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10-03 投稿


madcap 发音

英:['m?dk?p]  美:['m?dk?p]

英:  美:

madcap 中文意思翻译



madcap 网络释义

adj. 狂妄的;鲁莽的n. 鲁莽的人

madcap 短语词组

1、madcap helpviewer madcap helpviewer

2、madcap market ─── 疯狂市场

3、madcap gal gal ─── 疯子

4、madcap flare ─── 疯狂的火炬

5、madcap hybrid madcap hybrid ─── 公司

madcap 相似词语短语

1、madman ─── n.疯子,狂人;精神病患者

2、mudcap ─── n.糊炮爆破法;封泥

3、mid-cap ─── n.(Midcap)人名;(英)米德卡普

4、mo-cap ─── n.灭克磷(一种杀虫剂)

5、madcaps ─── n.疯狂瓶盖(游戏名称)

6、madras ─── n.马德拉斯棉布(一种薄棉布可做衬衫、窗帘等);马德拉斯咖喱菜;n.(Madras)(美、印)妈达(人名)

7、mudcaps ─── n.糊炮爆破法;封泥

8、midcap ─── n.(Midcap)人名;(英)米德卡普

9、madam ─── n.夫人;女士;鸨母

madcap 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Alright, you madcap gal. Try to imagine this. The phone bill arrives, but you don't pay it right away. ─── 好吧,懒散女人。想象一下这种情况,话费单来了,但你不马上去交。

2、Mighty sovereign dog-male goes immediately to explore the novelty.Of what, of whom should I be afraid you madcap?Of nothing and nobody! ─── 但是那些强壮的公犬会立即对新鲜的事物进行试探,它们不会回避任何人或事,它们为什么要怕呢?

3、Somebody asks them: "You by what so madcap? ─── 有人问他们:“你们凭什么这样狂妄?”

4、Ought we to force ourselves, out of basic respect for the length of the human life-span, on a madcap international spree? ─── 我们是否应该出于对苦短人生的尊重、强迫自己去追赶轻率的国际狂潮?

5、The doctor is in, with this madcap Match 3 game!Poor Mel has every ailment in the book, and you`re the only one who can cure him. ─── ??所谓密度增加就是指硬件的板卡上可以支持更多的通道数,传输线上具有更大的带宽,而板卡具有更快的信号处理速度。

6、He need not have worried.They passed with flying colours and survived for his cabaret appearance at the madcap Edinburgh Fringe, billed as the world's largest arts festival. ─── 他大可不必为此担心,因为他乳房已经经受住了高空的考验,并使他能很自豪地出现在苏格兰爱丁堡狂野的艺术节上。

7、Ought we to force ourselves, out of basic respect for the length of the human life-span, on a madcap international spree? ─── 我们是否应该出于对苦短人生的尊重、强迫自己去追赶轻率的国际狂潮?

8、madcap scheme ─── 鲁莽的方案

9、some madcap adventure ─── 某种鲁莽的冒险

10、The latest madcap comedy from Will Ferrell and Adam McKay also brings together a formidable supporting cast including notable actors such as John C. Reilly and Gary Cole. ─── 这部由威尔?法瑞尔和亚当?麦克凯伊奉上的最新搞怪喜剧片,其配角阵容也很强大,包括了约翰?C?雷利和盖瑞?科尔等著名演员。

11、It has been waiting for my birth, and then for my cripplehood at my most madcap age. ─── 它等待我出生,然后又等待我活到最狂妄的年龄上忽地残废了双腿。

12、madcap antics ─── 愚蠢的小丑

13、Ross: Alright, you madcap gal! Try to imagine this. The photo bill arrives but you do not pay it right away. ─── 好吧,懒女人,设想这样一种情况。电话单来了但是你不立刻去交钱。

14、madcap stock ─── 中型股

15、I remember just playing a ball game to often can see Jordan is fastening basket of the fill on poll then into NBA, I say to oneself ' I cannot let ground endowment absolutely madcap ' . ─── 我记得刚入NBA打球那会经常看见乔丹在别人头上灌篮,我就对自己说‘我绝不能让地资么狂妄’。

16、Madcap antics include: Jake misusing his shape-shifting powers to impress his friends and avoid a conference with his parents and teacher; ─── 当杰克回家他西城赤褐色砂石,这是一个大家庭。商人爸爸是美国的苹果馅饼和完全不知道,他已嫁到龙。

17、Responding to calls from local businesses she must maintain their madcap machines, including the 'Penguin Distractor', a 'Far Removed Spinner' and the highly improbable 'Theoretical Hoover'. ─── 为了随时给当地商家服务,她必须要维护那些疯狂的机器,包括:“企鹅分散机”,“遥控纺纱机”, 和异想天开的“理想真空吸尘器”。

18、Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks ─── 怪男巫的疯狂魔法

19、Ross: Alright, you madcap gal. Try to imagine this. The phone bill arrives, but you don't pay it right away. ─── 好的,你这个狂妄的女人。想像这样的场景,电话账单已经来了,但是你并不立刻去交费。

20、Maggie: As madcap as you make it sound, I can't. ─── 麦琪:听起来很轻率,我不能。

21、Ross : Alright, you madcap gal, try to imagine this :the phone bill arrive ,but you donnot pay it right away . ─── 好吧,那我是有责任感、爱整洁。但是,嗨,我也可以是个邋遢怪。

22、And the official Xinhua news agency dismissed the negotiating process that produced the deal as "a madcap farce of brinkmanship. " ─── 官方新华社认为达成协议的谈判过程是鲁莽的边缘政策闹剧。

23、madcap schemes/escapades ─── 冒险的计划;鲁莽的冒险行动

24、The madcap can be saved; the self-contemptuous is beyond rescue. ─── 狂妄的人有救,自卑的人没有救。

25、Madcap person can be saved. Self-contemptuous one can not. ─── 二七、狂妄的人有救,自卑的人没有救。

26、politicians simply flitted from one madcap scheme to another. ─── 政治家们仅仅是从一个不靠谱的计划跳到另一个。

27、The latest madcap comedy from Will Ferrell and Adam McKay also brings together a formidable supporting cast including notable actors such as John C. ─── 这部由威尔?法瑞尔和亚当?麦克凯伊奉上的最新搞怪喜剧片,其配角阵容也很强大,包括了约翰?

28、Ma Yun bought madcap chip again 2007. ─── 2007年马云又添狂妄筹码。

29、But the role of madcap spiritual godmother to little misfit monsters everywhere is one that Lady Gaga already has down cold. ─── 但是作为随处可见的小怪兽们鲁莽的教母,这个角色的特性LadyGaga早已具备。

30、As “The Chosen One”, Murphy's on a madcap mission to save The Golden Child, a youth with mystical powers who's been abducted by an evil cult. ─── 每隔一千代,就会有一个十全十美的小孩子出生。

31、During that time, Chan's magical mix of mirth, martial arts and madcap motion have won his films a worldwide following. ─── 事实上,成龙本身所代表的也就是一则传奇。

32、and create madcap expressions, riotous body language, and slapstick action sequences. ─── 创作张狂的表情、狂乱的肢体语言以及闹剧效果。

33、It was extremely vagabond and strange , The elegant demeanour of “show ” let old man become madcap nipper! ─── 自称浪太奇,“秀”出的风采也使老夫聊发少年狂!

34、Ross: Alright, you madcap gal! Try to imagine this. The photo bill arrives but you do not pay it right away. ─── 好吧,懒女人,设想这样一种情况。电话单来了但是你不立刻去交钱。

35、also only face to the simple and sententious background, people could get rid of the stinking, arrogant and madcap, and get back the modest, Dantesque, grateful, awestruck and devotional over again. ─── 也只有在这种朴素而简洁的背景面前,人们才能够去掉张扬、傲慢、狂妄,而重新找回谦逊、庄重、感激、敬畏和虔诚。

36、A madcap four minutes shortly after the interval seemingly ended the game as a contest. ─── 下半场开始疯狂的4分钟看起来要让比赛进入垃圾时间了。

37、Madcap ciss with her golliwog curls . you had to laugh at her sometimes. ─── 鲁莽的西酋,长着一头古怪的黑面木偶般的鬈发,有时会惹你发笑。

38、madcap n. ─── 狂妄的人 ?

39、Of flower type style grab handsome, madcap, self-confident, beauty, exist side-by-side. ─── 英式风格的抢俏丽、狂妄、自信、漂亮,并肩存在。

40、All kinds of madcap theories and "solutions" were being discussed, in industry, in the media and among politicians. ─── 所有荒唐的理论和“解决方案”都在被行业、媒体乃至政治家之间讨论。

41、Post-Iraq, many policymakers seem to unable to distinguish prudent precaution from madcap plans to start unnecessary wars. ─── 伊拉克战争后,许多政策制定者似乎无法区别审慎的预防措施与妄图发动不必要战争的疯狂计划。

42、That last is Berowne, the merry madcap lord; ─── 最后的一个就是俾隆,他是个快活鲁莽的贵人;

43、The encompassing Age of Aquarius has you reveling in everything from the Star Wars to the madcap gaiety of That 70's Show. ─── 从《星际大战》到疯狂搞笑的《七零年代秀》,不同年龄段的水瓶座的人着迷于各种事物。

44、At present their great majority is the good market share that hopes to buy to do, have a kind of madcap state of mind. ─── 目前他们大多数是希望买一个做的好的市场份额,具有一种狂妄的心态。

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