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09-11 投稿


sodalite 发音

英:[?so?d??la?t]  美:[?s??d??la?t]

英:  美:

sodalite 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 方钠石


sodalite 短语词组

1、sodalite benefit ─── 方钠石效益

2、sodalite healing ─── 方解石

3、sodalite heart ─── 方钠石心

4、sodalite marble ─── 方钠石大理石

5、sodalite cage ─── 钠沸石笼

6、sodalite genuine ─── 方正 ─── 方解石

7、sodalite blue ─── 方钠石蓝

8、sodalite properties healing ─── 方钠石性能

9、carbonate sodalite ─── 碳酸盐方钠石

10、sodalite rough ─── 粗方钠石

sodalite 相似词语短语

1、soda lime ─── [化学]碱石灰

2、sodality ─── n.联谊会;友好;团体;伙伴

3、modality ─── n.形式,形态;程序;物理疗法;主要的感觉

4、soda-lime ─── [化学]碱石灰

5、nodalise ─── 没有

6、socialite ─── n.社会名流

7、sodalities ─── n.联谊会;友好;团体;伙伴

8、sodalists ─── n.慈善会会员

9、localite ─── n.本地人,当地居民

sodalite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Synthesis of Sodalite in Room-temperature Ionic Liquid ─── 室温离子液体中合成方钠石的研究

2、Characteristic and Origin of the Shiling Sodalite Syenite, Conghua City, Guangdong Province ─── 广东从化石岭方钠石正长岩特征及其起源


4、product was hollow spheres co-constructed by analcime and sodalite characterized by XRD and SEM. ─── XRD和SEM的表征结果,所得产物为一种方沸石和方钠石共构的空心球。

5、The in-situ high-pressure X-ray diffraction of natural sodalite ─── 方钠石的原位高压X射线研究

6、changing the proportion of raw materials, different kinds of molecular sieves are obtained, such as those of 4A zeolite, B zeolite, X zeolite , hydroxy sodalite and their mixtures. ─── 原料的配比发生改变,产品4A分子筛中会分别含有羟基方钠石、B型分子筛等杂相; 控制好原料配比,可以得到纯4A分子筛、纯B型分子筛、纯X型分子筛。

7、Sodalite will assist in allowing one to see the bigger picture of one's current life dance and the spiritual lessons one is currently working upon as an ascending initiate. ─── 方钠石将协助让一个人看到当下生命舞蹈中更大的图景,及作为一名提升者当下正在学习的灵性课程。

8、Keywords hydrothermal synthesis;analcime;sodalite;co-constructed hollow spheres; ─── 水热反应;方沸石;方钠石;共构空心球;

9、Liu Changshi.Chen Xiaoming.Wang Rucheng Characteristics and origin of the Shiling sodalite Syenite, Conghua County, Guangdong Province 2003(1 ─── 刘昌实.陈小明.王汝成.胡欢.王德滋广东从化石岭方钠石正长岩特征及其起源[期刊论文]-地质论评2003(1

10、Sodalite is holding the vibration of magnitude in the language of light. ─── 方钠石持有光之语中广度的振动。

11、purple sodalite ─── 紫色方钠石

12、Characteristic and Origin of the Shiling Sodalite Syenite, Conghua City, Guangdong Province ─── 广东从化石岭方钠石正长岩特征及其起源

13、Sodalite will also assist in bringing what is unconscious to consciousness so that one may better perceive the underlying truth in any life dance. ─── 方钠石也将协助将你的无意识者带入到意识,以便你可在任何生命舞蹈中更好觉察潜在的真相。

14、The Shiling sodalite syenite, Guangdong Province, is the only Early Cretaceous SiO 2 undersaturated alkali syenite known in the Nanling area, southeastern China. ─── 广东省从化市石岭方钠石正长岩是南岭地区唯一已知的早白垩世硅酸不饱和碱性岩。

15、family of zeolites that can be synthesized by the new dry powder method was extended from pentasil zeolites to sodalite having the structure composed of 4- and 6-member rings. ─── 用新颖的干粉方法合成系列沸石的研究已从五元环沸石延伸到具有四元环和六元环的方钠石。

16、Preparation and characterization of analcime and sodalite composite hollow spheres ─── 方沸石和方钠石复合空心球的制备和表征

17、sodalite Braun tube ─── 方钠石显像管

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