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06-28 投稿




英:[?θ???]  美:[?θ???]

英:  美:


adj. 物质的;实际的


1 、vibe... feeling... thingy... to be felt.───感觉... 互动... 什么的... 值得提。

2 、Because his hoodie's got a thingy, a logo on it.─── 因为他的连帽衫上有东西 是个标志

3 、It's a networking thingy, and it's totally not your crowd.─── 是个交际的场所 跟你的圈子完全不一样

4 、* Let us know your thoughts on this post by clicking on the comment thingy and sharing from your own experiences or thoughts.───通过点按评论来让我们知道你对这个贴子的想法,分享你的自己的经验和观点。

5 、The question is: How fast does this trust thingy decrease as number of hops increases?───这个理论让社交网络的从业者们兴奋异常,但是,这个理论是否也有其阴暗的一面呢?

6 、I look for products at the grocery store with the green recycling thingy on the package and then place my purchases in reusable burlap bags.───我在食品店里寻找包装上有绿色再循环标志的产品,然后把买的东西放进可以反复使用的麻布袋。

7 、No. I'd love to do that. Did you like that little dance thingy I did before?───当然当然不会啦,我会很乐意去参加的!

8 、Unless he doesn't have his computer thingie.─── 除非他没有他那个计算机玩意

9 、Do you get to look through a periscope thingy?───|那你是不是可以用 潜水望眼镜那种东西看东西?

10 、I 'm just posting here because I can and there's a bright blue little thingy that says my name. Hehe.───我在这里**因为我可以,有一个明亮的蓝色的东西显示着我的名字。呵呵。

11 、Since this is somehow a singing competition, we shall somehow know a bit singing thingy right?───既然这是一个歌唱比赛,我们大家应该多多少少知道一些关于歌唱的东西对不对?

12 、Also, culture is a very long term thingy.───这个我以前在哪笑话版看过。

13 、To keep you accountable and doing what you need to do, you will be required to submit a brief 'update' every Friday by clicking on the comment thingy at the bottom of that day's post.───为了保证使你履行义务,完成需要做的事情,我们对你的要求就是你要在每周五通过点击页面底部当天上传的评论来交一份简短的“更新”。

14 、If you'd like to receive articles like this automatically, simply click on the 'subscribe to this feed' thingy at the bottom of this post and become a subscriber.───如果你喜欢自动收到象这篇这样的文章,仅点击在这个帖子底部的“订阅这个范围”,就成为一个订阅者。

15 、Total crap, even the longest Japanese name I've seen is a 6-word thingy.───算了,反正也没心思想要碰功课。

16 、You never run out of thingies like that blonde thingy you were chatting up.─── 您身边可是金发东西团团转啊

17 、Turn on the oven thingy and place your salmon on the pan.───扭开锔炉然后将条鱼放在镬里。

18 、On the other hand, there is the dountoothers thingy.─── 有种东西叫做 己所不欲 勿施于人

19 、They wished me happiness,comforted me,and they all felt sorry to hear the thingy happened on me.───我有梦想,也有目标,可是有时候总是没有那么大的勇气争取到底!

20 、this healing thingis kind of new for me.─── 这种治愈能力对我来说还是个新能力

21 、Ms. Lin: What's this TV 1)thingy here?───林**:这部像电视一样的东西是什麽?

22 、Well, nothing much about the first day, the dancing and singing thingy lasted until late night and we went to bed after that.───因为这些小小的挫折,比起其他在生活营得到的一切一切,根本就算不上什麽。

23 、GEORGE: Some sort of electronic thingy.───乔治:什么电子化的东西吧。

24 、This rope-climbing thingy is fun too!───这个绳索攀爬设施也粉好玩!

25 、I said if you don't pay me back, I'll cut off your thingy, right?───我说过你要是不还钱我就切了你那东西对吧?

26 、Maggie: Get that mountain thingy out of my kitchen, now!───麦琪:你把这座山搬出厨房,快点。

27 、oh...I walked by the theatre and saw this poster on the digital screen thingy...───还有。。。经过戏院的数码**海报见到这个。。。

28 、Okay, stop over-thinking, get off the fence, click on the comment thingy and tell us what amazing things you're gonna do over the next 28 days.───好了,别再犹豫,放下包袱摆脱束缚,点击注释栏,告诉我们在接下来的28天里你打算进行的壮举吧.

29 、It's okay. I bet we just inverted the zeta thingy when we had to crosswire that other thingy because we were out of those thingy thingies.─── 没关系 我打赌我们只是交叉电线的时候 弄反了叫泽塔的东西 因为我们缺了叫那啥的东西

30 、I need you to buy me a new sliding plastic thingy for under my chair.───我要你去买一个。椅子下面那个可以滑动的塑料玩意儿。

31 、What is that lemony thingy? It's so good.─── 那个柠檬味的是什么 好好吃

32 、Oh, God. Not his thingy.───哦,上帝,不是那个东西.

33 、i read the above character thingy long time ago. been reading it tonite again which brings me tears.... it's so true. at the end, im so typical....───通常她只会在心情沮丧(觉得你不爱她)的时候,才会乱花钱来平抚内心不安的情绪,为了你的荷包著想,常常给她"爱的感觉"才是明智之举

34 、Richard: Bridget, open the chute. Open it. Open your fucking parachute! Pull the thingy or you will die!───理查德:布里奇特,打开降落伞。打开它。打开他妈的降落伞!你会死!

35 、Kuzco: When I give the word, your little town thingy will be bye-bye. Bye-bye.───居高斯:我一下命令,你那实实在在的小村庄就会永别了。永别了。

36 、Check it out, I got you one of these thingies.─── 看看 我给你买了一个这个

37 、You look hot in running shoes and shorts. And that top thingy with the stripes.───你穿跑鞋和短裤很迷人,还有那件条纹短衫。

38 、First, I do not work in an office. However, somehow, politics still persist, although in a smaller amounts. You know, the usual get-blamed-for-thing-not-entirely-your-fault thingy?? Yeah.───首先,我不在办公室上班。但是,不知道为什么,我仍然是有办公室政治,只不过是份量没那么多。也就是那种暗箭伤人的那种。是的。

39 、well, I think its a culture thingy, you cannot change the way how they bring up their children in China, the scene is absolutely normal in China for nan talking to their grand children, I reckon.───应该是父母教育方法的问题吧,不太清楚国内的孩子什么样,但国外没教养的小孩儿也多了去了。

40 、Hand me that... uh... that uh... that thingy there.───给我...呃...叫什麽来著...反正就是那边那个。

41 、At this point you may be saying to yourself, 'ok, but how do I know if I am using this load balancing thingy'.───这时你可能对自己说: '但是我怎么知道我正在使用负载均衡呢?'

42 、Carton drinks, crisps, raisins, dried fruit thingy miggigies.───我出外时总是会买一些特价回来的。

43 、Sorry about this.The realm name box is supposed to be a fancy drop down thingy that has all the realm name pre-loaded.Due to a bug on facebooks end this isn't working as of tuesday night.───They are working on the problem, but it might not be until next tuesday that they'll be able to 'push' it out to all their servers for us :-(由实用工具开发人员发表。

44 、These cyborg thingies are popping up all over the city.─── 这些机械人 在城里到处出没




只能把FC和GB转成GBA的ROM。FC的NES文件可以用软件THINGY转成GBA格式。GB的GB文件可以用软件GOOMBA转成GBA格式的。转换目的是用GBA配上烧录卡玩FC和GB游戏,实际上就是GBA上的两种模拟器。 但是GBA的ROM可转不成FC和GB的,这是不可能的。

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