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06-28 投稿




英:['k?vn]  美:['k?vn]

英:  美:


n. (尤指十三个) 女巫的集会;大聚会


1 、"Oh, yes." He smiled to himself. "We are talking about me, COVEN romance in mind."───“哦,是的。”他自嘲地笑笑。“我们在谈我,COVEN失恋记。”

2 、You humiliated our master in front of the entire coven, and now, you will be judged and tried in front of the entire coven.─── 你当着整个女巫集会的面羞辱了我们的主人 现在 你将在整个女巫集会前接受审判

3 、Kalendra's Coven loc map:http://vanguard.gamepressure.com/maps.asp?ID=115───要进入这个女巫集会,你要找寻一个地洞在最南方的区域,并不是去西方的洞穴。

4 、"Then, when I first ten days of production, COVEN to find me.───“然后,在我生产前十天,COVEN找到了我。

5 、The China sea area has millions square kilometers.It coven exclusive economic sone and content sell.───摘要中国海包括专属经济区和大陆架约为300万平方公里。

6 、All of a sudden, COVEN turned, pushed her, he went straight to the table put out cigarette butts.───突然间,COVEN回过身来,推开她,他径直去桌旁熄掉了烟蒂。

7 、I remember that night when total peace, COVEN said, "I surrendered.───总记得那夜讲和时,COVEN说过“我投降了”。

8 、Unfortunately, the young man discovers that his nemesis is now a powerful vampire with a coven of allies.───不幸地,年轻的男人发现他的复仇女神现在居然是女巫协会的一个强大的吸血鬼。

9 、I'm in the offices of MUSION, the technology company in Coven Garden, not a million miles from the opera house.───我现在是在伦敦科文花园的科技公司MUSION,在离歌剧院不到百万英里处。

10 、COVEN has not changed, he is still excluded from marriage, is still excluded from the "permanence" of the oath.───COVEN并没有改变,他仍然排斥婚姻,仍然排斥“天长地久”的誓言。

11 、COVEN and understanding for so long, she was familiar with each of his eyes, no matter when, with his eyes always a major contributing factor is the enigmatic Lengao.───和COVEN认识这么久,她熟识他每种眼神,无论何时,他眼神中总是带着抹令人莫测高深的冷傲。

12 、As lenders, we have covenants for a reason.─── 作为贷款方 我们给的条款都有我们的道理

13 、His information came from the traditions of a coven called the New Forest Witches, and from Ceremonial Magick and the Kaballah.───他的知识来自称作“新森林”的十三女巫大集会的传统,来自魔术和卡巴拉仪式。

14 、oh,the whole coven's here.───哦,所有的巫婆都在这里了。

15 、However, since after a quarrel, COVEN made no mention of the matter.───可是,自从吵架以后,COVEN变得绝口不提这件事。

16 、" Zhanding Peas before her, staring her: "I tell you, COVEN is not the object of a good girl, he will hurt you, when you hurt and then retreat It will be too late, you have not heard?───豆豆站定在她面前,瞪视着她:“我告诉你,COVEN绝不是一个好女孩的对象,他会伤害你,当你受到伤害再撤退就太晚了,你听到没有?

17 、His face is a fantastic firm and calm, she clearly said: "You come to inquire about a person: COVEN.───脸上,是一片奇异的坚定和镇静,她清清楚楚地说:“来向你打听一个人:COVEN。”

18 、"COVEN warned me that I was crazy in love with him.───“COVEN警告过我,是我疯狂地爱上了他。

19 、She again raised his eyes, looked COVEN a deep, was a fierce flood of doubts.───她再抬起眼睛来,深深的看了COVEN一眼,心里猛的涌来一阵疑惑。

20 、In this way, she focused on the gold micro-tears:" I am not from this good-bye Over that person: COVEN.───就这样,她含着泪盯着金微:“我从此没有再见过那个人:COVEN。”

21 、COVEN she did not know whether or not to recognize this.───她不知道COVEN是否承认这一点。

22 、She often travels with a small coven of devoted succubus followers,serving as both her students and handmaids.───她经常会传送去到一些由虔诚的魅魔追随者举办的小型集会上,然后以她的学徒或是女仆的身份参与其中。

23 、The armour is said to have protected Aseftik from the magic of the black coven.───所有者这本书也将变得更加实际权力在风暴。

24 、Because that grand coven of yours is obsolete.─── 因为你们那个大巫师团已经没救了

25 、Holiday Inn Bristol Conference Center &Coven : Book Direct. Click Here.───现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

26 、Third-year university life is so rich, colorful, so busy and full, so full of dreams and full of ideals, she was busy, busy, forget COVEN.───大学三年级的生活,是那么丰富的,那么多姿多彩,那么忙碌而又那么充实的,那么充满了梦幻又充满了理想的,她忙着,忙着,忘了COVEN。

27 、Him to a doctor, had blood testing, doctors with one voice, That too little askew, COVEN should be normal, doctors can not be any blood or science and technology COVEN have found genes.───他去看过医生,验过血,医生们异口同声,都说没什么太歪,COVEN应该是正常的,医生无法从血液或任何科学技术中查出COVEN有没有遗传因子。

28 、COVEN this matter as a war, he was only a last resort only admit defeat.───COVEN把这件事当成一个战争,他只是不得已的认输而已。

29 、I have found that it works very well in a coven setting, where all participating coveners direct energy to the patient after the primary healer has unruffled the patient's energy field.───我发现以女巫大聚会设置治疗触摸作用会更好,在这里第一个疗愈者安静了病人的能量场后,所有参与的人直接将能量传送给病人。

30 、She was halfwitch, but with two covens.─── 她是半巫 但属于两个女巫集会

31 、Coven 's blouses and dresses carried average ex-factory prices per piece of US$113 and an average landed price of US$136.───文氏衬衫和礼服进行平均出厂价每件113美元, 平均降落美元的价格136 。

32 、COVEN locking the eyebrow, and that several Meixinshuzhuo Road notch, his eyes tightly closed to suffer brain: the pain with almost no choice but to write out his chest and his eyes Mei Qiao.───COVEN紧锁着眉,那眉心竖着好几道刻痕,他的眼睛苦脑地紧紧闭着:痛苦与无奈几乎明写在他眉翘眼角及胸前。

33 、"The micro-dreaming, I did not think you could mix and COVEN!───“金微我做梦也没想到,你居然会和COVEN混在一起!

34 、Dress sense from Coven.───穿着感从文。

35 、The estimation on the welding shimkage of the hatch coven parts───舱口盖零件焊接收缩量的估算

36 、Jinkou coven culture───京口隐逸文化

37 、Coven course───隐性课程

38 、COVEN, in the name of the micro-payment life gradually faded away in the memory are slowly fading.───这个名字在金微的生命里逐渐淡化,在记忆里也逐渐淡化。

39 、You're under the protection of this coven.─── 现在起 你受本女巫团庇护

40 、Your covenants prohibits you from doing that.─── 你们的契约不允许你们这么做

41 、" Croon her, leaned on the sofa, reading a COVEN.───她轻哼着,斜靠在沙发中,看了COVEN一眼。

42 、Mr. Coven feels they can control the wrong destiny is by adding a new requirement for freshmen, community service.───另一个让**觉得他们正把握自己命运的事情就是给新生布置的一项新任务:社区服务。

43 、Coven Mistress Shadow Witches and Shadow Matriarchs have a chance to make a free additional shot at the hero's current target. Chance increases depending on hero level.───女巫集会女巫和女祭司有几率对英雄的目标发动额外的攻击。

44 、So you think the covens are better off with you.─── 所以你認為巫師團和你在一起是最好局面

45 、4. His information came from the traditions of a coven called the New Forest Witches, and from Ceremonial Magick and the Kaballah.───他的知识来自称作“新森林”的十三女巫大集会的传统,来自魔术和卡巴拉仪式。收藏指正

46 、The covens are hidden to outsiders. The last I heard rumors of was a coven seen somewhere in Morrowind, years ago.───这些女巫会是不为外人所见的。我所听过的最近的传闻是在几年前,晨风的某处有人见到了一个女巫会。

47 、This very rapidly and the thin, the causes are still COVEN body.───这种讯速的消瘦,起因仍然在COVEN身上。

48 、Until I found my place in this coven.─── 直到在女巫团找到了一席之地

49 、I was the first she recruited to her coven.─── 我是第一个被她招入八巫会的人

50 、Three hundred and twenty years have passed Since the coven sank in the dark───魔女组织消隐在暗中至今已三百二十年

51 、"COVEN two younger brothers, left home to the COVEN a mystery.───“COVEN的两个弟弟,给COVEN家留下了一个疑团。

52 、There was once a thriving coven in this area.─── 昔日旺盛于此地的一个女巫团

53 、COVEN started from the sensible fear that he never thinks he is a normal man!───COVEN从懂事就开始害怕,他从不认为自己是个正常的男人!

54 、I think this is perfect for your weekly meetingsat the coven.───我认为这件很适合你周末的会面。



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