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06-28 投稿




英:[bl??k]  美:[bl??k]

英:  美:


v.眨眼, 闪烁, 拒绝承认或面对, 用闪光灯传送信号

n.眨眼, 闪光, 一瞬间


动词现在分词: blinking | 动词过去式: blinked | 动词第三人称单数: blinks | 动词过去分词: blinked |


blink at
without a blink of qualm
-不在乎, 很镇静
on the blink
-(机器、仪表)出毛病, 坏了
in a blink (=like a blink)
-[口]立刻, 马上


1 、And it wasn't a blink, being possessed.─── 而且也不是一眨眼就过去了 被附身

2 、If you watch a cat blink, you will see a white membrane cross its eye - that is called its third eyelid.───当你看一直猫眨眼的时候,你会看到它眼睛上有一道白膜,这叫做第三眼睑。

3 、Cash reserves can be used up in the blink of an eye when in the company of lawyers.───和律师呆在一起,钱眨眼就没了。

4 、The man gulp down a full stein of beer in the blink of an eye.───一眨眼的工夫这人就把一满杯啤酒一饮而尽。

5 、He didn't blink at the idea of leaving his home and going far away.───他对于要离家到远方去并不觉得惊讶。

6 、He got up after that, stumbling, blink with sleep and put on his clothes.───从此以后,他自己起床,晃晃悠悠,睡眼惺忪地穿好衣服。

7 、She did not understand why I blink.───她没有领会我眨眼的意思。

8 、You can do it. I can prove this to you in less than one minute. You will get "blink" in a wink.───你可以做到的。我可以马上证明给你看。你将在一瞬间得到“灵感”。

9 、Virginia stares up at the colored lights that blink in the the tunnel.───弗吉尼亚凝视着地道内闪烁的霓虹灯。

10 、The phrase 'on the blink' in the sentence 'The radio's on the blink'(ie not working properly)is a colloquialism.───在The radio's on the blink(收音机坏了)一句中的on the blink(坏了)这一词组是口语用语.

11 、You cannot blink the fact that the there is a war.───你不能无视于战争存在的事实。

12 、You can' t blink the fact that the country' s economy is suffering.───不能不考虑国家经济正遇到困难这一事实.

13 、You could have shut me down, but you blinked.─── 你原本可以打敗我 但你卻沒有集中精神

14 、What if I blink or move my eyes during the laser treatment?───如果我在激光疗程期间眨眼或转动眼睛会如何?

15 、Shortly leaving Zhangjiakou, her friend's car was on the blink.───刚过张家口,廖佳朋友的车就出了毛病。

16 、You can't blink the fact that the country's economy is suffering.───不能不考虑国家经济正遇到困难这一事实。

17 、They came late because their car was on the blink.───他们来迟了是因为车出了毛病。

18 、And then I blinked, and I remembered.─── 然后我眨了眨眼 想起来了

19 、The boy disappeared around the corner in a blink of an eye.───一眨眼,这男孩就在拐角处不见了。

20 、I can't help but blink in such bright light.───在这样的强光之下,我禁不住眨了眨眼。

21 、You cannot blink the fact that there is a war .───你不能忽视有战争存在这一事实。

22 、The accident was over in the blink of an eye.───事故在一瞬间就过去了。

23 、Don't even think about it. Blink, she dies.───别想了,她马上就得死!

24 、Women blink twice as much as man.───女人眨眼的次数是男人的两倍。

25 、Shock Trooper Teleport: Similar to the Desintegrator Teleport.Clump mass Shock Troopers by Force Fire or Blink Packs.───传送突袭兵:类似粉碎行者,利用强制攻击或闪光包来聚集大量的突袭兵。

26 、He must blink, if nothing else.───他至少会眨巴眨巴眼睛。

27 、It blinked. It just blinked. It definitely blinked.─── 它眨眼了 它刚刚眨眼了 它绝对眨眼了

28 、An example use of a track bar would be for setting cursor blink rate or mouse speed.───使用跟踪条的一个示例是设置光标闪烁频率或鼠标速度。

29 、But not as fast as the blink of an eye.───不过还没有一眨眼这麼快吧。

30 、He might blink at these methods though the results seem reasonable.───尽管结果看起来是合理的,他仍然可能对这些-方法感到惊讶。

31 、They have no Frost Nova or Blink, no Cone of Cold, no Ice Block, no travel form, no Nature's Grasp, etc.───他们也没有冰霜新星,没有闪现,没有冰锥,没有冰箱,没有旅行形态,没有缠绕等等。

32 、Mrs. Blink: Mouse? What mouse? Show me the house!───布林克夫人:老鼠?什么老鼠?我要看房子!

33 、He shut his eyelids, trying desperately to blink back his tears.───他就赶紧合上了眼皮,眨呀眨的,拼命把眼泪给忍住了。

34 、Under the blink of an eye on the relapse into absolute exclusiveness.───下一瞬间就重新陷入绝对的孤独中。

35 、Monta Ellis and Leandro Barbosa are the league's fastest ball handlers and really defy you to blink while watching.───埃利斯和巴博萨都是联盟中处理球最快的人,都让你在观看比赛时不敢眨眼。

36 、Don't blink or you'll miss this train.───别眨眼,否则你将错过这辆火车。

37 、She did blink, but not haphazardly, by accident.───她的确眨过眼睛,但不是偶然意外的。

38 、You cannot blink the fact that the refugees are suffering.───你不能坐视那些难民在受苦的事实。

39 、At a time when things change in the blink of an eye, the fool was still using last year's calendar!───听听,在这瞬息万变的时代,还拿去年的皇历说事!

40 、As a child she used to blink her eyes, but she grew out of it.───她在孩提时有眨眼睛得习惯,现在改掉了。

41 、For example, you might use the track bar to control the cursor blink rate or mouse speed for a system.───例如,可以使用跟踪条来控制系统的鼠标速度或光标闪烁频率。

42 、You're lucky if it's just your stomach. My liver's on the blink because of all the receptions I've been going to.───你还幸运只是胃有毛病;我因为一直招待客户,所以肝脏快要完蛋了!

43 、That's the blinking one, the one that's blinking right now.─── 就是那在闪的那个 现在在闪的那个

44 、But the existence of the attentional blink points to a somewhat different story.───可是,注意力眨眼的存在表明有一个有点出入。

45 、These patients are told to blink their eyes and to respire through their noses.───八位患者并告之以眨眼动作,并由鼻孔呼吸。

46 、Fixed the issue which allowed Wardens and Edges to Blink into the Tavern area.───修正了让守望者和刀锋闪烁到酒馆区域的问题。

47 、Duplicate the frame and hide logo and second line to create blink effect.───复制帧,并隐藏公司名字和图标所在曾形成闪烁效果。

48 、Yao once took sleeping pills. They made him blink.───Yao有一次吃了安眠药。他终于眨眼了。

49 、It is impossible to outface a cat, because they don't have to blink.───因为猫儿不必眨眼睛,所以我们不可能瞪视著牠。

50 、Mrs. Blink: Where is the garden? I can't see the garden. Where is the garden?───布林克夫人:花园在哪儿?我怎么没看见花园,花园在哪儿?

51 、Two hundred years seems like the blink of an eye in the history of Chinese civilization.───二百年时间在中国文明史上只不过是一瞬间。

52 、He disappeared in the blink of an eye.───他一眨眼工夫就不见了。

53 、Even under normal circumstances people tend to blink less frequently while at a computer.───即使是一般情况下,人们电脑前也会减少眨眼频率。

54 、Women blink nearly twice as much as men.───女人眨眼的次数几乎是男人的两倍。

55 、The bright light made Alex blink.───强烈的灯光使阿列克斯的眼睛晕眩。

56 、He didn't blink at his son's leaving his home and going far away.───他对儿子要离家到远方去这件事并未表示惊讶。

57 、Your eyes might blink more often as you notice your breathing gets deeper than before.───你可能会更频繁眨眼当你意识到你的呼吸变得更深的时候。

58 、How could he disappear in just the blink of an eye?───一转眼,他怎么就没影儿了。

59 、Blink your eyes, and the Tatung plant has become an indoor athletic field.───大同工厂,摇身一变成为学生的室内体育场。

60 、The only movement you'll be capable of is blinking.─── 你只能眨巴眨巴眼睛 根本动不了

61 、My stomach is on the blink today. Must be something I ate.───(今天我的胃很难受。一定是我吃的什么东西作祟。)

62 、Then, in the blink of an eye, it'll lunge at prey, pulling it under water to drown and dismember.───之后,眨眼间,它便扑向了猎物。咸水鳄会把猎物拖到水中,将其淹死并肢解掉。

63 、Fill my brain with lies to pass the time, in the blink of an eye, and an eye blink in excruciatingly slow motion.─── 为了杀时间 满脑子都是骗人的把戏 只要一眨眼的功夫 超级慢动作里的一眨眼

64 、Your hands look like a butterfly,beautiful blink.───你的手好像一只蝴蝶,优美的扑闪。

65 、He would have sacrificed it without blinking.─── 必要时他会毫不犹豫地牺牲它

66 、"Three." And in a blink a "3" appears.───“三”,眨眼功夫“3”显示出来。

67 、You changed into a costume in the blink of an eye.───一眨眼工夫连衣服都换好了。

68 、The doctor does not blink at the hazards of this project.───医生并不忽视这方案中的种种危险。

69 、She did not so much as blink.───她连眼睛都不眨一下。

70 、In the blink of an eye, the fire was extinguished.───一转眼,满山谷的大火都被浇灭了。

71 、Your computer screen is on the blink.───你的电脑屏幕出现了故障。

72 、Ase said with an impatience that made his mother blink.───埃斯说这话时表现出的不耐烦使他的母亲直眨眼。

73 、You will be able to blurt out a sentence without thinking, just as you can blink your eyes without thinking.───你就能不假思索地脱口而出一个句子,就像你能不假思索地眨眼一样。

74 、He cooked a tableful of meals in no time(in blink of an eye).───他一眨眼功夫就变出了一桌饭菜。

75 、Do lights blink during lightning storms?───* 在雷暴期间,灯光是否会闪烁不定?

76 、In a blink of an eye he had disappeared.───一眨眼他就不见了。

77 、When you see a light in a window blink three times, throw the box in the snow and drive off.───你一看到有个窗口将灯光闪烁三遍,就把盒子扔在雪地里,把车开走。

78 、And I did it all in the blink of an eye.─── 而且我居然不假思索地就这么做了

79 、And if you agree with all that, blink.─── 如果你同意这些的话 请眨眼

80 、Women blink niarly twice as much as men.───女人眨肯的次数几乎是男人的两倍。

81 、In addition, it has a special Blink ability that allows it to teleport a short distance anywhere it can see.───另外,他们拥有一个特殊的闪现技能,能在仍何地方进短距离心灵传送.

82 、What! Your computer is on the blink again?───什么?你的电脑又出故障了?

83 、She didn't even blink at his outrageous proposal.───她对他蛮横的求婚一点儿也不感到惊讶。

84 、As a result, the rich blink another time Heng Kong born, a simple and thrifty and the poorhouse so the annihilation.───于是,瞬时间又一有钱人横空出世,一个勤俭朴素的穷人家就这样湮没了。

85 、MaNGOS Blink Patch 6086 complete source code can be used directly.───(译):曼戈斯闪烁补丁6086完整的源代码可以直接使用。

86 、In a blink of an eye it's over.───一转眼就到了。

87 、Maim: Rank 2 of this ability is properly considered a stun and can be escaped by Blink.───* 割碎:等级2的割碎现在被正确的区分为昏迷效果并可以用闪现术解除。

88 、Blink your headlights on and off.───使车前灯闪烁 (打信号) 吧。

89 、He did not blink, but from time to time the lids closed down with delicate gravity over his pale green eyes.───他不在眨眼,可是那眼皮却不时地闭下来盖过他那淡绿色的眼睛,流露出令人难以捉摸的严肃神情。

90 、Life was much more than a short span on Earth. A lifetime was but a blink in eternity.───人生远不止是在地球上的一次短暂生存,人的一生是永恒生命的一次闪耀.

black pink的粉丝叫什么

你好, blackpink的粉丝叫blink,中文粉丝名叫“粉墨”。blackpink是韩2016年出道的女子演唱组合,blackpink组合翻译成中文字面意思是“黑粉”,但是她们想表达的真正的意思是“看到的并不是全部”,粉丝名选择用“粉墨”来作为自己的应援名。

blackpink是YG经纪公司推出的女子组合,是由韩国艺人金智秀、金智妮、朴彩英和Lisa四位成员组合而成,在2016年发行了首张专辑,从而崭露头角,凭借专辑《SQUARE ONE》获得了多个奖项,并且走红于韩国。




black pink的粉丝叫什么





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