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06-28 投稿




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n. 海牙(荷兰城市)


1 、If not, the cheapest way for me to travle to Paris and Brussel from the Hague is to bu ...───你可以海牙--布鲁塞尔,布鲁塞尔-巴黎分段买来回特价票。也可以坐巴士。

2 、Incomplete fault liability system to carrier's liability has been determined in The Hague Rules.───《海牙规则》所确定的承运人的过失责任原则是不完全过失责任制。

3 、Hague regulations on land warfare───[法] 海牙陆战法规

4 、The dispute began when in 2002 at the International Maritime Law Commission in the Hague, Australia insisted on upholding the border drawn up with Indonesia in 1970.───争端开始于2002年海牙的国际海事法委员会期间,澳大利亚坚持恢复1970年时与印尼划定的边界。

5 、Major Cities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Groningen, Tilburg, Haarlem, Nijmegen.───主要城市:阿姆斯特丹、鹿特丹、海牙、乌得勒支、艾恩德霍芬、格罗宁根、蒂尔堡、哈勒姆、奈梅亨。

6 、A Multi-unit State that makes such a declaration shall communicate information concerning the content of those internal choice of law rules to the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.───作出此类声明的多单元国家应把与那些国内冲突规则的内容有关的信息传递给海牙国际私法会议常设局。

7 、Meanwhile, a former leader of the Bosnian Serbs is being given a medical examination, having been transferred from Belgrade to the UN detention center here in The Hague early this morning.───同时,今早从贝尔格莱德转移到联合国海牙拘留中心的这位波斯尼亚塞尔维亚族前**正在接受健康检查。

8 、Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic opens his defense case at the Yugoslav war crimes U.N. tribunal in the Hague, the Netherlands, Monday, July 5, 2004.───7月5日,前南斯拉夫联盟总统米洛舍维奇开始在海牙前南问题国际刑事法庭上为自己辩护。

9 、But parents whose ex-spouses have taken children to Japan should not hold their breath: as Ms Thomas notes, even if Japan eventually adopts the Hague Convention, it will not apply it retrospectively.───但是被前配偶将孩子带到日本的父母亲不应焦急等待了:正如托马斯女士指出的,即使日本最终采用了海牙公约,它也不会对以前的事应用这一公约。

10 、The foreign judgments are recognized and enforced according to the Code on Execution of Judgments, the concerned regulations made by European Union Council and the Lugano Convention as well as the Hague Conventions concerned.───外国判决的执行依《判决执行法》、盟理事会的有关规则和《卢迦诺公约》及其参加的有关海牙公约的规定进行。

11 、In the Hague, Mary Longfellow suffered a miscarriage.───在海牙,玛丽·朗费罗流产了。

12 、The First Hague Convention is signed.───1899年的今天,首个《海牙公约》被签署。

13 、In shipping area, neither the Hague Rules nor the Hague-Visby Rules has this concept.───在海上货物运输领域无论是《海牙规则》还是《维斯比规则》都没有实际承运人的概念。

14 、If The Hague Central Station is your starting point, take tram 1 or 9 to Scheveningen and get off at the Kurhaus tram stop.───取消政策:如果在入住日1天之前,取消预订酒店将不收取费用。如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

15 、Last October, I co- chaired a colloquium on labour relations at the Hague, in the Netherlands.───去年十月, 我共 在海牙担任在劳资关系上的一个讨论会,在荷兰。

16 、An international - Hague - convention on international adoption came into force 13 years ago aimed at protecting the rights of adopted children and preventing child trafficking.───国际上关于收养的条例13年前开始付诸实施,主要目标是保护被收养儿童的权利并防止儿童买卖。

17 、"They took us for granted" said one man in The Hague as he jumped onto his bicycle after casting his vote."I don't think they'll be doing that again", he added;as he peddled off into the crowd.───“他们想当然地认为我们会同意”,一个荷兰人在投票以后跳上自行车后说道,“我觉得他们以后就不会再这样认为了”说完,他便融入了熙熙攘攘的人群。

18 、The exterritorial service is made according to the Act on Service and the Hague Convention on Service.───域外送达依1970年的《送达法》和《海牙送达公约》进行。

19 、He's He is now in the hake faces more The Hague facing war crimes charges for his involved sincere warm|involvement in Sierra Leone's civil war.───如今,他因非法卷入塞拉利昂内战被控违反战争罪在荷兰遭受审判。

20 、Hodek I, 1973. Biology of Coccinellidae. Junk N.V. Publishers, Academia,the Hague, the Netherlands.───[侯茂林,盛承发,1999.农田生态系统植物多样性对害虫种群数量的影响.应用生态学报,10(2):245-250

21 、Meanwhile, however, other bits of The Hague are getting busier.───与此同时,海牙法院的其他案件审理也比较忙碌。

22 、He set off at 16, a seemingly conventional young man, to make his way as a dealer first in The Hague and then, via Paris, in London.───16岁,一个看似普通的年轻人,梵高干起了商人行当,首先是在海牙、然后巴黎,再后伦敦。

23 、Lawyers for former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic face a deadline Friday to file an appeal against his extradition to the Hague tribunal to face war crimes charges.───前波黑塞族**卡拉季奇的律师必须在星期五截止之前,拟好有关反对将卡拉季奇引渡到海牙前南刑庭接受战争犯罪的指控的文件。

24 、A.Nida, Componential Analysis of Meaning (The Hague: Mouton, 1974).───13.如欲更详细了解语意学,请参阅E.

25 、First exhibition devoted to him in Brussels, then Rotterdam, Amsterdam and The Hague.───他的首展于布鲁塞尔、鹿特丹、阿姆斯特丹及海牙展出。

26 、He gave one million, fivehundred thousand dollars to the Peace Palace at the Hague in theNetherlands.───他赠给荷兰海牙和平官一百五十万美元。

27 、She told us from The Hague that people generally think of microfinance only as credit -- a small loan to start a business.───她在海牙告诉我们人们大多认为小额金融借贷只能作为一个信贷为开始经营提供小额贷款。

28 、Former Liberian President Charles Taylor has concluded his testimony at his war crimes trial in The Hague.───前利比里亚总统查尔斯泰勒在海牙国际战争罪法庭上总结了他的证词。

29 、On February 28, 1986, the first draft for a proposed united Europe was passed in Luxembourg and The Hague.───1986年2月28日在卢森堡及海牙通过欧洲单一法案。

30 、The UN report makes it impossible for them to look away.Rwanda's support for the CNDP is fuelling much of the violence.General Nkunda deserves to be in the dock at The Hague for war crimes.───1994年,在短短3个多月的时间里,卢旺达胡图族极端主义者屠杀了大约800,000图西族和温和的胡图族人。

31 、But Mr Hague said it was shameful that the prime minister could not own up to his part in bringing about the nation's economic woes.───但是先生海牙说令人可耻的是首相不能在带来国家的经济困难里爽快地承认他的部分.

32 、Because for me The Hague is like a second home to me.───因为海牙就像我的第二故乡。

33 、After the hustle and bustle of Rotterdam, we can relax here in The Hague.───在经历喧嚣扰攘的鹿特丹之后,我们可以在海牙这里放松一下了。

34 、The deal on offer at the global warming conference in The Hague was so useless that we are better off with a clean slate.───在海牙召开的全球变暖会议上产生的提议是毫无价值,我们宁愿没有这次提议。

35 、Implement Ways of Enforcement Service of Hague Convention───关于执行海牙送达公约的实施办法

36 、International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Bills of Lading (Hague Rules) promoted unification of international maritime law, but the Rules had its defect in that the definition of the carrier was vague.───《海牙规则》促进了国际海事法律的统一,但该规则明显存在缺陷,在承运人的定义上含混不清,易产生争议。

37 、In 2004, the Netherlands was counting 342 nursing homes, with a total of 63,027 beds and 6,100 day treatment places. The number of nursing homes is the Rotterdam and the Hague: 18.───2004年荷兰的疗(安)养院总数为342家、共有63,027张病床及6,100的治疗所,以上数字来自鹿特丹及海牙的统计。

38 、The di ute began when in 2002 at the International Maritime Law Commi ion in the Hague, Australia i isted on upholding the border drawn up with Indonesia in 1970.───争端开始于2002年海牙的国际海事法委员会期间,澳大利亚坚持恢复1970年时与印尼划定的边界。

39 、She told us from Hague that people generally think of microfinance only as credit, a small loan to start a business.───在海牙她告诉我们,通常人们认为微额借贷只是一种借款方式,是建立一个企业的小额借款。

40 、The Hague Convention on the Law of Trusts───一九八五年海牙信托法公约

41 、Five-year work plans were agreed in Tampere in 1999 and The Hague in 2004; a third is due to be adopted under the Swedish EU presidency next year.───五年工作计划于1999年在坦佩雷以及于2004年在海地得到一致认可;2005年在瑞士主政欧盟的情况下,三分之一的移民会得到接纳。

42 、Radovan Karadzic is one of the three most important Serbian suspects indicted for war crimes by the special tribunal in The Hague.───卡拉季奇是三名最重要的塞尔维亚嫌犯之一,他们被海牙特别法庭指控犯下战争罪。

43 、This aims to overhaul the existing international maritime liability conventions, including the Hague, Hague-Visby and Hamburg Rules.───其目的在于对现有的国际海事责任公约(包括海牙规则、海牙维斯比规则以及汉堡规则)进行修订整合。

44 、Last October, I co-chaired a colloquium on labour elations at the Hague, in the Netherlands.───去年10月我在荷兰海牙联合主持了一个关于劳动关系的研讨会。

45 、In the same year, reinstatement of the convene in The Hague, the Netherlands des Nations Conference on behalf of the smoking ban.───同年,复任在荷兰海牙召开的万国禁烟会议代表。

46 、Where arbitration clause fails to provide time limitation, whether the one-year time bar in Hague Rules should apply.───如果仲裁条款没有仲裁时效,海牙规则规定的一年诉讼时效过后,当事方可否提起仲裁等。

47 、Surviver in Survivors of the Srebrenica Massacre during the Bosnian War bring are bringing a civil case in their the Hague today against the Netherlands and the Unite Nation United Nations.───在波黑战争中斯雷布雷尼察屠杀的幸存者,今天在海牙国际法庭提出一起民事诉讼,以反对荷兰和联合国.

48 、Expect tetchiness all round in The Hague.───可以想象未来的海牙法庭将会被愤怒所笼罩。

49 、Feng, C.M., 2002.6, "Managing Conflicts Among Urban Players", INTA 26 Annual Congress, The Hague.───冯正民、苏振纲,2002.10,”中长程公共建设计画及预算制度”,国土规划与公共建设研讨会,P.1-17。

50 、Late in 1881 he moved to the Hague and established a relationship with a woman, Christine Hoornik, with whom he lived for a time.───1881年末,他移居海牙并与一名叫克里斯廷·胡尔尼克的女人同居了一段时间。

51 、The works were on display in Washington for the first part of 1996, before moving to The Hague in Holland to celebrate the tercentenary of the Amsterdam auction.───1996年初,这些作品在华盛顿展出,而后移至荷兰海牙以庆祝阿姆斯特丹那场拍卖300周年。

52 、Mrs Clinton said Iran would be invited to a meeting in The Hague later this month of Afghanistan's neighbours and countries contributing troops to the NATO-led stabilisation mission there.───克林顿夫人表示将邀请伊朗参加本月晚些时候在海牙召开的会议,此次会议将包括伊拉克的邻国和那些出兵参与由北约领导的稳定任务的国家。

53 、Declaration on Tourism,Hague───关于旅游问题的海牙宣言

54 、Another special tribunal in The Hague set up by the UN to try people suspected of killing Lebanon's former prime minister Rafik Hariri formally got going.───另外一个设在海牙的特别法庭也正式开始启动了。这个法庭是由联合国为审理黎巴嫩前总理拉菲克?哈里里遇刺案件而设立的。


56 、But this week, four and a half years after his indictment, his trial proper at last began in The Hague.───但是,就在本周,在他被起诉4年半之后,对他的审判在海牙开庭。

57 、Women in traditional dress celebrate the first big herring catch of the year in the harbour of Scheveningen, the Hague.───在海牙的斯海弗宁恩海港内,身着传统服装的妇女,庆祝今年第一个大鲱鱼收获。

58 、In 1899, the first International Peace Conference was held in The Hague to elaborate instruments for settling crises peacefully, preventing wars and codifying rules of warfare.───1899年,第一次国际和平会议在荷兰海牙召开。此次会议的目的是制订旨在和平解决危机和防止战争的文件及编撰战争规则。

59 、She told us from the Heinc (Hague) that people generally think of microfinance, only as credit, a small loan to start a business.───她告诉我们在海格人们一般把小额贷款只看成是一种信用证明,或经商所需的小额资金。

60 、That means Stojiljkovic will also be extradited to Hague according to the law.───依照该法,斯托伊利科维奇也将会被引渡到海牙。

61 、Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft was signed in The Hague.───在海牙签订关于制止非法劫持航空器的公约。

62 、But America is not blameless either, particularly if parents try to recover their children through state rather than federal courts, where judges may be unaware of the Hague Convention's requirements.───但是美国也不是无可指责的,特别是如果父母设法通过州法庭而不是联邦法庭重新获得他们的孩子的时候,州法庭的法官可能不知道海牙公约的要求。

63 、Last week at the Tory conference, William Hague and David Cameron, pronounced urbi et orbi, that the Tories would break all relations with fellow centre-right parties in Europe in 2009.───上周在保守党会议上,黑格和卡梅伦宣布,在2009年,保守党将会中断与所有欧洲的中间偏右政党的伙伴关系。

64 、From the train station The Hague Holland Spoor, take tram 8 or 9 to Scheveningen and get off at the Kurhaus tram stop.───儿童和加床政策:欢迎所有年零的儿童。所有的4岁以下的儿童在使用现有的床铺之下不需付费。所有的2岁以下的儿童的加婴儿床不需付费。

65 、The Taliban would not object, in the event of a prima face case, to an international Islamic court meeting in The Hague.───如果是作为有明确证据的案件,塔利班不会反对一场海牙国际伊斯兰法庭的会议。

66 、Climate change is happening, and it is big. So they descended on The Hague for a conference billed as a last-ditch effort to combat global warming.───全球的气候变化正在改变当中,而且是大的改变。因此这些机构或政府才参加了这个在海牙举办的被标榜为人类同全球变暖问题间的‘大战前最后的努力‘。

67 、He took part, together with Russian and Dutch artists, in the Signal group shows, but his works were not accepted at the 1918 exhibition of French painters in The Hague.───他和俄罗斯及荷兰艺术家一道参加了“记号”画派的展览,但他的作品未被1918年在海牙举办的法国画家展览所接受。

68 、Two alleged Congolese militia leaders have denied war crimes at the start of their trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.───两名被指称的刚果国民军首领在海牙国际刑事法庭审判开始的时候就否认了战争罪行。

69 、She told us from the Hay( Hague) that people generally think of microfinance only as credit, a small loan to start a business.───她告诉我们,在海牙人们通常认为小额借贷就是小型贷款,用来开展生意。

70 、Hague Conventions on Private International Law───关于国际私法的海牙公约

71 、So they descended on The Hague for a conference billed as a last-ditch effort to combat global warming.───于是他们齐聚海牙商讨与全球变暖问题做最后“决战前的努力”。

72 、The former four are situated in The Hague as is the EU's criminal intelligence agency Europol.───前四个国际法庭都位于海牙,同时海牙也是欧洲犯罪调查局所在地。

73 、The next city on Kathy and Evan's itinerary is The Hague.───凯西和艾凡行程上的下一个城市是海牙。

74 、On the other hand,achieving a convention though the Hague Conference on Private International Law should be more possibility and better than moving recognition and enforcement of judgments into WTO.───与此相对,通过海牙国际私法会议拟定判决承认与执行公约应比将判决承认与执行事项纳入WTO体系更具可行性,效果更好。

75 、Magdalen alumni include William Hague,Seamus Heaney and Oscar Wilde.───威廉·黑格(保守党创始人)、谢默斯·希尼(诺贝尔文学奖得主)和奥斯卡·王尔德(**家)都是玛德莲学院的校友。

76 、Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic has been extradited to the U.N. War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague to answer genocide and other charges.───前波黑塞族**卡拉季奇日前被引渡到海牙前南刑庭接受反人类罪等最罪名的指控。

77 、N.M. Blokker and H.G. Schermers (eds.), Proliferation of International Organizations, The Hague, Kluwer, 2001.───在经济全球化进程中,国家的观念逐渐被淡化。

78 、On March 11, former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic died at a detention center near the International War Crime Tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands.───三月十一日,前南斯拉夫总统米洛塞维奇死于海牙国际战犯法庭狱中。

79 、Ata conference in The Hague, nearly 90 countries and organisationswelcomed America's new strategy to deal with extremism in Afghanistanand Pakistan.───在海牙举行的会议中,近90个国家和组织,对美国处理阿富汗和巴基斯坦境内的极端分子的新策略表示欢迎。

80 、Hague Conference on Yugoslavia, The───南斯拉夫问题海牙会议









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