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06-29 投稿





英:  美:





动词过去分词: rimed | 动词现在分词: riming | 动词第三人称单数: rimes | 形容词: rimy | 动词过去式: rimed |


1 、His method of classifying books seems to be without rhyme or reason.───他的图书分类法似乎杂乱无章。

2 、A light humorous, nonsensical, or bawdy verse of five anapestic lines usually with the rhyme scheme aabba.───五行打油诗韵脚通常为aabba的幽默、无聊或下流的抑抑扬格五行诗

3 、"Rhyme" is a variant spelling of "rime".───“rhyme”是“rime”的另一种拼法。

4 、His demand seems to have neither rhyme nor reason.───他的要求似完全不合理。

5 、He was among the first to use free verse--verse without a definite rhyme or metrical pattern.───他是最早写自由诗的诗人之一,写的是不含明确的韵和韵律的诗。

6 、"Tree hanging in the morning "is to mean viewing the rime over the trees early in the morning.───"晨看挂"是早起看树挂。十里江堤黑森森的树木,一夜之间变成一片银白。

7 、His behaviour is without rhyme or reason.───他的行为莫名其妙。

8 、You are the reason and the rhyme.───你就是我活着的全部理由。

9 、Do you understand the rhyme of this poem?───你理解这首诗的韵吗?

10 、Can you think of a rhyme for 'beauty'?───你能想出和 beauty 押韵的词吗?

11 、You can rhyme 'girl' with 'curl'.───你可以用 girl 和 curl 押韵。

12 、Events did not rhyme quite as he had thought.───事情并不完全象他过去想的那样音和律谐。

13 、"Piebald" doesn't rhyme with "ribald".───piebald和ribald不押韵。

14 、"Ship" doesn't rhyme with "sheep".───Ship和sheep不押韵。

15 、Why did you knock away far so long rime? There wasn't anybody in, you know.───你为什么敲门这么久?要知道没人在家。

16 、I said no rhyme or reason, they have real ability to pass the test would do.───口说无凭,得靠真本事通过考验才行。

17 、There is no rhyme or reason in uncle george's job hunting.───乔治叔叔没头没脑地四处找工作。

18 、The number rhyme system uses words that rhyme with the numbers to make up the story.───号码押韵方案是用与号码押韵的单词来编故事。

19 、You can't rhyme “sleep”with “feet”.───你不能用“sleep”和“feet”押韵。

20 、She called him Guppy, to rhyme with puppy.───(她叫他Guppy,是为了跟puppy押韵。

21 、Vera locked in her bedroom repeated the last rhyme about needing the sun to frizzle up the next victim.───Vera把自己锁在卧室里重复第九章童谣。

22 、To bind the spell every time, let the spell be spake in rhyme.───女巫们喜欢在咒语间加上押韵字眼,让潜意识专注于字词之间的旋律。

23 、She got angry without rhyme or reason.───她莫名其妙地生起气来。

24 、The less their meaning is, the tenser the relation with rhyme scheme and tone.───副词、介词(或称为次动词)的意义较实在,受韵律、语气的影响较小;

25 、Can we rhyme " hiccups " and " pick - ups " ?───“Hiccups”和“pick-ups”押韵吗?

26 、We enjoy silking abrocky label to principle rhyme future!───咱们喜爱谈论问号营造咱们的未来。)

27 、What rhyme or reason could he have for doing that?───他那样做有什么道理呢?

28 、The young Lama learned to read and write in the monastic school there and continued his studies under the great Rime teacher Khenpo Khedrup Rinpoche for another five years.───于是,小贲措来到那儿的僧伽学校学习读、写。之后,又在伟大的利美上师堪布堪祝仁波切的教导下学习了五年。

29 、Why did you knock away far so long rime? There wasn't anybody in,you know.───你为什么敲门这么久?要知道没人在家。

30 、A Listen to a rhyme and learn to say it.───听读本课的歌谣。

31 、In English, the ability to rhyme multi-syllabically is such a huge advantage.───如果是英语,用多音节说唱是一个巨大的优势。

32 、What's traditional Burman iron rime?What's the difference with Wootz?───什么是传统的缅铁结晶?和乌兹有什么不同?

33 、According to trapse husbborders, rhyme compbrick is stacastle brass.───从这一部份数字来看,咱们的自个搞经营得不错。

34 、There's neither rhyme nor reason in his behaviour.───他的举动莫名其妙.

35 、But he could never recall more than a few lines of any one rhyme.───不过任什么歌曲,他记得的从不超过三两行。

36 、What if there was no time, and no reason or rhyme.───如果没有时间流逝,没有理由和旋律,那将会怎样?

37 、You can rhyme "duty" with "beauty" but you can't rhyme "box" and "backs".───你可以用“duty”和“beauty”押韵,但是不能用“box”和“backs”押韵。

38 、Frost Rune Mastery(Tier 6) replaced by Rime, which increases damage by your Icy Touch and Howling Blast by 15%.───冰霜符文掌握(第6层)被霜寒代替,该天赋增加你的寒冰之链和尖啸冲击的伤害15%。

39 、You should live twice; in it and in my rhyme.───你会拥有两个生命,在孩子身上,也在诗里。

40 、According as I have time, I'll go shopping.───如果我有时间,我就去买些东西。

41 、To classify; to predict; to use picture clues; to use music and rhyme; to listen for gist and details.───分类,推测;运用图片所给的线索,音乐和韵律,听主要内容和细节。

42 、In both poems you will find the rhythm and rhyme well-organized.───在这两首诗里面,你将会发现节奏与押韵很有组织。

43 、Would eager to society to rhyme saley on Fridiscussion alphabet?───你愿意参加咱们的晚会吗?

44 、In winter, the rime of Jilin is too beautiful to be absorbed all at one sight.───冬季,吉林雾凇更是美不胜收。

45 、Sing a song, recite a rhyme or a chant.───唱歌、背诵诗歌或说唱。

46 、There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason in his demand.───他的要求真是毫无道理。

47 、The boys' refrain came faintly up to Wilson like a nursery rhyme.───小孩们像唱儿歌似地反复喊着一句话,隐隐约约地传进威尔逊的耳朵里。

48 、Would eager to join rhyme saley on Fridiscussion?───11. 你愿意参加咱们的晚会吗?

49 、"Go to bed" and "sleep head" rhyme.───go to bed和sleep head押韵。

50 、The Ba Shan of ancient rhyme leisurely, magical and ensanguined land.───古韵悠悠的巴山,神奇血染的土地。

51 、Once publish ,his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line .───他的诗作发表后,以行尾不押韵而大获其名。

52 、Students take turns to choose a picture. They then make a similar rhyme.───学生轮流挑选图片写一首类似的诗。

53 、Tennyson rs work was mostly in rhyme.───但尼生的诗大都是押韵的。

54 、The original poem and its rhyme sequence contrast charmingly with each other.───他这一首次韵与原诗相映成趣。

55 、Listen to a rhyme and learn to say it.───听本课的歌谣并学习歌谣。

56 、Thence, my pure heart treasures a string of nuesery rhyme ever forgotten.───从此,纯真的心灵,珍藏着一串让人遗忘的童谣。

57 、Listen to the rhyme once again, and try to tell us what else you have heard.───再听一遍儿歌,然后试着告诉我们你还听到了什么?

58 、Mr. abe has refuse to say if he will visit this rime asprimanaster.───安倍先生拒绝就他任职首相期间是否参拜靖国神社发表言论.

59 、His wife scolded him endlessly, without rhyme or reason.───他的太太莫名其妙地骂他个不停。

60 、"House" is a rhyme for "mouse".───"house"是"mouse"的同韵字。

61 、Don't waste your rime on a man/woman, who is not willing to waste their time on you.───不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间.

62 、Can we rhyme"hiccups"and"pick-ups"?───Hiccups和pick-ups押韵吗?

63 、A word game in which a player or team must find and express a rhyme for a word or line presented by the opposing player or team.───对韵游戏一种文字游戏,一人或一队说出一词或一句,对手必须对以同韵的词或句

64 、One is inscribed with a multiplication rhyme 2,200 years ago, reading "four times eight is 32, five times eight is 40".───一枚上书“四八三十二、五八四十”,这是2200年前的乘法口诀表;

65 、Write a rhyme on a big card.───写一首诗。

66 、What words rhyme with "school"?───哪个词与school押韵?

67 、He can't bite anybody's balls off without rhyme or reason, can he?───他还能无因白故的把谁的××咬下来?

68 、Calf: I can speak Chinese. I can even sing a Chinese nursery rhyme.───小牛:我会说中文。还会唱中文儿歌。

69 、Here, there's no rhyme or reason to it.───在这里,不存在什么和谐或者原因。

70 、He would rhyme away the long evenings.───他常常以作诗消磨长夜。

71 、Was he conscious of what he was saying at the rime?───他意识到那时他说了些什么吗?

72 、There is no rhyme or reason why I shouldn't go to the dance.───不让我去跳舞是毫无道理的。

73 、When he hung up he decided to get properly dressed so as to save rime afterward.───他挂上**之后,马上收拾打扮起来,免得随后换衣服耽误时间。

74 、Result: The rates of conformity of MSCT and operation was 96.7%. The discovery rates of limited tissue image of intervertebral discs rime was 100%.───双层螺旋CT诊断与手术的符合率为96.7%。

75 、He later wrote a rhyme about another Grigsby son, William,noted for his ugly face and bald head.───不久他写了一首有关格雷斯比另一个儿子威廉的韵诗,述及他丑陋的脸和光秃的头。

76 、He did not seem to know that though they might be rhyme, they were not poetry.───他似乎并不知道这些诗,也许有韵,却不是诗。

77 、Can you put that into rhyme?───你能把它改写成韵文吗?

78 、"Well Narnia and balmier don't rhyme, to begin with," said Lucy.───“可是首先‘纳尼亚’与‘香盈’就不压韵,”露茜打断了他。

79 、Listen to the rhyme and put in the missing words.───听首童谣,写出它所缺的单词。

80 、To predict; to understand concepts of print; to use music and rhyme; to listen for gist and details.───去推测图片所表达的含义;运用音乐和韵律,听主要内容和细节。





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