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07-01 投稿




英:[?n?tel?d??'b?l?t?]  美:[?n?tel?d??'b?l?t?]

英:  美:


n. 可理解性


clarity | eloquence | accountability | perspicuity | lucidness | fluency | lucidity | unambiguousness




1 、Nida, Newmark and Vermeer all pay special attention to the intelligibility and readability of the target text.───奈达,纽马克和弗米尔都很注重译文的明白易懂和可读性。

2 、Further research on the effects of different characteristics on intelligibility is necessary.───不同的特征对字码可懂度的影响力的进一步研究是必要的。

3 、On the Model Technique and Research Trends of Intellig ent Decision Support System───智能决策支持系统的模型技术及研究趋势

4 、The result shows that the relation between speech intelligibility and articulation intelligibility is not paralleled, which proves the necessity of distinguish them in evaluation.───本研究初探语言理解度在汉语腭裂语音评价中的应用,实验结果中话语者语音清晰度分值下降与语言理解度分值下降并不成平行关系进一步证明了二者分开评价的必要性。

5 、Speech intelligibility of Mandarin-speaking adolescents with cerebral palsy.───台湾心理学会主办,94.10.01-02。

6 、And that can be substantiated by human intelligence, signal intelligence and cyber forensics.─── 这点可以通过人员谍报 通讯情报和网络取证得到证实

7 、Liu, H.-M., Tseng, C.-H. (1996, November).Speech intelligibility of Mandarin-speaking adolescents with cerebral palsy.───曾进兴、曹峰铭、刘惠美、李昭幸(1994):说话清晰度的测量在临床上的应用。

8 、All received specialized examination, Chinese speech intelligibility test and blowing test before speech treatment, 17 cases underwent posterior pharyngeal flap operation before speech treatment.───所有患者在语音治疗前均接受常规的专科检查、汉语语音清晰度测试和吹水泡试验,其中17例患者曾行咽后壁组织瓣转移术。

9 、Allow my intelligence and law enforcement agencies access to whatever intelligence your security people have on these separatists.─── 允许我们情报机构和执法部门 获得你们的安全部门关于那些*份子的情报

10 、In none of the two conditions a correlation between respiratory parameters and intelligibility could be demonstrated.───在非这两种状态下,呼吸单参数和字码可读度存在着相关。

11 、You would think intelligence would count for something in the intelligence business.─── 你会觉得在情报行业里 情报是很重要的

12 、Defining the concept of god is not an optional chore to be undertaken at the theist's convenience.It is a necessary prerequisite for intelligibility.───上帝的定义并不是为了方便有神论者的随意的小事,而是对我们要理解事物必需的先决条件。

13 、Chinese speech intelligibility───汉语语言清晰度

14 、intelligibility thresholds───可懂度阈

15 、The Q-series has been designed as solution to obtain excellent coverage and ultimate intelligibility over longer distances in “acoustically challenging” environments.───在Q系列已被设计为解决取得良好的覆盖范围和最终可解决在更长远的距离“听觉的挑战”的环境。

16 、Measurement and analysis of speech intelligibility in classrooms───教室语言清晰度测量与分析

17 、Having you embedded in the *uggling business was the most intelligent thing intelligence ever did.─── 让你打入贩卖人口行业内部 是情报部门做过的最明智的事

18 、The translations were rated for intelligibility and for fidelity to the original by separate groups of raters using 5-point rating scales.───为求增加各参与者翻译表现的评分样本数,使评分更为精准,本研究增加评分单位的数量,做法是以原文的句子作为评分单位,并设计五分量表逐句评分。

19 、If justice prefers logic in rules to summarization of practice, law will lose its intelligibility and validity.───摘要正义如果趋从于规则中的逻辑而不注重实践经验的总结,法律就会渐渐地失去其可理解性和合法性。

20 、He challenges the philosophical adequacy of the unbeliever's worldview, showing how it does not provide the preconditions for intelligibility of knowledge and morality.───护教者要挑战非基督徒世界观中自负的理论,要让对方看见他的理论并不能提供合理的、圆满的知识和道德方面的先决条件。

21 、In this article,compression method based on frequent sequential pattern is to improve the usability and intelligibility of data mining,discover useful information from among colossal sequence.───摘要 基于频繁序列模式的压缩技术旨在提高数据挖掘结果的可用性和可理解性,从庞大的序列模式中发现有用的知识。

22 、Effect of low frequencey random and sinusoidal vibrations on the intelligibility of Chinese syllables───低频随机振动和正弦振动对汉语清晰度的影响

23 、image intelligibility───图象清晰度

24 、The Front speakers contribute proper tonal balance, intelligibility, and imaging, while the Surround speakers provide good envelopment and a sense of spaciousness.───前方音箱提供适当的音色平衡,对白的清晰度,声音**,同时环绕音箱提供包围感和空间感。

25 、There were two raters for intelligibility.───各句各项目得分最后平均加总,做为参与者之总分。

26 、discrete word intelligibility───单词可懂度

27 、The testing of intelligibility unfolds on levels of segment, vocabulary and sentence.───可知性的测试在音段、词汇以及句子层面展开。

28 、residual intelligibility───剩余可理解度

29 、Keywords Functional speech disorders;Chinese speech intelligibility;───功能性异常语音;汉语语音清晰度;

30 、number intelligibility───数值可懂度

31 、The figures of his works are tinted with some stringency and hindered intelligibility.───他的人物不论干什么都有几分吃力,都有几分不顺畅的艰涩。

32 、Constructing Binary Classification Trees with High Intelligibility───具有高可理解性的二分决策树生成算法研究

33 、discrete sentence intelligibility───单句可懂度

34 、internal intelligibility───内在可理解性

35 、All these representations, however, derive their continuing significance and even intelligibility from their utilization in human conduct, which here, of course, is conduct typified in the institutional roles of law.───然而,上述所有的体现皆从持续的意义中产生,甚至可以说从被人类行为利用的部份中产生;也就是说,由法律的制度角色将其典型化。

36 、Artificial- intellig ence brokers will translate your expertise into software.───人工智能经纪人将把你的专门知识变为软件。

37 、intelligibility threshold───可懂度

38 、common intelligibility───共晓性

39 、formant intelligibility approach───共振峰可懂度法

40 、For the sake of "intelligibility", the theory of appropriation is formulated to "appropriate" a translation in order to make it "intelligible".───于是乃作为“顺译”之说。 “顺”者,务求其看得懂也。

41 、With all your intelligence, you're most likely aroused by someone for whom that intelligence means nothing.─── 你那么聪明 却更可能被 毫不在意智商的人激发*

42 、Excessive noise, the signal range to enhance the listening and undermine the quality of the voice signal, resulting in clarity, intelligibility declined.───噪声过高,使信号的听音音域提高,破坏了声音信号的音质,造成清晰度、可懂度下降。

43 、The desig n and realiz-ing process for the hard circuit and software of intellig ent node of DCS based on CAN BUS are discussed in detail.───并较详细的介绍了基于CAN总线分布式控制系统智能节点硬件和软件的设计以及实现过程。

44 、There is no evidence however that reduction in a foreign accent necessarily entails an increase in intelligibility.───然而,没有证据表明消除外来口音必然会导致口语理解性的增加。

45 、Effects of Different Kinds of Noise Sources on Chinese Speech Intelligibility───三种干扰噪声对汉语语言清晰度的影响

46 、Objective speech quality testing and informal listening testing results show that the intelligibility, naturalness and anti-noise performance of the 1.2 kb/s speech coding algorithm excel 2.4 kb/s LPC algorithm.───客观音质测试和非正式主观测试结果表明 ,该算法在自然度、清晰度和抗噪声等方面明显优于 2 .4kb/s LPC算法 ,是低速率下一种良好的编码方案。

47 、Keywords acoustic environment of religious architecture, speech intelligibility, music fullness, effective reverberation time, acoustic space;───宗教建筑声环境;语言清晰度;音乐丰满度;有效混响时间;声学空间;

48 、Practical experiments demonstrate that this method can improve readability and intelligibility.───实际应用表明,这种方法可以提高形式化规范的可读性与可理解性。

49 、Our results also demonstrate improement of intelligibility after pharmacological treatment of PD.───我们的研究还证实了通过药物治疗PD患者的字码可懂度也有所改善。

50 、Not only no improvement manifested with CB's speech, furthermore, her qualities of speech prosody and intelligibility showed decrements compared with her previous performance.───整体而言,虽然经过复健的介入,CB的言语病没有明显进步的表现,反而在声律方面有退步的情形。

51 、Discussion on Quantitative Intelligibility in Dialects───方言可懂度计量研究刍议

52 、intelligibility percent───可懂度百分比数

53 、Experimental results have shown that this method provides speech of better clearness and intelligibility than conventional methods do.───取得了较好的实验结果,增强后的语音信号信噪比比频谱减法有更高的清晰度和可懂度。

54 、the articulation of speech regarded from the point of view of its intelligibility to the audience───从听众理解的角度考虑言语的发音

55 、The cultural politics of difference has a lot to do with what counts as truth-telling, sincerity, intelligibility and empathy.───差异的文化政治跟坦言、诚、理解性和移情有很大关系。

56 、Discussion on the causes of poor speech intelligibility of hearing impaired students and related strategies───影响聋生言语清晰度的原因及对策探究

57 、Several Objective Testing Method about Speech Intelligibility───有关语言可懂度的几种客观测评方法


59 、percentage of intelligibility───清晰度

60 、aAn investigation on children's speech intelligibility of Vietnamese foreign spouses in Taiwan /$cby Pin-Ju Brooke Chiang.───台湾外籍越南配偶子女说话清晰度之调查.

61 、Keywords Complete Denture;Metal Base;Plastic Base;Chinese Intelligibility;───全口义齿;金属基托;塑料基托;汉语语音清晰度;

62 、word intelligibility───字清晰度

63 、3.What happened in the past few days is totally beyond her intelligibility.───我住的区域过去几天以来一直都停电。

64 、It not only degrades the speech quality and the speech intelligibility, but also makes the ear fatigue, and then the normal speech communication is affected.───很多语音通信场合都存在着背景噪声干扰问题,噪声不仅影响语音质量和清晰度,而且还造成人耳听觉疲劳,妨碍正常的语音通信。

65 、A Chinese text-to-speech system with high intelligibility and high naturalness───一种高清晰度、高自然度的汉语文语转换系统

66 、In this implementation, the object-oriented technique is adopted to enhance the intelligibility and to rise up the maintainability. 3.───在程序设计中采用了面向对象技术,使代码结构清晰,可维护性显著增强;

67 、ABSTRACT: The aim of this essay is to discuss the relationship between the intelligibility of spatial configuration and way-finding performance.───摘要:本文旨在探讨空间构形的内在可读性与在寻路之间的关系。

68 、Keywords Maxillary reconstruction;Prothesis;Articulatory function;Speech intelligibility;Acoustic analysis;───关键词上颌骨重建;赝复体修复;语音功能;语音清晰度;音声特征;

69 、What Dolby did was compress above a certain frequency and add pre-emphasis, which is ideal for souping up a vocal’s intelligibility.───我们现在有什麽?数目字。人们只根据有多少人买过票或没买票来决定他们是否要去看某部**。

70 、Development of Sing le-chip Microcomputer Based and Intellig ent Control Device of Telephone───单片机在**智能控制器中的应用

71 、Besides,attention should also be paid to such aspects as the intelligibility of the language,and the retainment of the original rhythm and intonation,etc.───此外,诗歌翻译中还需要注意语言的清晰度,保持原作的节奏、语调等问题。

72 、An intelligent machine is a machine which can do something which, until the machine did it, was regarded as the perquisite of intelligent man.─── 如果机器做到了一件此前人们认为 只有智慧人类能做到的事 那么这样的机器就会被视为智能机器

73 、The resulting model is improved not only on the speed of training but also on the classification precision and intelligibility.───建立的模型无论在生成速度上,还是在预测的准确性以及生成模型的易理解方面都得到了进一步的改进。

74 、This article discusses the 6 characteristics of the modern reference service:serveability,sensitivity,extensiveness,intelligibility,microcosmicness and academicality.───本文论述了现代参考咨询工作的六大特性:服务性、敏感性、广泛性、智能性、微观性和学术性。

75 、Without intelligence, solid intelligence, we would be sailing right into an ambush.─── 如果得不得情报 可靠的情报 我们可能会步入埋伏

76 、Improved Speech Intelligibility System───改进的言语分辨系统(美国)

77 、The correlation of vowel space and speech intelligibility for individuals with cerebral palsy .───发表于2005特殊教育学术研讨会暨中华民国特殊教育学会年会。

78 、the articulation of speech regarded from the point of view of its intelligibility to the audience.───从听众理解的角度考虑言语的发音。

79 、word intelligibility score───字清晰度范围

80 、Mining design patterns from source code is a very important technology for improving the intelligibility and maintainability of software.───摘要 从系统源码中挖掘设计模式对软件的可理解性和可维护性具有重要意义。

81 、Chang, B.L. (2000).The perceptual analysis in speech intelligibility of students with hearing impairments.───张蓓莉(民90)普通班老师如何协助听觉障碍学生。

82 、intelligibility measure───[计] 清晰度测量

83 、intelligibility test───可懂度测试

84 、effect of noise on speech intelligibility───噪声对语言清晰度的影响

85 、Speech intelligibility in patients with unilateral segmental mandibular defect with or without reconstruction───下颌骨单侧节段性缺损及重建对语音清晰度的影响

86 、In the late eighties,method investigating speech intelligibility are presented by speech transmission index(STI).───80年代末,提出了用语言传输指数(STI)对语言可懂度作出评估的方法。

87 、An intelligence created it an extremely intelligent intelligence.─── 它绝对是智慧物种的创造 而且是一个极度发达的智慧物种

88 、We like to think we're the most intelligent species on the planet, but we have to be careful about what exactly we mean by intelligence.─── 我们总是觉得 我们是这个星球上最聪明的物种 但到底怎样才算"聪明" 这问题我们得小心回答

89 、percent intelligibility───可懂率

90 、This is the idea that your intelligence is not an abstract free intelligence, but tied very much to having a body and in particular to having a human body.─── 这个观点的意思是说 智能并不是一种抽象的自由智能 而是和躯体紧紧联系在一起的 特别是和人类的躯体












































口语和写作项目均为人工判卷,需要(一个经过细致培训过的并获得ETS官方认证的Certify rater)判卷老师严格遵照评分依据给出客观公正的分数!且看下文分解:

口语的需要根据学生的(1-6题目的口语)录音按照“Score:4-Score:0”的分数scale ,给与分数级别,比如Score:4 的级别官方定义为:


 General Deion:

The response fulfills the demands of the task, with atmost minor lapses in completeness. It is highly intelligible and exhibitssustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by allof the following


Generally well-paced flow (fluid expression). Speechis clear. It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciationor intonation patterns, which do not affect intelligibility.

Language Use:

The response demonstrates effective use of grammar andvocabulary. It exhibits a fairly high degree of automat city with good controlof basic and complex structures (as appropriate). Some minor (or systemic)errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning.

Topic Development:

Response is sustained and sufficient to the task. Itis generally well developed and coherent; relationships between ideas are clear(or clear progression of ideas).







申请人通过资质审核后,会先进入到线上培训环节成为一名Train rater。

当培训者熟练掌握所有的评分标准之后,就会进入线上评分环节,培训者必须利用大量的模板文章进行对比式评分,直至自己的打分和目标打分完全一致方能通过测试,成为一名Certify rater。


问题一:谁知道《飘摇》的英文版歌词? Have becalmed saying knowing, be apt have visited natural intelligibility of heart, he hides when ing not losing , he walks very quiet, you do not anticipate in me , disturb my calm pace , perhaps having been apt look for tormented , I'm afraid t俯at be sleepless not being apt, I float to float Oh you sway Oh weeds swaying , there being no root, think that the dream has been awake the day has been clear , how again, regret to be able to not be short , have promised to be to suffer muchly one second to drift about , be apt,if not being fussy about

问题二:在风雨中飘摇用英语怎么说 flow inthe rain and wind

问题三:飘摇的含义是什莫 文字想必大家都听过周迅的>,这是一首老歌了.当她那淡淡而幽雅的曲调在你的耳边响起时,不知你有没有一种想要"飘摇"的冲动.这首歌曲淡淡地给我们讲述了一对恋人的爱情故事.他们双方本没有料到上天会将他们安排在一起.只是当爱不知不觉地到来时,他们才意识到.爱的到来打乱了男女的那平静的心房,他们都不知道该如何对待这一份爱情.他们快乐地依偎在一起.正如歌曲中的"我飘呀飘,你摇啊摇".路边的野草是他们的爱情的见证.但是,这美好的一切似乎是一场梦,当他们回到现实中来时,却发现爱情有时也会使人烦恼,哀愁.想爱又怕受伤;不爱那颗心又不能平静.爱情就这样让人摸不到头脑.这对恋人面对爱情的考验时,他们选择了让爱情一次性的痛快燃烧.要爱就要爱得快乐,爱得纯真,爱得潇洒.也就是爱要爱得"飘摇".

问题四:上中学了还可以学舞蹈吗 可以啊,如果你跳得够好,以后能上艺术类学校,也是很棒的!

问题五:这首英文歌名 曲名:歌 歌手:老狼 专辑:晴朗



这片望 *** 的秋水,这片城市落下的灰,你躲在角落里等谁?







问题六:爱 米 c 。爱 米 kuai 。英语怎么写?一首歌这么唱的很伤感的旋律,很喜欢不 a little love,不谢

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