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07-01 投稿




英:[?sesl, ?s?sl]  美:[?s?s?l]

英:  美:


n. 塞西尔(①姓氏;男子名②Edgar Algernon Robert;1864-1958;英国政治家;曾获1937年诺贝尔和平奖)


1 、Cecil Browning───布朗宁

2 、Cecil Arthur Verner Bowra───包罗(1869-1947),英国人,曾在华任海关官员。

3 、Cecil cool, so charming the sweet-scented osmanthus in autumn withdrew earlier stage.───丝丝凉凉,让娇美的桂花早些退下了秋的舞台。

4 、Yes. In the years between 1917 and 1927 the silent film reached its peak of development in USa with such spectacles as Cecil B. DeMille's Ten Commandments' (1923).───对。1917至1927年,美国银幕上出现了像(十戒)(1923,C.B.地密尔导演)这样的巨片,美国的默片发展到了顶峰。

5 、This essay took the two works by Rem Koolhaas and Cecil Balmond in the book informal as examples to clarify several important notions about informal.───本文主要以informal书中库哈斯和巴尔蒙合作的两个作品为例,阐述informal思想中的若干重要概念。

6 、cecil fredericks: it can get a little spooky atnight , so you might wanna put a few lights on. the most important of all to remember, dont let anything in or out.───拉里:(受到惊吓后藏在博物馆的电梯里)一个小时才11.50美元的薪金,真是亏大了。

7 、Elizabeth chose as her advisers men of great ability;Sir William Cecil who served her until his death in 1598, and his son Robert.───伊丽莎白挑选了两个才能超群的人作为她的幕僚:威廉.塞西尔爵士(为女王效力直到1598年去世)和他的儿子罗伯特。

8 、Cecil Greaham: Oh, Wicked woman bother one. Good woman bore one. That is the only difference between them.───噢,坏女人令人烦恼,好女人令人厌烦。那是她们唯一不同的地方。

9 、So the FTO variant seemed to be involved in consumption of calories, not how the body handles those calories, note Cecil and colleagues.───因此,认定变异似乎能够参与消费的热量,而不是如何处理那些身体热量,说明塞西尔和同事。

10 、Matsunosuke Onoe Goto to ch卯yohime, movie Goto to ch卯yohime, .Frank Wilson For the Sake of the Little Ones at Home, movie For the Sake of the Little Ones at Home, Cecil M.───纵观几千年中国宦官史,在行为后果看,其不外乎三个类型:一是恪尽职守者,如汉文帝赵谈之类;

11 、Davenport, Cecil John───笪达文

12 、CECIL cleaning for steam generators in Nuclear Power Station───核电站蒸汽发生器的CECIL清洗

13 、Cecil had very small capacity in P retention. Vanadium seam ed more competitive than phosphorous for the retention p ositions in Cecil loamy sand.───Cecil对P的吸附能力非常弱,V在Cecil沙壤土中的竞争吸附能力大于P。

14 、As a brand, Cecil's Ride sports for our dealers to provide complete customer management, effective market support for our ultimate consumers "professional, fashion, health," the sports products.───作为一个品牌,驰马体育为我们的经销商提供完善的客户管理,有效的市场支持,为我们的最终消费者提供“专业、时尚、健康”的运动产品。

15 、They also talk with Mr Cecil Lo, a religious figure, to share with young people their perspective of living to the fullest.───他们又跟宗教人士,罗敬淳探访,分享年青人对生命的体会。

16 、Cecil Healy───希利

17 、Cecil : What were you after?───塞梭:你想找什么?

18 、Debbie Parkhurst, 45, of Calvert told the Cecil Whig newspaper she was eating an apple at her home Friday when a piece lodged in her throat.───45岁的戴比告诉记者当星期五她在家中吃一只苹果的时候,突然被一块水果卡住。

19 、On Saturday, the commission heard a pitch from Florida officials to replace it with Cecil Field near Jacksonville, a Naval air base that was closed in 1999 in favor of Oceana.───星期六,委员会听取了佛罗里达官员的报告,用靠近杰克逊威尔的塞西尔菲尔德替代奥辛纳,前者原是一个海军航空兵基地,1999年关闭。

20 、Beaton Cecil───塞西尔·比顿

21 、The structure designed by Cecil Balmond ex-presses uncertainty and fluidity, which oppugn the stabilityof Cartesian system.───塞西尔·贝尔蒙德的结构设计表达了不确定性和流动性,体现出他对传统笛卡尔体系稳定性的质疑。

22 、Charles P. Cecil───查尔斯·赛西尔是美国制造的驱逐舰

23 、Cecil Abraham, Cyber Arbitration, in arbitration (2001-2002) published by The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Malaysia Branch, at p.71.───作者简介:中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会域名争议解决中心秘书长,法学博士,仲裁员。

24 、Cecil urethral reconstruction───Cecil尿道重建术

25 、And Cecil Timms is not among those that will be asked───而赛西尔·提摩斯并不在被邀之列。

26 、Cecil can be very rude in private, though in public he's usually polite.───塞西尔在大庭广众中通常很有礼貌,但私下里却很粗鲁。用在此处,正符合句意。

27 、Bowra, Cecil Arthur Verner───包罗

28 、Cecil Terwilliger, Bob's jealous (and probably more competant at killing people) younger brother, who once tried to kill Sideshow Bob, Lisa and Bart.───Voiced by David Hyde Pierce, 并且演奏作为Kelsey Grammer 的字符兄弟 . 行情: "是公平的, 我从未实际上杀害了任何人。"

29 、The retention of both,P and V,especially of V,by Cecil loamy sand exhibited a dynamic feature.───Cecil壤沙土对P和V,尤其是对V的吸持具有动态吸附的特征。

30 、Imaturity appears in the detached clear - sightedness with which he could observe his own character (David Cecil).───他的]成熟表现在他客观公正而且敏锐的洞察力中,正是这种洞察力使他能省视自己的性格(戴维塞舌尔)。

31 、CECIL GRAHAM.And a sentimentalist, my dear Darlington, is a man who sees an absurd value in everything, and doesn't know the market price of any single thing.───格瑞安而伤感派呢,我的好达林顿,什么东西都看得出荒谬的价值,可是没一样东西知道市价。

32 、Wills Physics Laboratory was opened by Ernest Rutherford.[35] It has since housed several Nobel Prize winners: Cecil Frank Powell (1950);───布里斯托正式成为大学是在1909年的五月,当时有288个大学生,同年的10月份400个学生成为了大学的学生。

33 、Cecil Parkes: You must play as if there's no tomorrow.───你必须这样来弹,就好像明天不会来临一样。

34 、Cecil's team measured the children's height, weight, and waist and hip circumferences. They also checked the kids' FTO genes, based on saliva samples the students provided.───塞西尔的研究小组测量了儿童的身高,体重,腰部和臀部围。他们还检查了孩子们的基因认定的基础上,唾液样本的学生提供。

35 、The aroma of ripe corn fields Cecil strands, potatoes, peanuts, I am sure that they, in the quiet of night soil exudes simplicity and sweet fruit.───田里成熟玉米的香气丝丝缕缕,马铃薯、花生,我想一定是他们,在夜的静谧中散发着泥土的质朴与果实的甜香。


37 、His maturity appears in the detached clear - sightedness with which he could observe his own character (David Cecil).───他的成熟表现在他客观公正而且敏锐的洞察力中,正是这种洞察力使他能省视自己的性格(戴维 塞舌尔)。

38 、CECIL PARKINSON: If you look at our coal industry, the coal is very deep in the earth; it is hugely expensive to get out.───如果你看看我们的煤矿工业,你会发现煤埋藏在地下很深的地方;把它们挖出来的代价非常高昂。

39 、Debbie Parkhurst, 45, of Calvert told the Cecil Whig she was eating an apple at her home Friday when a piece lodged in her throat.───45岁的DebbieParkhurst住在马里兰州卡尔弗特县,她告诉CecilWhig(当地一家报纸),上周五她正在家里吃苹果,突然有一片卡在她喉咙里。

40 、Cecil Parkes: The Rach 3. It's monumental.───拉三是里程碑式的作品。

41 、Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil───罗伯特·阿瑟·加斯科因·塞西尔

42 、Narrator:>Cecil and Prissy complain about losing their coffee breaks at work.───旁白:西索和苹思上班的时候在抱怨他们的咖啡休息时间被取消了。

43 、Cecil Burns was the spoilt child of that household.───塞西尔•伯恩斯是那个家庭中被宠坏了的孩子。

44 、Cecil B. De Mille (1881~1959)───地密尔,C.B.(1881-1959)

45 、Cecil Parkes: Rachmaninov? Are you sure?───拉赫玛尼诺夫?你确定要弹么?

46 、Ryan named the new dinosaur Albertaceratops nesmoi, after the region and Cecil Nesmo, a rancher near Manyberries, Alberta, who has helped fossil hunters.───由于本次挖掘工作得到了居住在阿尔伯塔省迈尼贝?囿?的一位名叫塞西尔·斯莫的农场工人的帮助,所以瑞安特地将这种新发现的恐龙命名为阿尔伯塔角龙内斯莫伊。

47 、Companhia Cecil do Ultramar───塞西尔海外公司

48 、In this paper, anomalies of Typhoon Cecil (No. 8211, 1982) formed off-shore are analysed. The results yield some ideas for reference as forecasting the formation, rapid intensification and meandering of Typhoon.───本文分析了1982年8211号(Cecil)近海台风的异常性,并提出关于台风的形成、急剧加强和蛇动的可供预报的参考意见。

49 、Cecil : What planet are you on?───塞梭:你是活在哪个行星上的?

50 、Cecil John Daenport───笪达文(1863-1926),英国人,来华传教医师。

51 、Cecil Textbook of Medicine───希氏内科学、

52 、Cecil Fredericks: It can get a little spooky at night, so you might wanna put a few lights on.───塞西尔·弗雷德里克:博物馆到了晚上可能会有点可怕,所以你可以让几盏灯彻夜亮着。

53 、Ashabranner D.Judson Milburn Cecil B.───相关责任者: Brent K.

54 、Cecil's the best but he's overworked.─── 西塞尔是顶尖的 但他工作量太大

55 、Sat in the car, watching the Bay Bridge, under the wide water, in my mind, appearing Cecil joy.───坐在车上,看着海湾大桥下宽阔的水面,我心底里泛起丝丝喜悦。

56 、Cecil: Woah! Wh-what the * is that?───塞西尔:哇哦!那该死的是什么?

57 、Cecil can be very rude in private, though in public he is usually polite.───塞西尔在大庭广众中通常很有礼貌, 但私下里很粗鲁。

58 、Robertson, Cecil───罗德存

59 、Cecil Clementi───n. 金文泰(1925年11月-1930年5月任香港总督)

60 、DANIEL J Cecil, EDWARD J Zipser, STEPHEN W Nesbitt. Reflectivity, ice scattering, and lightning characteristics of hurricane eyewalls and rainbands.───丁治英,沈桐立,丁一汇.副热带高压和对流潜热加热与南海台风的耗散及维持[J].热带气象学报,1998,14(4):306-313.

61 、Virginia Woolf tolady Robert Cecil───弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫致罗伯特·塞西尔女士

62 、Cecil joined the company as an actor.───塞斯作为演员加入该公司。

63 、Cecil Ram United Nations Semester Programme;───塞西尔·拉姆联合国学期方案;

64 、In 2001, She and her husband, film director Guy Ritchie, buy a 1,200-acre estate that once belonged to late photographer Cecil Beaton. The couple also owns a mansion in London.───2001年,麦当娜和她的制片人丈夫盖伊·里奇在英国购置了1200英亩的房产,这处房产先前属于已故著名摄影师塞西尔·皮顿。此外,麦当娜夫妇在伦敦还拥有一所公寓。

65 、Cecil Ram United Nations Semester Programme───塞西尔·拉姆联合国学期方案

66 、Cecil Cooke───库克

67 、Cecil performed so well under pressure, let's, uh, let's see if he surprises us again.─── 西塞尔在重压下表现得如此可圈可点 我们就看看他能不能再次给我们惊喜

68 、Cecil Greaham: A man who moralises is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who moralises is invariably plain.───一个满口道德的男人通常都是虚伪的,一个满口道德的女人总是(相貌)平庸的。

69 、Cecil Fridjohn, my father, came from an impecunious Irish Jewish family.───塞西尔菲利约翰,我的父亲,来自无犯罪记录的爱尔兰犹太家庭。

70 、Cecil's operation───塞西耳(氏)手术:尿道狭窄的一种3期手术方法

71 、But on play night, when I opened the seat, my friend Ronnie Cecil was crammed into it, looked up at me, and said, Good evening, in his best vampire voice.───但在演出的那个晚上,我打开窗座时却发现里面蜷缩着我的朋友龙尼.塞西尔。他抬起头看着我,用他装得最像的吸血鬼嗓音说:“晚上好。”

72 、CECIL,pressurepulse cleaning and upper bundle hydraulic cleaning were included in restorative cleaning.───恢复性清洗为采用污垢调节剂的 CECIL装置清洗、鼓泡清洗和上部管束水力清洗。

73 、Barely 16 years later, Cecil Rhodes had become a towering figure in finance and mining, a transformation achieved through skill and courage, and, in no small measure, bribery and ruthlessness.───但短短的16年之后,他成了金融业和采矿业的大亨。他的辉煌靠的是勇气和谋略,当然,也少不了贿赂官员和残酷剥削工人。

74 、Kellaway Cecil───塞西尔·凯拉韦

75 、Cecil Balmond───塞西尔·巴尔蒙德

76 、On August 30, Rear Admiral Sir Cecil Harcourt arrived with units of the British Pacific Fleet to establish a temporary military government.───八月三十日,海军少将夏悫爵士率领英国太平洋舰队抵港,成立临时军政府。

77 、CECIL PARKINSON: The audience would sort of gasp. They'd never heard anybody challenging the consensus.───听众将有些惊讶。他们从未听过有人挑战主流意见。

78 、I'm glad we realised there was no point trying to match the hosts' Cecil B.DeMille meets Cirque du Soleil approach.───我很高兴的看到我们的主办方清楚的认识到跟北京斗华丽大场面是找死行为。

79 、Cecil:What were you after?───塞梭:你想找什么?

80 、Two unusual typhoon paths(Cecil(1982)and Abby(1983))travelingtowards north are diagnosted.───在此基础上,对两个异常北上的台风路径(8211号台风(Cecil)和8305号台风(Abby))进行诊断分析。

81 、However, this time of year, I have a Cecil depressed.───不过今年这个时候我却有丝丝郁闷。

82 、To find out, the researchers -- who included Joanne Cecil, PhD, of Scotland's University of Dundee -- studied some 2,700 elementary school kids in Scotland.───为了找到答案,研究人员-谁乔安妮塞西尔包括博士,苏格兰邓迪大学-2700年研究一些小学的孩子在苏格兰。


Cecil Mcbee在日本是十几到二十几岁女性群体中最热门的品牌之一。Cecil Mcbee每一季都紧贴时尚潮流,在日本杂志上有很高的出镜率。除了服装外,Cecil Mcbee旗下还销售饰品,钱包,腰带等。在日本杂志上也有很高的出镜率,藤井丽娜、长谷川润也是该品牌的粉丝


你说的是Cecil Mcbee吗?它一直是日本大受欢迎的服饰品牌,每一季都紧贴时尚潮流,在日本杂志上也有很高的出镜率,藤井丽娜、长谷川润也是该品牌的粉丝。


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