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06-29 投稿




英:['?v?r?d???]  美:['?v?r?d???]

英:  美:


n. 平均



middling | median | general | intermediate | usual | Median | common | average out | moderate | fair | regular | normal | everyday | be around | mode | typical | passable | middle | mediocre | be close to | par | medium | commonplace | ordinary | tolerable | mean | arithmetic mean | norm | modal | medial


minimum | maximum


1 、The averaging we're doing is in a lot of ways preposterously unjustified, I know.But we're interested in an order-of-magnitude estimate, not some delicate QED experiment.───在肉类价格全球性地上涨并且很难逆转的现实面前,用植物成分来替代肉提供了一条缓解需求的旁门小道。

2 、"It was pretty much nagging me throughout the game," said Mayo, who is averaging 19.7 points.───“整个比赛我非常恼火,”梅奥,这位新秀平均每场19.7分。

3 、He played 9 games for them averaging 13 PPG and 6.3 RBG.───他为他们打了9场比赛,平均每场得到13分,6.3篮板。

4 、Ming is averaging 19.8 ppg and 7.8 rebounds against Dallas. How would you describe his overall performance in the series?───姚明在对小妞的比赛中平均19.8分,7.8个篮板。你对他整体表现的印象是?

5 、The final show commanded advertising rates averaging $2m for 30 seconds - a record for a sitcom and the kind of figures usually reserved for the Super Bowl.───大结局的电视**报价达到每30秒钟平均2百万美元,创造了电视连续剧**费的最高纪录,这通常是"超极杯橄榄球总决赛"专有的**价格。

6 、Iggy is playing phenomenal against the Orlando Magic averaging 23.3 PPG 6.3 APG and 7.6 RPG.───他在对阵魔术比赛中有非凡的表现,场均23.3分,6.3个助攻,和7.6个篮板。

7 、Aldrich showed last year why he was such acoveted high school recruit,averaging adouble-double along with almost three blocks agame for the Jayhawks.───客岁他向人们证年夜白他的代价,他即是那种球队求之不得的球员,他为松鹰队场均进献着两双,并有着接近三次盖帽的表示。

8 、Look... It'd be great if my sister didn't always compare her glamorous, jetsetting life to me settling down in an average town with an average joe.─── 聽我說 我承認 我也希望我妹不要總是拿她光鮮亮麗 總坐直升飛機出游的生活 跟我在普通地方跟普通男人的生活相比

9 、He has improved his stats almost across the board in the playoffs, averaging 20.6 points and 6.0 assists per game.───季后赛中他几乎在各项技术统计上都全面飘红,场均攻下20.6分和6.0个助攻。

10 、In his freshman season (2007-08) with Seton Hall, Hazell made 20 starts in 32 games, averaging 12.8 points and 2.3 rebounds per game.───2007-08赛季中,做为一名大一新生,杰里米-哈泽尔在32场常规赛中,先发出场20次,场均贡献12.8分及2.3个篮板。

11 、Backed by a gentle breeze, Rossy crossed the Channel in 13 minutes, averaging 125 miles per hour.───乘着徐徐微风,罗斯在13分钟内飞越了英吉利海峡,平均每小时125英里。

12 、Infants are the most cold-ridden group, averaging more than six colds in their first years.───婴儿期是最易感冒的时期,从出生到一周岁平均感冒六次。

13 、To quadruple 1980's GNP by 2000 to reach 3110 billion yuan calculated by 1990 prices, averaging an annual growth rate of about 6 per cent.───到2000年在1980年国民生产总值的基础上翻两番,按1990年价格计算达到31100亿元,平均年增长率为6%。

14 、He's been averaging 32.6 PPG, 14 RPG and 2.6 BPG over the last 3 games.───他最近的3场比赛场均32.6分,14个篮板,2.6个盖帽。

15 、In his four years at Bayern Munich and during his 63 appearances for the German national side, Ballack is averaging around one goal every two games.───在他为拜仁慕尼黑效力的四年时间里,他同时也为德国国家队出场比赛63次,巴拉克平均约每两场比赛就能进一球。

16 、Odom is averaging 27minutes per game this season.───奥多姆本赛季平均每场出赛27分钟。

17 、With GDP growth averaging 8% and efficiencies wrought in leaner times, Indian firms have been minting money in the past three years.───因为GDP的平均增幅达8%,提高效率的方法在很短时间内有了成效,所以近三年印度公司一直在盈利。

18 、He was in the midst of a breakout season when injured, averaging 13.1 points and 10.1 rebounds.───他在一个爆发的赛季中间受伤了,场均拿到13.1分和10.1个篮板.

19 、It was dropped off at a reception by a man in his late 20s, early 30s, average looking, average build.─── 是个男子送到接待处的 20多岁 将近30 普通外貌 中等身材

20 、Again, these numbers are tiny, but men performed better than average on this test, women and other below average.─── 同样 这些数字很小 但男人在这项测试中的表现高于平均水平 女人和其他人则低于平均水平

21 、Roughly one-third (1808) had taken hydroxychloroquine for some period of time during the study, with duration of treatment averaging 3.1 years.───大约三分之一患者(1808)在研究的某个时期服用了羟基氯喹,平均服药时间3.1年。

22 、After 15 years of decent economic growth, averaging over 8% in the past four years, India's masses have cash to spend.───15年来印度经济长势良好,过去四年的平均增长超过8%,百姓有了一定的消费能力。

23 、The economy has grown at a remarkable rate,averaging close to 10 percent per annum.───中国的经济,每年平均增长率接近百分之十。

24 、Resistive averaging is applied at the output of the amplifiers to improve INL/DNL.───在前置放大电路输出端应用电阻失调平均技术来改善INL/DNL。

25 、Carbon dioxide is a minor but important constituent of the atmosphere, averaging about 0.03% or 300 ppm by volume.───二氧化碳是空气的含量较小但很重要的组成成分,体积比平均约为0.03%或300 ppm。

26 、Most software can do averaging, but that does not extract a "typical" patient.───大多数软件都能计算平均数,但是凭这个提取不出“典型”患者的资料。

27 、He has been at Chelsea for five-and-a-half years. So he is averaging over 50 games a year. Unbelievable!───兰帕德来到切尔西已经有五年半了。平均下来,他每年要代表切尔西出场50多次。

28 、Westbrook is averaging 20.0 points, 7.4 boards and 6.6 assists during the Thunder's five-game slide.───他在雷霆五连败期间场均得到20分,7.4个篮板和6.6次助攻。

29 、She's not your average peddler, that's for sure.─── 她不是个普通的毒贩 这是一定的

30 、However, vegans - vegetarians who also avoid dairy products - scored significantly lower, averaging an IQ score of 95 at the age of 10.───但不食用奶制品的完全素食者的智商水平则要低得多,他们10岁时的平均智商只有95分。

31 、Some methods for averaging incrementally increasing quantities are introduced and analysed briefly for each of them.───介绍了求递增量平均值的几种方法,并对每种方法特征做了简单分析.

32 、Bynum was averaging 14 points and 8.2 rebounds a game when he was injured. The Lakers are 16-4 in his absence.───在受伤上前,拜纳姆场均看下14分和8.2个篮板,在他缺阵期间湖人的战绩是16胜-4负。

33 、After analyzing the collected data, it was found that the peak load was 2,129 concurrent users averaging 18.8 Requests per second.───分析完收集的数据后发现,峰值负载为2,129个并发用户每秒平均发出18.8个请求。

34 、Under Allardyce Newcastle were averaging 1.18 points per game, since Keegan returned that has fallen by 72 per cent to 0.33 per game.───在阿勒代斯时期的纽卡斯尔平均每场获得1.18分,自从基冈到来之后下降了72个百分点到了0.33分每场,

35 、Probability Distributions for the Inner Scale and the Refractive Index Structure Parameter and Their Implications for Flux Averaging.───内尺度和折射指数结构参数的概率分布及其在计算通量平均值值的应用。

36 、The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the world's highest plateau, averaging over 4000 metres above sea level and covering an area of 200,000 square kilometres.───中国的青藏高原是世界最高的高原。平均高度在海拔4000米以上, 面积达20万平方公里。

37 、English: 562. Evidently, this will not be the case if the averaging period is very short.───中文:显然,如果用于平均的周期非常短,那情况就不会如此了。

38 、PT is the most important function of averaging, for example, WZ120, PT100, so strange is the standard of the middle range of 110.LG.───PT的最大作用就是拉平均,比如WZ120,PT100,那么怪的水准是110.LG则介于中间。

39 、In the 10 games since the Knicks traded Zach Randolph, Lee is averaging over 18 points and 14 boards, while shooting 54% from the floor.───在尼克斯交易兰多夫后的这10场比赛里,他场均得到18分,14板,命中率达到54%。

40 、If you don't get your average up I will.─── 如果平均分上不去 我会的

41 、Where I come from, I'm not considered average.─── 在我们那里 我不算是普通人

42 、Odom is averaging a more respectable 12.5 ppg and 7.3 rpg on 58% field goal shooting off the bench in the Finals.───奥多姆的数据就更体面一些,替补出场的他场均12.5分和7.3个篮板,投篮命中率为58%。

43 、By averaging the previous results, a new covariance matrix is obtained.It is a full rank matrix.───对其进行平均后,所得到的相干信号协方差矩阵具有满秩性。

44 、Paul is averaging MVP type numbers with 21.8 PPG, 10.8 APG (best in league), 5.3 RPG, 2.7 SPG (best in league), and shooting 50.5% from the field.───他的数据属于MVP级别的,21.8分,10.8次助攻和2.7次抢断(均为联盟最佳),5.3次篮板,命中率为50.5%。

45 、No, I'm just a nice, average girl having a beer with a nice, average guy.─── 我只是一个普通的好女人 和一个普通的好男人一起喝啤酒

46 、The interpreter was averaging about 60% accuracy in rendering the American’s comments into Chinese.───在把美方发言人的发言翻译成中文的过程中,译员的平均准确率大概有60%。

47 、Through three games, CDR is averaging 17.7 points on 49 percent shooting.───三场季前赛,他平均得到17.7分,命中率49%。

48 、Some 95 percent of Antarctica is covered by an icecap averaging .───南极洲约百分之九十五的地方被厚度差不多的常积不消的冰覆盖着。

49 、And very quietly, Kobe Bryant has joined the fray, averaging 28 per game now.───在不知不觉中,科比也加入了竞争行列,目前场均得分为28分。

50 、In the post season Terry is only averaging 12 PPG on 17-49 shooting, a measly 34 percent.───在季后赛中,他场均只有12分,49投17中,惨淡的34%命中率。

51 、Ginobili scored 26 points against New Orleans in Game 7, and is averaging 20.0 points in the playoffs.───吉诺比利在对阵黄蜂的第7场比赛中得到26分,季后赛场均得分20分。

52 、Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms the conventional coefficient combining method of weighted averaging.───实验结果表明该方法优于传统的加权平均系数组合方法。

53 、But the thing is, this is not your average rodent.─── 但问题是 这不是普通的啮齿目动物

54 、China has undergone dramatic changes since she opened up to the outside world in 1978. The economy has grown at a remarkable rate, averaging close to 10 per cent per annum.───中国自一九七八年起向世界开放以来,经历了重大转变,经济增长速度惊人,增长率平均每年接近百分之十。

55 、The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the world's highest plateau, averaging over 4,000 metres above sea level and covering an area of 200,000 square kilometres.───中国的青藏高原是世界最高的高原。平均高度在海拔4,000米以上, 面积达20万平方公里。

56 、It's not my peers who brought down my average.─── 拉低我平均分的不是我的同事们

57 、He has maintained an active and satisfactory power Vantage Account in our books with balances averaging Hongkong dollars low six figures.───他在我行开设有效的运筹理财账户,其账户的平均余额有100000到500000的港币。

58 、However, vegans- vegetarians who also avoid dairy products- scored significantly lower, averaging an IQ score of95 at the age of10.───但不食用奶制品的完全素食者的智商水平则要低得多,他们10岁时的平均智商只有95分。

59 、He is averaging 13.7 PPG 1.7 APG and shooting a low 37 percent from the field.───他场均得到13.7分和1.7个助攻,命中率为可怜的37%。

60 、By the end of the 12-week period, CBT monotherapy did not differ significantly from placebo, with each group having a CDRS-R averaging approximately 45.───到第12周时,CBT治疗组和安慰剂组之间就看不出有何差异,两组的CDRS-R评分都约等于45分;

61 、They are frail and stunted in growth averaging only about 5 feet in height.───他们长得脆弱矮小平均身高大约只有5英尺。

62 、The one redeeming quality he showed was a propensity for getting to the line, averaging nine free throws a game.───他的表现能有所补偿的地方似乎倾向于罚球线,场均能有9个罚篮。

63 、The rate of growth was higher in the firsthalf of the period, averaging 2.0% per annum.───前五年有较高速的增长,每年的平均增长率为2.0%,后五年的增长速度则减慢,每年的平均增长率仅为1.5%。

64 、A clear-cut way to resample is to interpolate the missing chroma values from their nearest neighbors by simple averaging.───一个简洁的再采样方法是从最邻近的像素上借助简单的平均化方法**值出缺失的色度值。

65 、It indicates that our scheme is robust against the attacks of frame dropping, averaging and statistical analysis and lossy compression according to experiment results.───实验结果表明,使用该方案嵌入水印,具有很好的品质和保真度,而且,该方案在面对有损编码压缩和帧丢失、帧平均与统计分析、图像裁减攻击时,具有不错的鲁棒性和安全性。

66 、In the second round, the Cavaliers slowed the pace and the Celtics' offense all but disappeared, averaging only 84 points.───在第二轮中,克利夫兰骑士队放慢进攻节奏,凯尔特人的进攻差点就没了。(凯尔特人)平均每场才84分。

67 、On a per-process basis, the W3wp. Exe process hosting the services was the primary load generator, averaging 70.7 Percent CPU utilization.───以每个进程为基准,驻留各项服务的W3wp.exe进程是主要的负载生成器,它的CPU平均利用率为70.7%。

68 、NAKRI weakened dramatically since last night, averaging 10-15 knots in wind speed per 6 hours. At 14 HKT, NAKRI was centred about 1040 km (560 NM) WSW of Iwo Jima.───娜基莉由昨晚开始大幅减弱,平均每6小时风速减弱了10至15海里。在14HKT,娜基莉集结在硫磺岛西南偏西约1040公里(560海里)。

69 、"So, what we were able to show is that if you take these highly variable images, and apply the averaging process to them, then the recognition performance goes right up.───“所以,我们能表示的是,如果你运用平均方法处理这些千变万化的图片,那么识别性能就会立即明显改善。

70 、The value for the receivers can be obtained by averaging the time shifts in the columns.───对纵列内的各对移值进行平均,能得到该检波点上的这个值。

71 、Hardaway, 6-7, 220-pounds, was originally acquired from Phoenix on Jan. 5, 2004 and was averaging 2.5 points and 17.9 minutes in just four games.───6英尺7英寸,体重220磅,在2004年1月5日从凤凰城转会而来,本季只打了4场比赛,每场上场17.9分钟,只贡献2.5分。

72 、Carbon dioxide is a minor but important constituent of the atmosphere, averaging about 0.03% or 300 ppm.by volume.───二氧化碳是空气的含量较小但很重要的组成成分,体积比平均约为0.03%或300ppm。

73 、So you see a five over on the lefthand side, that's how active you've been, and on the right is how the average person has been, so you're just exactly average when it comes to activity.─── 你看 左边显示五 这就是你的活跃程度 右边是平均值 你的活跃度处于平均水平

74 、The egg membrane is non-adhesive and expands after absorption of water, and its diameter ranges from 3. 67 to 4. 00mm, averaging 3.79mm. The eggs drift in flowing water.───卵膜无粘性,吸水后卵周间隙明显膨胀扩大,卵膜径3.67-4.00 mm,平均3.79mm,属漂流性卵。

75 、Kobe Bryant plays 40 MPG and is averaging 3.7 TOPG to Wades 6.5 TOPG.───人家科比场均40分钟也才出现3.7个失误呢,而韦德却出现6.5个。

76 、They are gaunt, averaging 6 1/4 feet tall and typically weighing around 170 pounds.───他们骨瘦如柴,平均身高6又1/4尺、普遍体重在170磅上下。

77 、The large graphical LCD display provides you complete access to your solve times, averaging information, and other data.───一个很大的图形液晶屏可以让你查看你的复原时间、平均记录等其他信息。

78 、In the interim, they either stayed awake, took a six-minute nap or a longer snooze averaging 35 minutes.───在这一小时中,有人保持清醒,有人小睡六分钟,或是给予平均35分钟的较长睡眠时间。

79 、Last year,the village's industrial and agricultural output value exceeded 4.6 million yuan,averaging 2,000 yuan per person.───去年,全村工农业总产值460多万元,人均收入2000元。

80 、Cities in eastern Europe and China were among the least expensive, while Asian cities have the longest working hours, with Seoul workers averaging 50.2 Hours a week.───东欧和中国城市的消费也很低,而亚洲城市的工作时间却最长,汉城工人平均每周工作50.2小时。

81 、Based on the pixel edge,the method of averaging the values of several measurement is used to cause the measurement precision reach 0 1mm.───在像素级边缘的基础上采用多次测量取平均的方法 ,使目标尺寸的测量精度达到 0 .1mm以上。

82 、Pau Gasol: Nice - The Spaniard has exceeded all expectations in rebounding and field goal percentage while averaging 18 points per game.───加索尔:表现--乖乖,这位西班牙人场均砍下18分,在篮板和命中率方面也超过人们的期望。

83 、The economy has grown at a remarkable rate, averaging near to 10% per annum.───中国经济以惊人的速度增长,每年平均增长率接近百分之十。

84 、The final show commanded advertising rates averaging m for 30 seconds - a record for a sitcom and the kind of figures usually reserved for the Super Bowl.───大结局的电视**报价达到每30秒钟平均2百万美元,创造了电视连续剧**费的最高纪录,这通常是“超极杯橄榄球总决赛”专有的**价格。

85 、The economy has grown at a remarkable rate, averaging almost 10 per cent per annum.───中国经济以惊人的速度增长,每年平均增长率高于百分之十。

86 、A Los Angeles native who starred at UCLA, Farmar is averaging 9.7 points this season, but 17.8 in his last four games.───在洛杉矶土生土长的法码尔曾是加州大学的球星,本赛季他场均9.7分,不过在过去四场比赛中场均17.8分。

87 、Gasol has been one of the steadiest Lakers on offense, averaging 18 points and shooting 57.1% from the field.───加索尔已经成为湖人最稳定的进攻点之一,场均18分,命中率高达57.%。

88 、Smith was primarily used as a punt returner with the Bills, averaging 13.2 yards.He also returned one punt for a touchdown.───史密斯在布法罗比尔主要担任弃踢回攻手,平均每次弃踢回攻13.2码,并有一次弃踢回攻达阵。

89 、Second-year forwards Durant and Jeff Green are averaging 26 points and 17.1 points, respectively.───二年级前锋杜兰特和格林场均分别得到26分和17.1分。

90 、Backcourt mate Derek Fisher, averaging 11.9 points in the playoffs, went scoreless until the fourth quarter, when he scored four.───后场搭档德里克-费舍尔在季后赛中场均得到11.9分,今天到第四节才开始得分,最终得了4分。


average 英[??v?r?d?] 美[??v?r?d?, ??vr?d?] adj. 平均的; 平常的; 典型的; (价值、比率等的) 平均数的; n. 平均水平; (速度等的) 平均率; 平均估价; vt. [数学] 计算…的平均值; 调和,拉平; 分摊; 按比例; (或平均)分配(利润等) [例句]It's just your average wooden door.它就是那种平常的木门。[其他] 第三人称单数:averages 复数:averages 现在分词:averaging过去式:averaged 过去分词:averaged形近词: coverage beverage converage



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