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06-28 投稿




英:[?d?sr?'ɡɑ:d]  美:[?d?sr??ɡɑrd]

英:  美:


n.漠视, 不理会

vt.不顾, 忽视


名词: disregarder | 动词第三人称单数: disregards | 动词现在分词: disregarding | 动词过去式: disregarded | 动词过去分词: disregarded | 形容词: disregardful |


omit | underestimation | pay no attention to | dismiss | put | brush off | mind | snub | never | forget | disdain | affront | disparagement | de-emphasize | disrespect | license | be | defy | discount | brush aside | heedlessness | discourtesy | ignore | trample | depreciation | misprize | minimize | slight | push aside | overlook | negligence | contempt | alone | let alone | disobey | insult | aside | skip | omission | take no notice of | let | pretermission | cut | put aside | disesteem | slur | underestimate | inattention | underrate | blink | preterition | undervalue | let be | scorn | neglect | never mind | indifference | pretermit | oversight | indignity




in disregard of
-不顾, 无视


1 、The Taichung fire incident has revealed the widespread disregard for public safety in recent years.───台中的火灾事件已经显示出近几年来对公共安全普遍的忽视。

2 、These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you.───多2:15这些事你要讲明、戒人、各等权柄责备人。不可叫人轻看你。

3 、He did the work in disregard of my instructions.───他不顾我的指示而继续做这项工作。

4 、They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary.───他们不顾社会习俗,并未意识到自己在做些与众不同的事。

5 、She show a total disregard for other people and their feelings.───她显然丝毫也不顾及别人以及别人的感情。

6 、Only in a sparsely - populated rural community is it possible to disregard it.───只有在人口稀少的农村里,才可能不顾及准时。

7 、His father grew increasingly nervous at his son's disregard for danger but the mother's clamer view prevailed.───他父亲因为他这样不怕危险而愈来愈为他担心,不过他母亲比较冷静的看法却占了上风。

8 、Authors can learn the elements that are appropriate for the document instead of learning to disregard unneeded elements.───作者可以了解适合于文档的元素而不是学会忽略不需要的元素。

9 、Lack of heed or attention;disregard.───不留心,玩忽不留意,不注意;不在意

10 、You could eventually become embroiled with the law if you disregard this.───因为你如果不遵守这个规定,你可能最终卷入法律纠纷。

11 、To disregard this principle is to make civil disobedience not only legally wrong but morally unjustifiable.───他甚至可以要求实施该法律并心甘情愿地默认法庭的最后裁决。

12 、He drove with blithe disregard for the rules of the road.───他开车时全然不顾交通法规。

13 、He did it in disregard of any advice.───他不顾一切劝告做了这件事。

14 、Betty: Don't disregard our traditions just because you're subversive.───不要以为你是个颠覆分子,就可以无视我们的传统。

15 、Your selfish disregard of other people's feelings, made me dislike you from the first.───你毫不顾及他人感受的自私自利,从一开始就让我没有对你有过任何好感。

16 、But I sense you gaily disregard this rule daily, as indeed do I.───但我感到,你天天都在快乐地忽略这一点,就像我一样。

17 、"Our flagrant disregard for the law attacks the foundation of this society" (Peter D. Relic).───“我们明显地忽视法律对这个社会的基础是一种攻击” (彼特·D·瑞利科)。

18 、You can' t just disregard the security problem !───你可不能忽视安全问题!

19 、The Pandaren are actually pretty cool if you disregard the Brewmaster.───如果你不注意酒仙,熊猫人实际上非常冷静。

20 、You and your son have been disregarded.─── 你和你的儿子已经被抛弃了

21 、On the face of it, the medias relative disregard of agriculture is surprising.───初看起来,媒体对农业的相对忽视令人惊讶。

22 、Thus, It is not difficult to conceive, those artists didn't disregard new attractive media.───因此,不难想象那些艺术家并没有忽视新的引人注目的媒体。

23 、The mealtimes and the utter disregarding of them.─── 用餐时间 以及无视用餐时间

24 、Only in a sparsely- populated rural community is it possible to disregard it.───只有在人口稀少的农村,才可以忽视准时的习惯。

25 、Her actions manifested a complete disregard for personal safety.───她的行为证明她完全不顾个人安危。

26 、He has the greatest disregard all formality.───他全然不顾一切礼节。

27 、When a guy really likes you, he'll disregard all your bad characteristics.───如果一个男孩真的爱你,他会忽视你所有的缺点。

28 、He has complete disregard of/for my feelings.───他对我的感情漠然不顾。

29 、He is a friend and I have disregarded him.─── 他是我的朋友而我最近忽视了他

30 、Concise English-Chinese Dictionary disregard v.───不理漠视。

31 、They showed a brazen disregard for her privacy.───他们明目张胆地无视她的隐私权。

32 、He shows ruthless disregard for other people's feelings.───他对别人的感情漠不关心。

33 、They disregard social conventions and only create works in their minds.───他们不顾世俗看法,只创造自己心目中的作品。

34 、But don't disregard the mind in love affairs, otherwise you can be burnt out in the flame of the passion.───但是不要忽视了精神恋爱中,否则你会被烧毁的激情在坛上的火焰。

35 、The regime has been illiberal and authoritarian.It is often vicious in its suppression of opponents and its disregard for human rights.───伊朗政权即没有气量又专制,在镇压反对者方面又很残酷,也不理会人权。

36 、Use this guide for the full accessory installation. Disregard the individual guides in the product boxes .───使用本指南来安装所有的附件。忽略产品包装箱中的单个指南。

37 、He showed a reckless disregard for his own safety.───他对个人安危全然无所顾忌。

38 、That is why we don't disregard patients' wishes.─── 所以我们才不能违背患者的意愿

39 、You can't just disregard the security problem!───你可不能忽视安全问题。

40 、You can't just disregard what I say.─── 你不能就这样无视我说的话

41 、Often times,people disregard their passions and interests and choose careers based on job security,pay and professional prestige.───人们常常不顾自己酷爱的事物和兴趣,而是根据工作保障、报酬以及职业威望来选择所从事的职业。

42 、To enforce freedom of speech in disregard of the rights of others would be harsh and arbitrary in itself.───因为不尊重他人权利而强行一己之言论自由的本身即系粗暴而专断之行为

43 、Other botanists disagree, saying it would be chaotic and unwise to disregard the historical classification groups.───其他植物学家不同意,他们说抛弃历史上的分类方法是很混乱而且不明智的。

44 、They disregard social tradition and without knowing do some extraordinary things.───他们不顾社会惯例,也不知道自己在做非常古怪的事情。

45 、Why do companies often disregard security measures?───为何公司经常忽略必要的安全措施?

46 、Those who disregard the basic principles of disease prevention may succeed in times of a favorable market.───凡是忽略预防疾病的基本原则的人,在遇到有利的市场的时候可能会取得成功。

47 、He doesn't disregard the footnotes.───他并没有不注意脚注。

48 、But he was already infatuated,in utter disregard of his tongue.───但他已经如痴如醉,全然不顾自己的舌头了。

49 、His disregard for the consequences of such a terrible sin was horrifying.───他对这样一项罪行的后果如此忽视,令人震惊。

50 、He acts in disregard of principle, often trying to paper over differences.───他办事不讲原则,爱和稀泥。

51 、To refuse to pay attention to; disregard.───不顾拒绝注视(某事物);忽视

52 、These incidents have all been checked and disregarded.─── 这些事件都检查过并过滤了

53 、We will not disregard your advice again.─── 我们不会再忽视你的建议了

54 、One merely needs to learn what signals to disregard as noise.───人们仅仅需要了解可以把什么信号当作噪音而忽视。

55 、The Greeks had a word for the contemptuous disregard North and South for their opponents.───南北双方对其对手的蔑视由来已久。

56 、He showed a flagrant disregard for anyone else's feelings.───他公然蔑视任何人的感情。

57 、They disregard of the strong opposition of two families for private life.───他们不顾两个家庭的强烈反对私定终身。

58 、They accept the offer just to start the ball rolling, disregard profit.───他们接受这个价钱只是为了开始生意

59 、His wife's bored attitude and frivolous gown proclaimed the heiress's disregard of the insignificant interests at stake.───他的妻子却以厌烦的表情和轻浮的衣饰来显示她根本不把这笔遗产放在眼里。

60 、If you disregard the doctor's orders, a relapse will follow.───如果你不听从医嘱,病痛就会复发。

61 、Don't disregard our traditions just because you're subversive.───不要以为你是个颠覆分子,就可以无视我们的传统。

62 、MQ: It shocks me to see the lack of intelligence and the total disregard for health.───传输:它冲击我看到缺乏情报和完全无视健康。

63 、Accordingly, we disregard this impossibly to be in economically the change with the occurrent neighbour of aggressive.───因此,我们不可能无视这个在经济 上咄咄逼人的邻居正在发生的变化。

64 、His father grew increasingly nervous at his son's disregard for danger but the mother's calmer view prevailed.───他父亲因为他这样不怕危险而愈来愈为他担心,不过他母亲比较冷静的看法却占了上风。

65 、On the other hand, pedestrians who jaywalk and disregard traffic signals are also responsible for accidents.───另一方面,任意穿越街道和藐视交通号志的行人也应为事故负责。

66 、Always also say to dislike to still like not and up to English, so love reason disregard to English, then plus oneself also nothing ambition!───一直以来对英语也说不上讨厌还是喜欢,所以对英语是爱理不理的,再加上自己也没什么上进心吧!

67 、Some passengers often treat taxi driver with great patronizing disregard.───一些乘客常常以恩人自居的漠然对待出租车司机。

68 、She was looking for something which would calm her conscience, and here it was, a light, airy disregard of her claims upon his justice.───她一直在寻找让自己问心无愧的理由,现在她找到了。 瞧他那副轻漂漂的不负责任的态度,对于她要求结婚的正当要求不加理会。

69 、This is about your blatant disregard for the law.─── 这一切全因你公然藐视法律

70 、They disregard social conventions dawnaway be conscious which we are doing anything extraordinary.───她们不顾大家里习俗,并未意识到自己在做些与众不相同的事。

71 、Does considering the lobster allow seafood lovers to disregard the tuna?───关心龙虾,就能让喜爱海鲜的饕客不理会鲔鱼?

72 、Courage is an absence of fear, but the ability to overcome or disregard fear.───勇敢不是没有恐惧,而是克服或漠视恐惧。

73 、Mr. Kang: Okay. I can understand. So I should disregard the proforma invoice you faxed earlier?───好的,我理解。那我就不用管你之前传真给我的形式发票了?

74 、I should never have treated you with such disregard.─── 我不该让你陷入此等尴尬处境

75 、Now any judge, when he charges a jury, says, "Gentlemen, any witness who you find has told a single lie, you can disregard all his testimony.───任何法官,当他告诫陪审团的时候,说:“先生们,如果你们发现任何一个证人说了一个谎,你们就可以不理会他所有的证词。”

76 、Courage is not an absence of fear, but the ability to overcome or disregard fear.───勇者并非没有恐惧,而是有克服或蔑视恐惧的力量。

77 、In order to obtain and keep a seat, some people disregard their conscience, and will even hurt others.───为了坐上或保住座位,有的人漠视良心,甚至伤害他人。

78 、Only in a sparsely-populated rural community is it possible to disregard it.───只有在人口稀少的农村里,才可能忽视它。

79 、Maybe you think I disregard your feelings, but I take into account the feelings because it fool you.───也许你觉得我不顾及你的感受,但是我就是因为顾及你的感受才欺骗你.

80 、If people disregard the great works of the past, it is because these works no longer answer the needs of the present.───如果人们忽视了过去的伟大成就,那只能是因为这些成就已经不再满足现今的需要了。

81 、They accept the offer just to start the ball rolling,disregard profit.───他们接受这个报盘仅仅是为了做一个开端,并不计较利益。

82 、However, we cannot disregard the insight of eco-socialist, but we should scrutinize once more and develop historical materialism to maintain its age feature forever.───但我们应当正视生态社会主义者的洞见,在争鸣中发展历史唯物主义。

83 、Between noisiness and silence,suddenly i meet other me,it can't explain and can't disregard.───也许我能帮助一只昏迷的知更鸟重新回到她的巢中,或者平息一场无端的战争,可是我无法使一颗心免于破碎。

84 、Lack of heed or attention; disregard.───不留心,玩忽不留意,不注意;不在意

85 、For one moment Shirley looked not quite certain whether she would obey the request or disregard it.───一时间,谢利显得把握不定,究竟是听从吩咐呢还是置之不理。

86 、In other words, to disregard his own death.─── 换句话说 也就是不在乎自己的安危

87 、James Bond: Our power? With your disregard for human life you must be working for the east.───占士邦:我们的权力?从你草菅人命看你一定是为东方(社会主义国家)办事。

88 、They adopted the decision in disregard of our repeated warnings.───他们置我们的多次警告于不顾,采纳了该项决定。

89 、We're alarmed by what we believe is a growing disregard for your rights as computer users.───但有一点非常令我们惊心,即计算机用户的权利越来越受到漠视。

90 、Disregard the noise and keep working.───别管那噪音继续工作吧。



1,overlook的基本含义是从高处向下看,即“俯视”; 也可指“忽视”,即出于无心或由于匆忙而对某人或某物未给予应有的或足够的重视、注意或忽略做某事;引申还可指“原谅”,即有意宽容别人的失误,对某一过失不多加追究。


3,overlook由“俯视”的意思可以引申为“监督”,这和其本有的另一词义“忽略”正好相反,所以必要时可用neglect或disregard来代替overlook表示“忽视”; 用oversee代替overlook,表示“监督”,以免造成歧义。



overlook from


1. The owners don't want to overlook any opportunity to make a buck.


2. You cannot live in a cocoon and overlook these facts.


3. You overlook the pressure you're under and what it does to you.


4. Romantic chateaux and castles overlook the river's twisting course.


5. I shall overlook your disobedience this time.


6. How could you overlook paying the rent?





war 保护 + ty 构成名词 -> 保证(物品正常使用的)单子 -> warranty 保修单


ability n. 能力

amnesty n. 赦免;赦免期

anxiety n. 焦虑;令人焦虑的事;渴望;焦虑症

bodyguard n. 保镖

disregard v. 忽视,无视 n. 忽视,无视

garage n. 车库;汽车修理厂

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