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06-28 投稿





英:  美:


v.俯瞰, 远眺, 没注意到, 忽视

n.忽视, 远眺


动词第三人称单数: overlooks | 动词过去式: overlooked | 动词过去分词: overlooked | 动词现在分词: overlooking |


peruse | over | slip | pass over | condone | slight | look out over | skip | leave out | neglect | pass | disregard | drop | blink | overleap | omit | overtop | ignore | pretermit | let slip | dominate | excuse | oversee | command | face | let | view | supervise | forget | examine | boss | superintend | inspect | spare | look out on | collude | cliff | survey | miss | watch




1 、From my study window I overlook the bay and the headlands.───从我书房的窗口,我可以俯瞰海湾和海角。

2 、If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.───如果事情看起来变好,那么你就明显的忽略了什么。

3 、He did not know that he was being overlooked by the little boy upstairs.───他不知道自己正受到楼上小男孩的监视。

4 、I'll overlook your lateness this time, but don't be late again.───你这次迟到我不计较,但是不要再迟到了。

5 、How could you overlook paying the rent?───你怎能不交房租呢?

6 、He spoke kindly to the boy; she kindly overlooked the mistake.───他亲切地对那个男孩说;她出于好意地忽略了那个错误。

7 、But we'd be willing to overlook that for money.─── 但为了利益我们可以忽视这点

8 、She did not know that she was being overlooked by the woman next door .───她不知道隔壁房间的那个女人正在监视她。

9 、For one good deed a hundred ill deeds should be overlooked.───一善足以消百恶。

10 、In this instance we will overlook the delay .───在这种情况下我们会忽略耽搁的时间。

11 、Beginners sometimes overlook the defects of this machine.───初学者有时会忽略这台机器的缺陷。

12 、He was being overlooked by his neighbor.───他正受到邻居的监视。

13 、A very high mountain overlook the town.───一座高高的山俯瞰着城镇。

14 、What does everyone have and overlook?───什么东西人人都有却总是忽视。

15 、Elizabeth had turned from him, Lady Russell overlooked him.───伊丽莎白对他背脸相向,拉塞尔夫人对他视而不见。

16 、Well, if you were poisoned, it could have been overlooked.─── 如果你真是中毒 也可能被忽略过去了

17 、She kindly overlooked their mistake.───她仁慈地宽恕了他们的错误

18 、Do not overlook the slower students.───不要忽视反应较慢的学生。

19 、It is easy to overlook a small detail like that.───像那样的细支末节很容易受到忽略。

20 、The window of the study overlooked a flower garden.───从书房窗囗俯视花园。

21 、He has been kind enough to overlook my fault.───他很宽容,原谅了我的错。

22 、He overlooked a spelling error on the first page.───他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误。

23 、Our garden is overlooked from the neighbor's balcony.───从邻居的阳台居高临下可以看到我家的花园。

24 、You have overlooked several of the mistakes in this work.───你忽略了这个工作中的几个错误。

25 、And in this work we must not overlook the weakest among us.───在这期间,我们决不能忽视我们当中最柔弱者。

26 、Houses which overlook the lake cost more.───俯瞰湖泊的房子要价高些。

27 、so that we will never overlook it again.─── 这样我们就永远都不会 再忽视它

28 、But we should not overlook the needs of the company.───但也不要忽视公司方面的需要。

29 、He seems to have overlooked one important fact.───他好像忽略了一个重要的事实。

30 、I have seen enough! Your soul is forfeit, and I can overlook this no more!───凯东:我已受够了!你的灵魂已经彻底腐化,我不能再坐视不管!

31 、He stood at the balcony to overlook neighbour's hallroom.───他站在阳台上俯瞰邻家的门厅。

32 、Our garden is overlooked from the neighbour's balcony.───从邻居的阳台居高临下可以俯视我家的花园。

33 、The defenders were overlooked from the surrounding high ground.───从周围的高地可以俯瞰那些防卫者。

34 、He decided to overlook her mistake.───他决定原谅她的错误。

35 、Our back yard is overlooked by several houses.───好几栋房子都看得见我家的后院。

36 、Nothing had slipped, nothing had been overlooked.─── 没有犯错 没有忽略细节

37 、In that scenario, needed innovations can be overlooked.───在这种情况下,需要创新完全可以忽略。

38 、He overlooked the other side of the question.───他忽略了问题的另一个方面。

39 、She kindly overlooked the mistake.───她出于好意地忽略了那个错误。

40 、In designing the machine, not a thing is to be overlooked.───在设计这架机器时一点细节也不要忽略。

41 、In the young, previously overlooked congenital heart disease may be discovered.───在年青人身上,人们也许能发现以前所忽视的先天性心脏

42 、Don't overlook the details of case.───不要忽视了案中的细节。

43 、From the hill we can overlook the whole city.───从山上我们可以鸟瞰全城 。

44 、You must not overlook these small points.───你们千万别忽视这些小地方,

45 、His services have been overlooked by his employers.───他的服务一直未得到他雇主的重视。

46 、Foretaste of Sichuan earthquake were overlooked.───四川地震的前兆被忽视了。

47 、Don't overlook that. It's why people are loyal to him.─── 别忽略了这点 这是人们忠于他的原因

48 、The doctrinal or theological significance has been overlooked.───在教义或神学上的重要意义被忽略。

49 、If you overlook after--sale service you'll have no customers.───如果你忽略了售后服务,你将失去顾客。

50 、When things appear to be going well, you must have overlooked something.───如果事情看起来变好,那么你一定忽略了什么。

51 、Exiting trades is one of the most overlooked aspects of tradingoprofitably.───出场是赢利交易中最容易被忽视的方面之一。

52 、He cannot overlook your mother's origins as I do.─── 他没法像我一样忽略你母亲的出身

53 、But there has to be something we've overlooked.─── 但一定有些地方被我们忽视了

54 、She's been overlooked for promotion several times.───几次提职时都没有考虑她。

55 、He has the inclination to overlook difficulties.───他有忽视困难的倾向。

56 、But this was overlooked in the initial logs.─── 但最初的日志中忽略了这份文件

57 、He did not know he was being overlooked by the landlord.───他并不知道他被房东监视。

58 、Yep, I'll be here, in a window, overlooking.─── 对 我会到场 在某扇窗后俯瞰着

59 、This is a question which is very often overlooked, Mr Vichers.───你提的问题经常不受人注意,维切思先生。

60 、We should not overlook the difficulties.───不应忽视困难。

61 、He overlooked the contract before he signed it.───他在签字之前仔细阅读了合同。

62 、Generally speaking, the eldest child in the family may often be overlooked.───一般来说,家庭中最大的孩子常常会被忽视。

63 、Do not pick the sesame seeds but overlook the watermelons.───勿拣了芝麻,丢了西瓜。

64 、Don't overlook the slower students.───别忽视后进同学。

65 、How can you overlook these fateful events?───你怎么能忽略了这些重大的事件?

66 、He overlooked a printer 's error.───他看漏了一个印刷错误。

67 、You should not overlook your fault, Mum said to me.───妈妈对我说我不应该忽略我的缺点。

68 、He overlooked a spelling error on the first page .───他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误.

69 、She overlooked his rudeness and tried to pretend nothing had happened.───她没有理会他的粗鲁举动, 竭力装作若无其事的样子。

70 、Bias and sharp ideas are overlooked here since they are done by US.───媒体的偏见与犀利此时统统可被忽略,它由我们来做。

71 、Which is why I'm willing to overlook their relationship for now.─── 这也是我现在不去管他们恋情的原因

72 、One is apt to overlook the general environment Behind the event.───在整个事件背后,有一个容易被人忽略的大环境起关键影响。

73 、This is a question which is very often overlooked,Mr.Vichers.───Vichers先生,这是一个经常不受人注意的问题。

74 、We should not overlook the power of language and culture to move us.───不过,我们也不应该忽视语文和文化的情感力量。

75 、The window apparently overlooked a park where there was a lake.───从小窗向外眺望,当然是一座公园,那里有一湾湖水.

76 、His services have been overlooked for years.───他的功绩好几年来都没有人注意到。

77 、It was very magnanimous of you to overlook his rude behavior.───你很宽宏大量,不计较她的粗鲁行为。

78 、It is often overlooked that fines and sanctions are just one aspect of CV.───人们经常忽略这一点,即罚金和处罚只是强制投票制的一个方面。

79 、Make sure not to overlook the key points.───关键之处不可含糊。

80 、She did not know that she was been overlooked by the woman next door.───她不知道隔壁邻居的女人一直在监视她。

81 、But that evidence is getting tougher than ever to overlook.───但是忽略这些证据正变得比以前更加困难。

82 、Beginner sometimes overlook the defect of the machine.───初学者有时忽视这机器的缺陷。

83 、His work was to overlook men at work.───他的工作是监督现场的工人。

84 、They totally overlooked the study of the subject.───他们完全忽视了对这个问题的研究。

85 、She overlooked the vast expanse from the tower.───她从塔上俯视茫茫大地。

86 、He had overlooked the fact that the back door was not locked .───他忽略了后门没有锁这一事实。

87 、They overlooked the enormous risks involved.───他们忽略了暗含的巨大危险。

88 、He draw my attention to a point I had overlooked.───他提醒我注意我忽略了的一点。

89 、He overlooked the valley from the hill.───他从山上眺望山谷。

90 、In this instance we will overlook the delay.───在此情况下我们宽容这次延误或耽搁。


ignore : 通常指有意不顾,或不理显而易见的事物。

neglect : 侧重指有意的忽略或忽视,也可指粗心与疏忽。

omit : 指有意或无意地忘记做某事,也指删去被视作不重要、不合意的东西。

overlook : 指因匆忙而疏忽或视而不见。


ignore, neglect, omit, overlook


1.ignore v.忽视,不理睬,指“有意识地”拒绝。

She saw him coming but she ignored him.她看见他走过来,但是装作没看见。

2.neglect v.忽视,忽略,疏忽,指“无意识地”忽视或忘记。

He neglected to make repairs in his house.他忘记了修理房子。

3.omit v.遗漏,忽略,忘记,指由于“疏忽”而忘记,也可以表示因不利或不好而被忽略等。

She omitted several steps in the experiment and it failed.她在实验中遗漏了几个步骤,结果实验失败了。

4.overlook v.忽略,疏漏,指“有意识地遗漏”,也可以指“无意识地忽略”。

The mother overlooked her little boy's bad behavior.那位母亲忽视了她的小儿子的不良行为。




overlook ignore neglect disregard omit的区别是:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同


1、overlook 的意思是:忽略;未注意到;(对不良现象等) 不予理会,视而不见;俯视; 眺望  


Pretty and comfortable rooms overlook a flower-filled garden.


2、ignore的意思是:忽视; 对?不予理会; 佯装未见;不予理睬


If you ignore your diet, trouble will follow.


3、neglect 的意思是: 忽略;忽视;疏忽


You shouldn't neglect your health.




We cannot disregard his coming late to work so often.


5、omit的意思是: 省略;遗漏;忘记;删去


I could omit the overseas section at this point.





3、neglect :后可接名词、动名词、动词不定式作宾语。接动名词或动词不定式作宾语时,意思相差不大。




1、overlook 侧重于表示忽视或忽略而造成错误。


3、neglect 侧重于表示因遗忘而忽略。



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