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06-29 投稿




英:[?l?nt?ru:m]  美:[?l?nt??rum, -?r?m]

英:  美:


n. 速简餐厅


1 、Finally the lunchroom manager at a Texas railroad depot said the black GIs could go on around black to the kitchen for a sandwich and coffee.───在德克萨斯某火车站,餐厅经理坚决要求黑人美国士兵绕去后面厨房吃面包、喝咖啡。

2 、Where? In the lunchroom. There in the lunchroom.───在哪?在餐厅。在餐厅里。

3 、For parents who want their children to grow up relatively unexposed to doubt, Darwin or indecent lunchroom chatter, home-schooling offers hope.───家长们想让孩子在相对无疑惑、达尔文或下流餐厅瞎谈的环境下成长,在家教育为他们带来了希望。

4 、The door of Henry's lunchroom opened and two men came in. They sat down at the counter.───亨利那家供应快餐的小饭馆的门一开,就进来了两个人。他们挨着柜台坐下。

5 、They entered the lunchroom, sat at the tables, had their meals served, talked, smoked, in fact had quite a swell time.───他们进了车站餐厅,坐在桌旁,享受餐饮服务,抽烟聊天,事实上那完全是惬意时光。

6 、It was resolved that our schoo1 have a lunchroom.───我们学校决定开一间午餐厅。

7 、I have conducted a thorough investigation into the violent incident in the lunchroom yesterday.─── 我对昨天在饭堂发生的暴力事件 做了详尽的调查

8 、Do not save seats in the lunchroom;───(在午餐室不要帮同学占位子;)

9 、Excuse me, could you tell me where the lunchroom is?───对不起,你能告诉我午餐室在哪儿吗?

10 、or stole my seat in the lunchroom and drank my chocolate milk.───或者抢我的午饭座位,还有喝我的巧克力牛奶。

11 、Do you have a lunchroom or cafeteria?───你们有午餐室或者自助餐厅吗?

12 、The first time I met Carla, she was sitting on the floor alone in the middle of the lunchroom while the rest of her cabin played outside.───当其他小朋友在外面欢快的嬉戏时,我发现一个11岁左右卷发的小姑娘独自一人孤独的坐在餐厅中间的地板上,非常的孤独。

13 、Chad, take your lunch to the lunchroom.─── 查德 带上你的午饭到午餐室去吃

14 、Get into a Kobe-related discussion in your school's lunchroom.───或者在你学校的饭堂里讨论关于科比的话题。

15 、A lunchroom or cafeteria, especially one in a film or television studio.───内部餐厅速简餐厅或咖啡馆,尤指**或电视工作室里

16 、we were sitting in the lunchroom one day, and his shoe brushed up against mine under the table.─── 有一天我们坐在餐厅里 他用脚轻轻地 碰了下我的脚

17 、Tell an adult.If you are being bullied , it’s very important to tell an adult.Teachers, principals, parents, and lunchroom helpers at school can all help to stop bullying.───告诉大人.如果你被欺负了,将这一切告诉大人很重要.无论是老师,**,家长,还是午餐配餐室的助理们,都能够帮助你制止流氓的恶行.

18 、She was hit in the lunchroom yesterday.───她昨天在餐厅被人打了

19 、Spending time collaborating with a colleague, or laughing in the lunchroom, can lead to love.Or not.───和同事一起工作,或者在餐厅大笑,会导致恋爱,或相反。

20 、He tried to elbow me off the line in the lunchroom.───他想用肘把我挤出餐厅的候餐行列。

21 、5.Don't be petty.Asking the location of the lunchroom or meeting room will clue the interviewer into your lack of preparation and initiative.Prepare。───不要琐碎。询问午餐房间或会议室在哪里是在暗示你缺乏准备和主动性。做好准备。

22 、42、Your child should not save seats in the lunchroom.───孩子不可以在午餐室占座。

23 、When lunch time came, I was scared to eat alone in the company lunchroom with all those men and ladies looking.───午饭时间到了,我很怕一个人坐在公司的饭厅里,让那么多****盯着看.

24 、Many of the ideas are hatched, not in the cubicles, but in the lunchroom or over coffee.───许多的想法主意都是在午餐厅或者是在咖啡厅孵化出来的,而不是在办公室的隔间里。

25 、Asking the location of the lunchroom or meeting room will clue the interviewer into your lack of preparation and initiative.───询问午餐地点或是会议室方位会让面试官觉得你缺乏充足的准备或积极主动性。

26 、he will be ready for his lunch. On the way to the lunchroom, he will see some building blocks.───它就准备去吃午餐。在去午餐室的路上,它看到一些积木。

27 、When most kids are asked about school, scenes from school buses, rows of desks and the lunchroom spring to their minds.───当大多数孩子在问到学校的事情时,诸如校巴、成行成列的课桌和学校餐厅之类的景象就会出现在他们的脑海里。

28 、They don't even eat lunch in the same lunchroom.─── 他们也不在同一个食堂吃饭

29 、Don't be petty.Asking the location of the lunchroom or meeting room will clue the interviewer into your lack of preparation and initiative. Prepare.───不要询问诸如:物品位置、你的办公隔间大小,公司对喝咖啡休息时间的政策等公司的常规事务或职能:。

30 、I'm really sorry about what happened in the lunchroom.─── 我很抱歉中午在食堂发生的事

31 、You wouldn't work out of the lunchroom, so the laptop on the kitchen table won't usually cut it.───因此,你不该在厨房办公,不该在餐桌上放置笔记本电脑。

32 、Let's go to the lunchroom.───我们一起去午餐室吧。

33 、Yeah, yeah, you know, I had a lot of time to think about it when I was sitting in the lunchroom alone every day.─── 我想过 是啊 我有很多时间想这个问题 我每天中午都一个人 独自吃午餐

34 、There are name cards at each seat in this lunchroom.─── 这间餐厅的每个座位上都有名牌

35 、a lunchroom or cafeteria,especially one in a film or television studio───速简餐厅或咖啡馆,尤指**或电视工作室里

36 、And, hey, because of that oped column you wrote in the student newspaper, there are healthy options in the lunchroom now, like sliced kiwi.─── 还有 正因为你在学生报纸上写的 那个评论专栏 现在午餐厅开始提供健康食品选择了 比如切片猕猴桃




对应的词:lunch counter, lunch wagon, luncheonette, lunchroom, mess, mess hall。意思,大厅

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