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09-11 投稿



henpecked 发音

英:[?henpekt]  美:[?henpekt]

英:  美:

henpecked 中文意思翻译



henpecked 词性/词形变化,henpecked变形

动词过去分词: henpecked |动词第三人称单数: henpecks |动词现在分词: henpecking |动词过去式: henpecked |

henpecked 相似词语短语

1、henpeckery ─── 啄鸡

2、henpecks ─── v.(女人)对(男性,尤指丈夫)不断责骂或唠叨不休

3、V-necked ─── V领

4、hen-pecked ─── adj.惧内的

5、-necked ─── adj.收缩的;变窄的;v.变细;与…亲嘴;宰杀(neck的过去分词)

6、henpecking ─── v.(女人)对(男性,尤指丈夫)不断责骂或唠叨不休

7、handpicked ─── adj.偏心挑选的,精心挑选出来的;用手挑选的;v.用手采摘;仔细挑选(handpick的过去分词)

8、henpeck ─── v.(女人)对(男性,尤指丈夫)不断责骂或唠叨不休

9、bedecked ─── adj.以…装饰或点缀的;v.装饰,修饰(bedeck的过去式)

henpecked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is a man rude but henpecked. ─── 他是一个粗暴而惧内的男人。

2、A henpecked husband always gives in to his wife ─── 惧内的丈夫总是顺从妻子的。

3、henpecked husband ─── 惧内

4、Jones is henpecked by his wife. She wears the pants in that family. ─── 琼斯先生怕老婆,他太太当家。

5、Ex.:Lao Liu is tall and strong like someone from the Mafia, but he is actually henpecked. ─── 例:别看老刘长得又高又大,象个黑社会的人,可他还是个气管炎呢。

6、Amoeba or Henpecked Husband? Hey? E One and the Same! ─── 变形虫还是惧内的丈夫?本是同根生!

7、Man four afraid:the afraid young lady be sick, afraid lover pregnancy, afraid the crowd write a letter and be henpecked to commit suicide. ─── 男人四怕:怕小姐有病,怕情人怀孕,怕群众写信,怕老婆自尽。

8、!One day general to lead troops to battle, but customer review henpecked brother, then tied up his wife in a chastity belt body. ─── 有一天,将军要带兵出征,却怕老婆讨客兄,于是绑了一条贞操带在老婆身上。

9、henpecked (husband) ─── 气管炎

10、e. g. : The henpecked husband always gives in to his wife and never dare to overrule her absurd decisions. ─── 那个妻管严丈夫总是对他妻子妥协,从来不敢反对她的荒唐决定。

11、2.A henpecked husband always gives in to his wife. ─── 妻管严丈夫总是屈服于妻子。

12、Amoeba or Henpecked Husband?hey?e One and the Same!! ─── 变形虫还是惧内的丈夫?本是同根生!

13、After getting married, he turns to be henpecked. ─── 结婚后他完全变成了“气管炎”。

14、Mr Wilson is henpecked by his wife; she wears the pants in that family. ─── 威尔逊先生怕老婆; 在他家里,他太太说了算。

15、Ng Yu Hon, a henpecked husband, takes a moral holiday each year.This year he falls for his Chief Accountant. ─── 吴耀汉虽对妻子恬妞甚为敬畏,却暗地每年出外风流一次。

16、The henpecked Mr Wilson was as thin as a lath. ─── 怕老婆的威尔逊先生骨瘦如柴。

17、After getting married, he turns to be henpecked. ─── 结婚后他完全变成了“气管炎”。

18、Don't be henpecked. Show her you're the boss! ─── 别这么“妻管炎”,让她知道你才是老大。

19、Read is henpecked by his wife. Mrs. Read wears the trousers in that family. ─── 里德先生怕老婆,在家里里德夫人是一家之主。

20、A henpecked husband is one who always agrees to do what his wife wants ─── 怕老婆的丈夫就是一个愿向老婆屈服的人。

21、What a henpecked man! I won't button hold you. I happen to be tired. See you next time, Jack. Thank you for your suggestion. ─── ‘这么惧内,人家就放你一马,我正好累了,回见,杰克,谢谢你的建议。’

22、Jones is henpecked his wife. She wears the pants in that family. ─── 琼斯先生怕老婆,他太太当家。

23、Adult telling seat of government saw burst out laughing: "Each is afraid of the man that who says here wife, still have not henpecked! ─── 知府大人见了哈哈大笑:“谁说这里的男人个个怕老婆,还有一个不怕老婆的嘛!”说着,他走到这个小官跟前,说:“跟他们讲一讲,你是怎样站到这边来的?”

24、Mr Wilson is henpecked by his wife; she wears the pants in that family ─── 威尔逊先生怕老婆;在他家里,他太太说了算。

25、Among Chinese philosophers, Wang Yang-ming was henpecked ." ─── 中国哲学家里,王阳明是怕老婆的。”

26、I look on coldly:This exergue, be a good husband is really enough difficult of, too apathy is blame easily in order to don't take pity on a wife, too enthusiasm drive easily Ji Feng for be henpecked. ─── 我冷眼旁观:这个年月,当个好丈夫真是够难的,太冷淡了易被指斥为不体恤妻子,太热情了易被讥讽为怕老婆。

27、Although Shanghai men are bantered as henpecked husbands, they do not submit to their wives. ─── 虽然上海男人被戏谑为妻管严,但他并不屈从于妻子。

28、People refer the man who was afraid of his wife as henpecked. ─── 人们把那个怕老婆的男人叫“妻管严”。

29、The Greek universe must have had considerable appeal for the henpecked males of these societies, and we know that the Great Mother made quite an impression on the Greeks themselves. ─── 希腊共同体必定对在这些社会下惧内的男性们产生相当大的吸引力,并且我们还知道,掌权的母系曾经对希腊本身造成了相当的影响。”

30、He is such a muddlehead;I can see he's going to be henpecked ─── 鸿渐真是糊涂虫,我看他将来要怕老婆的。

31、One day general to lead troops to battle, but customer review henpecked brother, then tied up his wife in a chastity belt body. ─── 有一天,将军要带兵出征,却怕老婆讨客兄,于是绑了一条贞操带在老婆身上。

32、1.He is a typical henpecked husband. ─── 他是个典型的“妻管严”。

33、‘What a henpecked man!I won't buttonhold you.I happen to be tired.See you next time, Jack.Thank you for your suggestion. ─── ‘这么惧内,人家就放你一马,我正好累了,回见,杰克,谢谢你的建议。’

34、Jack is the most henpecked man I know. ─── 杰克是我所认识人中最怕老婆的人。

35、When they returned home, Tun-weng said, "Our Eldest must certainly be henpecked . ─── 回家之后,遯翁道:“老大准怕老婆。

36、When they returned home, Tun-weng said, "Our Eldest must certainly be henpecked ─── 回家之后,遯翁道:“老大准怕老婆。

37、Zhu Ha says: "I want to ask you to write an order, let each henpecked person to my pay an ass. ─── 朱哈说:“我想请你写个命令,让每一个怕老婆的人都向我缴纳一头驴。”

38、for fear father is filial piety, henpecked love. ─── 怕爹是孝顺,怕老婆是爱情。

39、He compared the situation to a marriage in which the wife was bossing around her henpecked husband. ─── 他将之比作婚姻关系,妻子颐指气使而丈夫唯唯诺诺。

40、Eg: The henpecked husband carried out everything to his wife's letter. ─── 这个“妻管严”的丈夫对他的妻子言听计从。

41、Likely. (with pretended horror) Why, we're going to be rich, and famous, and happy. Wish to be an emperor, father, to begin with; then you can't be henpecked. ─── 儿:听起来很可信(假装恐惧)。我们为何不能拥有富贵、名望和幸福。父亲,祈求当皇帝,开始吧,这样你就不用怕老婆了。

42、Amoeba or henpecked husband? Hey? E one and the same. ─── 变形虫还是惧内的丈夫?本是同根生!

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