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09-11 投稿


demonstrative 发音

英:[d??mɑ?nstr?t?v]  美:[d??m?nstr?t?v]

英:  美:

demonstrative 中文意思翻译




demonstrative 网络释义

adj. 说明的;证明的;公开表露感情的n. 指示词

demonstrative 短语词组

1、demonstrative speech ─── 指明的言论

2、more demonstrative ─── 更具示范性

3、demonstrative of ─── 证明的, 论 ─── 证的, 令人信服的

4、demonstrative value ─── 指示值

5、demonstrative reference ─── 指示 ─── 指称 ─── 指示照应

6、demonstrative pronoun n. ─── 指示代词

7、demonstrative list ─── 示范清单

8、demonstrative adjectives ─── 指示形容词

9、demonstrative determiner ─── 指示限定词

10、demonstrative prounouns ─── 充分论证

11、demonstrative Pronouns ─── 指示代词

12、demonstrative speech outline ─── 指示言语提纲

13、demonstrative experiment ─── 示范实验

14、demonstrative evidence ─── [法] 确证

15、demonstrative order ─── 指示性抬头

16、demonstrative adjective ─── 指示形容词

17、demonstrative legacy ─── [法] 指明数额的遗赠

demonstrative 词性/词形变化,demonstrative变形

复数--demonstratives;比较级--more demonstrative;最高级--most demonstrative。

demonstrative 反义词


demonstrative 同义词

expansive | decisive | effusive | friendly | significant | emotional | exhibitive | explanatory | expository | outpouring | open | symptomatic | romantic | unrestrained | illustrative | designative | evincive | warm | unreserved | loving | gushing | indicative | expressive | material | convincing | demonstrative pronoun | telling | overwhelming |affectionate

demonstrative 相似词语短语

1、undemonstrative ─── adj.含蓄的;不露感情的

2、demonstrate ─── vt.证明;展示;论证;vi.示威

3、demonstratives ─── 指示词(demonstrative的复数)

4、deconstructive ─── 解构主义

5、demonstrating ─── v.证明;演示;表露(感情);解释;集会示威;(军队)示威;被聘为示范人员(demonstrate的现在分词)

6、remonstratively ─── 规劝地

7、demonstration ─── n.示范;证明;示威游行

8、remonstrative ─── adj.抗议的;忠告的

9、demonstratively ─── adv.论证地

demonstrative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As xinlai, is a member of the company, my hobbies and behaviour for staff, have a demonstrative and navigable. ─── 我担任公司总经理,是公司的成员之一,我的爱好和行为无疑对员工影响较大,具有示范性和导向性。

2、national demonstrative higher vocational school construction ─── 国家示范性高职院校建设

3、Romantically, it's a warm and affectionate month when you'll feel more playful and demonstrative than usual. ─── 感情方面,这是温暖而又充满情爱的一个月,你会比往常更爱玩也更容易动感情。

4、There is going to be a tug at the heart. Emotion may vary in religious experience. Some people are stoical and others are demonstrative, but the feeling will be there. ─── 人的心会受到触动;在信仰经历中,体会不同,情感各异。有的深藏不露,有的喜形于外,但感情总在那儿。

5、We have now described the sources of those means of persuasion which are popularly supposed to be demonstrative. ─── 我们将这种广受质疑的说服方式的来源描述为说明性论证。

6、Moreover, the thesis carries out the demonstrative study in the renewal planning as well as the renewal dissemination. ─── 并且,本文对“重振策划方案”和“重振传播方案”进行了实证研究。

7、Demonstrative research on the impact of debt structure on corporate governance ─── 债务融资结构对公司治理影响的实证研究

8、While reserved with strangers, the Komondor is demonstrative with those he loves, selflessly devoted to his family and his charges, and will defend them against any attack. ─── 对牲畜群、儿童或一只猫可蒙犬非常乐意实施自己的保护责任。

9、Doing Demonstrative Implement of Transverse Wave Creating ─── 制作横波生成演示器

10、He's very demonstrative; he kissed me on both cheeks ─── 他热情奔放,吻了我的双颊。

11、Influence - convincing, magnetic, political, enthusiastic, persuasive, warm, demonstrative, trusting, and optimistic. ─── 有说服力的,有吸引力,热心热情的,信任,和乐观的。

12、This' and 'that' are demonstrative pronouns. ─── this和that是指示代词。

13、Of love it may be said, the less earthly the less demonstrative. ─── 关于爱,我们可以说,越纯洁越含蓄。

14、He was neither impulsive nor demonstrative. ─── 他既不感情用事,又不将喜怒哀乐形之于色。

15、The video of the demonstrative machine tool ─── 参展机床影片

16、anaphoric demonstrative pronouns ─── 前指型指示代词

17、Demonstrative Pronoun in Jiujiang Dialect ─── 九江方言的指示代词

18、Nig, equally friendly though less demonstrative, was a huge black dog, half-bloodhound and half-deerhound, with eyes that laughed and a boundless good nature. ─── 尼各是一只大黑狗,一半是警犬种,一半是猎鹿犬种,眼睛总是笑眯眯的,脾气很好。他虽不大喜怒形于颜色,跟司基特同样友善。

19、demonstrative property of thinking ─── 思维的论证性

20、Day the city zone builds village class organization perforative in whole well-off demonstrative village establishs an activity in, right whole area 59 361 villages, house appoint can medium.. ─── 天城区把村级组织建设贯穿在整个小康示范村创建活动中,并对全区361个村、59个居委会中的...

21、Our objective for running school: Of high quality, modernizing, characteristic, and demonstrative. ─── 学校的办学目标是:有特色、现代化、高质量、示范性。

22、The often judges maritime freightage contract harder effectiveness in judicatory practice, the author carries particular case below undertake demonstrative with respect to this one problem. ─── 另一方面,租船合同只是运输合同的作用,它既不能作为承运人收到托运货物的收据,也不能起到货物所有权凭证的作用。

23、National Drug Prohibition Demonstrative School ─── 全国禁毒教育示范学校

24、Again, the numerical value that notchs with factor undertakes clustering, to 23 province area undertakes classified sort, with farther the difference problem between nicer demonstrative area. ─── 再次,用因子得分的数值进行聚类分析,对23个省区进行分类排序,以进一步更好的说明地区之间的差距问题。

25、Some phylogenically higher taxa including Polypodiaceae, Dryopteridaceae, Athyriaceae etc. constituted the demonstrative composition of the flora in Wanfo mountain. ─── 并以水龙骨科、鳞毛旋科、蹄盖蕨科等在系统演化上较高级的类群占优势。

26、When and How to Use Demonstrative Pronouns? ─── 何时及如何使用指示代词?

27、A demonstrative university with high quality and high social position to satisfy the increasing needs of spiritual civilization for the great number of retired staff and workers. ─── 办成向全市辐射的退休职工教育教学的基地,办成高品位、高层次学科、示范性的老年大学,不断满足广大退休职工日益增长的精神文化需求

28、He was neither impulsive nor demonstrative ─── 他既不感情用事,又不将喜怒哀乐形之于色。

29、With the support of forestry department, the ACWF set up 56 national demonstrative bases in 31 provinces, autonomous region and municipality for "March 8th Green Project, with the total area reaching more than 100,000 mu. ─── 在林业部门支持下,全国妇联在31个省区市建立了56个全国“三八绿色工程”示范基地,总面积达10多万亩。

30、Ply change is big, board face has bongo package, water proofing property of demonstrative board face is poor. ─── 厚度变化大,板面有小鼓包,说明板面防水性差。

31、An affectionate and demonstrative family. ─── 一个慈爱并且开朗的家庭

32、To make a good item of cooperative medical service,special attentions must be payed to the following aspects such as prophase demonstr... ─── 在开展对外医疗合作项目管理与核算方面,加强合作项目的前期论证、合同签订、收入与成本界定、财务核算以及日常核算等尤为重要。

33、General legacies are subject to the same principles as demonstrative legacies. ─── 一般的遗赠要与指定数目的遗赠遵循同样的原则。

34、Not an awful lot changes - but the code gains the ability to texture the tiles IT renders, as opposed to the demonstrative (but painfully retro) wireframe graphics of DEMO1. ─── 与DEMO1相比,代码并没有很大的改动,但是已经能够实现对渲染的图素贴上纹理。

35、If appear this kind of circumstance, demonstrative aggressor been embezzlinging photograph like the head, the environment all round peek. ─── 如果出现这种情况,说明攻击者已经在盗用摄像头,窥视周围的环境。

36、Some people are more demonstrative than others. ─── 有些人更容易流露感情。

37、Come round everyday this grape demonstrative garden looks around, the personnel of study evens more 100 people. ─── 天天前来该所葡萄示范园参观、学习的人员逾100人。

38、The courteous function of the personal demonstrative language ─── 人称指示语的礼貌功能

39、Cause Italian's demonstrative, the Virgin-Night cannot stay longer.For Lambo, for Gokudera, had ample experience is very important, or hurt by inexperienced will be laughable. ─── 众所周知我是支持云狱的,作为意大利人的蓝波如果十几岁都过了还是处男,不丢脸吗?

40、Research on implementation of demonstrative pronoun understanding ─── 一种指示代词理解实现的研究

41、conducting a demonstrative lesson in an unfamiliar class ─── 借班上课

42、Of love it may be said, the less earthly, the less demonstrative. ─── 关于爱,我们可以说,越纯洁,越含蓄。

43、"This" is a demonstrative pronoun. ─── "this"是指示代词。

44、So from this point, we can say the three-part system of the demonstrative pronoun in Jiujiang dialect is weakened. ─── 从这个意义上讲,九江方言中的指示代词是一个弱化的三分系统。

45、national demonstrative projects ─── 国家示范性建设计划

46、"Science and technology is the first productivity " demonstrative science and technology already was dominant position via changing by appurtenant position. ─── “科学技术是第一生产力”说明科技已经由从属地位变为主导地位。

47、The part of demonstrative studies includes two studies. ─── 实证研究部分包括两个研究。

48、demonstrative principle of real right ─── 公示公信

49、A Demonstrative Research on the Implicit Theory of Jealousy Psychology ─── 嫉妒心理及其内隐性研究

50、In 'This is my bike', 'this' is a demonstrative pronoun ─── 在This is my bike一句中,this是指示代词

51、The oath of office is...demonstrative of the legislative opinion on this subject. ─── 官方的誓言表明了在这个问题上的立法观点。

52、A set of interesting demonstrative experiments for preface lessons ─── 一组适合绪言课使用的趣味演示实验

53、Unable to corral a rebound as the half expired, Howard grabbed the ball with both hands and slammed it off the floor.To that point, it was his most demonstrative moment of the series. ─── 上半场他几乎连拿下一个篮板都困难,中场结束的时候,他双手将球狠狠的砸在了地板上,对于这点,这也是他这一系列赛第一次真球流露啊!

54、Demonstrative Video Programs for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign. ─── 对外汉语教学研究生。

55、The company is listed as agricultural industrialization national key leading enterprise, national processed agricultural demonstrative base. ─── 公司被列为农业产业化国家重点龙头企业、全国农产品深加工示范基地。

56、We need to refresh the thoughts of the chemical experiments and renew it in demonstrative methods. ─── 对于化学实验,要更新实验思路,改变过去为做实验而做实验的意识,让实验能在学习中创新。

57、On the basis of summarizing the demonstrative research achievements by those Chinese scholars,I points out that the dominant factor for the intellective personnel stimulation is stipend stimulation. ─── 在综合了国内学者实证研究结果的基础上,指出了中国知识型员工激励的核心要素就是薪酬激励。

58、The National Demonstrative Vocational School ─── 国家示范性高职院校

59、'This' and 'that' are demonstrative pronouns. ─── this 和 that 是指示代词。

60、As the trend of global banking development, reengineering the bank has a demonstrative effect to the Chinese banking system reform. ─── 银行再造作为全球银行业发展的大趋势,对我国银行改革具有极强的示范效应。

61、The attitude resurfaced in 2000 in Sydney, where demonstrative Vince Carter had run-ins with Gaze and Shane Heal, Australia's little point guard, and Aussie fans made derisive chants. ─── 2000年悉尼奥运会上问题再度浮出水面,卡特和盖茨以及希尔(澳大利亚的后卫)在场上发生冲突,此事换来的是奥达利亚球迷的嘲讽。

62、It is not in the power of` the professors of demonstrative sciences to change their opinions at will and apply themselves first to one side and then to the other. ─── 实证科学的教授没有能力随意改变自己的看法,一会赞同这个观点,过一会又改为赞同那个观点。

63、Experience was introduced on how to substantiate intension constantly and promote the competitiveness to establish the national demonstrative vocational technological college. ─── 主要介绍学院不断充实内涵,提升实力,为创建全国示范性职业技术学院所做的工作和努力。

64、demonstrative principle of real estate ─── 公示公信原则

65、In China the systematic construction of evidence preservation has neither theoretical conception nor demonstrative analysis.Let alone the systematic constructive plan. ─── 他山之石,可以攻玉,通过对域外的刑事证据保全制度的研究,以期对我国的相关制度建设有所裨益。

66、"Cadre " behavior is contained guide gender, demonstrative sex, closely related it and party conduct stand or fall, very big to folkway influence, break cannot small gaze. ─── “干部”行为带有引导性、示范性,它与党风好坏密切相关,对民风影响甚大,断不可小觑。

67、Its purpose is to find out where is its innovative point and play demonstrative role to talents training in higher vocational colleges. ─── 其目的有二,一是寻找出二年制高职人才培养模式究竟有哪些创新之处;二是使其真正对高职人才培养起到示范性的作用。

68、Although area of demonstrative garden of agricultural science and technology starts firm a year half, had had good germinant. ─── 农业科技示范园区虽起步刚一年半,已经有了一个良好的开端。

69、What did she do that was so demonstrative of faith? ─── 她做了甚么事显示出她的信心?

70、Lu Ming of undersecretary of Ministry of Agriculture is right " 152 projects " demonstrative project gave sufficient affirmation and height the opinion, express a Ministry of Agriculture must.. ─── 农业部副部长路明对“152工程”示范项目给予了充分的肯定和高度评价,并表示农业部一定要...

71、With 52 subjects and 8000 students, the College is destinated as a key demonstrative one in its kind in China and educates all kinds of persons with abilities. ─── 学院为全国重点建设示范性职业技术学院,设有52个专业,在校生8000人,为工业园区建设输送各类技能型人才。

72、Replacing the playful and demonstrative affection between father and son in the" Kihachi" series, this film observes silently the moments when emotions are unconsciously in unison, and is all the more touching. ─── 儿子在入伍前,要到东京验身,终于能和父亲住在一起,可是父亲却在这时突然病危,子欲养而亲不在,总叫人唏嘘不已。

73、Jiangyan Economic Development Zone, established in 1993, is the new demonstrative industrial park and new urban district carefully created by Jiangyan Government. ─── 创建于1993年的姜堰经济开发区,是姜堰市政府精心打造的新型工业示范区、姜堰新城区。

74、Whenserves as a notional word,“夫”hasthefunctionof nounand demonstrative pronoun. ─── 其中实词“夫”用作名词和指示代词;

75、The demonstrative analysis about main business vivid rate of listed companies ─── 上市公司主营业务鲜明率的实证分析

76、"That" is a demonstrative pronoun. ─── that是一个指示代词。

77、He greeted us in a demonstrative manner. ─── 他热情地和我们打招呼。

78、But now, What I want to hear is active, enthusiastic, or even demonstrative. ─── 但如今,我好想听到的是活泼,热情,甚至是奔放的。

79、Key Responsibilities:-Develop in-depth understanding of Enterprise Lean Sigma philosophy and methods as demonstr...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳市宝安区沙井柏盛制品厂(艾利公司深圳工厂)工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-5-1

80、He's very demonstrative: he kissed me on both cheeks. ─── 他热情奔放, 吻了我的双颊.

81、We came from the English tradition of not being demonstrative. ─── 我们的感情不外露来自于英国传统。

82、From the functions and classification, demonstrative pronouns have the characteristics of prototype category. ─── 从指示代词的立类和功能来看,指示代词是一个原型范畴,具有典型性。

83、But during the process of it, it's so frustrating not to just, you know (Bust out) bust out, yeah. . . -You know, be more demonstrative. ─── 但是在这个过程中,这是非常令人烦恼的你(不能控制自己)不能控制自己,是。-你知道,更有说明性。

84、The strong demonstrative effect of entitative wealth promotes the social developments, but at the same time it stimulates the irrational expansion of human lusts frequently. ─── 实体财富的强力示范作用,在推动社会生产发展的同时,也频频刺激人欲的非理性膨胀。

85、As Personal Pronoun or Demonstrative Pronoun. ─── 作人称代词,指示代词。

86、Nim glanced sideways at Ruth , who was smiling at the demonstrative reception. ─── 尼姆朝身边的露丝瞟了一眼,她对这种热情洋溢的接待也不禁抿着嘴笑了。

87、He was neither impulsive nor demonstrative, but he was kindly, within his scanty means generous, and obliging. ─── 他既不凭感情用事,也不喜怒无常,他待人厚道。

88、When he first came in he kissed me and spoke kindly to me, but he was not demonstrative. ─── 他一进来就吻我,和蔼可亲地同我打招呼,但他不是个感情外露的人。

89、Her orchard has become a demonstrative base of scientific research in the country. Through this base the state orchard research institute has spread more than 150 new varieties and technology across country. ─── 她的果园已成为面向全国的科研示范基地,国家果树研究所通过她的基地,向各地推广了150多项新技术新品种。

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