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07-01 投稿




英:[s?k]  美:[s?k]

英:  美:


vi.吸, 吸收, 奉承,<俚>烂

vt.啜, 吸入, 吸收

n.吸吮, 吸力


动词现在分词: sucking | 动词过去式: sucked | 动词过去分词: sucked | 动词第三人称单数: sucks |


suck up

1. 吸收

He can suck up as much information as you can give him.

你教他多少, 他就可以学多少。


give suck to
suck out
be at suck
suck in
-吸进去, 吸收, 卷入进去, 欺骗
suck up
-吸, 吃; 吸收, 吸取
suck up (to)
-[英俚]=suck into
suck around
-[美俚](为得到好处)老在(某人, 某处)四周打转
suck at
-吸, 抽
What a suck! (=Sucks! Sucks to you!)
-(向吹牛出丑的人喝倒彩)好! 棒! 真有一套!
take a suck at
-吸一吸, 吸一口
suck off
suck into
-[英俚]拍...马屁, 巴结
suck dry
-吸干, 吸尽


1 、I dunt think so...who would like teachers..they suck...───同学会要回去找老师吗?

2 、They suck soda water through straws.───他们用吸管喝汽水。

3 、Suck my ass, retard.You're late.Get in there.───|去你的,小白痴 来这么晚,快进去啦!

4 、He lifted his feet up from the suck and turned back by the mole of boulders.───他从沙坑里拨出脚,沿着卵石垒成的防波堤踱回去。

5 、They don't have any teeth.They just suck their food up through their snout.───他们没有牙齿,所以只能用口鼻吸吮食物。

6 、Well, if you wantedto suck up, leslie, you should have knownI hate peonies.───哦 要是你想拍我马屁的话 Leslie。你就该知道我不喜欢牡丹。

7 、He shall suck the head of asps, and the viper's tongue shall kill him.───他原吸入了蛇的毒汁,毒蛇的舌头必将他杀死。

8 、Well, this sucked for you, and it sucked for me.─── 你看着闹心 我演着也闹心

9 、Somehow suck the Horcruxes through the Veil?───以某种方法把魂器扔到帷幔那边?

10 、Nurse An honour! Were not I thine only nurse, I would say thou hadst suck'd wisdom from thy teat.───一件荣誉!倘不是你只有我这一个奶妈,我一定要说你的聪明是从奶头上得来的。

11 、And I know it sucks for you more than it sucks for me, but it still sucks.─── 我知道在这件事上 你比我更难受 但我也不好过

12 、He’ll goad you next,then belittle you enough to suck you in.───他会先刺激你,再贬低你从而让你入套。

13 、Vac ma phyll... JUST suck It HaRdEr...───哈哈。。。还是风之叛逆。吸密神人

14 、"Gilly is giving suck to Dalla's son as well as her own.───“吉莉现在同时给妲拉和她自己的儿子喂奶。

15 、"Hole onter sumpin' an' suck in yo' breaf," she commanded.───"给我紧紧抓住个什么,使劲儿往里吸气,"她命令道。

16 、Because she's the suckiest suck that ever sucked.─── 因为她左脸欠抽 右脸欠踹

17 、Son! Don't make suck a noise when you eat.───儿子,吃饭的时候不可以发出声音

18 、"Bats that suck your blood," said Spook.───“有会吸你的血的蝙蝠,”斯布克说。

19 、They're going to suck out his soul.───他们要吸出他的灵魂。

20 、Suck off the ether and add it to the other jar with the ether.───在将上层加入另外的广口瓶。

21 、Top 5 Because there are too many romanization methods and they all suck.───原因五:(罗马式)拼音方案太多且都让人精疲力尽。

22 、But suck’d on country pleasures, childishly?───只知吮吸田园之乐像孩子一般?

23 、To suck or take in(air, for example); inhale.───吮或吸入(如空气)

24 、Don't take it to heart, they are just babes and suck lings.───别把这事放在心上。他们只是些乳臭未干的小子。

25 、Almost all of the systems like this I've worked on used a venturi to suck the oil off the liquid refrigerant layer.───几乎象这种所有的系统我通常使用文丘里来从液体制冷剂层面上将油吸掉。

26 、I'm not getting sucked in, I'm not getting sucked in.─── 我不會被吸進去的 我不會被吸進去的

27 、Do not make suck a noise when you eat.───吃饭的时候不可以发出声音。

28 、But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!───可13:17当那些日子、**的和奶孩子的有祸了。

29 、Happy's evaporation vacuum machine is sucking as much air as it sucked before, but in this case, sucking is a really good thing.─── 乐乐的蒸发真空机 又开始像之前一样抽吸气了 这种情况下 抽吸真是件好事

30 、He is always telling the director how to run the business; that's like teaching one's grandmother how to suck eggs.───他经常告诉主任如何经营, 这岂不是班门弄斧吗?

31 、You suck on fish heads and fish fins.───你一般要把鱼头和鱼鳍吮吸一下。

32 、He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper's tongue shall slay him.───16他必吸饮虺蛇的毒气。蝮蛇的舌头也必杀他。

33 、"Suck in those stomachs," the gym teacher said.───体操老师说:“深呼吸,收腹”。

34 、Any of numerous insects of the family Cicadellidae that suck juices from plants, often damaging crops.───叶蝉任一种吸食植物汁液的大叶蝶科昆虫,通常对农作物有害

35 、He can suck up as much information as you can give him.───你教他多少,他就可以学多少。

36 、Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs!───不要班门弄斧!

37 、If anybody's getting sucked, it's just me sucking myself in.─── 如果有人要被吸 那是我自己吸自己

38 、Ah, that I were dark and nightly! How would I suck at the breasts of light!───啊!但愿我漆黑如夜啊!我将多么贪婪地吮吸光的乳汁!

39 、A reanimated corpse that is believed to rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping people.───吸血鬼据说是复活的尸体,夜间会复活并离开坟墓去吸睡眠者的血

40 、Do not teach your grandmother how to suck egg.───不可班门弄斧。

41 、Stop letting this coworker suck up your precious time.───别再让这类同事吸干你的宝贵时间了。

42 、One hour's cold will suck out seven years'heat.───一个小时的寒冷将会耗掉七年的热量。

43 、Never teach your grand-mother to suck eggs.───别不自量力。

44 、That pretty much sucks. It definitely sucks.─── 明明很悲惨 是很悲惨啊

45 、So the woman abode, and gave her son suck until she weaned him.───于是妇人在家里乳养儿子、直到断了奶。

46 、KJV] He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper's tongue shall slay him.───[新译]他必吸吮眼镜蛇的毒液,腹蛇的舌头必把他杀死。

47 、For a Manila cheroot and the price of a drink he will suck any Hindu's ass.───为了一支马尼拉雪前和买一杯酒的钱他愿意舔随便哪个印度人的屁股。

48 、What a shame that you suck your thumb.───吮拇指可够羞人的。

49 、"Suck in those stomachs, " the gym teacher said.───体操老师说:"深呼吸,收腹"。

50 、To suck or take in(air,for example;inhale.───吮或吸入(如空气)

51 、Bill最后对Jess说:I love u,but our life is so suck!───于是,他还是遵从他的本性,他的意识,寻找自己想要的生活。

52 、He wants to suck up our energy!───他想汲取我们的能源。

53 、He shrugged it off, and tried to suck it up.───他也只有耸耸肩,尽量去适应了。

54 、Don't suck your thumb; it's so dirty.───别舔手指头,太脏了。

55 、But does this mean people suck when they use their falsetto?───可是这是不是说用假音的那些人就不会唱歌呢?

56 、He is always tell the director how to run the business; that's like teach his grandmother to suck egg.───他老是对总裁说该如何管理业务,就跟班门弄斧似的。

57 、"Suck in the stomaches,"the gym teacher said.───体育老师说,“吸气收腹。”

58 、You suck air through your mouth, you moron.───你是用嘴巴吸气的,你这个白痴!

59 、Why to smoke ill health, but return somebody to suck?───为什么吸烟有害健康,但是还有人吸?

60 、He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper's tongue shall slay him.───他必吸饮虺蛇的毒气。蝮蛇的舌头也必杀他。

61 、He is always telling the director how to run the business; that's like teaching his grandmother how to suck eggs.───他老是对总裁说该如何管理业务,就跟班门弄斧似的。

62 、Do not suck your thumb-or anybody else's, for that matter.───别吸你的大姆指-当然,也别去吸别人的。

63 、Do you know anyone who used to suck their thumbs?───你知道谁以往吮吸手指头吗?

64 、Do not try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs.───不要班门弄斧。

65 、To suck or take in (air, for example); inhale.───吸气:吮或吸入(如空气);吸气

66 、They suck soda water through straws (tube).───他们用(麦秆状)吸管喝汽水。

67 、Well suck on this dad. Tic tacs only have 1 and half calories per mint.───吮吸这个爸爸好。旅游业议会总可捕量只有1和每薄荷一半热量。

68 、And you(Japanese) matherfucker's camcorder's skill are so damn suck!───你日本他奶妈的摄影技术烂到家了!

69 、How can some people suck up like that to the rich? Especially when they behave so disgracefully.───"人都别忒势利了,况且都作的是什么有脸的好事!"

70 、XO is a suck ball, this is very nice!───你想表达甚么意思,你这种说法我第1次见到..........

71 、It’s a Sucky life ,and just when you Think it Can’t suck Anymore, It does .───人生真衰,就在你感的无法更衰时,它就更衰。

72 、He is a fucker.he likes suck!he is slave!he lips on!───原来幸福可以瞬间结束然后又很快燃烧!

73 、Why do I get the feeling you really suck at Portuguese?───为什么我感觉你说的葡萄牙语把人家惹恼了?

74 、He'll suck,the other kids will taunt him,and he'll wanna quit again.───他会搞砸的 其他孩子会嘲笑他 他会再次退出的

75 、Liv: Your wedding can suck it.───丽芙:这您的婚礼正佳可以给人揩屁股。

76 、An honour! Were not I thine only nurse, I would say thou hadst suck'd wisdom from thy teat.───一件荣誉!倘不是你只有我这一个奶妈,我一定要说你的聪明是从奶头上得来的。

77 、Foulon who told my baby it might suck grass, when these breasts were dry with want!───“富伦,我这奶里因为穷,没有了奶水,他却说我的娃娃可以吃草。”

78 、I was dealing with this sort of problem when you were still a baby,so don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs.───你还在吃奶时我就处理这类问题了,所以用不着你来教训我。

79 、It's like trying to suck on a holey straw.───哦是茉莉?

80 、Only female mosquitoes suck blood.───只有雌性蚊子才会吸血。

81 、Unwholesome sandflats waited to suck his treading soles, breathing upward sewage breath.───一滩滩肮里肮脏的泥沙等着吸吮他那踏过来的靴底,污水的腐臭气味一股股地冒上来。

82 、You should not leave the baby to suck milk from the bottle by himself.───你不能让婴儿在无人看管的情况下一个人从奶瓶中吸奶。

83 、Well, on a scale of great to sucked, it sucked mightily.─── 从精彩到糟糕划分等级的话 真是糟糕到家了

84 、They suck soda water through straws tube.───他们用麦秆状吸管喝汽水。

85 、Suck it up Bips, we want to see you in some Hollywood movies!!───吸吮它施虐者辅导计划,我们希望看到你在一些好莱坞**!

86 、I suck with names a pic would help me know who he is.───不知道你有没有看过《我爱我家》,就是其中演爷爷的那个人!!!

87 、But suck'd on country pleasures, childishly ?───只知吮吸田园之乐像孩子一般?

88 、Unlike in the movies, quicksand will not suck you under.───不像在**里看到的,流沙不会将你吞噬。



为什么在许多演讲或日常交谈中,人们还会使用“xxx sucks”这样的表达呢?这可能是因为语言在实际使用中往往比书本上的规范更为复杂和多变。人们在情绪激动或想要强调观点时,可能会选择更为生动、直接的语言。而在一些较为随意的场合,如朋友间的交谈或网络文化中,使用这样的词语可能被视为一种调侃或幽默的方式,用以表达不满或批评。






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