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06-28 投稿




英:['vi:z?]  美:['vi:z?]

英:  美:





动词现在分词: visaing | 动词过去分词: visaed | 动词过去式: visaed | 动词第三人称单数: visas |


1 、When the visa finally arrives, she decides to leave Lang for Bian.───与此同时,她认识了干警边强(解小东饰),俩人的情感日益澧烈。

2 、We will forward the visa application to the consulate.───我们将把签证申请转寄到领事馆。

3 、He has applied for an entry visa.───他已申请入境签证。

4 、Secondly, is getting a Visa worth it?───其次,越来越签证值不值?

5 、I've come to apply for an entry visa.───孙:我是来申请入境签证的。

6 、Okay. And I feel I should start to apply for a visa right away.───好,我觉得我就该马上申请签证。

7 、He fille in his visa application form.───他填写签证申请表。

8 、VO: There is no problem about your visa.───官:没有问题关于你的签证。

9 、For a visa, Huiliaohui hands, and I left room for.───局长心领神会,挥了挥手,屋子里只剩下了我和局长。

10 、We accept American express, Master or Visa.───出我们收美国通运卡、万事达卡和维萨卡。

11 、He thought they would give him a visa.───他曾认为他们会给他签证的。

12 、Hmmm. Which card should I get, Visa or Master Card?───嗯,我应该弄一张威萨卡或万事达卡?

13 、Did you have any difficulty in renewing your visa?───你在申请延长签证时遇到什么困难了吗?

14 、When I processed her work visa a few months ago, she offered me 20 grand to falsify a permanent visa.─── 几个月前我续签她的工作签证时 她给我两万块 要伪造一张假的永久签证

15 、We're working on a visa for her and her kid.─── 我们在给她和她的孩子弄签证

16 、We had to cut a few corners to get your visa ready in time.───我们不得不简化手续才能把你的签证及时办好。

17 、Falsify a visa.───伪造签证。

18 、They extended her visa and she stayed one more week in Guangzhou.───他们延期了她的签证时间,她又在广州停留了一周。

19 、Oh, you have to have a visa and all kinds of shots.─── 你得有护照然后打各种疫苗

20 、What? I'm afraid this visa is not valid.─── 什么 恐怕这张签证无效

21 、Or by telephoning the Visa Application Centre in.───与成都签证申请中心预约咨询。

22 、Sabes la politica de visa estudiantil de Espa?a?───你知道西班牙的留学签证政策吗?

23 、Do you mean I do not have to get a visa ?───你是说我不必去弄一份签证?

24 、Many countries require you to have a valid visa before arriving.───到达目的地前,很多国家会要求你先办好有效的签证。

25 、Do you mean I have to get a visa?───你是说我务必去弄一份签证?

26 、Additional form for Business Visa (X1)?───商务签证的附加表格(1份)?

27 、He is applying to the Consul for a visa.───他正向领事申请签证。

28 、All right,you'll be able to get the visa.───好吧,你可以拿到签证。

29 、Would you like me to put that on your Visa Card?───你要用维萨卡付款吗?

30 、You can note it on my visa card. The number is: JK: 409 6237.───你可记在我的签证卡上。号码是: JK: 4096237。

31 、She is grant a non- resident visa.───她被给予非本地居民签证。

32 、His work visa expires in August.───他的工作签证8月到期。

33 、He has applied to the American Consul for a visa .───他已向美国领事馆申请签证。

34 、Have you ever been refused a U.S. visa?───您是否有过被美国拒发签证的经历?

35 、It's insurance, so you're not tempted to overstay your visa.─── 是保障措施 以防你们期满赖着不走

36 、Was Pakistan visa ever refused to applicant?───以前申请签证是否被拒签?

37 、Have you the requisite visa to enter Canada ?───你有进入加拿大必备的签证吗?

38 、You will need a visa before you go to the usa.───在去美国前你需签证。

39 、Your visa is for two months only.───你的签证有效期仅为两个月。

40 、He asked for an extension of his visa.───他申请延长签证有效期。

41 、I have been instructed to issue your visa only if you sign this.─── 我收到指示 说你只有签了这份文件 签证才能获批

42 、Do South Africans need a visa to go to France?───南非人前往法国需要签证吗?

43 、VO: Do you bring your previous visa?───你带来你的英国签证了吗?

44 、He got a multiple entry visa.───他签到了多次入境签证。

45 、How long will it take for my visa to be acted upon?───办理我的签证需多长时间?

46 、Mr.Smith, could I see your group visa, please?───史密斯先生,请让我看一下你们团的签证。

47 、Ud. necesita visa para[2] ir a EE.UU.───去美国您必需要有签证。

48 、How do you fill out visa applications accurately?───如何准确地填写签证申请表?

49 、A working visa is a multiple entry visa.───专业技术工作签证是多次往返签证。

50 、But they obtained their visas under false pretenses.─── 但她们是通过欺诈手段获得签证的

51 、We're trying to secure a visa for him.─── 我们想办法给他弄了个签证

52 、I didn't say I'd give her a snitch visa.─── 我可没说我会给他弄张告发签证

53 、I came the other day for a visa.───前些日子我来询问过我的签证的事。

54 、There is a chance that you can get the visa.───你有机会获得签证。

55 、It is not so easy to get a Canadian student visa.───得到加拿大学生签证不容易。

56 、This discrepancy will prevent me from obtaining a visa.───因为这一差错,我将得不到签证。

57 、It took him a month to apply the visa.───他申请签证花了一个月。

58 、You should apply to the consul for a visa.───你应该向领事申请签证。

59 、He applies to the consul for a visa.───他向领事申请签证。

60 、He 's had his passport visa for the U.S .───他已把他的护照签到美国去。

61 、Can you Provide the Proper Work Visa?───你能提供合适的工作签证吗?

62 、What is your purpose for the visa?───你拿签证的目的是什么?

63 、She was finally granted an exit visa.───她终于得到了出境签证。

64 、Was visa for Pakistan ever refused to applicant?───以前申请是否被拒签?

65 、She applied to the Consul for a visa.───她向领事申请取得签证。

66 、They extended her visa and she stayed one more week in Guangzhou .───他们延期了她的签证时间,她又在广州停留了一周。

67 、Otherwise, they never would have approved my visa.─── 否则 也不会批准我的签证

68 、He 's have his passport visa for the u.s .───他已把他的护照签准到美国去。

69 、There's a mistake with her entry visa.───她的入境签证有错误。

70 、What type of visa are you applying for?───您要申请什么样的签证?

71 、They still do not apply for the visa.───他们还没有申请签证。

72 、You cannot re-enter the country with this visa.───你无法持这份签证再次进入这个国家。

73 、His work visa is valid until the end of the year.───他的工作签证到年底才过期。

74 、Getting a visa to visit the country can be tricky.───另外,获取进入沙特阿拉伯的签证手续相当繁琐。

75 、VO: Sure. Please give me the copy of your husband visa.───当然。请你也给我看一下你丈夫的签证复印件。

76 、She applied for a passport [an entrance visa].───她申请护照[入境签证]。

77 、Have you got a multiple entry visa?───你有多次入境签证吗?

78 、How long is a student visa valid for?───学生签证的有效期限?

79 、Visa expiry dateyrmthday Status while in China.───停留有效期限至年月日来华身份。

80 、Working visa is difficult to be i ued.───工作签证难;

81 、I came here the other day for a visa.───几天前我来这儿办过签证。

82 、No. The visa fee will not increase.───不会,签证费没有增加。

83 、How long have you prepared your visa interview?───你为这次面签准备了多久?

84 、You will require a visa to go to Russia .───你去俄国需要一张签证。

85 、You have a tourist visa for a month?───你有一个月的旅游签证?

86 、If did not win scholarship, influential to visa?───假如没有获得奖学金,对签证有影响吗?

87 、Have you ever applied for a visa before?───你曾经申请过签证吗?

88 、He thinks they can give him the visa.───他想他们会给他签证的。

89 、We only take Visa and MasterCard.───我们只收维萨卡和万事达卡。

90 、You will need a visa before you go to the USA .───去美国之前,你须办理签证。



1.  选择银行


2.  了解申请条件


3.  准备申请材料


4.  填写申请表


5.  提交申请











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