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06-29 投稿




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名词复数: prophecies |


1 、How you enjoyed taunting me with your... prophecies.─── 你以前很喜欢拿你的预言嘲弄我

2 、Please remember those lessons were learned in order to prepare you for these times, for your planned part in prophecy.───为了这时期来预备你们请回忆起那些学习的课程,因为你们计划了的一部分在预言中。

3 、Do not neglect the gift which is in you, which was given to you by means of prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.───14不要轻忽在你里面的恩赐,就是从前藉着预言,同众长老按手所赐给你的。

4 、You are the supremely confident, optimistic sign, and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.───充满了强大自信且乐观的射手,成就了你们自我预言的能力。

5 、One of the best examples is the date which was on the little card by Harry's prophecy.───一个最好的例子就是哈利的预言卡片上的日期。

6 、Greek Mythology A daughter of Priam, the king of Troy, endowed with the gift of prophecy but fated by Apollo never to be believed.───卡桑德拉:特洛伊国王布莱姆的一个女儿,具有预知未来的禀赋,但被阿波罗命中注定不为人所相信

7 、Harry tosses the prophecy to Neville and Impedimentas Malfoy, who gets up immediately (clearly Stupefy is more powerful than Impedimenta).───哈利把预言球扔给纳威,用障碍咒击中了马尔福,但他立刻就起来了(显然昏迷咒比障碍咒更有威力)。

8 、His prophecy has now come true.───他的预言果然应验了。

9 、If the prophecy fail, does it bring the religious force of prophecy into discredit in the case of Peter? in the case of Oedipus?───在彼得的例子中,如果预言落空,那么预言的宗教力量是否变得不可信呢?在伊底帕斯的例子中呢?

10 、A daughter of Priam, the king of Troy, endowed with the gift of prophecy but fated by Apollo never to be believed.───卡桑德拉特洛伊国王布莱姆的一个女儿,具有预知未来的禀赋,但被阿波罗命中注定不为人所相信

11 、Both times, after speaking the Prophecy, she didn't remember a thing about it.───在完成预言后,她没有一次能记得起自己的行为的。

12 、Dealing with her and you and the *ing prophecy.─── 我要应付她 你们 还有那该死的预言

13 、Deciding to live that is the prophecy.─── 决意存活 那正是预言的真谛

14 、If you expect to fail, you will fail. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.───你如果预期失败,就会失败。这是一种自我应验的预测。

15 、So this provides evidence that the acceptance prophecy holds true.───从而,这一结果为接纳预言的正确性提供了证据。

16 、But it was he who brought the issue forward, pointing out that it was not his own idea but had been suggested to him by a scriptural prophecy.───不是伯多禄推荐了他们,而是所有在场的人。至于他本人,他提出了一个建议,并指出这建议不是从他而来的,要上溯到一项预言。

17 、His prophecy was fulfilled.───他的预言应验了。

18 、We were so desperate to avert the prophecy.─── 我们拼了命地要阻止预言成真

19 、A literary work or speech expressing a bitter lament or a righteous prophecy of doom.───哀史表达痛苦的悲叹或对恶运直白地预言的文学作品或演说词

20 、The daughter of Pram ho endoed th the gft of prophecy but fated by Apollo never to be beleved.───卡桑德拉:普里阿摩斯的女儿,有预知未来的能力但被阿波罗命定不为世人所信。

21 、A prophet made a prophecy that the kingdom would fall.───一位预言家预言那个王国将要灭亡。

22 、No prophecy can be expected to go on all fours.───凡预言皆不能指望其完全应验。

23 、Widespread confusion about prophecy has led to blindly following so-called experts and to apathy.───关于预言的普遍混乱导致了盲目跟随所谓的专家和漠不关心。

24 、Interest lies in the prophecy fulfilled, as much as in the interrupted suicide per se.───兴趣在于预言的实现,其在本质上和受阻的自杀差不多。

25 、For example, Ariana is remembering the prophecy that the moon will turn to blood and also that various things will happen with the sun.───例如,Ariana回忆起预言月亮将变成血色而且除此之外各种各样的事情将随太阳一起发生。

26 、For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.───因为预言从来没有出于人意的,乃是人被圣灵感动说出神的话来。

27 、This becomes a self-fulfilled prophecy when he spies on his wife and hears her making love with another man.───一天,他跟踪妻子,并亲耳听到她和另一个男人的偷欢之声,妒火中烧。

28 、You have to hurry to uncover who is working to make the prophecy come true.───你得尽快找出那个正在致力于使预言变成现实的人。

29 、As the first man, Adam was traditionally a significant figure to whom was attributed prophecy and wisdom.───作为第一个人,亚当传统上是一位有重要意义的人物,是归结于他的预言能力和智慧。

30 、As the sun in Zachariah's prophecy, He is light to us.───3按著撒迦利亚申言中的日头,祂对我们是光。

31 、The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring Be far Behind?───吹响一个预言! 啊,西风,如果冬天已经来到,春天还会遥远吗?

32 、The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him.───利慕伊勒王的言语,是他母亲教训他的真言。

33 、A year ago the "Katrina" hurricane left here a terrible prophecy: It may be no drinking water for a few years.───一年前的“卡特里娜”飓风给这里甩下了一个可怕的预言:可能数年没有饮用水。

34 、A fortune teller remembers an old prophecy that the son of her erstwhile lover must be bricked up alive in order for the fortress to stand.───一个算命者想起从前的一个预言,那就是必须把她以前情人的儿子砌在墙里城堡才能建好。

35 、Christ's birth in Bethlehem, the home of the house of David from which Joseph was descended, fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah.───基督出生于伯利恒,是约瑟夫所继承的大卫家族的家乡,实现了有关弥赛亚的预言。

36 、The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him.───1利慕伊勒王的言语,是他母亲教训他的真言。

37 、At Harry's command, the other kids fire Reducto spells at the prophecy shelves around them and race towards the exit in the confusion.───在哈利的命令下,其他孩子向他们附近的预言球架子发射了粉碎咒,并在混乱之中跑向出口。

38 、He opens his prophecy by describing a plague of locusts, an allegory of the disasters to come upon a faithless people.───他首次预言是关于蝗虫的灾害,这是一则对无信仰的人的灾难的寓言。

39 、They never feel comfortable with a lead, because they begin to almost expect to be pegged back and it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.───他们从来不会因领先而感到安逸,因为他们差不多必定会被扳平,结果他们自己的心理就令梦境成真。

40 、Archealogical excavations at the end of the nineteenth century have proven the accuracy of Nahum's prophecy.───十九世纪末的考古,证明那鸿的预言十分精确。

41 、Cassandra The daughter of Priam who endowed with the gift of prophecy but fated by Apollo never to be believed.───卡桑德拉:普里阿摩斯的女儿,有预知未来的能力但被阿波罗命定不为世人所信。

42 、There were twelve Death Eaters in the Hall of Prophecy, but only ten in the Death Chamber.───在预言厅中有十二个食死徒,但是在死亡室中只有十个。

43 、Hundreds of years later, Isaiah's prophecy was fulfilled in the perfect Lord Jesus, born of the virgin Mary.───几百年后,以赛亚的预言藉着童贞女马利亚所生的完美主耶稣成就。

44 、And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.───他又对我说,不可封了这书上的预言。因为日期近了。

45 、Look, I'm not interested in your prophecies.─── 听着 我对你说的预言不感兴趣

46 、Daniel 9 zooms in on the interpretation of the large time prophecy.───但以理书9章缩小到对大时代的预言的解释。

47 、The next prophecy is against the Ammonites (east of the Jordan), descendants of Lot's son Ben-Ammi (Gen. 19:38).───下一预言是对付罗得儿子便亚米(创19:38)的后裔亚们人(在约旦东部)。

48 、The prophecy of a "double blessing" was not to be fulfilled.───“双喜进门”的预言没有效验。

49 、It turned out that his prophecy came true.───他的预言果然变成了现实。

50 、An old witch came to Tarquin, and offered to sell him nine books of prophecy at an exorbitant price.───一位老女巫走到塔尔坎面前,提出以高昂的价格卖给他9本预言书。

51 、Neo: So is this the same Oracle that made the prophecy?───(那么,这位先知也就是发表预言的那位?

52 、To apply prophecy correctly to our day, we must understand the New Testament's approach to prophecy.───今天,要正确地应用预言,我们必须了解新约对预言应用的方法。

53 、The daughter of Priam who endowed with the gift of prophecy but fated by Apollo never to be believed.───卡桑德拉:普里阿摩斯的女儿,有预知未来的能力但被阿波罗命定不为世人所信。

54 、From the first verse of Psalm 22, it is clearly evident that this is a Messianic prophecy.───从诗篇廿二篇第一节来看,显然,这是一篇有关弥赛亚的预言。

55 、That is to say, could Neville Longbottom be the boy of the prophecy?───也就是说,会不会实际上纳威才是那个预言中所说的孩子?

56 、In view of later New Deal policies, it was a poor prophecy.───从以后的新政策来看,这真是一场可怜的预言。

57 、Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.───你有什么样的人生目标,你自己将来就有什么样的作为,你的理想就是对自己人生的预测。

58 、Shortly after 1:00 P.M., on July 11th, the prophecy began unfolding.───下午一点过后不久,预言开始展开。

59 、He is instructed in the art of prophecy.───他学习预言艺术。

60 、He has the gift of prophecy.───他有预言的天赋。

61 、Member 1: Who foretold this prophecy?───会员1:是谁预言的?

62 、After Harry picks up the prophecy, he and the others are surrounded by twelve Death Eaters.───在哈利拿起预言球之后,他和其他人被十二个食死徒包围。

63 、N. Other eyewitness accounts concerning Jesus and prophecy.───其它目击者的报告关于耶稣和预言。

64 、But the Trio has not become a sextuplet;Harry thinks only of telling Ron and Hermione about the prophecy he heard from Dumbledore (OP38).───但是三人组还没有变成六人组,因为哈利只想把他从邓布利多那里听到的预言告诉罗恩和赫敏(OP38)。

65 、On May 13, 1917 a luminous Apparition of the Virgin Mary appeared to three peasant children and delivered a prophecy that would change the world.───1917年5月13日,一个圣母玛丽亚的发光幻影出现在三个乡村小孩面前,呈递了一个将会改变世界的预言。

66 、That is what he calls himself in the prophecy.─── 在预言中他就是这么自称的

67 、I'm all the more convinced that the prophecy is real.─── 我就更加确信预言是真的了

68 、There may be as much hyperbole as prophecy in the forecasts for world war.───在一些宗教网站上,人们开始讨论所谓“世界末日之善恶决战”。

69 、This is not prophecy; this is human nature.─── 这不是预言能力 这是人的本能

70 、The prophecy has unfortunately come true.───不幸言中。

71 、For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.───因为预言中的灵意,乃是为耶稣作见证。

72 、For knowledge grasps something of the truth and prophecy as well.───因为学问终究有所止,预言终究有所限。

73 、What was Oedipus's response to the prophecy, as he relates it to Jocasta?───伊底帕斯以为神谕和妻子卓卡斯塔有关,他的反应如何?

74 、And then all you're left with are prophecy, I suppose.─── 剩下的那些就是预言了 我想

75 、One of the greatest proofs that the Bible is the Word of God is fulfilled prophecy.───圣经中的预言能够如实地应验,是证明圣经确是神话语的其中一个证据。

76 、But a very large amount of Old Testament prophecy remains unfulfilled.───但旧约圣经中大量的预言还没有实现。

77 、They said that the prophecy had come true.───他们说那个预言终于应验了。

78 、Daniel 8 focuses on two kingdoms and a little horn and a large time prophecy.───但以理书8章集中于两个帝国,一个小角以及一个大时代的预言。

79 、Not really a science so much as a value-laden form of prophecy.───不是一门真正的科学,连充满价值判断的预言都不是。

80 、He seemed to have the gift of prophecy.───他似乎有预言的天赋.

81 、The Star Prophecy appears in the Qumran texts called the Dead Sea scrolls.───出现“恒星预言”的库姆兰手稿就称为死海古卷。

82 、There may be as much hyperbole as prophecy in the forecasts for world war.But it's not hard to conjure ways that today's hot spots could ignite.───也许这些关于世界大战的预测听起来像预言书一样夸张,但是不难想象今天的热点地区可以点燃世界大战的方式。

83 、If anyone knows more about the prophecy, it's him.─── 如果说有人知道更多预言的事 那非他莫属

84 、The old prophecy that the world would come to an end after a thousand years was not fulfulled.───古老预言世界在一千年之后会走到末日并没有应验。

85 、Can you picture my prophecy?───你能否想像我的预知能力?

86 、Die men speak true prophecy.───临死吐真言。

87 、To develop an ability to handle prophecy well, we must understand that prophets were organically inspired by the Holy Spirit.───为了很好地增进处理预言的能力,我们必须了解,先知是由圣灵有机启示的。

88 、Voldemort, of course, does not so much misinterpret the prophecy as not hear all of it (OP37).───伏地魔并没有对预言做出错误解释,但问题在于他并没有听到全部的预言(OP37)。

89 、For this short time of the fulfillment of prophecy, you are living side by side with those of the angelic kingdom right up to archangels and seraphim.───因为这个预言履行的短暂时期,你们正与天使长和六翼天使一直并肩生活在天使王国里。

90 、Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.───你不可轻忽所得的恩赐,就是从前藉着预言,在众长老按手的时候,赐给你的。


现代汽车已经摆脱了集团范围内的设计风气,展望未来,汽车的外观将变得各不相同。首先是两款电动概念车,现代汽车的设计主管确认这两款车即将进入生产阶段。当地时间周二,现代汽车全球设计中心负责人SangYup Lee告诉Auto Express,Prophecy和45概念车都将推出量产版。

这两款车将向人们展示现代设计团队对未来汽车的设计能力。其中,45是一款前卫的概念车,其根源可以追溯到现代Pony--该公司在上世纪70年代推出的第一辆车。 Prophecy概念车的灵感则来自于上世纪30年代的汽车。

Auto Express早前曾报道,量产版Prophecy将可能会Ioniq。目前,现代在售的Ioniq有混合动力版、**电混合动力版和纯电动版。而Prophecy将全系电动,至于是否都为纯电动则并不清楚。




在英语中,我们时常见到以 pre- 和 pro- 作为前缀的词,如:

从以上单词中,我们已经可以看出两个词根的一些区别, 在表示"前面"时,pro-偏向于“向前”,而pre-则是“…前的”, 因此也就有了“向前走”的proceed和“在前面”的precede。


pro- 是来自古希腊语的介词,意为before(在…前面),forward(向前)或者out(出),还有in favour of(亲…,赞成)、...很多等含义。

而 pre- 来自拉丁语中的介词prae,主要意思有before(在…之前),beforehand(提前,预先)。

首先,两个词根都有before的意思,既有重叠的部分,那就自然有分工,否则多出来的部分必定会逐渐消亡。因此在“before”这个领域里, pre- 取得了绝大部分市场,只有少数词分给了 pro- ,如prologue : pro+logue(说)→在前面说→前言,序言。


其次, pre- 担任更多的任务是beforehand(预先,事先) ,如





为什么 pro- 也有“预先”的意思呢,这里就牵扯到古希腊神话中的一个神——普罗米修斯(prometheus)。



而 pro-更多则担任了in front of(在…前面,当着…的面)的角色 ,如:




此外, pro- 的含义比 pre- 更为丰富,还表示“很多…”,如常见的profit (pro+fit做→做很多→做得好→利润), 以及in favour of(亲…,赞成),如:pro-American(亲美的)。


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