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08-18 投稿


spinet 发音

英:[?sp?n?t]  美:[sp??net]

英:  美:

spinet 中文意思翻译



spinet 网络释义

n. 小型立式钢琴;古时的小型竖琴

spinet 短语词组

1、spinet kit spinet ─── 套件

2、spinet desk spinet ─── 桌面

3、spinet iso ─── 尖晶石iso

4、spinet desk images spinet ─── 桌面图像

5、spinet piano ─── 尖晶石钢琴

6、spinet def ─── 尖晶石定义

7、spinet pianos new spinet ─── 钢琴新

8、spinet piano pic ─── 尖晶石钢琴图片

spinet 词性/词形变化,spinet变形


spinet 相似词语短语

1、spined ─── adj.有刺的;有背骨的;有脊柱的;v.纺;使旋转(spin的过去分词)

2、spine ─── n.脊柱,脊椎;刺;书脊

3、spines ─── n.[解剖]脊柱;棘状突起;体刺(spine的复数)

4、spignel ─── n.伞形科植物

5、spinel ─── n.[矿物]尖晶石

6、spintext ─── 自旋文本

7、spiniest ─── adj.多刺的;麻烦的;尖刺状的(spiny的变形)

8、spinets ─── n.小型立式钢琴;古时的小型竖琴

9、satinet ─── n.假缎子;棉毛缎子;缎纹棉毛呢

spinet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One of the servants put a bench in front of the spinet. ─── 有个侍从放了一张长凳在钢琴前。

2、One afternoon, when I was better, I played the spinet. ─── 天下午,我好了一点时,便弹奏钢琴。

3、She was the daughter of John Dandridge and Frances Jones. Martha was the eldest of 9 children. She enjoyed riding horses, gardening, sewing, playing the spinet and dancing. ─── 她是约翰.丹德瑞格和弗郎西斯.琼斯的大女儿,喜欢骑马,园艺,缝纫,弹竖琴和跳舞.

4、The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early keyboard instruments of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries -- the spinet, the dulcimer, and the virginal. ─── 钢琴的家系可以追溯至15至16世纪早期的键盘乐器,包括小型拨弦琴、洋琴和维金娜琴。

5、One afternoon, when I was better, I played the spinet. ─── 有天下午,我好了一点时,便弹奏钢琴。

6、But the spinet was too big for me to play. ─── 但是钢琴太大了不适合我弹。

7、67. But the spinet was too big for me to play. ─── 但是钢琴太大了不适合我弹。

8、His nails resemble the ivory keys of the spinet. ─── 他的指甲象白色的琴键一样。

9、The ancestry of the piano can be traced to the early keyboard instruments of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries--the spinet, the dulcimer, and the virginal. ─── 钢琴的家系可以追溯至15至16世纪早期的键盘乐器,包括小型拨弦琴、扬琴和维金娜琴。

10、She was the daughter of John Dandridge and Frances Jones. Martha was the eldest of 9 children. She enjoyed riding horses,gardening,sewing,playing the spinet and dancing. ─── 她是约翰.丹德瑞格和弗郎西斯.琼斯的大女儿,喜欢骑马,园艺,缝纫,弹竖琴和跳舞。

11、His nails resemble the ivory keys of the spinet ─── 他的指甲象白色的琴键一样。

12、I had learned in my youth to play a little upon the spinet. ─── 年轻时我曾学过弹几下古钢琴。

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