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07-01 投稿




英:[p?t?t]  美:[p?t?t]

英:  美:


n.球场, 程度, 音调, 推销, 投掷,街头商贩摊位,沥青, 树脂, 松脂

v.投, 颠簸, 搭帐篷, 定调, 推销, 用沥青覆盖


动词过去分词: pitched | 动词第三人称单数: pitches | 动词过去式: pitched | 动词现在分词: pitching |


arena | gear | toss | incline | highness | sling | terrain | vend | pitching | cast | propose | erect | reel | sales talk | shift | sky | sales pitch | rock | tone | slope | flounder | slant | stagger | fling | fall | flip | sway | cant | field | monger | area | tar | pitch shot | note | rake | throw | lowness | roll | set up | delivery | tilt | heave | cant over | peddle | playing field | hawk | topple | deliver | lurch | hurl | huckster




1 、They pitched camp on the moor for the night.───他们在高沼地搭帐篷过夜。

2 、They pitched a tent by the stream.───他们在小溪边搭了一个帐篷。

3 、Well, if it's not over over, then I have a pitch.─── 要是还没真的尘埃落定 我有话要说

4 、She pitched forward and vanished among the shrubs.───她向前跌去,然后就消失在灌木丛中。

5 、To emit a sharp,high - pitched bark;yelp.───吠,叫喊发出尖利、高亢的犬吠声;叫喊

6 、He pitched the tune in a lower key .───他把调子定得较低。

7 、His foot caught in a rock and he pitched forwards .───他的脚被石头绊住,他向前栽倒了。

8 、Other maintenance departments had pitched in.───其他维修部门纷纷出动。

9 、Pitched her expectations too high.───将她的志向定得太高

10 、They wouldn't have come in with this pitch if they didn't.─── 如果其他人不同意 她們也不會來提案了

11 、He pitched (forward) on his head.───他(向前)一头栽倒。

12 、She has perfect/absolute pitch.───她有完全音高感。

13 、He pitched a no-hitter in the first inning.───在第一局里他未投出任何一个安打。

14 、He has pitched his ball into our house .───他将球扔进了我们的房子。

15 、The steward of the dub lost hid temper and pitched the man out.───俱乐部的负责人发怒了,他把那个球员除名了。

16 、He pitched the ball out of the court.───他把球扔出了球场

17 、A series of six balls bowled from one end of a cricket pitch.───一轮投球数从板球场投出的一系列的六个球

18 、He pitched up the blanket and shook the dust out.───他抓起床单把灰抖掉。

19 、He pitched the ball to the other end of the field .───他把球掷到场地的另一端。

20 、She pitched her aspirations too high.───她把她的希望**得太高。

21 、He got mad and pitched into Waller with both fists.───他大怒,挥起双拳向沃勒打去。

22 、He pitched into the idea of raising taxes.───他猛烈抨击提高税收的主张。

23 、They pitched a yarn about finding the jewels.───他们编了一个找到宝石的故事。

24 、They pitched a camp in the mountains .───他们在重山中扎营。

25 、He'd have pitched upon you, had you happened to be here.───如果你碰巧在这儿的话,他会选你的。

26 、He pitched the ball on to the green.───他用定击法把球打上果岭。

27 、He pitched the letter from ken into the fire.───他把肯的来信掷入火中。

28 、They have pitched upon the most suitable man for the job.───他们已选好最适当的人来做那项工作。

29 、Did you see that girl do a streak across the cricket pitch at London?───你看到那姑娘公开裸体奔过伦敦的大板球场吗?

30 、Each side committed its reserves and a pitched battle followed.───双方都把后备部队投入了战斗,紧接着一场激战开始了。

31 、She has keyed the piano up to concert pitch.───她已经把钢琴的音调升到音乐会的音高标准。

32 、They pitched into the meal.───他们大吃了一顿。

33 、He pitched headforemost downstairs .───他从楼梯上倒栽葱摔下来。

34 、They pitched at the foot of the mountain.───他们在山脚下扎营。

35 、Pitched an octave below the normal bass range.───倍低音的比正常的低音乐器或嗓音在音域上低一个八度的

36 、You were lucky to be pitched upon.───你被选中,真是幸运。

37 、They pitched in to buy a colour television.───他们出钱合买了一台彩电。

38 、He pitched into me with his fists .───他用拳头向我猛击。

39 、They have pitched their prices too high.───他们把价格定得太高了。

40 、She pitched the ball as far as she could.───她尽力把球投得远一些。

41 、They pitched in with contributions of money.───他们主动捐款支援此事。

42 、Having a pitch corresponding to a relatively small number of sound-wave cycles per second.───低音的与一相对少量的每秒钟音波周期相对应的低音的

43 、I was just pitching ideas. It's a good pitch.─── 我只是给点提议 这提议很好

44 、Everywhere people pitched in to help.───到处都有人协力相助。

45 、You pitched that note a little flat.───你把那个音符定得有点低了。

46 、If this was your idea, then you should pitch it with him.─── 既然这是你的创意 那你应该和他一起演讲

47 、It will really queer our pitch if it rains tomorrow.───如果明天下雨,我们的计划就成泡影。

48 、They pitched a camp in the mountain.───他们在山中扎营。

49 、Her voice dropped to a lower pitch.───她的声调低了下来。

50 、His foot caught in a rock and he pitched forward.───他的脚拌在石头上,他向前趔趄了几步。

51 、A pitched ball that curves away from the batter.───外曲线球击球员投的曲线球

52 、Guerrillas unequipped for a pitched battle.───对阵地战而言装备不足的游击队。

53 、Make yourself an ark with ribs of cypress;cover it with reeds and coat it inside and out with pitch.───你要为自己造一艘方舟,用丝柏木做船架,覆盖上芦苇,再在里外两面涂上树脂。

54 、A change in stress, pitch, loudness, or tone of the voice; an inflection of the voice.───变音在语调、音高、音量或音调上的变化; 声音的一种转调

55 、They pitched into action to save the wounded.───他们积极投入抢救伤员的工作。

56 、He has pitched his ball into my house.───他将球扔进了我的房子。

57 、To emit a sharp, high - pitched bark;yelp.───吠,叫喊发出尖利、高亢的犬吠声;叫喊

58 、So Abraham pitched his tent and built an altar.───亚伯拉罕搭了一座帐棚又筑了一座坛。

59 、After the heavy snowfall the groundsman was whistling in the dark when he promised that the pitch would be clear for a three o'clock kick-off.───大雪之后,球场管理员答应3点钟足球比赛之前能把球场清理干净时,他实在是在强鼓勇气。

60 、That's not how I pitched it, but all right.─── 我不是这么说的 但没关系

61 、He pitched his story in a sentimental strain.───他把故事写得带有伤感情调。

62 、And that's why I had him reach out directly, and we can't wait to pitch you the idea that is gonna be pitched to you.─── 所以我让他直接联系你 我们等不及要向你展示 我们要展示的点子了

63 、They pitched the roof at a steep slant.───他们以陡斜的角度**屋顶。

64 、They all pitched in and finished the work within two hours.───他们全部努力地做,两小时内就把工作完成了。

65 、She offered to help me with my pitch.─── 她主动提出帮我推荐我的创意

66 、They pitched their tents at night.───他们在夜晚安营扎寨。

67 、Fifteen days of campaigning are left and the real pitched battle now begins.───半个月的竞选日子已经过去,真刀实**的艰苦战斗现在开始了。

68 、She pitched his letter into the fire.───她把他的信投入火中。

69 、Our company was about to close when luckily the city council pitched in with an offer of money.───就在我们公司要关门停业的时候,幸好市议会主动提供了款项。

70 、So, the way the data is collected, every time that a player passes the ball, they'll mark it on the pitch and they'll say this is the position on the pitch and the player who made that pass, and then there'll be somebody watching for the other team making their passes.─── 收集数据的方法是 每次队员传球 他们都会在球场上做标记 他们把这个叫做球场上的位置 传球的队员 还有负责盯防对方球队 不让他们传球的队员

71 、The runner went to second base on a wild pitch.───一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。

72 、Conservationists fought a pitched battle with developers over the future of the site.───主张保护自然环境的人同地产开发公司就该地前途进行了针锋相对的论战。

73 、The program was pitched at just the right level.───大纲所定水平恰到好处。

74 、They all pitched in and soon finished the job.───大家七手八脚,工作很快就完成了。

75 、They pitched a story about finding the jewels.───他们编造了一个找到宝石的故事。

76 、They pitched the drunkard out (of the room).───他们把醉汉扔出 (房间) 外。

77 、Here's my pitch goodbye to all that.─── 我的提议是 *那一切

78 、Extremely dark; black as pitch.───乌黑的; 黑如沥青的

79 、He suddenly pitched the ball up.───他突然投球。

80 、They pitched into the work immediately.───他们立刻干了起来。

81 、Smith decided to pitch the ball up to surprise his opponent into making a mistake.───史密斯决定把球投得靠近对方击球手,使他在惊慌中出错。

82 、He lost his consciousness and pitched forward on his face.───他失去了知觉,脸向前扑倒在地。

83 、His foot caught in a rock and he pitched forwards.───他的脚被石头绊住,他向前栽倒了。

84 、They pitched up for the night.───他们扎营过夜。

85 、The general's speech was pitched as a call to arms.───将军的讲话是一个要大家拿起武器的号召。

86 、You were lucky to be pitched on.───你被选中,真是幸运。

87 、The children were in a high pitch of excitement.───孩子们高度兴奋。

88 、They pitched camp for the night near the river.───他们靠河边扎营过夜。

89 、A high pitch that is lobbed to the batter.───击出高飞球一个过高的冲向击球员的高飞球


1. Dogs Barking: Understanding Our Pups

As anyone who has ever owned a dog can attest, dogs bark. And they bark a lot. But what do those barks actually mean? Are they expressing happiness, fear, anger, or something else entirely? In this article, we\'ll explore the different types of barks and what they can tell us about our furry friends.

2. The Different Types of Barks

Not all barks are created equal. There are a variety of different barks that dogs can use to communicate. Some of the most common include:

Alarm barks – these are sharp, short barks that indicate the dog has spotted a potential threat

Attention-seeking barks – these are high-pitched barks that dogs use to demand attention from their owners

Play barks – these are happy, excited barks that dogs use during playtime

Fearful barks – these are often low-pitched, repetitive barks that indicate the dog is scared or anxious

3. Decoding Your Dog\'s Barks

Now that you know the different types of barks, it\'s time to start decoding what your dog is trying to tell you. Here are some tips to help you figure out what your pup is saying:

Pay attention to the tone – the pitch, volume, and duration of the bark can all provide clues about what your dog is feeling

Observe the situation – what is your dog barking at? Is there a stranger at the door, another dog in the park, or a squirrel in the tree?

Look for body language – does your dog seem relaxed or tense? Is their tail wagging or tucked between their legs?

4. Training Your Dog to Bark (or Stop Barking)

While barking is a natural behavior for dogs, it can become a problem if it\'s excessive or occurs at inappropriate times. Fortunately, there are ways to train your dog to bark (or stop barking) on command:

Teach the \"speak\" command – reward your dog when they bark on command

Teach the \"quiet\" command – reward your dog when they stop barking on command

Use positive reinforcement – praise your dog when they bark appropriately, and redirect their attention when they bark inappropriately

5. Conclusion

Understanding your dog\'s barks is an important part of being a responsible pet owner. By paying attention to their vocalizations and body language, you can better meet their needs and communicate with them effectively. Whether you\'re trying to train your dog to bark (or stop barking), or simply want to better understand their behavior, the tips in this article can help.

乐器介绍 英文

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