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06-29 投稿




英:['setb?k]  美:[?s?t?b?k]

英:  美:


n.挫折, 失败, 退步


形容词: setal | 名词复数: setae |


1 、She views every minor setback as a disaster.───她把每个较小的挫折都看成重大灾难。

2 、For Kennedy, it was an early political set back setback for a president untested on the world stage.───对于肯尼迪来说这是早期的政策失误,在面对世界政坛。

3 、As much as I'm enjoying your setback, no.─── 尽管我很享受你这次的挫败 没有

4 、What have you faced a major setback in your work?───你在工作中遇到过什么样的挫折?

5 、In spite of the recent setback in sale, the general manager speaks with assuredness at the meeting .───尽管最近销售受到挫折,总经理在会上的讲话还是很自信。

6 、Since that time there has never been any setback in his career.───从那时起他在事业上一直没有遇到周折。

7 、He had never suffered a setback.───他没有遭受过什么挫折。

8 、When anything goes this well, a major setback can be just around the corner.───一件事过于顺利的时候,很可能不久就会有大挫折。

9 、If face a setback, what means can you choose to comfort your to perhaps release the mood?───如果面对挫折,你们会选择什么方式来安慰自己或者是释放心情?

10 、Yesterday was a setback, but I am not giving up.─── 昨天遇到了挫折 但我不会放弃

11 、In the following year, his business suffered a setback, and ultimately the loss of all the family belongings.───在接下来的一年当中,他的生意遭遇了挫折,并最终丧失了所有的家当。

12 、This is a setback, but that's all it is.─── 这是一次挫折 但仅此而已

13 、This is a temporary setback and nothing more.─── 這只是暫時受挫 僅此而已

14 、He says: "To a few losers that encountered a setback socially, here is the heaven in their dream undoubtedly.───他说:“对一些在社会上遭遇了挫折的失败者来说,这里无疑是他们梦中的天堂。”

15 、Did he fall on a bad setback?───他是不是遭到了严重的挫折?

16 、Impatience is the first reaction against a setback and can soon turn to anger if you're not careful.───对于挫折的第一反应是急噪,如果不注意,很快就会变成愤怒。

17 、Never lose heart in the fact of a setback; take courage and deal with it squarely.───在挫折面前千万不要丧失信心;鼓起勇气坚定不移地出克服它。

18 、The summit's cancellation also marks a major setback for the three-month-old government of Mr.───峰会的取消同样标志着成立近三个月的阿比西政府遭到了一次重创。

19 、We suffered a setback he did not appreciate.─── 我们刚遭遇了挫折 他对此不太高兴

20 、Herefrom, the knight novel collapses after one setback in Spain and Europe.───从此以后,骑士**在西班牙和欧洲一蹶不振。

21 、A galling delay;a galling setback to their plans.───令人懊恼的延迟;计划的令人烦恼的挫折

22 、A setback sets you up for a comeback.─── 一个挫折让你今年重振旗鼓回归赛场

23 、He fell on a miserable setback in the commercial campaign.───他在商务活动中惨遭挫折。

24 、The setback was not uniform around the world, however, resulting in an overall figure that o cures areas of progre .───但是这种倒退现象并没有发生在所有国家,有些国家的经济发展也减少了饥荒人口。

25 、Do you ever meet some setback in the game?───你在玩这款游戏是遇到了哪些挫折?

26 、A galling delay; a galling setback to their plans.───令人懊恼的延迟; 计划的令人烦恼的挫折

27 、Don't moan and groan because of a little setback.───不要受了一点挫折就唉声叹气。

28 、In spite of the recent setback in sale,the general manager speak with assuredness at the meeting.───尽管最近销售受到挫折,总经理在会上的讲话还是很自信。

29 、"It's impacted our options", says a businessman about a setback his pro- ject has suffered.───“这已经影响到了我们的选择,”一位商人在说他 的项目所受到的挫折。

30 、Ah well, I suppose there's nothing like an occasional setback to make you realize how lucky you really are.───唉,我看什么都不如偶尔受点挫折更能使你明白你是多么的幸运了。

31 、To Eisenhower this setback "was ample evidence that much bitter campaigning was to come".───在艾森豪威尔看来,这次受挫“充分说明今后还会遇到许多殊死苦战”。

32 、How the setback in look upon life just is most appropriate processing technique?───如何看待生活中的挫折才为最妥善的处理方法?

33 、Do not, for one repulse or setback, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.───不要只因一次失败或挫折,就放弃你原来决心想要达到的目的。

34 、Gasol still has swelling and soreness in his sprained ankle but Jackson stopped short of calling it a setback.───加索尔扭伤的脚踝依然感到有些肿胀和疼痛,但是杰克逊说这些现象并不是表明加索尔的伤势有反复。

35 、"It's impacted our options",says a businessman about a setback his project has suffered.───“这已经影响到了我们的选择,”一位商人在说他的项目所受到的挫折。

36 、A setback, it turned out, but no tragedy.───一个挫折,结果证明,但不是悲剧。

37 、Do not let this setback distract you.─── 别让这一点点挫折影响了你

38 、Is it worthwhile committing suicide due to such a trivial setback?───为这点挫折,犯得上寻死吗?

39 、In the prison, Carter who the setback and despairs decided that wrote a book own story and widely disseminates.───在狱中,挫折和绝望的卡特决定把自己的故事写成一本书并广泛传播出去。

40 、Undaunted by his first setback, he decide to try once more.───不为最初的失败而动摇,他决定再试一次。

41 、But do you try to pluck some compensation from the setback?───你试过从挫折里收集一些补益?

42 、Women's weightlifter Li Zhuo was the only Chinese gold favourite who suffered a setback in the first day.───女子举重行动员李卓是第一天的比赛中唯一的中国夺金热门遭遇滑铁炉的。

43 、Failure to achieve decisive successes in our four modernizations during the 1980s would be tantamount to a setback.───如果四个现代化不在八十年代做出决定性的成绩,那它就等于遭到了挫折。

44 、It was at his time that his own health suffered a setback.───也就在这时,他自己的健康开始恶化。

45 、Despite its recent setback in Somalia, it still wants to assert its claim to be a regional player.───尽管最近在索马里受挫,但厄仍希望声称其成为区域游戏者的要求。

46 、But despite the setback, Sir Alex is confident United have enough cover to cope with Scholes' absence.───尽管如此,但弗格森爵士表示球队可以弥补好斯科尔斯留下的空缺。

47 、Last year the real estate industry went through a business setback.───去年的房产业景气下降。

48 、President Obama's promise to close down Guantanamo has already suffered a setback.───奥巴马总统履行关闭关塔那摩的承诺受挫。

49 、An abrupt recovery from a setback or disadvantage.───反败为胜从挫折或不利境地中突然的恢复

50 、How is the setback encountered to should make gift on life road firmer? ?───人生道路上遇到挫折应该怎么做才能更坚强??

51 、"Mei-ching, you don't know what a setback I've just had in the stock market.───“阿眉,你还没晓得这次公债里,我跌了一交!

52 、If one day we meet again time will be a little setback ..?───如果有一天,我们再见面时间会不会倒退一点点..?

53 、"Given the centuries-long history of anti-Semitism in the church, this is a most troubling setback.───“在教会长达几个世纪对排犹主义退让的历史中,这一次是最令人担忧的倒退。”

54 、Diplomats said yesterday that the renewed standoff represented a setback for the Helsinki process.───外交官们昨天说重新开始的僵局表明了赫尔辛基进程的倒退。

55 、Why does the person encounter soulful setback to you can choose leave?───为什么人遇到感情上的挫折都会选择离开呢?

56 、I expected that there might be some setbacks.─── 我预计可能会遇到一些挫折

57 、The problem-free person, often cannot undergo the setback.───一帆风顺的人,往往经受不住挫折。


59 、How does adamancy face a setback?───如何坚强面对挫折?

60 、If I have a setback, I will do everything I can to overcome it.───如果我碰到一个挫折,我会做自己一切可能来克服它。

61 、If we have a setback in agriculture, it will be impossible for us to recover in just three to five years.───农业上如果有一个曲折,三五年转不过来。

62 、The setback was not uniform around the world, however, resulting in an overall figure that obscures areas of progress.───但是这种倒退现象并没有发生在所有国家,有些国家的经济发展也减少了饥荒人口。

63 、A minor setback at the mine. A drill golem ruined one of the excavating machines.───一个矿工从矿场回报。一个钻头巨人毁坏了一个臺挖掘机。

64 、Therefore, the dispensation of the will that God had unfolded on the earth for 4,000 years suffered a setback.───因此,神向地上所揭示的4000年的摄理旨意,于是就被迫向后退回去了。

65 、She seemed better after her illness but then she had a sudden setback.───她病后看来已经好些了,但后来病情又突然恶化了。

66 、But I have had a bad setback.───可是我遭受了一次大挫折。

67 、Be in most sadness when, cannot lose faith; Be in the happiest when, cannot forget a setback! Right?───在最悲伤的时候,不能失去信念;在最幸福的时候,不能忘记挫折!对吗?

68 、In spite of every conceivable setback, Washington pulled the colonies through to victory in the Revolutionary War.───尽管遭到种种可以想做得到的挫折,华盛顿还是率领了各殖民地人民在革命战争中克服了种种困难,取得了胜利。

69 、For Kennedy, it was an early political setback for a president untested on the world stage.───对肯尼迪而言,这是一个总统在世界舞台没有试验过的早期政治逆流。

70 、How the setback that look upon socialism encounters?───如何看待社会主义碰到的挫折?

71 、She was not evasive: "The whole can not be emotional because of the setback.───她倒并不回避:“不能全算是因为感情上的挫折。

72 、And despite a temporary setback in 1997~1998, China has been leading the band.───尽管亚洲经济在1997~1998年暂受挫,中国一直走在经济发展的前列。

73 、If the Netherlands refuses to alter its decision, Sino-Dutch relations will definitely suffer a setback.───如果荷兰不改变这个决定,中国同荷兰的关系肯定要倒退。

74 、Once a setback, there will be anxiety, may be panic, fear.───一旦产生挫折,就会有焦虑,可能会恐慌,恐惧。”

75 、She did not seem to be perturbed by the setback.───她似乎并不为这次挫折感到不安。

76 、When facing a setback, how to let oneself become brave or become firm?───在面对挫折时,如何让自己变得勇敢或变得坚强?

77 、Do not get discouraged by setback, we are new to the work after all.───别因挫折而灰心,这工作对我们来说毕竟还是新的。

78 、You didn't torpedo the case; it was a setback.─── 你并没有搞砸案子 只是受了点小挫折

79 、"But he is fortunate enough and young enough to be able to comeback from this setback.───但是他足够幸运并且足够年轻,他有能力从这个挫折中恢复过来。

80 、He faced a setback within the west itself.───他遇到了发生在西方集团内部的一个挫折。

81 、A crushing setback, pluckily overcome, is a good plot motif to carry the yarn forward.───如果你的公司曾遭受过一次毁灭性的打击,但你的勇气让公司度过了难关,那么这个情节也很不错,能推动故事的发展。

82 、Despite the professional setback, he is warm, humorous and obviously an astute investor.───尽管是职业性的伤病,他还是很热情、幽默并且显然是一个机敏的投资者。

83 、Regardless of any difficulty or setback, they keep on fighting.───他们不顾一切困难挫折,坚持战斗。

84 、His father suffered a setback in official circles, and now the whole family is impoverished.───他父亲官场失利,现在全家都沦落成破落户了。

85 、He had a setback in his business.───他在生意上遭到挫折。

86 、For four years Rodger had experienced every setback in life, and then things suddenly were coming up roses.───四年来罗杰饱受生活的各种挫折。接着,突然一切都好了起来。

87 、The EPA will presumably hesitate to withhold its permission after its setback in court.───一般认为,由于在法庭上遭受挫败,环保署可能会痛痛快快同意。

88 、Actually, from the setback the trend succeeds, want the settlement problem that still finds oneself above all.───其实,从挫折走向成功,首先要解决的还是找到自身的问题。

89 、He met with many a setback in his lifetime.───他一生中遭到过许多挫折。

90 、But unfortunately, there's been a few setbacks.─── 但遗憾的是 遭遇了一些挫败

setback的动词 形容词?

setback是一个英文单词,动词作为名词基本含义为挫折;阻碍。其复数为setbacks,短语搭配为setback land 把地界后移;Setback Theory 挫折理论;setback zone 海岸后置带。

基本例句为None of the setbacks could dampen his enthusiasm for the project.任何挫折都不能减弱他对这个项目的热情。

Despite a number of setbacks, they persevered in their attempts to fly around the world in a balloon.虽屡遭挫折,他们仍不断尝试乘气球环游世界。




美 /?setb?k/

英 /?setb?k/



复数 setbacks


This setback will make me work harder.


The setback of this house is still within my acceptance.


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