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07-01 投稿




英:  美:


adv. 不冷不热的


1 、There is a terrible temptation to do just that, to embrace the greenwashing and the tepid, inadequate tiny steps towards being a little less grossly irresponsible, a little less unsustainable.───无论如何,选择是绝望还是我们都上当了,所以我们应该在我们拥有时珍爱我们所拥有的。

2 、Nevertheless, they concede that growth remains dependent on exports as domestic demand remains tepid, amid rising consumer credit NPLs, tightening consumer credit and sluggish local investment.───与此同时,投资停滞不前,当地经济增长仍然依赖出口的带动。

3 、Today is the American Memorial Day (Memorial Day holiday). market activity rather tepid, some traders to disgorge the profits.───因为今天是美国的阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day holiday),市场交投相当清淡,一些交易员进行了获利回吐。

4 、Mayday as the opening concert singer debut, released two albums clink of the current popularity of tepid, but it is worthy of an album, I recommend you here small.───作为五月天的演唱会开场歌手出道,发行了两张专辑的丁当目前的人 气不温不火,不过专辑倒是值得一听,我这里小推荐一下。

5 、Her feet firmly planted on the tepid rough brick of the floor.───她一双脚稳固地立在微温而粗糙的砖地上。

6 、With use of puration unit, Gemi can let children drink tepid water safely.───与净水设备配套使用,就可以让孩子们放心喝温水了。

7 、To acute gastritis patient, a cup of tepid milk has really alleviate temporarily semiotic action, let a person feel gastric ministry is relatively comfortable.───对于急性胃炎患者来说,一杯温热的牛奶的确有暂时缓解症状的作用,让人觉得胃部较为舒服。

8 、There is a starched, stilted feeling in the tepid evening air as, almost strangers, they stand, “strangely together, on a new pinnacle of existence”.───在微热的空气中有一种僵硬、凝固的感觉,他们几乎陌生人般的站着,“奇怪的一起站在一个新的生活顶点上”。

9 、tepid unconditioned stimuli───[医] 微温非条件刺激物

10 、Yeah, it's not great, but listen there's nothing saying I can't feel mild, tepid emotions.─── 没错 并不好 但是听着 这不意味着 我感受不到温和温暖的感情

11 、There is nothing better than boiled tepid milk taken regularly in small quantities.───按时少量吃些煮过的温热牛奶是最好不过了。

12 、Since convulsions often occur with high fever, it is good first-aid treatment to put the baby into a tepid bath and apply cold water to his head.───因惊厥常伴有高热,因此给婴孩洗温水浴并在头部用冷敷是个好的急救法。

13 、Both hands is stuck equably take a latex, rub is kneaded tepid.───双手均匀粘取乳液,搓揉到温热。

14 、Operation: Make the body sufficient and tepid into bath hind, the many after wiping some of salt to be in back after waiting for pore to stretch, each corners should be wiped.───操作:入浴后让身体充分温热,待毛孔张开后多抹些盐在后背,各个角落都要抹到。

15 、a tepid reception───不热情的接待

16 、He said that the gasoline market situation looks less and less optimistic about the rising gasoline stocks, while gasoline demand has been tepid, and there is no seasonal growth.───他表示,汽油市场形势看上去越来越不乐观,汽油库存不断增加,而汽油需求则一直不温不火,并没有出现季节性增长的情况。

17 、Protective Effects of Tepid Hyperpolarizing Arrest in a Dog Model of Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Myocardial Mitochondria───微低温超极化停跳对犬心肌细胞线粒体的保护作用

18 、tepid spring───[医] 微温泉

19 、If Mr Brown's campaign was inventive, Ms Coakley's was tepid and prone to gaffes.No glad-handing the punters for this attorney-general.───如果布朗的竞选很有创造力,而科克利的不冷不热且总是出丑,支持者不会与这位检察长微笑握手。

20 、I thought my hatred burnt hot, but next to hers mine is tepid.─── 我以为我的仇恨之火已经够旺盛 而与她相比 我的微不足道

21 、In addition, market participants on the Obama government's economic stimulus plan showing tepid attitude.───此外,市场参与人士对奥巴马政府的经济刺激计划表现出不温不火的态度。

22 、The model of high yield of three crops a year in the tepid region of Yungui Highland───云贵高原温凉地区旱地三熟套种高产模式

23 、The tragedy of "a frog in tepid water" will be more likely to happen in China.───所以温水煮蛙的悲剧很容易在中国上演。

24 、The four seasons all appropriate, tepid take feed.───四季皆宜,温热服食。

25 、Directions: Apply appropriate amount and foam at the hands and massage over the face. Rinse with tepid water.───使用方法:取适量本品揉出泡沫后,轻柔地按摩式地涂抹在脸上,然后用温水洗净。

26 、He took it to the window and throw it out into the darkness, and he noticed that the air was thick and tepid to his face───他拿到窗口,把它扔到黑暗中去,他注意到吹到他脸上的空气又涩滞又温热。

27 、Your tepid response to our intrepid boss makes me ill.─── 你们队我们无畏的老板漫不经心的回复 真让我恶心

28 、He was a tepid sort of fish.───他是个不冷不热的家伙。

29 、Economists still see tepid growth this year, but things may have stabilized a bit, according to the results of the latest Wall Street Journal Economist Survey.───据此次调查结果显示,经济学家们认为今年经济增长较为温和,不过情况可能已略微稳定了一些。

30 、Oil prices seesawed last week before surging Thursday and Friday as investors bet that crude demand, which has been tepid this summer, will eventually pick up as the economy improves.───上周原油价格在上涨前都是高低波动着。周四周五当投资者打赌今年夏天的原油需求不温不火,最后将由于经济的提升而上涨。

31 、George, if those tepid men saw me for what I truly am, they would soil themselves in fear, as you so often have.─── 乔治 要是那些庸人看见了我的真面目 估计会吓得失禁吧 就像你以前那样

32 、And for that, I will write a tepid character, which may enable you to find employment elsewhere.─── 为此 我会在推荐信里说你性情温和 这或许能帮你在其他地方找到工作

33 、National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) figures on housing prices in December revealed tepid month-on-month growth for much of the country and a decline in formerly hot markets such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Wenzhou.───据国家发展改革委员会调查显示,去年12月份,全国大多数城市的房价月环比小幅微量上涨,而从前热得发烫的广州、深圳和温州则出现下跌。

34 、There was nothing for the disappointed firemen to do but drink tepid coffee and hang around trying to screw the nurse───失望的救火人员无事可做,只好喝上点热咖啡,便转来转去想勾引护士。

35 、to the tepid eveing breeze.───撩开长长的面纱。

36 、Everywhere I've been in this country they slap down a cup of tepid nonsense you know with the teabag lying beside it which means I've got to go through the ridiculous business of dunking it in the lukewarm piss waiting for the slightest change of color to occur.─── 在这个国家不管我走到哪 他们就丢给我一杯不冷不热的破水 然后旁边放个茶包 也就是说我非得亲自动手 干这件荒谬的事 把茶包浸到 这马尿里边 然后等着它一点点变色

37 、And if the moviemakers can only offer Queen Latifah the thankless role of the writer's assistant, it's no wonder that "Stranger Than Fiction" makes for pretty tepid prose.───事实上,影片的故事灵感来自于美国批判现实主义**家马克.吐温的一句名言:“真实比**更加荒诞,因为虚构是在一定逻辑下进行的,而现实有时毫无逻辑可言”。

38 、Buffeted about like so many molecules in my tepid kitchen, they feel that they have lost their sense of direction, that they are wasting youth and opportunity at every turn.───就像我那不冷不热的厨房里无数的分子一样,人们被冲来撞去的,感到自己迷失了方向,并随时随地都在荒废青春和错失良机。

39 、Although, from what I understand, confidence in her new venture is tepid at best.─── 不过据我所知 大家对她的新冒险 都没什么信心

40 、What if want to keep clear of with clear water,remain is smeary must use cold water, because tepid water can make besmirch expands only, outsmart oneself instead.───假如想要用清水清除残留的油污一定要使用冷水,因温热水只会使污渍扩大,反而弄巧成拙。

41 、The water tricked out of the tap is clear, though tasting stake and tepid───从水龙头里流出来的水倒很清洁,只不过味道不大新鲜,又有点热。

42 、I usually put the plantlet under running, tepid water, and use the force of the water to thoroughly dissolve off all the old media.───如果不洗净培养基将会在移栽后在根的外面形成一个培养基的“模子”套住根,使根的生长发生障碍。

43 、“Is all of life a tepid housewarming?───“生活的全部是不是只是迁入新居?”

44 、Fast &Furious, released last week to tepid reviews, has defied the critics and founds its audience in the car tuning subcultures in the United States and of those around the world.───得到快速和激情,上周公布的是不温不火评语,蔑视了评论家和观众中创建的汽车调整亚文化中美国和世界各地。

45 、"the tepid conservatism of the fifties" (Irving Howe)───“五十年代那种温和的保守主义”(欧文·豪)

46 、As a Mask: Smooth thin layer onto damp, clean skin. Leave on for 5-7 minutes. Remove with tepid or warm water.───作面膜之用:薄薄的涂于清洁湿润的皮肤上,待5至7分钟,再用温水洗净。

47 、The effect of intermittent cold crystalloid,continuous tepid blood cardioplegia and open Heart operation with beating: the clinical comparative study of myocardial membrane fluidity───不同心肌保护方法对心肌细胞膜流动性影响的临床对比研究

48 、Discussion about the household metering method referring to the floor radiant heating system using tepid water───低温热水地板辐射采暖系统热计量探讨

49 、However, the new second-rate products and manufacturers of products will be tepid.───但新的产品和二流厂商的产品将不温不火。

50 、Prior to this, Shijiazhuang has given people the feeling is tepid, and melamine powder incident, she will no doubt become the focus of attention and the world.───此前,石家庄给人的感觉就是不温不火,而三聚氰胺奶粉事件无疑让她成为全国乃至全世界关注的焦点。

51 、The French pair, Peugeot and Renault, have been hit by tepid sales, ageing product lines and rising raw-material prices.───微量的销售,老化的生产线以及上涨的原材料价格,三箭齐发,正中法国双雄标致和雷诺。

52 、A study on the lumbar vertebrae osteoporosis case treated by tepid magnetic field therapeutic apparatus HM 202───HM-202型温热磁场仪治疗腰椎骨质疏松初探

53 、The atmosphere at the Stadio Franchi was tepid following the 1-1 draw with Bayern Munich midweek that practically ended their Champions League ambitions.───周中佛罗伦萨1-1战平拜仁慕尼黑的比赛后弗兰基周围的气氛不怎么好,因为这个结果几乎结束了紫百合本赛季的欧冠之旅。

54 、spring, tepid───微温泉

55 、Even with a tepid US backdrop, therefore, we think the dollar is bottoming.───因此,我们预计,即便在美国经济增长低迷的情况下,美元也已见底。

56 、Cleaning of Tools: after tools are used, wash them with tepid suds and/or fresh water immediately, then wash them completely to remove giblets of cleansers.───工具清洗:使用后的工具必须立即用温热的肥皂水和/或淡水清洗,然后彻底冲洗以清除掉清洁剂残余物。

57 、tepid bath-water───微温的洗澡水

58 、In the breath of winter ice, can hold my hand, give me pass a Unit, warm, tepid, such as tea, then nothing more!───在呼气成冰的冬天里,能握住我的手,给我传递一股股暖流,不温不火,如奶茶,那就足矣!

59 、President Barack Obama's proposal to close tax loopholes is already getting a tepid reception on Capitol Hill.───总统巴拉克奥巴马关于解决税收漏洞的议案在美国国会正逐渐被接受。

60 、The tepid vodka bounced back up into her throat.───微温的伏特加涌了上来,一直顶到她的喉咙。

61 、Innocently between, sea blue brought Mediterranean tepid sea wind, flit white fine beach, make the person ases if nose the breath of the sea.───无意之间,海蓝色带来了地中海的温热的海风,擦过白细的沙滩,使人仿佛嗅到了大海的气息。

62 、The water tricked out of the tap clear, though tasting stake and tepid.───从嘴子里流出来的水倒很清洁,只不过味道不大新鲜,又有点热。

63 、and 4) the G3 economies bottom and stage a tepid recovery in 4Q09, improving external demand and further boosting confidence.───4)09年四季度,G3经济体触底,开始温和复苏,提升了外需并进一步刺激了信心。

64 、Effect of tepid temperature cardiopulmonary bypass on von Willbrand factor and thrombomodulin───因子及血栓调节蛋白的影响

65 、he hates lukewarm coffee; tepid bath water.───他不喜欢温热的咖啡;温热的洗澡水。

66 、If the child can have a tub bath, sit him in tepid water up to midthigh───如果小儿能用盆浴,可让他坐在温水中使水泡至大腿的一半。

67 、The tepid vodka bounced back up into her throat───微温的伏特加涌了上来,一直顶到她的喉咙。

68 、Apply to face. Massage gently in circle motion. Rinse with tepid water.───取适量均匀涂于全脸,轻轻按摩后以清水洗净。

69 、tepid bath───[医] 微温浴(29-33摄氏度)

70 、If the illness needs, usable a few tepid yellow rice or millet wine are irruptive take.───如病情需要,可用少量温热黄酒冲入服用。

71 、(5) candle cure: Tepid action is ameliorable nephritic blood circulates, can enhance the antiphlogistic action of medicaments.───(5)蜡疗:温热作用可改善肾脏血液循环,并能增强药物的消炎作用。

72 、(5) diet is tepid sexual food, if meat of hotpot, dog, rabbit meat and other are fat food, lest inflammation aggravate.───(5)忌食温热性食物,如羊肉、狗肉、兔肉和其它油腻食物,以免炎症加剧。

73 、tepid water───微温水

74 、Nobody wants to hire someone who is tepid about the company’s values, product or service.───没有哪个老板会雇佣对公司的价值、产品或服务缺乏激情的员工。

75 、have only a tepid interest in───对 ... 兴趣不大

76 、In addition, you can also use FAT dragon eye and Lotus leaf row to hoe and tepid water drinking, drinking and drinking, cool.───另外,乳化脂肪还可以用桂圆和荷叶熬水喝,温热喝,凉著喝都行。

77 、For coffee in Chile means a sachet of Nescafe and tepid water producing a lumpy gloop of extraordinary vileness.───因为在智利,咖啡就是雀巢速溶粉末加温水冲出来的液体,令人生厌。

78 、Pfizer, like some other big drug makers, is facing tepid growth amid generic competition and the lack of clear blockbusters in its drug pipeline.───和其它大型制药企业一样,辉瑞也面临着因普通药物的竞争而导致的业务增长缓慢,同时它研制的药物中尚缺乏能带来巨大效益的轰动性药物。

79 、Open squares and soak in tepid water───打开方纱布,泡入温水中。

80 、tepid wet compress───微温湿敷

81 、tepid interest───不太浓厚的兴趣

82 、the tepid conservatism of the fifties(Irving Howe)───五十年代那种温和的保守主义(欧文 豪)

83 、a tepid response───不热情的反应

84 、Clinical experience in open heart operation during tepid extracorporeal circulation with beating heart───应用浅低温心脏不停跳下心内直视手术的临床体会

85 、the tepid conservatism of the fifties(bIrving Howe)───五十年代那种温和的保守主义(b欧文 豪)

86 、Unlike Lowell's, his poems are neither autobiographical nor confessional.He doesn't take himself that seriously.“Is all of life a tepid housewarming?───他常以一种随意、会话式的方式创作,关键就在于每行结尾不必非得符合格律。

87 、bath, tepid───微温浴

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