast. ─── 压载铁做为永久性压舱物的生铁

31、The tablecloth was soon smoothed over with an iron. ─── 台布很快就熨烫平整了。

32、The iron in the chemical compound must be purged. ─── 化学混合物中的铁必须清除。

33、Mr Black was a man of cast iron will. ─── 布莱克先生是个意志坚定的人。

34、We may compare iron wish decide which is harder. ─── 我们可把铁与钢相比,然后决定哪个更硬些。

35、Mother is ironing father's shirts. ─── 妈妈在熨爸爸的衬衣。

36、Mother is ironing my shirt with an electric iron. ─── 妈妈用电熨斗在给我熨衬衣。

37、He spent hours filing the iron rod in two. ─── 他花了几个小时把那条铁棒锉成两截。

38、You should damp clothes before ironing them. ─── 在烫衣服前应将衣服打湿。

39、He asked us how much pig iron we could produce per day and calculated with us how much we could put out in a year. ─── 他问我们每天能生产多少生铁,又跟我们一道计算一年内能生产多少。

40、Have you get any idea about iron? ─── 你知道铁是什么东西吗?

41、An iron golf club that has more loft than a driver and less than a three iron, used for medium fairway shots and long approach shots; a two iron. ─── 2号铁头球棒铁制高尔夫球棒,其高击斜面大于发球球棒小于3号铁头球棒,用于击中远球和长距离球; 2号铁头球棒

42、He uttered several vigorous expletives when he dropped the iron on his foot. ─── 他的熨斗掉下砸在脚上,他随口骂了几声。

43、She was ironing and she paused and looked at me with tears in her eyes. ─── 她在熨衣服,这下住手了,看着我,眼里含着泪。

44、The maid scorch the shirt in ironing it. ─── 女佣在烫衬衫时把它烫焦了。

45、He looked up and found an iron hook dangling about his head. ─── 他抬头一看,见是一个铁钩子正在他脑袋上方晃来晃去。

46、I bet Doris Lessing knows nothing about competitive ironing. ─── 我同意莱辛的意见,那就是某些妇女今天太有些自以为是。”

47、He was determined to iron out the difficulties. ─── 他决心解决困难。

48、He was ironing when I arrived. ─── 我到的时候他正在熨衣服。

49、She seared her hand on the hot iron. ─── 她的手被热熨斗烫伤。

50、The principal metal in an alloy, as the iron in steel. ─── 合金中的主要金属,例如钢中的铁

51、You can't get spoiled itf you do your own ironing. ─── 如果自己的衣服自己熨,你就不会被宠坏。

52、Who does the ironing in your house? ─── 你家谁熨衣服?

53、They share all housework, including washing and ironing. ─── 家务事,包括洗衣服烫衣服,他们两个人都合起来做。

54、He will rule them with an iron scepter. ─── 他会用铁杖管辖他们的。

55、Either iron or gold will elevate the position of the country in the family of nations. ─── 强权或经济实力都可以提高一个国家在国际间的地位。

56、Human beings have learned out how to make magnet of cast iron. ─── 人类已经学会如何从生铁制出磁铁。

57、Simply add a capful to the rinse cycle, or a tablespoon to the ironing water. ─── 以下是使用方法:就是倒入一杯盖的容量或者一汤匙的容量于热水中。

58、They used a steam roller to iron out the road. ─── 他们用蒸汽压路机压平了路面。

59、He must have iron nails that scratches a bear. ─── [谚]搔熊者必具铁爪; 要干危险的事,就得有充分的准备。

60、China has a wealth of coal, iron and other minerals. ─── 中国有丰富的煤、铁和其它矿产资源。

61、He is a man of iron will. ─── 他是具有钢铁意志的汉子。

62、We have the service of ironing, 2.00 RMB for a coat. ─── 我们提供熨烫服务,每件上衣两元。

63、Actually running a household sort of takes the novelty out of pretending to make dinner, do the ironing, and tidy the kitchen. ─── 实际上,过家家就是拿出一堆小玩具假装做饭、烫衣服,还有打扫厨房。

64、Question: Who has been ironing the tablecloth? ─── 哪个女儿在熨桌布?

65、She slogged her way through four piles of ironing. ─── 她辛辛苦苦一连熨了四堆衣服。

66、You're anemic. You must have some iron. ─── 你贫血,一定要吃些带铁质的食品。

67、You're just ironing the trousers. ─── 你怎么才熨好衣服。

68、APL is one of only a handful of carriers currently cold-ironing in California, and the only one in Oakland. ─── APL是目前加州少数实现冷烫处理的轮船公司之一,也是奥克兰唯一的一家。

69、For the pile of laundry and ironing, because it means I have clothes to wear. ─── 庆幸有一大堆脏衣服和要熨烫的衣服,因为那意味着我仍有衣服穿。

70、She's been ironing all afternoon. ─── 她一下午都在熨衣服。

71、We need an electrician to mend the iron. ─── 我们要请电工修理熨斗。

72、I meant to do the ironing but I didn't get round to it. ─── 我本想熨衣服的,可就是抽不出时间。

73、You transfer the embroidery design from the paper to cloth by pressing it with a warm iron. ─── 你用热熨斗一烫就把刺绣图样转印到布上。

74、The body's annual intake of metallic iron is infinitesimal. ─── 人体对金属铁的年摄入量是微不足道的。

75、He's getting through the ironing at a rate of knots. ─── 他熨烫衣服做得飞快。

76、Cooking, cleaning and ironing seven days a week. ─── What a life!一周七天,天天做饭、打扫、熨衣服。这是什么鬼日子!

77、Iron and steel with too much sulfur are red-short. ─── 含硫过多的铁和钢都是热脆性的。

78、She's been ironing for an hour. ─── 她烫衣服已有一个小时了。

79、Iron utensils with a mottled enamel resembling granite. ─── 单涂搪瓷器皿表面涂以搪瓷使外观象花岗岩的铁制品

80、She got tired from ironing the clothes. ─── 她由於熨烫衣服而感到疲倦。

81、The yard was hemmed around by an iron fence. ─── 庭院有铁栅栏围绕着。

82、Iron corrodes unless it is greased or kept clean. ─── 如果不涂油或保持清洁铁便会腐蚀。

83、I scorched my dress when I was ironing it. ─── 我把自己的连衣裙熨焦了。

84、She' s started in on a huge pile of ironing. ─── 她已着手烫一大堆要烫的衣服。

85、In the second period of iron- making history, more iron was made however, the amount was still very small as compared with today. ─── 在炼铁史上的第二个阶段,尽管已有更多的铁被炼出来,但与今天相比,这个数量还是很少的。

86、Then button it up carefully and lay it with the front side down on the ironing board . ─── 然后扣好衬衫,并且将衬衫的前部面对烫衣板放置好。

87、He burned a hole on the ironing board. ─── 他把熨衣板烧了一个洞。

88、Mama looked up from her ironing board and asked, "How much does it cost? " ─── 妈妈从烫衣板上抬起头,问道:“多少钱?”

89、She smoothed the creases out with an electric iron. ─── 她和电熨斗把皱纹烫平。

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